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Show TAARAREi . The hiftorie ofScotland. dukeof Morffolke ont ane,atonecoechches sleep Of Dut> bart, amd the maifter of ont boofles, there tocom mon, treat, and conclude with the ambafladozs of Scotlano, for anvamitic and peace, vpon iach conde tions as bpreafon and equitic tuere indifferent, nbecebp the warre mightbe efthetwedbeing by fun pote inuafionsof the Scotsthen opened mame. 5 * ‘ « e S & Jnthis communication betweene our andtheir The hiftorie ofScotland. ag haue patted betivene bs,firmelie fruffi ng, that' cc Almightie God, onder home we reigne, till att charge themfclues, trotting fhat bp the benefit of -the lwinter aypoching,and the timie Lost tn there comp 22 munication, their maifter thould be defended a: *, gaintt our potuerfg this peere , without doing fos their part that by hono2,tight,lato, and leagues thep ,, be obliged and bound todo, Andin this meane time our fubieds being taken peifoners in Scotlann, > -_conld not be delinered bpon any Fanfome,contratie " € afd our tut proceedings berein, to fhe furtherance < and abluancement of the right, hich wwe doubt net cc Hall ever prouatle againtt tyzong, falfhod « and difftmulation, a « mi sallotued, matters tere propo- ked and occaffoned ‘Dpon prefent mats 5 Zn this time Linscael. » of our part, but fo agreeable to reafon , asthe com: a miigioners of Scotland fatdthep doubted not , but fembleo to talke ofanam i : : 55 The treating of amitic tuas put a eden ny fer of dtfpleafure, zefentinturie, prefent trong ni: <€ niffred bpthe neque to the vicle mot rnaturals cc lie,and fuyported contrarie fo the veferts of out bes hefits moff brikindlie, ifwehad minded the poffeti: aeMOReRCARAGLARAE lsnets _"soneloyalearatneotconanst ee nace - : ters fhould ea eaftlte be compounded and Determined their bebalfe, ttapeareth a plaine fra ations on ais an as DelotecayiSibu gtk » © gherebponthep left {peaking of anic articles of a- ai ae. Pancreas ores fopiin communicationo ication of meeting, Dhep cc SutWward foy F, fhetedthemfclues in two2ds, fathfon, and bebauio2 < mud todelight init, to reioife init, and therewith sc thought it eafie and facile tobe concluded and ace ** scompitfgen,and fo2 their part they tobe it then fox a ofmolmasweLtesonetennata Scots inwardafteaion ‘ U5 99 inner etn. ota tpelpadpravcadensaane® -_lic = a a "hae heeacbatbomenb 0a °suypekivotatjee in porns esd g --tiffie ayp ! ane eae cc mite, and the ambaflado2s of Scotlandmave much 20 bs light,uberdp enon . othing palled,a thing concluded,and moft certe| {ne to "tht ‘bis seatedpaniriodiotatlearnttie, bnkindandoilpleatantoeds,bealinged) Jn ete mifftoners twere mifcontent, ferent: ofSeatland to relieve that difplea- "* fure,and to temper the matter eetotpinue ; ‘ joss ; Ge haue patientlic fufferedbapepre » < fime,fhetved fozth their inftrucions, therein liber: te wa badadours to exceed their . ec eae of the place's anid to <anea4avatars2ae bapiavontoe » Hi y be ot totD fuffer our people and fubieds s 2 Without remedies hts ts -s7ae " cciceding oben our commiffioners refuted,fed oseit eae - aae to be Urge ""‘confent to anie other that by our commifioners cc hhould be thought conuentent. cahich maner of pro ot concludea meetin -focuer-theitwords be, Should a rmremae? ta beeeeon se ataeteee eo m es << Siea therebnto ; the siabasaniia <c of Heotland bpon pretenfe to fend for a more ams é contrarie to our molt plaine See va" will,patoe and ohnSati of odrohit thy "Rowteapenasepcienevese) Seoueptenpnontbeeen, 88 ¢ ft 2 appointment of the place, obteineva des -be out ! ae, ‘ee pbwaiahs Daies,to fend re theample comnu' ., Such Ggnification of their ee z fis: ral ¢¢ Oe fion Pow iwithout reftraint of place. after thele fir daics thep brought forty a $C new comnifionmade in a cod forme, andivtthout « erception : but theretwith allo thep fhewed new in. Gc frucions, confeining fucdbareftratnt as thefouner ee commiffion didDconteine , fo as the libertie giuen to "* the commiffionersin the commiffion twas now at < the lat remouedand fakon.atuaiebp theinfruat "¢ bns,twith addition of a {peciall charge to the amibaf farie foy 0S to oppefe-tt tw the begin Fi sige ay fhouldgather farther couvage,to xLied tate fure of bsand our polferitic Lae an :sot een > intreating of this matter ,- a ae as primtt "" -_-percetued the lacke of (ndh'a' a rather ane tat bloun thonts tequite 3 ie woul : tie ofblow -tedtheleiniuries inrelpedt of Satie ‘eafior. ourneybue, than went aye ie= aease D rst Gaean ) . o iotpere frie ** fanors,not toercerd the fame. And thus,firt theam- ¢. the lackethereot, avd that our itie c baffavo2s of Scotland