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Show vader the Britifh kings. the hiftorie ofEngland. freightwwates created king,a8 latofull inberitour to bis father. ; Be bane heard hots Conftantings tas made a manke tn bis fathers life time , bicaufe be thas thought tobe to fort and chilotth in Wit, to bane anie publite rule committed to his hands ; but for that caufe fpectallte dtd Tloztigerne {eke tabuance Him, fothe endthat the bing being not able to gouertie of Himéelfe,he might haue the chiefetk fivate,and fo rule all things as it were onder Hint, preparing thereby alpap for himlelfeto atteine at length to the kings home as bp that tubich followen toas mo? apparent? Ife percefued, ofthe Hiftorie of England, Conftantinus at the generall Jute of the Britains vndertaketh Galentintanns the fecond,and third pete of Clodius bing of the jfrankners after callen Frei to gouerti¢ this Iland, heis crowned king , his, three fonnes y he i traitorouflie changed and called France.Conttantine being thus effablithed bing,tuted the land fuel ‘and noblic 5 and defendedit from all innafion of entmies purity bis life,ibe begatof bis tutfe thee formes (as the Writith flaine ofa Pi&Conftantius the eldeft fonne of "Conftamrine having bene amonke is createdking, Thefirft Chapter. tbich then began to fettle themfelnes in Gatlta, fbereby the nameof that countrie was afterwards Woxtigerne,twas mave king of Weitaine,tn the pere of our Herd 443, Wut Conffantius bare but the nameof king : for Mortigerne abufing bis tnitocens citand fimple difcretion to oder things as twas ree quifitebad alt the rule of the lab, and did abat pleas fed him, Ghercoponfick, there there han bene a league concladed bettwirt the WBeitaing, Scots and Pits, in the daies of thelate king Contkantine, Gostigeriie canfen the fame league to be renetued 3 MoBor, Lvaged an bundzed Pics,and asmanie Scots to be inthe abbicof Ampbibalus tr attinchetter, Ftnallie this Contantine; atterhehad TeigneD Fre of fen pares , twas traitozouflte Maine one dayint his babesgrom ax bonechamiver(as fone tmrtte)bp a ypte,Go tans tn C28 fuch fano2 with bim, that be migbtatall crites bate ped, ms Suitigended owe bake Abit Caxton faith 12000,but Galando« bought twith bim a convenient power, landing inith the fante at Lotnete tn Deuontytre ; Immediattic after bis coming onland,be gathered to hima great polver of Writains , abich before bis landing were Hid in ditterfe places of the Fle, Then twent be fnzth Awith them and gaue battell tothe ontnrits, rbort be 5 Danquithed: ¢ fue that tyrarutieall Rig Guangs there in the eld (as fome bakes aut.) Worwbett, this agreeth not with the Scotith oritera,nbidiag firme that thep got the field , Ube adol took Hamed Dongard (as in their bikere pesem Wut to proceed as our luziters report the matter, When the Writains bad thus oucrcome their ents conucicd their capteinethe fab Conftan Marth Weft, faith 435. tcefter, and there in, fulfilling their pro, ucnant made fo bis brother, bint king of great Woitane,in the peere of crotunen our Lox 4335 Whtch tuas about the fitt perte of the emperour attendant as a gard bpon the kings perfor, diners tetas Of the thich(coorupting thentiwith faire peomiles) be i te tg teeoega, ‘biimulation and mifthicnous meaning by fone Seat likelihmos thep fufpected , tith all {pen got touchingthe Saxonsfirft comming into this Hand, Thefecond Chapter. Dinaner could Gadoand colourthe matter,that Mo men thought anv fudged him berie tnnocent ND bold of cuill meaning: infomuch that be obtet82) the fauourofthe people fo greatlic,that he tnas "pated fo. the onclic fate and vefenver of the cont: pattiten mapwith tut cafe doubto f fundzte mate fers conteined in the fame : and therfore baue ie in Wealth, iereppon it came to patle, that then rs Ufpasatemblen toclec a net hinta > for this bake bene the moze diligent to thet tbat the Mid) as the other faunes of King Conffantine 2 ziters baue reqiftred tes touching the affaires of Wrlkaine,that the te@ber mapbe the better fatiffi cd w {hth thinthTSutsigtyto returne to the fequele of the Didorie. dg we find thé fame written bp the 25zitifh chinmtelet 5, " Atter that Confantine was murthered (as be- Cys So fore pe bau beard)one Viostigerns.o: Woztigernm s, ngerns wer amano canete SEE Shas cet repastet. Cals § Datinerne, by fuch diue i hg ees and dniconftiona: Vores ble peactifes ( as pou heare) £770. fealing atwap the hearts of the people, twas chofen ann AG made bing of Weitaine,in the peere of our 204.46,in the 3. 