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Show Thehiftorie ofScotland. 278° ? defiie fofiqport biragatuttheboutofvokes king qamestwitha qreatanmicentecd@rglanp,butad Gexthat thequeneintyemeane time barfaine the Dubbo Porke, egatthebyper bandof hivenimics, atthefanre queciiestequett:, heretiveninte Scop re fandagames sMeuretbelelle Mhortlicatter, then the quitaindsthoty that mibanies (fettingthemfatnnsin that counttie) nies the opigistailof macintedoomtiie -_farniltesof that pronince ,amongett fabidtsis thatta, nous kinredofWCalnell-dela Campaniain okow fe,atthis time. greatlie Hourtthing,which bad hishe, ginning from=Calocl a thane (03 barom),-being watles of Darden Warhubke fought filitomainey hutabtinthe nosth) pacts.of DAcotland ‘ fox thegraaay * * -. SS feintetheie quaren agnintthequeneof Cnglany, -fathor of bairahicyisnotnliaing,heaw of shat haute Teas conffretued to withdzaty into the nox} did intopthe piace of magiratoz ruler ofhese Thehiftorie ofScotland. 1461.1.M. at Bello, tolth thetriuerfall content and great res 1460.Lefle. fotfing of all the noble men, amd otherbeing there prefent in the armie. warke befies Gis done, thep befteged the cattcll of Warke, joamioon, hich liketile theptoke, and thet dotone » andaf ferfvards the bing twith the nobles of bis realme cante to Coenburgh , to take overfor the quiet go 1460." patter and to neftre king. James toayprod citfones 10 pitoline in thateitio; haning that title confitsned to -_-His potferittey This mans-fonne Veter Calpebee ve iwithbis arinie outa the borders s ubichbedtd, mea ing to lwin fitenfelsof Rock(burgh and Warke, ing. a fenatortirtiie high conrtof Totoule (commory ee hich tuere anongelt other things promiten to be ite called the pavlement) has for bis Gngular, teat gehitterra wntbhim bpking Penrieandfocomming << tnitockfhurgh,lated bigarmicranndabout thatca felled planted bis fege in-fall toarlibe manner. ning and fyifedome hadin great hono2 ofall anit during bislife, which firetchea toertreame.age au frhofe place came Xobn (the cided foneofte. fain iad abare the king baning great erperience in notes Peter) abo oth at thts vay poikeife fherome of his cc ledgeof thoting great artillerie, departed frontbis -_father,asia fextator ofthe fain conrtof Dolon(exsind __ gampesaccompanteDinith theearleaf Angus,ando ucrnemtentof the realme.And becaute the king Seren was pong , there twere chofen feuen regents to gouctne both king ¢ tealine, as thefe,thequeene bis mother, James Lenedie bithop of S. Gnvetws, thativas fitters forme to James the firlk , the bithopof Gla {col , the earles of Angus, iuntleie , Argile,and Drkenceie . Thefe,folong as James ikenedie lined > Agrecd twell togither about the goutrnementof the tealme; but toithin a irbile after bis decealle, thep fell at {quare , 02 rather before,as aqpeareth bpHec- fen, dis otherdhilazen twith great hort02 are induedWith tor Boetius, tthe fateth y tbat tm the fecond peere of " thersim@p camete thetrendbes tubere the great o20{- 2 o otheroffices of gonernementi-the fat CittS2: ain cc Awd was'planten, thich beccanfed to be thot off, Some ftrange fights there aypered before Ring James Guydiere by. great miffortune, this twoxthie prince Deathof-this KimeFarttes the fecond : for fs Ba fe aul 27905 merlet, with manie athet of the Cnglith nobilitie 7 nbto the end this firme amitie thas beguar, Fe,Thin. | might moe increafe ,andbe further ied: the tivo quéenes gargaret(of England) and Marie gan fo intreat of a martage (boping by affinitie to effablith that perfec amitie ) to be folemmisen be: tioeene the daughter of James the fecond king of Scots , and the fonne of Wenrie (Bing of ge to land )beittg called prince of Wales, although none of themas