feermed to bane a will and: dex ,, with the.colo aire - eats ey tpantoe » & fire toconclude ona place feemteli¢ and conucnient, since maserorolentl nie Tepadi % cys9 Which for want of commiffictr thep might nof dw, by the'baktnd Dealing; Gitiutt be ace or HP, and thenfo2 feare of i ithe ‘&¢ pertue of theircommiffton; i c¢ Commandement in thett fecond infractions they Ddurfl not.nd fo they thewen their firt inffrucions poue,sinbis in bi adsandd b deeds' Declarebin [ se earttet reget? y be lowed therith, tier te beau rst) 99 to thedbtervation aaa S z 1 eon of 2 . c lie to twill moze than in the commifiion be aidopens be a0 confernat -taffice,as Hatucall 2qUiREOEet qbetest and at thelatt might baue concluded a méting by *partlic torrente theicking; thothoulnféeme fecret: : li ; 7 ae amiple commifion from theking, " thep thetwed thot fecret inffrucions for befente of se themfclues, fbp.thep peocéened not accosding to c¢ theitcommiftion, not caring how mud) they chats Sedthereinthe bing,apote fault thepditclofento wé onof Scotland, and bpthe motionof twarre to até cc teine the fame, there tuas neuer king of thisre alme « bad moze oyportunitie tn the minozitie of out nes yhue, 02 tn anie other tealine a prince that bath eee nae sc take effect,and onelic defired fir Daiestoobteine any -pprofefetty iar tkfs te feat itmatfter, andouratmie, fromthat beacknobolengeth benefits;on' : * "8 ee no further : wherevnto our coms ‘3 oePiaowoopeon > < i i ed, an * & eSanecioetpues was fenta commiffton ont -_of tuflice,as wwe be tnfopced and compeliedto = : : < of i ges fpo20, our hands as an ey» Scotland,with power to conclude a meeting pre 20, thich ACod hath put tnbectheborpqeeetale titclie at {uch aplace, as thep knew tuell ue fhoula treme temedie, eae, to. carne » c.not, nozcould notin fwinter obferue ee esSaeiene oth p . lie nehicatioyof him, thatpet in marere pect to the etertemiment of the not te somunitianst Fquitie requireth2 Cana te 02 , ¢ BfNow ofr force and nr hist » fot not foz feuengeiment OF sealieee keene' bot fo tng fe OFFett Delinersd a5: férvet bt of com fotires 2 --conetiesofour right, aeFrecatomdtd EeB=? » from inturiesand He ebh % ' ing it was (oo2dered fo: auoiding diffen-_tion,that there fyouldbe one fuperiour, in right of 2 thom the faidettates toutdepend, According aherevnto Wweread, bot tinte, of 3 4 tthomte the realinethen called i8zitaine toke firtk 22 that name(being before that tinte inbabit en twith gi ants a people without order 02 ciuiliti iiotpleaged by homage and-fealtie to our progen e) bad three >> i> ro fonnies , 2 ocrine, Abanact,and Camber, tbo deter: 55 c tozs cuienfrom the beginning: but this warre bath utining to bane the tole Sle withinthe oceanfea beene provo to all cuftome and blage of the borberers in the time wages tog i Hitherto aypeareth how thisprofent twarre bath hot proceeded of aniedDemandof our tighto f our fa a pertoritte; ibid) the kings of Scots haue altwaics commifitoners, after diucrfe degrees of conmniffion 1° of peace andiwarte ; andtn fis meane time Taicd a >» thewedby the Scots , and finallic one that wasbp great a . eye alteadie prefted, and in our ~ ec mee omanvay amitienothing Diffictll oy bard , deccipt; 25 -oneeffate might be rulers in one countrie, dnifen as this Ile ts : fo fis probable ano likelie , that in 22 the beginn moze ful title, moze eufdent title, moxecertefne « title,to anptealmethat becattclatme, than ine baue fo Scotiand, « This titte is not neuifeo bypretente of martage, «¢ nor imagined by cournant, norcontriued bp tucry qc Monof argument, but litealltc defended from the beginning of that effate eftablihed by ourprogen® to be after gouerned bpthem thzer, appointed gtbar 2? nad forole that now ts catlen Scotland, Camber >> the parties of Wales, and Locrine that now és cal: led Crgland: oto thom(as beingthe eloett fonne) the other two bzethrenthouls o@ bomage, recomi t« 29 fing and knowledging bim as their fuperiox, ow 59 confider,tf write conquered alll this Jland , asthe bittozte faith be dtd,and then in bis otune time mane 2? 