446 ER =/ econtulthtp of Aetius, 1297 of ----> Mome,4 of the 305 Dipmpiad, 4112 ofthe worn, the dominfcall letter gotng bp Jf, the peime by 10, fhich fell about the 21 peere of fhe emperour Ualere iwith all (peed to get them oner (as pe baue beard) tne Fabi fo Wittatne Armozike,there toremaineout of ban: Ger with their bncle the king of that law. iucrs -**" offhe Britains alfa, that knew themfelues to be tn Mm to the fea,and ficd into litle Weitaine, there ke. Goatigerne his difpleatare, failed oner dailte puto Pingthem till it pleaten God otherwite to prouide for 5° them , thich thing bought Uoztigerae into gteat . Hut Uortigerne could fo well oifemble bis bonbt and feareof bis eftate, Ctattic foorkings, and twit fuchconuefanceand cloSt chancedalfo the fame time , that there vas there is not fo much crevit to be,pecloed to them that baue ieitten the Weitith bittories, but that in fome Sreight: quith the Scots,difagreement in writers pocured bp {ubtilcmeanes in the end to mucther the fintanus, the fante pere that Beronens began to bingand innnediatlie bport the deed Donte, he canted reigneouerthe Sirenchmen. Wefore be was mane the muvthevers to be ffrangled, that they thoulonot 30 king,he tas carlcozpnke of the Genilies, a people Affertpards difclofe by thot procurement thep din hich belo that part of wWettaine ahere attertparng hat ded. Then cauted heall the refioue of the Scots the tuelt Saxons inhabiteo. Pow then he han with iid Pics to be appeehended,and as tt had beene bp. treafon,frand, amd great deceit at length obtciney HetorBoet. Ona seale to f& the death of Conffantius feucrelie thatfothe ibid head long lwked,be fit ofall furs puntihed,be framed fuch inditements and accufati« nithed the tower of London witha firong garrifon Otis againt them,that chieflic by his meanes(as ap. of men oftwarte, PeAted) the giltleffe perfons twere condemmend and hen Tudieng to adnance {uch onelie as be knety banged, the multituoe of the Bettith people betg tobe bis {peciall ftiends and fanozers , be fonght by fuonderfullie pleaten theretwith, and gining great all meancs hotu toopette other,of Shofe gad twill Commendations to Tortigerne for thatded. Thus 4o be bad neuer falitle miftruttand namclie thote that nfantins was made atwaic in maner as before ture affectonate totvarns the linage of Contfanvebane heard, after he had teigned(as moff irziters fine be bated deadlte,and denifen bp feeret meanes Affirme) the {pace offine peres, thich wap be might best oeftrop them. wut thefe his Atter bis beath was Knotune, thofe fhat hav the being at the firft perceiued, caufenfacy as inging bp and cutfodie of bis too ponger bre: padifes bad the governance of the tins pong gentlemen kent, Aurelius wy Ambzofe, and Weer Pendragon, lB, mitttutting the wicked intent of Uoatigerne, thote the time and other things to be conf Dered utp gine thet oodafion to thinke , fo: that f great autbopitie among the Yzitains , imrought f with the refioue of the Writ nobilit that Confantins the eloef fonne of their king ic, the foxe-remembzed Conftantine,inas taken ont the abbic of UHinchefter tbere be remained, andoftwas commonabutesandfinnes did vniuerfally concurre with aplentifullyeeresthe Scots and Piths renenze the death of their countrimen, Vortigerneis in doubtofhis eftare, the Britainsfendfor fuccour to the Saxons,they come vider the condué of Hengift and Horfus two brethren, where theyare afligned tobe feated,they vane j ve Conffantius ther the forme of Contfars ‘nf fine, by the belpe(as before pe haue beard) of free accefie to bint at bis pleafure, HPetther the wo- Orofius, ad mane twziters,n02 Beda,make ante