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Show 372 Thehiftorie ofScotland. BnEncih yas fentonto the quene, tbo comming to Polite ees radboufe nere to Cdenburgh , was recetued bp Scots. fundzie beralbs , ¢ fo twas bad to oneof their boufes, amb there kept fothat nigbt. Lhe nert day after bee badbined, be ivas bzongbt to the court , and at bis entering twtthin the gates, there tuere a'number of barquebuffters readte inith their peces that difchary ged and thot off the fame. Atbis comming to the prefence of fhe queene,be Thehiftorie ofScotland. én ante tutte fo barvlie dealt with, Metwing that the Wwas not tell contented theretutth ; ad fo ahetter toke bts teane , andreturned backe into Cngland, twithout ante retvard for bis paines taken inthat fourttie, at the bands of the Scofith queene : how fo fiege)twithin the totone of Leffalrihe, in the neanes Seton care part of thetr demilances and 0% aRement late in the fame towne,Dhefotmen Intth their capteins longed in bales, tents andpauls f ltons, opon the fouth and foutheatt roe ofthe totone of Leith, and niuerle Scotith Ny, loos incamped iwit them in the fielos , as the earles of Argile, 3 Arrane. ener tye liken of bis mefage. Huthe meane time, there twasan armic prepay 15 60, redin Cngland,of feren o2 eight thoufand men,tho anergy twere fent into Scotland; the lor Creie of Crglans ne Porton, and Glencarne; the lors wot Datttree, With dutifall obeffance deliuered bis letters, ato af 10 being aypotutengenerall, tho caine to the linkes, pagis6s. ter the fare bad beene read, be was Demanded that befive the totone of Leith, on faturdaythe firt of credit be had to biter. Wherebpon be declared , that Aprtll. Wefore thep piteht downe there field on the faidlinkes, mionfient Martiques, cornell of the lieutenantin the north parts of Cngland,maruelico French armie , (ued forth of 1 eith with nine hun: They site areatlic that fhe would fend an berald with letters, aid inzife therein bow fhe bad giuencredit to him; aid pet iben bewwas demanded to btter bis crevit, be fhould confeffe that be bad none. he quene bereinith called fop the berald,to buderftand whether dzed barquebullters of Frenchmen,to alittle knoll called the Walke hillabere afore, contintiall,and bot Riri) twas begun betioirt the Cnglitnren and Frencynen, with bagbuts, caleeners and pitratets, hbich fhirntif} continued fitte 02 fir hours, tit the set bimremainedin Wolierod boule: and iit dinerle hurt, Atlength Martiques was forced with bitneuertbelefic fhe-baake fnzth and laid, that fhe martelied greatlic that fhe quene of England bis compante fo retire backe to the totune of iLcith, and the Cnglithinen pitched dotwne their campe,md thould fend bir Hhipsintobirrtucr, without giving bir knowledge aforeband. Gheffer anfivered thereto, that tuyere tt toas cor: feinlie knotone,that the JFrench bing bad prepared to fend a potver of men of Wwarre ints Scotland, twitbout aduertifing bir thereof; fhe could not but planted theiv ordinartce befide fhe fato pill. The low Grete being in gutkelburgh, Cent to the queeneregent, that late as then in the caftell at G+ Denburgb,defiring an abfinence of twarre fofoure and tivertiebours, that in the meanetime he might fend forte of bis councell to declare to bir the caule * fo2 pronifion fo be laid iwtthin bir towwnes and caftels Che queene granted herevnto, and fent ar herald to ngianp, gricfs;and be on the other part made bir anfiwer as guide with him to go to the towne of Leith, as twas agreed: and there was one appointed fo go iwith bint, fell beff fo purpofe. Andat length, when he was vez manbded that further credit bebad;hedeclaren,that ‘But (mmedfatlp after his departing from the Eng: fbere the had requetten afafe