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Show Thehiftorie of Scotland. fontfeiatn to thekocots. Heiseetta-' _ re@easye Dotvgtade carte of Angus as then toary edbptbecatlé nowor the marches, fimmedtatlic ratfeda poiver of eat coo, Alias 13 22000, ment, anpronming twith fhe fameto the bar gomerno2g, e- bagpy GbE intoamiferable plight fox tutticcin moe pages wanted-hit Due ae fo. as thenes an men iva, ' , am trained to learning and religion) the other his fepul inlchiete,~ Mbehorers:,: but alfa el(ethere:, began to erereife o Meatoutrage,Aotbebzrachof-publike peace, amd college of faint Savfour ( Herein pouth ntight be M3 DELS, Chote forth of alt bis nuntbers flue thoufand of che,wherein be was buried(being a Tatelie peeceot iworke, fucth as before bad not bene accuttomed foy i caffell abo! midnetff 0} caneprema alway tutthbiminte bifhops of Scotland) ¢ the third wasa {hip of won -derfurll burdert: all fbithzce , the common people * ‘the moff able pertedenin- " matty - cane hs affirined twere of one price, and fod bin in like Scotland sthe Englith armie fhat lapthere at fiege is bebolding the mrarier, and not once making profer 1° charge.| Befives bis bifhoprtke be helo in bis hands 1470, fofight withbint, Some Cnglithmentheretwere, fhat would faine bane fought with the Scots; but pther ({xhofe counfell wasfollotwcd) were otbertwife minded, alleging that betterit were'to let them pate fhe commandarie of the abbete of Pettinwemes 1468.Leh, Siglithmen thou! ei x nie benefice 02 benefit in ne ee enth of Moucmber,inthepeare 20 I _.7 eeemathius, togte to joe the 1460 Ring James the third,being as then about thoentie ot Zanesti peares of age, maried in the abbeie of tpallere) third, ded Chis oman, after the Deceale of bir bufband fer to the king: of Denmarke and Morlwaic, eufeneere Coenburgh, the ladte siseo ladie yas at thefametime not pat en of age, fome faie firteene. pir ae weet bebpe bir fuch famtiltarcompanic,as founded qreat+ Denmarke and Portwate , in name of Bit . a Siting! tip tahiraityonme: for that hecoulonot within the torqueencot ees frbole realine find fome fingle man amongef all the tranfportedand Fefigniep to 48, Jamies all bis = frais fitle ,and intereft nichbe pretended -=ae feutatt - , nobilttie , with ahomefhe might haue maried, tit 30 Lhe antbafadors that were fent tn fonte fort fo hatte auolven the greater open flander ¢ toconcludethie martage , arid to oonoe .to into Scotland,twere thefe, Andsclp me - wo infamie. Inthefamepeare,Aleranderdukeof Al therbird. ; Bicrander Dabtof Soe syanie., and brother'to the bingy twas takenanthe thea we 1 Englithnien in the moneth of Jane,as be $was returning from& bis grandfather the Duke of Deaan Gilder: but the bithop of faint Andes James . Jkonenie canted both the fafa duke anv alfo the thip, foith all the quds there inbeing atthe. time of the faking ofit, toberettered; for otheriwife(ashe fate of Clatcotv,the btthap of Dekniete lozd Anand chancelloz of Scottand, anv Thomas Wold earle macied the kingsister Arrane ,ohahaamarted 98 i anfons vata --Mowinisabferice run into the kings difp e i hereofbis wife having eee pi -butkands acrinall with the other in the aan i. ontof Cpenburgh,| ¢comming. .i Loe ie eit lie:proteffen) he would not keepethe truce ante lore Zo gaue bim te nderfand fbat dtfpleatat a - _ gerconcluded betivirt the tworealmes. Hhedukeof Suinmerfet, in hopeofigreat fauoz L464 > BingGenrie: Ahich he ould find im Cnglano , perluaded king Eeturneth ints =m. Isenvie to pate thi er ,and toittia great companie iencreute : ae Cusiawi cand rua bf thenorth partsreforten bute binn: butat length; atSistomming to Cram, thelozsBontacntewith agieat potwer was readie togivebimbattell, any ., Mulisantongetithembles,gentiomenjand people here ratfed,; to the queatnifquicting of the ehote foutrie, Sud diforers continued ofall times Had concotucd again hints sho ane oe felfein that banger. be ftooif He to fe it a . backe inte Denniarke, tating b otR=S) tits dart, Mbyebing heretotth as fopffennenfale fen both the fatd earle anvbis father- abi . of high treafor , anvifent for bis fi :ei hurban® -Dcotlandscanfingadiuostetablencea Ne call theréifcomften bimiannbis tholearmie,Dhe puke fo be {ued egotten forth agains deur, page ucketaken and putteoeath;thedubeat Cram, and the loxds at Petwcaffell. king Wenrieefeapes veric --gaue the earloomeof Avrane, Abie - ee tole fits. band hadingiftbefme. Df His - : : ro nate that the lords hadconctined againt the to Mota; & for that his Doings no lefle deferned fury conv "ot plaint,was erbibitenspgenerall boices ofthe fats + Sextet tpaceatton tittattenath-yethought to tes turne-into Cnglawintuch fecret wiles as hefouln ) Nothaue bene once buowen,tillhe mighthaucgot amongett bis trictes, thicy toould haue fuporten Dinvv-but fod diligent wate) wasilain for him all aloitgft the borders, that he twas efpied,taken, and the boute of {yamiltons are defeende 2 te Wut nota tofetp further that we agmnentalnt -cernting fhe mancr and canfe of the Couan Bere: 2° -«fe afore rerhemibped Thomas MBofd > poate anne? SingHentle: yotineren toking Goward hisaduerfacic, tho fut 6o rio, in bisapenbdir of the Scot wi pansil @ tenppitoneDim ‘opin fhe tomerof Londontill be twas at length ov} there mabe away jas inthe biftesie of England pe may ferrore at large. i 2¥616:> | Guthepeare'r4 6 6; that famous bithopFJames dsonepic Departed this life, anoivas buricdinthe college of faintDaniontesfounded=by himinithin shefone sf faint: Anozeiues in-mofi-fumptuons fife. Dhiseprelat in pandent policieiercelien all tntoHedtor:Boetius laftlie ae pe baud -peare x5 74,agrmthnotwith that 12d before . Forashetelleth the tale, the fain jeaed gp S186) roalrmeort being one of the gouernozsrof the tae finte thereto (as befmevehauebeard) A grete fo far in fano? With the bing.,! although dts -_all things with bimat bie ie go,abou! -focfats inanthazitie bid neuer eae "fy: Suse ther Scatithbithaps.ofchomeante writer makety binder bisnentfes: byreafon tverOmsala the great tvealeand commoditie cfithe pmecony ot? fainatoctats bring tone pongoi toa got? mention: Pekepttherealine ingodquict;anpoky feruedthe truce concluded withthe Englithmen;to ‘mans. Aetons erie vich, as aypeared-by funngie ; buildings anotpogksthich beleft bebian bimsas -blurpetbe wholerule¢ adminiftrat icfeof tote HY fntabisotoebanns,, fore to ae ‘avlibe ADereot.the sate. ef.tbecommn thedslenttonsins bged amangthe sour bad pioporten the matterto fis councell abattt the eightiof Sepfem bon,ittwas agtedin this fort, that the lavie Pargaraty vanghrer to the fad king Cee shicrite. )houlo beatterttermartage onto ks; Bames Che mertage of Scotland, andthatthe Ges of Dokenete being concave. fri nttmber'a3, anditthetuife theFes of Sperlandof ae Ubcine. Kbhisinariage twas thought , bp reaton of this ingagitig of thofe Jes, tieht profitable pnto the realmeof Scotland ; becaufeor the Conttourriteand battance hich had continuedlong before thot dates betWirtthe kings of Séotland:and Denmarke ja) boutthe rightiof poffetting thofe Fes, and townesteyere thep came) andiikeiife bp.the Be beth int England, becaufehe perceiucd himfelfenotable fo Cnglano, telthe kings potwer » Ahe hing allured that he 40 noblesof the connteie, to thegreat refottingof the ‘was thnsaudincd ont of bis realme, banithed bin for cucn, and feised pon bistandsandgadsasfoy fetter, S After this, thew the faid Woid faw-no hope