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Show The hiftorie ofScotland. é fhers {oxne, Petilins Ce: Allo Petilius Cerealis comming twithalegton of tealishismen fotmenanda trope of ho2femen to their fuccours, Was incountred bythe ics, ¢ being put to flight, See late alibisfotmen, bardiie efcaping bimfelfe with the ho2finen fo the campe, Shartlie after hetwke bp 3° Catugthe istents andreturned totwardsLent, there Catus puocuratozof the paccutato2 92 recetuer(as J mapcall him)of wet *Butaine fied taine as then folourned, tho onderitanding bow IntoFeance. she hole Ble was onech fine in an bpzoze, fled over inte France then called Gallia, This meane ahile DMyéne Vos guéne Geada fent onto bir bother Corbzeid king adadefirery Sf Drotland,requiring bis aid againf the KKomans, aidoftirbze: Akobad fo tlic fed hiranvbfe daughters to the After taking aduife hotw to bebane themfelues in uedofthe Pids-and Srots, for, thatithep were res putedright baliantnrert, and glad toreucnge their uibicstpteevedtlemmntoantoe * game ofthe fame countrie f sicae Be » there mud) citemed, for that en een ig ce: 3 fo2 bis huge fkature tvas afterward furnamed the great.Ape twas lineglip defcended fro Detellane, in onto himno fmall numberof them, euer as they tyeucs and caughttbem, offendozs. Wy this meancs twas the fate of the common: fwcalth brought into better quiet, and the peere nert infning, being the third of Galo bis reigne , he cal ledacouncell at Dunftafage, abherein he laboured mutch for the abzogating of the ticked latwes init ain tabomty figo twas bis great grandfather. Zhe nobles and tutedby king Ciwin, as beforets partlie {pecificd: toabzogate commonsof the realnie chofe himto be ther king, onelie for the gad opinionthep had conceiued of bim but he could not obtcine moze, than that poze men Mickeo lames from thenceforth Mould baue their tines fre bute themfelnes,twithout being abufed from time to time indifferentlie bp their landloads, as heretofore thep fbere betwirt them was friken a right fierceand fightame tirbis preneceffors, Dates , by homie he was had in Great eftimation, aid had atcined bider him mas manspart betitg put to fight, the fotnien were bea Cantus fos mevteft for the rome , confidering the fonnes of cruel batfelis but in the end the hoattemen of thearo: nie Mhorthie enterpriles,(o that he was thought mo had bene, Uhilett be tas thus buffed abontthe eftablithing of bolfome o2vers ¢ fatuts fo2 the iwelth of Corbreid {vere not as pet come bnto ripe pearesto 30 bisfubieds, Petiting Ce y , tttmz twas brought , " him that Petilius a tealis a Roz mn intopthefame. jfo2 the fad Cosbeeid badthre fons inall, Corb2eid, Lulcane, amd Wzeke. The eloett bad bene brought bp twit Tloada, queene ofthe MWritains , ubereby be had learnedthe maners mpd Dlages of the Wyitifh nation, and therevpon tas fiherein the chafe, feuentie thoufand iomans and Aurnamed Galo;for fo nw the Scotitmen ble even offer rangers, fhich (erued amongett them;anvof bnito this Dap to name ante of theirotyne countriry men that bath learned the courtefie and maners of frange countries, HeotsWidts,and other Wzitaing,were laine thictie Cerealis a Romane capteine, being fent from Wel pafian the emprrour to baue the goueritement of Mutaine, twas landed tith apuifantarmie tn the countrie, and ntinded fhoztlie to inuade the buy dersofbts realnte,as Annandaleand Galloway, inate cattaine fens by dete pation nto Wzitaing. With thefe newes Gald being fomerbat alto: The Drv0040 nifhed, thought gad to buderftandthe corteintic of ces and 23zi= the enimies owings, before be made ante furve fo, gare mites the lenieng of bis people, and therefore apotnten oe Wut to retarne to Dardan, i the begining of 40 cextcine lightboaffemen to ride forth, and to bing Spriters. Deki Toads ce yon peuneite oma. bisreigne he gouerned the effate bp gwd indifferent tuffice , but after he had continued therein bp the Certeine neiwesof that tbich thep might heare 03 fee: tight bearers of themfelues in the fame, andad> how; and further,botw thep were turned weltinarn BPthE Mae one fpace of ttwo peares, be began tofall into all kinds Woxdieg, of dices , remouing fromoffices fucy as were bps vancing to their places bzibers and ertortioners. Zhe nobles he hadin (ufpect , favoring onelie fuch as thorough flatteric were by him preferred . And tthere be vas d:otwned bepondall the termsof bones fie in flethlic and finfull lu, pet was his courtoub 50 nefle ( great , that all was tolittle abich be might eats lay bangs pon. Weallo put todeathdiuers bono tor - table perfonages ,{udy as beperceinedto grudge at fe. ‘bisdaings. ic lthewile purpofedto hane madea twap the fonnes of his predeceflo2 Cozb2e1d , but bis kom: traitorous praaife being difclofed , the mot part of "Seibel the nobles and commons of the realme rebelien a use axa scope os, ee -_ owns pea Che eldek of thenn within a fet moncthsshe gy foas marisd onto atioble Romane named Paws Troy tbo at their ceturne declared that the entinies armie tyas abzoadinthe ficlos, ppom the borders of Pics Chepitge land,and bad ginen the yids alreadie agreat ouers Merthzowne gi the left band,in purpote to enter into Galloway. ee trong Gald being thus certified of the Komans aypzoch purpofe to towards his countrie,vetermined to giue them bate cntertnto A thep enteredinto the inner parts of Dis iq Gary allotwap, tell, before neter- realmne,andtherefore twith all fpeedhe allembled bis nineth to people, to the numberof fiftie thoufand men,all fudy fight with the as were ableto beare armo?,being reabie to repatre Romans, bato bim i fucy ppefent neceffitie for nefenfe of their countrie. At hath bene reporten, that as he marehedfmjth Strange - towards his eninies , fundste frrange fights appear "abte appere red bythe tap. An eagle was fene almot all a a tihole bap,flieng bp and dDotone ocr the Scotifh ars Gaink bim,andfending for Cozbze1 Galdthe clock mie,cuen as though the bad labouren bic felfe wear fonneofthe foymer Co2b;cid, remaining as then in the Fle of pan (there He Tyould have bene mur- go rie. Alf an armed man was feene fieng round a bout the armte, and fuddenlie banifed alway. thered ) thep chofe him to their king. Ano at length Fherefell in like maner out of a Darke cloud in the tins beating dotwne all {ud as made refiftance, they got fielng, thzoughthe tidy the armie thouly palle , dts tenn Pat crusll tyrant Dardan intotheir bands, ¢ bein» uerfe binds of birds th2t were {potted twitl bloud, rhe, Saighim forth before te multitude, they cauled bis hele monfruous fights troubles mens minds "2p- bead to be opentie fricken off . Zhis was the 81 binerilie,fome conftruing the fame to fignifie goo the birth of our Sauiour, beingthe Art ___ Peakeafter Corbreid bis otone rrigne ouer the en. Cote Galo being thus chofen(as J haue faid) Galg Sans to fucceed inthe gouerument of Scotland aftec Darvan, is called by Cornelius T scitus Galgacus, 4 prince of comelie perfonage , andef right noble ated bing of SByitaine by the emperours author= that thereby the flate of the comntric nrght bese- mR én the pacties of Bendale, andnanuds pa = fayas bsebeene fur:peccrs of bispredecetiags mib ecb bntoa better quiet. we dfebto lic mn me purfucafad) offendors mofk earneftlic, aro beought snes fouth parts of Writaine in due obedience . Finallie Coreiddead Cozhrein departed this world, atterhe had reigned AmnoChritti, 3.4 peares , and twas buried amongelf bis elpers 7 4B here onto Dunttafage, with mante obclitks tet op about him, Dardan, ee Corbzeid {ueceeded one Dardan, tid) 20 ching foards him, thep met togither tit the Geld, arepmtts e uernorsandfudges.cifter this he returnco by ote, suefate of and feta fap alfein that countrie,touching certeine sedicso ttt