conduc fo: monfieut -iLtycampe, be twas {uddenlie called backe againe, ie \Bzolle to pafle trough England inte France, if ¢_ andbisletterstaken from him, twas commanded the wonld fe him (afelie conucied to Wertwike, he to repaire to the caftell of Gaenburgh fo the quent, burft affure bir of a {ufficient fafe conduc for bis and to declare to bir that thep would not have ante fafe paflage through the queene hismittreffe realme: talke,but tuould be reuenged on the Frenchmen, fox i but at length, there was another gentleman conv the flaughter of their men the night before. Thus mended fo him, inlieu forla Wzo0fle, that was bis the parlee ceafling , the fiege twas inforced with on either coufine.Andnotw then Chetter thuld take bis leaue, right (arpe purfute, ano frrong nefending part. be declared that be hod not beene courteouflie dealt twifh : for fince bis comming thither, be could not be fuffered to pafle anie obere abzoad out of bis chamber,but at meale tintes. Gnd therefore if anie of bic meffengers fhonlo come into the queene bis mifftefle dominions,be would procure (if he ntiaht) that thep ould taff of thelike intertetument.iBut the queente feemed not fo brderftand that he bad bit Dap,the Frenchmen,(Muing forth of Leith, fet bpon 3° name,to peelviall the dontintonsiof France ¢ Scots Wouredfog Gig to fend totheloxdsfe:tobauethemattertaken found it. Wwm2ds , todilfuade them from the amitie contéacen » withthe Cnglithment, declaring hat the Cnglith» men afded them not for ante other refpedt, thanfo, ?? ‘iniestepie battered with their great artillerie at the parith Mdowne, church of Leith, and at faint Anthonies Meple, in tbich the Ffrenchmen hadlato certeine peeces of are tillerie,amd at length beat tt dotwne: but perceining thep could not do ante great burt tothe walles on thatfive, they cat netv trenches bpon the fouth and their ofyne turne and commoditie. Moreouer,fey bit s5 ofvne part the faid,that Hhe fauourcdthe wealeof the o tealme of Scotland, as mud as France; confide: a ring the bad the honoto be queene and regent theres -_-ofand bir Daughter heritable queene of the fame,' 22 Furthermore the fatd, that tf the had attempted fouthwweff five of the towne, andraifeo amount therejnaming it mount Summerfet,¢ placed theres * oncerteine peeces in batterie,and (0 beat the tals, _-_anie thing that (eemed 02 aeted to the noble ment 7? -_contrarie therebnto; the fame came to palle rather oe that a great part thereof twas ouerthzotne nda folackeof toffedome and {udgentent, than for foanit -of anie gad twill: andifit pleafeo Gov to prolong Hit >» breach made. WUheredponthe Englifhment Scots daies, the woulvbe glad to ainchdthat hav beete thing reafonable;(o that although thepegerlie peas fed forwarn to enterthe totone, pet they tere fierces lie beaten backe with great Maughter andblounthea onboth parts but namelicof the affailants, nto the queenethetr foucretgne, andtomainteine 7 ? their ancient amitie with the king and realmte of yy" FFrance,t tomalieforme gwdacco7d tith) the Ffrench that twere twithin the totone of Leith , who ould ,, glablic acceptthe fame , to the end that as tell thep Ddenifen other (hifts to obteretheir purpofe, ratfing another mount of carth on the Wwetf fideof the twas the feared greatlte (as the fatb) deat if the Frendy minv, men departed,the Cnglifhmen wouldfill rematne, onamozning cante with their landers, and prefers doneamiffe: andif hecalled bir tobis mercie, the > ting themfeluesto the affault, found the breach no 6 prated them moft bartilie to acknowledge their ontig The Englihmen,percetuing that they were to tath in affaulting the tolune, being not affanltable, name, thep called mount Pellam after the capfeins ttnuallie beat into