mention of thts Bloods. + but of the other -Conttanttite thep iwrite,abich (ummenfatlte after the blarper Grat in twas difpatched out of the tap (as before pe have beard) was abuanced to the rule of thislanb , ano fitle of emperour,onclie tn hope of bis ttaree,artd fo no other refpect- of totvardnefle inbimt, afore time being but a meant foulier, totthout ante degrde of honour. The fame Constantine (as white rs teca?b 7 isat full defcriben; going ouer into Gallia,adozned bis forme Conttarv) \ vemaineth noto Hus. twith the title and bignitie of Cefar ,' the trhich fhat the proceed to 3° before asa monke,and finallte ag tell fhe one as Declate, in: that the other were flaine, the father at Arles bp-ear le : . #7)ftate they Were af: Conft antiu that s, was fent aqaintt binby the Oe PD ter the. tomans petour Wonoztus ; and the formeat Clietitia (asenv bee babrefulen to gouerne theut anielonger, Wherefore fore pe baur beard) by one. of bis ofone corict called ‘toe toll addzelle ourtrlues fo faie fometbat tou. Corontins (as tn the Ftaltin pitorte pe ntap chingthe fuccemion of the Weitith kings, as their bt, moze atlarge,) Khisehanted about the pete'o fe f our fopies make mention. U0 41s. Conftan¢ ¢ Conttantinus the totherof Alozocnus king of { Xhis baue we thought gov to tepeat in little Weitaine, at the fute and carnett requett ofthe tinus, place,fo2 that fome map {uypofe that this Conftthis coe London, nrade in nanre ofall the Gal.Mon, an W2te 4° fine is the famethatou r toitters take fobe Matt, Weitm, tains tthe Sle of great Writaine,was bzofentinto the therof Aibsocnus king aflittle Wealtaine, asthe the cir fame Fle by Wis (ald brother Atoroeius pon cotter cumffanceof nants vattfied in manneras befoieis tecited, arb Conflantinsflie into Britaine Armorike , what iis, « ine ys, the atnbitious & flie practifes of duke Vortigerne i biffozieaffirneth) Conftantius, Qurelins Ambzolt: "<goappire to the gowernment, heprocureth certeine Pitts and °-usand Gter' furramedPennagon ; he eloettbt. caufe be percefued bit to be but dull of tit, and not ‘ors tokill the kirig who PeRN _~ forthe erie fatvard,be made amonke, placing Hit ioitty i i i fcesanddeepe tke ee ene of ins : nocencic,he winneth che peoples harts,and ischofen their king. Vortigerne furnifheth the tower with a garrilante bewrateth his crueltie , Aure1usand Pendragon brethren to the late king felt Notef age fufficient to rule, Mostigerne bine Steatplentic of come,t {tore of fruit, the like hherof Gyldas had not bene fene in manic paves before, and therebponinfuedriot, frife, lecberic, and other bi tes berie heinous, ¢ yet accounted as thenfo: fmall Plentic of d2rather none offentes at all. Hhefe abules¢ great swcaith accom: ettommities reigned not onclie in the tenrporaltie, pamed torth 60 betaltoin the fpivitualtic and chéfe rulers in the TF of inne, faitto ¢ fo that enerie man turned the point of bis fpeate (euen as be had confented of purpofe)againt Seaschofen, diners of the nobles (abom he had Pacuted thereto)aining their voices to this his pier fhe true and innocent perfon. Zhe commons al: ferment, 4$ toone bet oeferuing the fame in theit fo gaue themfelucs to boluptious Inf » bunker piition ano ftiogement. bis Ciostigernc,as bpitv Rleanesand finitter procedings be afptred to tan baningno title therebnte, otheriwite as blind fortune boudhfafen bim the prefer? contenition,enute,and nuich debate. Df this plentie ik on Shen be toas potfetten, but tot interetfen bebay ‘Aimee Oneafedthe craked conditions tidy Gite concealed, and in the end(as by the obits &) did pull fhame ano tnfamte bp: nefle,anbidle loitering , whereof followed fighting, therefore infued great pide, and of this abundance no lefle hautineffe of mind , therebpon follotven Great Wwickeoieffe , lacke of god gouernement and fober femperancie,andin the necke of thefe as atuft punifhment, death andmoztalitte, fo that tn fome counttrics (carfe the quicke {nfficed to burte the bead. Ano for an augmentation of moze inifchefe,the Scots and Pias hearing how their countrimen Giff, through Scots anv |