nufdenteanozs of the people there. Lobe Mort, he Corbzeid betg thus-anerihowne , ard haning 10 porged the trhole realmeof al! fuch robbers,thenes, andother the like offendo2s againt the quict peace bis potver greatlie tnfeeblea therebp , pafled the ree of bistubteds, as twere bugelie increafed by the lifioue ofbis life int quietnede. JFo2 the Romansbes centious rule of his predeceflo2 Dardar , and heres ing troubled with ctuill parres,medled neither with bntobe twas mightilic aided bp the Morantans,aho Che Morané: the Scots nor Pies , butonlic tudied to keepe the polverof men of tvarre nright come fo his aid forth of Gallia soto called France . Therebpor mary gee promers fibo han deflouredbir before time. He was Jles of Uctwis and Skie, and put to death certeine thethfuch as offendors that would not be obedient bute their go: difturbe the Garland. Syoie, called eucn onto this dap Murrey land. fight with the pecurate2 Catus , per anie new therCored. great dithono2 of bir and all bit linage, andnow fthoufanid. Anas the tine tobe reuengen of fudy tniuvies the 4° Lhe gonernour Suetonius betng ther in Galle, Sthole nation ofthe iritains through the couctous bearing of this cuerthotw, ¢in that danger things fod in MBzitaine, bv reafonof the fame,cante ouet dealing of the pzocurato? Catus, being rifen in With tio leatons of fontdiers,and ten thoufand of armies fo reconer their ancientliberties. other IBzigants as atvers to thofelegions, Tioada _ yo Coebweid being bighlic vifpleafen towards the Momeansforthe euill intreating of his {iter , deter the queene onderffanding cfbis arrivall, aflembled againcbir peopie,andferit tito the Scots and PIs mined efther to fee bir fatilfied by twozthie recome pente, o2elfe tobe reuenged onthem that had mits focome tobiraid: tho togither tith the spozantans Plendic sand hereof gaue fignification onto Catus came With ali {peed onto bir. When thep tocre thus ; fhe pocurato? that twas as then returned inte Bat allemblen, Writains, Scots , Pics, € Poranians taine With a potwerof menof warre. Corbzeid rev 5° gnone part and Romanswith their aids on theo tefuing but a feoznefull anfinere from: bim, found ther, they mavebed fortiy to mcounter togither wi Charanach x, Weanesto toine in league with Charanacy king of deliberat mindsto tric the matter by dint of fwo2d, ofthepics, Mepis, and gathering togithera mightic armie being earneftlic erhozted thereto bp thetr gouerors Snes other ; purfned the Aonrans anv their altar on etther fine, £0 that foining puidlance again puiffance, they fought arightcrucll battell, mante Tiats;flateng doloned wonderfull number of tent, Healo.burned:anddetroied diners totwunes ,fuch in the beginning being Maine and bozne dotwne on both fives. Ant in the end the bicoric abode turth the Thewomans a8 tnbreping thetrallegiance to the Romans tov flatne, Latnefilie to theiv vefente,astsertwike and Carleill Romans,the Writains twith other the Albans were chafed outof the field. here were Maine of thentat Avith others . Aboutthe fame featon therearriued in perfons, as TaciDutchmen ar tho rich a numberof Dutch tips , fraugbe rine.in, Scot , witty 60 the point of foure {core thoufand Md... PRORIOF Perberneoz Poraula, aregton in Gers tus tw2iteth, Zhe mozepart of the Poraulamts, (ON! ~" gu: Mantefituat betiwirt Boheme and Yungaric. Thep ther With their capteine woverilie, tuere in tal iuere daiuen ont oftheir clone countric by the 40: number, Gloada the queene, doubting to. come info bir arans, andaflembling togither; ander a famous the bands of bit enimies , flucbir felfe. Lino of sapteinenamed Koderikecane dotwn fo the mouth Daughters Were takenpaifoners, and boom of the 4thene, fibere making th{tt.for vettels , they med,cuen.as thep fwere found fighting in the ftoohethe feas to {eke them fome new habitations; tell, onto Suetonius. © Mbthus arriving in 4Dialand , tern ioifullie receis Seots {nas called Cumberland. The Poraufans ae bic) efcaped from the difcomtiture, bad that por die Bozac tion of Scotland atligned forth onto themt to inbar ais, bit in, that licth bettwtrt the riusrs of Zozne and their enterpzile,thep thought it god to make batt to fen dolwne onech fide; Catus himlelfe being wontspouse, ded, efcaped berie hardlic bp Aight, and thortlic after gotbintouer into France, Whe Scots and Pics With other the Wzitains, bauing atchiued this bictor 70 Be rie,purfued their enfmies from placeto place,(o that per there died by the fwo2d, tabat in the battell andeller cane, the wwefterne Fles,obere he apeated certeine rebels, }min Eng: Ghith went about to d{fquiet the ftate of the com: ""™ mon-Wwealth there. From thence he failen onto the Gatn punt: Pex In the firt begining of bis reigne be purithes ' fuccefle , mm fomeotherwife. Alfo the ciefett capteins amongtit the Scots were not allof one opint, Che Scote on, fo fome of them weieng the greatforce of the "otoat of ong Romane armie, being the greatett that ever ban ™™- bene brought into their countrie before that bap, counfcllen that they thulo in no wife be fought with, all, but rather to (uffcr them to wearts themfelucs, till bittels ann other p:outfion thoulp faile them,and €.ty, then =a == agreat mauie of them per thep tvere in Doubtof ac nierebellion. The refioue which efcaped, gotthem ~ infoanold church, there thep were flaine echimor fanéLluid gouvernement, and afferivards he padevoner into Se more of = the Romans. fet ppon {uch Romans as inhabited there, and due The hiftorie ofScotland. (there he patten the mol part of bis time altogether wehmeriand. in huyting) Waefimerland, atter his otyne name, though afterivards , then the Komans were erpely _ led, aportionof the fame adfoining nert bite the --= a - Thetr huge bodies amd mightielims dio greatlte serhemns tf ipasnot Mar, but the Ble of Anglelete Ahich the commend thems in the fight of all mem before thomte M#temendt SRritains ante: Mén:, and at this. time tyas (abs thep muttered, fo that conuning to the place tiyere Fietm Ducdby Suetonius, webaue here omittedto make the kings of Scots and {Picts were incamped tity report thereof , referring pou tothe place in the Cre thetr people readie to march forth tolwards the ent gli} chronicle, abere we have (poken fufficientlie mies, thep tucre bigblie welcomed, and bpontheir after that fo2t Suctonius both, attempted € atcht offer receiued info companic,and arpointen to go uedthis enterprife, thich being bzought to end, be forth in that tournie,inaid of queene Toada again wonencon fwas: font for info Galita, to repreffe certeine tu the Romans, With this Toada twas affembled a sith the | multsraifed among the people there, Jn tole abs fence the idzitains thinking tehauea mect time for ., mightic bof of the Wzitains, amongeft abomwere weneinar: fiue thoufand fvomet, tibolie bent to revenge the ™™ thet purpofe, moued a netw rebellion, But by the pbillanies dane to thet perfons bp the Romans, 02 relation of Cornelius Tacitus, this chanced tibtlett to die in the paine. And fo2 thts purpofe wrre they SHuctonius was buffe tn requiving the Fle of Aw come tell appointed twitl) armour and tweapons , to glefcie, as in fhe Crglth chronicle tt hketwife aps be the fir that fhould giue the onfet. Teada hea peareth, with the frange fights and wonders thich ring of bir baothers ayzech with the bing of Pies bapencd about the fametime , theredpon thefoutly and theirarmies , met thenton the wate accompa faiers(as Hector Boetiusfaith)beclaren that the Kor nied With agreat nuntberofthe nobles of Writaine, mans fhould recefuea great onerthzotv, Upon truk andbzought them to bir campe with great iopand Chekcots of Khole twords the pics and other Writains inhae andPi¢shill biting Camclon and in the marches thereabouts, 2, trfumy. |