the towne , foe annoieng them feath thereto as thep intended. Lhe lor Crete, pod une? tenantof the Cnglifh artic, longed (baringnee burgh, andin thecampe: tho cante onto bivaltogt: ther into the'cattell of Cocnbutgly, there hemade he quenes nto thentra graue andpithieerbogtation, perftias oration vnta Ding themto bnitie and concoyd ttt thefranciené thenodles, friendsof France; andnow more ftedfatk fo them »5 -thanat ane time befoze,bp teatonof the mariage of -thequene theirgad foucrelgne with the king: of " Ffrance, Anobherewith he brakeont into certeine 22 inthis meane obile, the Cngliffmen,looging ON the fouthfive of the totunc befive mount Pellam, Stine gy. - fev of Letth, and named it mount Jralcon. Aloft on this mount, frhen it fas brought bp onto a great andplaced their ozdinance aloft thereon: but bicaule eens if twas fo farre from the fotune,thep didnot fo m -hirfickneffe fo to increale, that Me loked for peefent death, fentfotye duke of Chateleranlt, and all the The qnene -_logds of Scotland that tere inthe totone of Gren: {rt forthe Magtement, bp.And for the betteraccomplithing of biraefire,he procured the carleof Wuntleie to come forth of the hogth, tho tobe bp hislodging in Coenburgh, and 40 toke great. paines tofreat bettoirt hequene and loads for fonte agréement: but fhen be percetued bistranell to be in baine, be returned into the noth againe, and left the fiege lieng Till ashe Che Cnolitymen catk trenches tpon the foutly eaft foe of the toture,and ratfena litle mount hich -_landat the popes commandement, Jin the meane time,the quéette regent,porcetuing teth. During the fege thus afreLeith,thequene Tegent was fo2e bered with fickenefle,butneucrthes aiser: leffe, hecontinued tolabo2foragreement; not cea: gye reals. their tone realnte , and neither to bifquiet srewiely rie the late French king. Mhefter herebnts anfine meti noz Scots. Wherbpon the queene tobe tine to red, that he thought to haue found but one regent ti Scotland, to shome be Mould ned fo make aw be adnifed till the nert day, that te might confult with the prinefpall perfonages within the tolone of fwertiberebpon artigues was commanded to 9 Leth, requirttig that it might belatefallfo bir to filence. All this tbfle the queene had talked totth Cheffer ‘ fend to them to that effectahich twas granted. The nert dap the fent one D2ummonda trun in the Scotify tong. And bicanle be dinnot fo tocll petter, 02 herald (as faith Lefleus) twith a letter to bnderitand bit, be began to {peake tn the Jfrency language + abereat the quene feemendgreatlie to res monfieurde la Wolfe , to the effect aforelatd, ofrec ting bim fo paffe to the Cnglity campe, andto get a foife,¢fobegan againe to ifcourte With him of bir land,the French king, to thew botyhe fauoured ithe Lelleuslib,ra, pope, and bot fare he malignenthe reformed loins P2E-5%8. of Scotland,fent bis ambatfano2s Xo! b wWurdfeie aoe that conteaheee guvet of France to pope Pius the fourth of hae the Cuglithmen in thetr'trenches , and dio muy bare: as in the Cuglih hittorie tt further ayeas Lista thep promifed in that cafe to veturne againe into France, sUhitek thele things were done tn Heots Fr.Thin. moe ittvas veloedto thembpcerteine Frendmenthat sae Were fulthin, and therebponitimas deltuered to the \ r # keeping of James Hamilton, an anctent gentle man; andcapteine Wid, being (eton hore, came fothecampe before Leithbpland. Dnblacke ow in fen eae {within the one place,no; thep within the other, motla tender their ttrengtly, lobirg fill fox aid foosth. of moaning, peefenting themfelues before the caftell, Semone bis fitter baddonein breaking with bir father ew -_otwne boxlfes,tore Ath ‘anteto rndin Saran putpofe, failed fortoards andow Caser'dap