pet yas aboue feuen peares old. Gubich martage, Lbilip dube of Wurgognie ( bnele to the -_queene of Scots, and deadlie enimie to the queene of England )labozed bp all means to binder, by bis ambaffado; Gruthufius, a noble man and of great iudgement fox this Philip oto bfe fuch bitter enimis tie again %etnolo, grandfather to the forrok king Wenrie by the mothers foe, that he pd Deepelic eve te anie gad fuccefle to happen to anie of that race, tiwirt the queene ano the archbithop Tenevie, tho 20 therebyit mtght increate 02 flo2tfh; and therefozs percefuing that the woman this kings refgne, there fas difco2in beetving ber fought to bfurpe tholie the fecondis" seen the fecartd, was Aaitte bpthe Slice of a great fore be was flaine, a biasing.far tons plainlic( i uf se pecce of artillerit, abtey by oucrdarging cancedta dneahe: ano fiuenotionelic the king fanting ome. tai fignified (as was thought) the neath of theta bing: Jrthe prere-before thefirges there mee In bree bat icere tt; but alfo hurt theearle of Angus, with athe: beinga notably packdent. from henceforth, Hoke hich qeeatprthices:aye2ac MO nere: telthin Dare Dunder arbermoyodyt,Hat ig,3 perfon toii eaewe fhapes,but eftamed fonaivomanonelie, tilLit a sae proved,that lieng with bir maitters daughter night: crane foarte, if the bithopsof Glatcot, Dunkeld, anda berden, andcerteineabbatsbadnot taken tnband to trauell bettuirt the partics for an atonement,tbo did fo much in the matter,that thep compounded the feited birfeife:a twomiatr, and pet bad wrought the The quene mother tas ayointed to hane the 3° the letters of bis friend fent pnto bim)difp ed (by ateben bis abetted charge of the kings perfon,and of bis brethren, Aler» wife into France to Reinold bir father, to procure gent into ander Dube of Aibanie,andJobnearleof Mar,and -_-ahat aid fhe conloof hir friends beyond the teas,to France fo} liketwile of bis tio fifters;b ass VG Aliasi7-0 SS gftcli lie there thedivelt ; the bay aol teiy Dau rit lied the third dap of Augutk, in 3° twit chilas-foo the witch acy, becaufe fhe havconnter bariancein this tuife. 145° incarnation 46.0 Disbodietuns buried toithall Sheduriall fawrerallobiequies acceding to bis elate, within _partof amany the tuas conpemncd to be ba quicke,anbfuffercd accosing.to that iuagemun roe mae ms . dheimonatferte of Aolie rod boufeat-Coenburgh, The lamen he people generallic lamenting bis death withng tation of the Joffe fozoim anv nolefultmone, thanasis {ene tra the fame'timethere was acerteine there , ss " th bis familieliusnapart from:the ee ont, Tentaining fecretlic fofthin.n Dee i Aug! son pi people, the gouernement bnito bit felfe, withitmnbir in that bebalfe , in fo much that it tas doubted leat the matter twould haue broken fwzth into fome cini gerdffuch paces of ordinance, then they are thot 23.Buchan. Soaatoe his pores ants potuat boule forthe peteatteof the welbeloued mat exmivotwner thereof. ihn ao eeate Hee chee:mn ‘hy te onthetr-fleth;faxthe: ttc tng apprehended. iwtth his wifeae albe 2 Bamesthete- snows,that thepfenennot tofearchhmasthetrking, tas feartetiveluemoneths afiage, ou ae Sun conditions of Lampe, he bebaned:himéelfe fo qentlic towards all 4° they iwereiburutto neath.Dueot bis zahs = utforenerencé eloue bier lthe a father. Apefwonla fide bp and Downe amongell thenr, mideat. edhe ~ Wnithithent, euen ashe babbeene feliewitke withthe The tflue of meanefiabe banifue by bis wife quene Marie thie Fames the eheabtch beinpreferucD and. beoUsb OPAVY gga twas takewinythe ike crime fo the vi a the; . Died,Ahere oportfhe as waged tobe a aaea bane,-attartage (as bofpie is faid) and allo after (all be ellinclinationfainite them y Gahat bi oe ae Mawson: eseAMithe time