20 thisorverof {tperiozitic as afore;botw can there bea 9> title Deutfed of a moze platire beginning; @inoze init 9 begimting, a moze contienient beginning, fo2 the 02» Der of this Zand, at hat time {pectallic, tuber the >> people tere rude Which cannotwithout contin ual »y frife and bariance conteine tym 02 thee rolers in all points equaltwithont anp manerof faperiozitic, ? -_the inwar d confctence and remrogfe oftubid) fupertor 29 ££ fogs, and recognifed fucceMuelie of the kings of tifte Mould in fonte part out! aNd dIminith the per 55 <¢ Scotland, bydvds, words, acts, and teitings conti, hort conrage of refiftarce and rebellion, nuallte aloft toithout interruption , 02 at the leat 30 Khe fie otutfion of this Ve, wwe fino twritten after 2" «ec intermtiffion , till the reigne of on progentto hing > thts fort, without caufe of (ufpicion thy ther thouly »9 Ponrte the firt, in whofetime the Scots abufed the lwziteamiffe, Andaccording berednto wwe findalfo ,, cc clttill arre ofthis realme, to their licence and bolo. In biffozie fet fath bp dinerfe, boty for tranfgremon nelle, in omitting of theit dutie ; thi) for the prori+ Agatnt this fupertoritic, our predeceMoys haue char 29 ££ mitie of blown betivene vs, we bane bene flacke to fifed the kings of Scots,and fone Deported, and put yy <« require of thent, being alfo of our felfe inclined to Otheritt their places, Wewill bere omit to fpeake 4 « peace , as ive haue ever bene altwaies glav , rather of the rudeneffe of the Antiquitte in particularitic, : without prciudice to omit to Demand our right if it iubieh they cared not diftinelie to commit to tugiting. 29 " might ¢onferue peace, than by demanding thereof Wut foe authors, as Antonius Sabellic us,amongtt 55 é« tobe feene to moue warre , fpeciallic again our 4o other, diligentlie fearching tbat be might tralie 5 neighbour agatni our neyhue, againt bim tabome twzite of all Curope amo the Flandsadtoining , oucr 79 e we baue preferucd from danger , and in fuch a time " asittvere erpedient foyall cbriftendome tobe in ¢¢ Nittie and peace, thereby to be mozeableto refitt the common enimie the Larke. Wnt for that confiocrations ive haue omitted tofpeake hitherto of the matter, it ts neuerthelefe *¢ trae, that the kings of Scots hauealwaies achnotw « ledgen tive kings of England fuperto; loz0s of the and befides that tbich be twpiteth of the natures, ma 39 Nerg,and conditions of the Scots, ubieh tho fo lit to bead, (halt find to haue beene the verte fante in times pall, that we find them notw at this prefent : be cal: 97. leth Scotland, part of Cngland thich (a agreeableto 55 the diuifion aforefaid, being in ved as in the land ; continuall tofthout feparationof the fea, fo alo by bomage ano fealtie vnited onto the fame; as by pars 99 * realine of Scotland, ¢ baue done homage and feal 50 ticular declar ations thal! mott maleic aperte, yy cc the fox the fame, This appereth fir in hittozies wzitbp the teftimonte of (uch as baue lett Wwpiting fo; ten byfndy, as fo confirmation of the truth in me, profe amd confirmation thereof, » ¢¢ mozte haue trulie noted and fignified the fame. Ses ni which matter, palling the death of hing Wunv " conblie , it appeateth by inftruments of homage ber, the acs of Duntwato king of this realme of *¢ mave by the hingsof Scots , and diuerfe notable Cngland, the diuifton of Weline and Ween two bre perfonages of Scotland, at dinerfe 4 (undzie times thzen, the bicortesof king Arthur; we thall begin at 99 fealed with their feales, and remaining tn our trea, the peere of our 1070, 1ine bundzed, bid is fr bury " cc Marte. Chirvlie, it apeareth by regifters ano re, b3e0 foptie two peeres patt, atime of fuffictent ancts J cords tudiciallie and autenticallie made , pet prefer. encte from abich we tall make {pectall vectaration <¢ ued fo: confirmation of the fame. Do as the mat. 60 andeutdent profeof the erecut ion of our tight ano >» ter of title being mof plaine, ts furnithen alfo title of fupertozitic eurrmoze continued and prefers 5 €¢ with all maner of enlvences fo; declaration there: ued hitherto. Cotwaro the frit, before the conquett, of fonne to Alureo hing ofEngl mo, bad onder his bos 99 « * Fir, as concerning bifteries , Ghich be callen murion and obedience the king of Scots. And here yy < witneties of times the light of truth, ano the life of (s to be noted, that this matter was ( notopoug and " memorie. and finatite the conuentent wap ¢ meane manifetl , a8 Marian a Scot, wziting that Mozte in <c Wbercby the things of antiquitie maybe bzought to thole dates granteth,confeffett, s tettifiety the fang: 9D mens knotyleoze they thew as plainite this matter and this borminion continued in that Mate thé ano » € asco tfhed o2 required, with (ach a content twentie peres Semana aie not (agree bpon an tntruth, conteining a declaration of (ac) matter as bath meG ruitent pobabilitic apparance. Forasit "* ts peabable am Wieliehatawe fo;the better aminittra, c¢ Non of tuftice amongeff ute people, two osmoxe of At tehich time A theltt ane faceéeben tn the crotyne 2" of Cngland,aznehauing by battell conqueren Seow »> Lanb, be made one Conttantine hing of hut ,5 to cule mo gouerne the countcte of Scatlan®partie, tnter % im, anoing this - oo » atit oo t. |