inthe of (uch things as might ffanch the (heading ofblond. Rave Reeueneboet eeneeen-ae Gone then ites a we * Dn Cater euen,capteine Wad,anveapteine in borie pe&d (ent certeine of bir hips, with vittris . .. apen arent i Doethicke,feruing on the fea bnder matfler Winter -_cefittie moze delicions than before that time anié the Gnglith avnierall there, were appointeabp him 2° maner of penifon. Lhote within Intketthalfo tere to pale bp the river to \Blackenefle, tho with theit in greatitecemitie of bittels :. but pet netther.they ' tinabeos it, coulogetnone, moze than thep hadproninen before 2¢ith bapie-. re ae Abraham Ghetchton i = dfuerfte baits going abm2d into a barke preparedfox that Tpeiop Greie tent nee M" rt je Cuglt 1 i one fat : ee eotaneeneone -_reafonable prices: but the French within the raed Thetowrie-af gill clearke of the regitter, the prouotofDunglas; fears Sith 500 pikes whichieot MM: thittke that nealing berie frange,and therefore bad 30 of bis comming twith that armie, and to commune Aetth, tocanfe the faivafurance tobe taken: but on the frontiers. UWbich thips by tempeft being otf per becameto the totune , the thirntith aforefain perfed,might bapptlie be dziuen into the river there, twas begun With fortwardneffe inough of both fides. albeit be bad not (poke twith anie of them fince there An this meanetime,the lox Gretefent fir George conmning forth. 15ut pet (as be bad beard by others) Aolward, and fie James Croftstothe catFell of Cy thep ban bene berie bncourteoufic bled: for coms Denburgh, tofpeaketwtth the queeteto that effec: nting tt after that maner for fucco2, fhecanon bad thobadlong conference with hic bpow the' blockeDAHartiguesa "bene bent againthem. Peretvithall the count fopwardcap- gpartigues ftanding by, began to (peake berie ffout 40 boute at the biter gate of the caftell, ouvittg the time teine,butan of the fhirmith; there thep declared,that the occatl‘butrue pzo= fonds bnifo Cheffer,alleging that whereit was pers on of the commingof the avmie, twas for the canfe cefued iell inough, that the quene of England phet. aboue mentioned, defiring the queene toprocute the ment fo make tuar againt bis matter the French Frenchniwn to depart the realme of HeotlatO: ANd king, be truffed the thould gaine as itttle therebp,as Cleiteh, queene in the caffell, the bithop of . Andzews. the bithop of Dunkeld, the carle Warihall, the loz Crikin capteine ofthecattell, matter James Mace be bad credit o2 not; tho denied to baue ante at all, 20 Mbhich there twcre manie Maine on both parties; and Wheriviththequeenefeemed tobefomibatabathed, menof i aon the pato2 of faint Anoweins, the maffter af Pariwell, iedDalia netomega ‘gen and others. Aheouke of Chateleraule, anv dinerfe 10 twas faine a Scotith gentleman callea ne aed Lefleus lib, 19, the duke of Mozffolke, being the queenes maitefties inf i Oolenetae aaacon orc s me wardsthe fan 0 fometi ches,{0 ft toleGoh umam that fundgie foe thirnrith es enneeae the a st ana-se -_nerfe. ac in f the one partand thei other, A eae et other of : ihtthin, i there fuere flaine thoscs S: heigth,they planted their greatartillerte,thich cons loithin,butfpeciallie beating the honfes ann places bp the thoze five,(o that none mightgo bp no: dotone the totone on that part, without nanger to be daine as the Cnglithmen thould departthis realme. For = mitrutttat and fubouethe Land to their obedience: and therefoze 7? the befought all gad Scotithmen to haue refpert to ; the ibertie and weale oftheft coemtrie. After the hav talked Hhasa ged while withmante teares , the defired the lords to forgiue bir in ante thing therein the had offerided ante of them,burit the time of bir being in Scotlann,ahich they otntte pms. femed i? |