to Teturneagaine into the kings fauc2, and finding no great comfort anong the Cnglithmen', he pated trig, OM thence into Denmarke , where he remained * til the mrartage was concluded betivirt the king,and theladie Margaret, danghter to the king of Dew hbole realme. After thetr returning to Goenburgh, the hing called.a parlementitthe moncth of pie 147 1,tn the which among other things it was orwef 1477 hed, thatthe lows, barons, andburroughs of the tealme, fhould butlo thips and boats, and proutne : -netsfor filing, Allo it as owetned that none i -Ahonta tweare fillss tr dublet 5 gotone, oz eloake, ex: Sas intitos tepthuightsminttrels, + heralos;ercept thep might cen bp King -difpend one hundzed pounds inlanog bppere: and earn the marke, as pe before haue heard: a thenin hope bp so that the forbal) anv other tnlatyfull eames fyould lohan nee Occafton of this martage to obteine pardon, returNed now tncompanie of the brute, and of thofe anv He debarred, and the erercife of Mhoting matntet ned. James eloett fonne to king Jamesthe thir, bit into Scotland :neuertheleffe, onderftanding by tho aftertvarns fucceeded his father , and was cab e led Zamesthe fourth, Chri ftierne 1s. of Denimarke, muiiunih ) ae paryon, baflanozs that tere fent to have the conucianceof of bloubto thecrotmme of <acotlandsaZ 0 A op Fr.The -_-([ SF02(as faith Lefleus,lib.8. pags etagest? the Stetwardsfatle, the crotwnets a teat Gate | ies Thefe ambatland23 betigdifpatdhen into Dens Marke im Satie), tn the-peave afsrefain ; came at length to ipaftaen; there is: Cipitticrne thorromat: Snthe moneth of Poucmber neveinfitigyatker The tos D 146% AgaIn# him, that ittuasdecred by authoritie of the the mariage bad bene confintmatein Zulie before, ~ Bovis acct fiiisle afemblie', thatihe! houlo.came to anfiverin 30 within the abbete church of Wolte roo houte (as fd, bez fudgement fuchcrimes therewith be mas chargen 5 fore pe haute beard)o2 it faint Giles churchGoene bit Kher he refaten fotonm , and iw contemptof the burgh(as other tuzite)the thre effates were callento Derefatety to Kings anthoritie got: togither a potuer of armed affcimble tn Coenburgh , there the quene was at triedby at ? amciuts defend bin from infuvie ; that might fame crotwited,and the parlemient holoen,the moff part of sy Uran=(ag he pretended)tobeotteren bint: at length , the ay ‘the loxds remaining Mill in Coenbargh all the nev Bing tas o2thenof neteffitic tamake pieparation lointer : andin the fummer following, the king amd 3a fod the lenieny of ant armic to aypzehend him bp quene made their progrete into the nosth parts, --~ force ssWhercof.Boid beingiaducttifen, fled info and were honozablic receiuedin the prinetpall cities ofDhimretfet aud thelows Wutigetfordany Kolke 50 afierfvardsts James loro apanualton, emeruhnet * Hardlieints Scottmpagaine and thererematnena icevtetite: gtaueopetforages:ti hate fome-regar, that fachmiforvers as difquicten the hole fhate of the reatme; might boxrefoxmed..' dctetpon heical' deda parlement; inthe tibichy,tether though enui¢ ; tts 3 3 Martine wean the greatalmoner,z the Kings con: "11. fel , Gilbert oe Jsericke atehoeacon of Glafcotw, Danid Creichton of Crautior,s John Shaw of ibe ontie -abieh there arecightane, Moule temaivein potter scan bapeneth) wasimpnted to hime } flo.of thehings of Scotlanpstitt either the fav bing Mgegen, ‘Thep that be Teatlen gth svtberrt he king fas inanthozitte Ohutierne.n2 bis {ucceffors ini nameofthe naviage : : gtotmen toripe becuerfabiee VeAtes;and Able tofeefothe admiinftration of the 20 11 onie auld pap bnto king James, 02 to' his fuer ea fpitefull common-twealth himfelfe, he was admonifyed bp teffors :thefumme offittie thonfand florens of the : Jaynes the {econd, lined formetehat diffolutelie, pro m Depaat cuving Adam Bepbozneof ales a maried man to aritic Sith of ite people that inhabiten on! the: coatts oueray gmutktheur,, Srihenorth parts: alfo; {cditionsitee teftculeabout the kingythe blame(asitcomm Eh mang Futbe peare 1469, onthesen 281 by i = con e Ndzet lord of Anandale realme.,darsce Maraeas e chancello2 of the re rtTer° va inge OMOethore » thoy toke preies of catécibann other ited, and Gods, gceatlieto their mofit, and npctefe Damage 20 concerni there of htar totfalticreceten;e well head ng their fute, infomtudyat length,atter he : Mmbberaute the (aio Thamas lox/Boty bare grea: lie fothe effate of the merchants; at abat timeallo aoe a cmpeananer ~-- third "pied at Goenburgh, ad toas buried in the college ofthe Drinitie, whith their felfe havfounr ataantelie the tubabitants Of theont:Flesfellto they Snenten tradeingpilicting ; fo thatpating ouenin fbeiriong boaf¥oxbarges,, andlanding: here there Deober and Januarie , there were mante edias vet v tebiue agreat enters ae eicied sinin anode thi tedtotaatie abbers takingbolntette theteof,not onclie bpon by peare . [Afterward , at the parlement holoerin ea mabe fo the benefit of tho commonwealth s-¢ chiefer for miiDP2ED- fbich was tom2th bnto him eight Hunozed crolons =14 ioitbontincounter, fith theyleft the caftell botd,than toteopard bpon the Doubtfall chance of battell,, for thongh their number were not great ,pet were thep ThehiftorieofScotland, amemoptalbof bis name . [ Gthereof the thede efpe: FuTbin, Tiall things for rare ncie and magnificence,werebig Leteuslos, bis toife that came to bim on thipbo2before be fet 2 Was bome the tenth day of Mardh,in the pore rg 72, 747 2+_ fot od mp,thatthe kings Dffpleafure continued fill to congratulate the bapic birth of this pong prince [renie unl totvards himfo greaflie,that if be came on land, be being bis neyhue bp bis daughter, releafed all the eyeriand Houiv be (ure to tofe his head,be returned inte Dens right,title ¢ claime tdhtd) he o2 bis {uccefors might refign:p, marke, and toke bis wife with him sas beforeis haue to theZles of Dikenete anv Shetland. & or th ¢: 8 mentioned . Finaltie he went into Ftalie, where at Go A frange comet o: blafing ftarre (as te' call % dating length be was murthered by one, ubofe wife he went ft)apeared tnthe fouth, fromthe feucnteenth bap of on ‘y about toaliure for the fatiffieng of bis fenfuall Inf, Fanuarte, onto the eighteenth of Febmuarie , and fire Wefare he was dinorled from bis twife the kings fi twasplaced betivirt the pole and the pletades, that fer; be begat on bir a fonne,the which in the dates of ts to fap,the feuen frarres, A great (tp butlt by the. bing gamesthe fourth, ina pziuat quarrelt that rofe nebdie the late ardybithop offaint Anozctus,callen the betiuirt him and anotheroble man, chanced to be bifbops barge, brake and twas loft belive Ianburgh, 2 hipwrack, flaine:Zhus much tondying the lox Dhomas wWoid being fraught toil) merthanize, the twelfth of of isalinarnockeontof Ferrerio, thoalfo in report March. Wanie merchantmens feruants ano other of the mattertonching the martage bettwirt the hirig pallengers were drowned iwith bit, fome efcapen and the baughter of Denmarke , fometrbat variety by boat ang were taken by the Cngitthmen,among from an other that twat thereof . frhome twas the abbatof faint Colne,abo was cond l46n Zhe ambaflavors that were (entonte Aipittierne _-ftreinevto pay onto his taber one James Laatfoure i Bingof Danmarke ¢ Nowwaic inthe veare 1468, core pounds fo; his ranfome per becould be fnftes ster a5 thefaia Ferrerio affirmeth, tere thele;Andjew rentonepart. xhe abballe of Dunfermling being Do.itf. bacant, |