ofthercignentthisking, dittian -tvarie ta the natnreof manzdéelly byte "there Bolneaeleo' anewsioneds /.co-n" 1 Ea 8; wetigigndie greatliefiourith amongeft the Scots; pogs1o, - fothenpivere amtongett them ttvelue notable and fanrons bithops:ehaveof the chieiefkinere ames deourredic bihopoffantAnmewrs; Buenevullb> ooShepsGlatcowmshomas Spenter bikjop of Stee we YO du0 : De socsny ROAD Denvis Lichtowbidyop of Murrey.Aeubat vot Bhat kept {uch qreathontes;-as both thenobilitie ava Et amongeft them it is bucerteine bp the variable rex -_popt of toziters. Meuertheletfe,thortlie after atruce ¥ ¢rucefop twas taken betivirt hing James and king Cowary, 15 peares, for the tearmeof fittene peares , bpon abat condi: tions 03 promifes made on king Cotyards part ¥ h, and was(as cuttvarbdlie appeared well reconciled, began aneto swith an impeuitentaun fubboee-ntt togither tere preparing an armie; bat theretoith came true aduertifements , that the faiolozb of the CO gat ep theapointedereeution, 7A Ftertheneathof James the fee cares of 09% Zames the tbtwaa child of fouen tothe dageat 2 te wed, , Morfburgh,wbtther be was rongag te a tx tu? = » maire,Guguiar dinines twit manic-other Bodtoxs part bad bin te-jaue cowsfoniea Jicene 10/0 forfiugular feruice donc onto bimby the Scots,ia thetnarres (betivenetye Englith.mdthe siren) -__ofithat.caffolle Wuntewards GenS ae ae _-teists.andwhole aemig,that theftege beaten bane == petite thereof ) with. manie rich podedions in Ae fingto thegrousanothe-pong Big WE was nefcendeds Foz comming winfg nb 0 marth bewatling the irrecoucra a incns thal. aboueal fand , but. mtherin-comfarting amp things fhe exbgaten hens wanaane. ‘pines -_plote thetr whale snvewozsanb forces fi aged theca pct fill the gaitel fas Wares raced, p bim into tines with ~ = Co reprelle bis iniurious attempts ,theregents tothe flegesthe fpentmot tine ty epstteof bis Bue Diddonozablic indow mante of the Scotsifer recony and kept bimfn p2tfon. Wut Colen Campbell earle of Argile, taking great indignation tith pre fomptuonsa part, gatheredapotwer,andcomming againg Geir, toke him, and fet bis brother atlibers tie,and brought the offerdo2 bnto Coenburgh,there Denard of the be died in prifon. Qozeouer , fhortlieafter Donald Bes ctrlaneg lo20 of the Zles anv carle of Rolle, tho had ferued Ractery, obedientlie in the armie at Korburg fond nonecf youall foxbearetoea « euitge a wortartef altoub fomach, repzeie the abies uw he fame time, king Wenriedeliuered the totwne Merwike the tbether bp couenant therebp to haue the forefatp fafe conduct granted, 02 of bis otvn boluntarie tuill, onae aeniean HURT thetine of he citit watres of theking: Lefleus libs, Jaudablic fencin altkindof learning. Iuthereigne Pag.300, of thid bing alto, Gharles the 7, kingne. France, gcaftell of Wertwthe into the Scotithmens banos , SPeotidhmen, -bnetw how pléafant mans fleth-is Cy ee» itkerace of bir comntric eiic fone thas HGneBelive thefemen of eminentlearning, there Hourihenalo MicholasDoivone, aud. Aohn-Cloy and Dunkeld the earle of D;keneie the lox Gra bam, Hhomas Wold, aod the chancellor . About the fametime, one Alane Bete , in hope to get the bert fin not. This truce toas concluded tn the moneth of Paie, in the peare 1 462, at the citicof Pooke, 1462, tebither bad bin fentthe bithop of Wiatcotw, the earle - of Argile, beeperof the prtute feale, the abbat of iyo to bfe bis old maners, {potling ¢ barrieng the whole 50 lierwd boule, fir Alerander Wold, and flr Wtilta m DiReyeralmot loogeinanie publike hotterie, but ~--Heshemonateries mich wore neuerberenorfpot belpe to reftore bimto the kingdomre: tbich (onrnie #0, fucceeded nat to bir in baine , obteining fucco2 from thence.) Retaithe'®s countrie of Atholl , aw tokethe