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Show fatd Zle as mof other places of this land. Finallie, J might difcourfe tw like over of the large contmons,latd out heretofore by the lop of the foites fox the benefit of {uch pores inbabit tity iit the compatfe of their manozs. iBut as the true tiv fentof the ginersis tolv it moff plates defrauded, info much that. not the pave tenants inbabiting bp: on the fame,but their landlords haueall the commoditie and gaine,fo the tractation of thent belongett) Yather to the fecond bake.Wherfore J mteane not at this peefent to deale twithall, but referue the fame fiholte onto the oue place thileftZ go forward with the retk ; fetting dotone neuertheleffe by the tvaie Agenerall commendationof the Hhote Zland,trhich a tr an ancient monument, much tuto this ct. illa quidem longe celebris plendove,beata, GlebiilaBe, fanis,fapereminet tnfula cunthe, Qifds regit ille Deus,sfpumanticuts abore Proflart oceanus, xe. Anda little after, Tektis LundomtaratibusWintonia Baccho, Herefordia greweMorceStriafitsegeredundans, Batha lacs,Salabyraiferis,Cantuariapiftes Eboraca fylsis, Exceftria clara metallis > Norwitum Dacis hybernis,CeStria Gallit, CuceStrum Norwagenit,Dunebnia Prapinguis, Testis Lincolniagens infinita decores TeStis El forme/a fitit,Doncastria vifasGre, Of thefoure high waies fometime made in Britatne by theprinces ofthis land, Cap. 19. AG Hereare, thich indenoring = to being all things to thetr ie be mapde, tbhicyfhoutd leave fuch as trauclled into all parts thereof , from (ca to fea, be gauc fundgie large puutleges tuto the fame,tbereby thep became fafe, and berie much frequented . And as he bad regard herein to the fecuritie of bis fubieas , fo he made fharpelatves grounded bpon inffice, fothe fuppzele ftonof fachinicked membersas pid offer diolence zo fo anietraneter that fhould be nret iwithall oz found {within the linrits of thefe paffages. Wotw and bp that partsof this Jland thefe tuaies torre conucicd at the fir, it ts not fo ubolie ieftin memozte: but fhat fone queftion is moucd among the learned, concerning thete ancient courfes .Wotwbeit {uc ts fhe Hhabdow remaining hitherto of thetr ertenfions, that if not at this prefent perfeatie, pet bereatter it is not onpolfible, butthat thep map be found ont, lef corteine onto pofteritic. Ht feemcth by Galfride, 30 that the fate Duntwalton dip limit ont thofe twaies bp doles and markes, trhich being in (hort timealtes ted bp the auartce of fur trreligious perfons as dwelt née, and incrodjed byon the fame (a. fault pet inftlie to be found almott irreuerie place, enen in the time of our moff grations and foucretgne ILapie Elisabeth, therein the lords of the (elles Dw tite theft fait occupteng , onelie to increafe a greater proportion of rent,and therefore thepeither remetie, o2 giue licence to erect fimall tenements bpon the 40 bigh wuaies fives and commons;there bnts,in tenth; thep haue noright:ad pet ontof them alfode raile &new commopitie) and queftion meued for thete bounds before elinus his fonne, be to anoid all further conttouerfie that might from thenceforth infue, canfedthe fame tobe paued with bard ffone of eightene fot in breadth, ten fot in depth, and ttt the bottome thereof huge flint tones alo to be pitdy £0, leatt the earth in time thould finalloty bp bis Wwozkemanthip, and the higher ground oner-groww Saron originallomafirme, 50 Abeicrifing cvetts . 13¢ inoued them alfo with larger a ay that this nfutfion of twaie s, ; ¥? (thercof we now intreat} er thould ayperteine bnto fads ye) prtuileges than before , protesting that ifanie matt thofoeuer tonto prefumeto infrin gebis peace, md biolate the latuesof bis kingdonte tn ante manier of Wife, neere biito o2 bpon thofe toaies, be fthoulo fufter hae = that nation as a AAR teig ere, fince the ts gatte OS over + and Herevpor dees that Wlattling treet teas buflo ed by one Wattle from the eaft bnto the tue. wut hot» ieake their contecdures are in this bebalfe,the antiquitic ofthefe frets tt (clfe hall cafitic declare, thereof forte pars celles, ater a fo2t, are alfa fet Dotpu e by Antoninus: antthofe that baue written of the feucr all iournies on benceto Rome: although peraanenture hot in ted an ober 88 thepiuete at the firtt eftablitys 2d. For Mp part,if it were not that Z defire te be hort in this bebalfe , ¥ contn With tucy notes as y =- rm nyo at purpoie,make a large of thet opinians concerné = ek and therebp rather atcribe thexia js of thefe tates to (be Momans thay either the rift o: Saron Patties. Wut {ith % hane fpent by the greatett part of this Zlanv, beginning at Dots