earle thereof , anp | fine: Itketvite: there: fiexe manie eeligisus abbats 6furceeded-, ann fanebivith ions fents, SI communaltietrauelling though out thekingdome, ut as for the abminiftras tion and gonernantceofthe realme, fhe Mhould leane ft nto the peres . There were therefore elected bp tate bporrme, agifigt bad doonp atbel that pou " Lh this Philip to be the confummation of the mariage ) tas bp the abuerfe fortune of king Wenrie dtterlic Difaypointed , JFo2 (as after hall appeare ) this ben rte being incouraged (by the benenolence of the tage of bis bother, Joblod of Loznetoke him, 4° to the end be might haue the moze fuyport and fanoz debefnetecamiieto the agrat tive! oa fe fatet aaal -and-gaing'fe execution, ‘ben the ee ‘oborwlle fortties.and tinodargbiers. BiseloeH forme named decond. multitudesfolininen hirjin fponpering : ee BFames the Fares; fneoededimithe kingdome ; the-fecond thirdking of timed Alermbersmascreateddukeof Albaniesany art offennfe committed by ongof bir ag a ches ie Scotland, Aje turnedto:thiemn that thus: ortntien Wie Thea! Sees disthicdormecatlenJohn,was maderarieof Mar, Merander dukcotz: Dbeeloeitof his danghters the ammilton havin 5° Dovinganh Witiracauntenaricetope nen Mae ts aie fought occafion bp all deuife to binderit : fo fxbofe canfe, andat thofe requett,the faid mariage tvas at (hat timerather deferred, than vtterlie broken off, But the end thereof ( tthich tuas greatlie feared bp Scots towards him) andthzoughlie confirm common confent as rulers, the bithops of Olafcoty ae he emiable 2 ) Intimenf Lorceniouie bis fubiects inde ; (of Scotland) both French (bpbieth anv nature) bos Biles , and other the principal offendo:s of bis conv panie, were ftricken though the band of God twith tholll for the reconerie of their health, but it would ® Scans, . not be . Donato bimfetfe was afterward Maine in Mi ess nae, the caffell of Jnuernes by an 3rtthmran that was a 1465 ej = =o" land by the adulfe and counfell of James Wenevie Sernent -bifhopof faint Andjetws, amanof great tolfevome neth the and policie, as tell appeared in bis ppuvent ¢ fage reatme, gouernement of the realme, as tell During the mis nozttie of this James the third,as allo in the paiceof -_-bis father king Jamesthe econd. terre ve Myer a Acerteine frenfle 0; madnefle, andDhadloft all their thips anv(poiles in the fea, fo thatthe earle of Atholl 6o sete , othertwife callenle Seigneu de r la Warenne, fent tapthot and bis labte were teffored, and thofe frantike per» sari fons were brought brit faint Gzides hurd in A» we, os - » ambafiado;s and commiffios ners fo; hing James, Al things i this feafon twere opdered in cots Yames hene- min@rell 3n the peare 1 46 1, enrte ty Girt hing greatfencthall of Pozmandie , tas fent by Oe grance toad Frenchhing Lewes the eleuenth , twith ttwo thou: ihe partot (an fighting men,to ald the part of hing Denric a ee -gainft hing Coward. This Wyeseie was one mott Cnglanv, -in fanour with hing Charles the feuenth, father ow to the faib hing Lewes gan therefore(as mante d(d of England being banguithed by bis abuerfaric fappote he was apointen by a. Seemedaaa ee loued him not) to be chicfe in this tourneie , to fourth, chaled of king Jamesthe Shirvatatstorment topestis ome toentann eos eng bis life might be put in bayard and abuentare , to enter into Scotlanv; aw berebpon be came to Crenbargh, and was longed in the boule of the frters preachers, twith bis toile quene Margaret_anb notwithtanping after (ome banger both of tempett Ee Ee caftels of Bamburgh an Dunkanburgh,abt he Suitcase bim the oake of Creefter , aw the duke of Suny RS eee bis fonne prince Cowaro . There twas allo with cal tothe ground, ano after tohein band to héepe fe ann ig |