aAbeaule(notinsths (here the wad fatleth , and the champeigne counts tcte appeareth towarn Cottefiuald)freight as a line therfore 3 Houta {acy punithment tithout all hope to efcape (by frendfhtp 02 mercie) as by the fatutes of this tealmelatelie pzontded tn thote cafes were Due Duta a a names of thefe fonre tvaies are Fodte, thelin o2 WHatli abies. Crimi oe ermine ihe Foflegoeth notdirectie but flopetwife oucr Fo neleo2 Lotnele in Denonlhire, there Weute fom fune landed, 92(a8 Ranulphus fafth, whic) is moze likelie) at thepoint of Comtwail , though the eloeft turiters do femeto note the contrarie, Jom hence ttgoeth thorough the mivole of Deuonthire ¢ Sunv metfetthire, and commeth fo 1Szittotw, from fence tt runneth mantfeftlie to Sndberie market,Letbuy Te, and fo forth holoeth on as you go almolt to the muddetate betioene Gloceffer and Cirnece ffer, ontill pou come to Cirnecetter it felfe , Eome bolo opinion The defcription of Britaine. opinidn that the tate, abhich lieth from Cirnecctter towath, thoulo be the berie Follesand that betiwirt Cirnecefter and Glocefer to be another of the foure fvates, made bp the WBzitons . Wut ancient report grounded bpor great likelibod, and confirmed alfo bp fome experience, iudgeth that moffof the waies crofed ech otber in this part of the realme. And of this mindis Leland alfo, tho learnedit of an abbat fireet and bis bzoad creft bp a great ipate togither,ale (o to Bozke,to WHitherbie,ano then to IBox0twbzinge, fibcre on the left hand thereof fod certeine monu ments, 02 ppzantides of fone, fometinies placed there by the anctent Homanes , Thefe ones (faith Leland)ftand eight miles tock from Bovis, annals mofk tel from Richmons ts a little thorough fare _ called Matden cafkell,fituate aparantlte bpon the oi at this timetodifcourte of thefe things as % tmoula, ano faie abat ¥ mate for the better bnotwleage of fycir courfes , proceeding therein as folowett, Fir of all ¥ find, that Duniwalton bing of Writaine, about 483 peares before the birth of our faniour Zefus Chat focing the firbterts of bis reabne tobe in (untaie wife oprefiied bp theeues and roby bers as theptrauciied fo and fro; and being wih vo ling (fo much as ti bimlaic)to nedzeffe thefe tmconn uentences, canfeo bis hole hingdome to be furuel ed; and thencommanding foure principal wates to aegeesttePODS Seeeaeae Glie the famous Fle Tanteth, ubich ts fever niles eucrie wait, andkberevnto there is noaccefle but by thace canfies, thofe inbabitants in hikefo2t by ant old prtuilege map take tuad,(edge,turfe, ¢¢;to burne: likelwife hate fotheir cattell,and thatch for their houtes of cuffome, and cach occupier in bis ayoin fed quantitic through ont the Fle; albeit that comer fonfneffe bath now begun fomctbat to absinge this large beneuotence and conninoditic, afivell in the hold without Galtride before ante offers % will onnt of Citneceffer that Hhewed great likelibod by fome fide ofthis fret. And here ts oneof thofe ppaamt records thereof. Wbutte proceed. FFrom Cirnece: 10 des 02 great round heapes , tiblch ts-thaer (core fot fer, it goeth bp Chepingnoeton to Couentrie, X cits compafle in the bottome.Zhere are other alfo of lefle ceffer,Pewarke, and fo to Lincolne oucrthiwart the quantities, and onthe berictop of ech of them ate Watlingfireet : thereby generall content ofalt the tharpe ffones of a pard in length; but the qreateft of imniters ( except Alfted of Ieuerleie, tho ertendeth allis eighteene fot bigh at the leaft,from the ground i brito Cafhnetle in Scotland) itis faidto baue an tothe berie bead. ye addeth moreover , how thep fand on an bill in the edge of Stanes mare 5 and end. he Watlingiret begun (as 3H fat) by Dure are as bounds bettyene Richmondihire, ao Welk: fwallo, but finithed by Gutheline, of thomeit is ot merland. 1Butto proceed. Mhis fret licng a mile treclie tobe called Outheline fret, though not coz from @illing, and two miles from iXichmond coms rupted into Whatlingiret, beginneth at Douer in 20 methon from Wozotwbstoge to Catericke,cightene erityand lo Hreteheth through the nrindetk of Tent miles ; that f9,tinelue to Leuing,s fir to Catertcke; bite London, and fo forth(peraduenture by the mid, then elenen miles to Oretete 02 Gritto,fiue miles ta Wottles, eight miles to Wurgh on Stanes moze, peft of the cifie\ynto Verolaminm 02 Werlamceffer, notv faint Albons, there,in the peare af grace, one foure miles from Aplebie, and fiue to WBzotvhain, fhoufand five bundzed thirtie ¢ one, the courte theres bere the faid fret connneth thozough wUinfolt of twas found bp aman that digged for grauell thers parke, and ouer the bridge on Ctemonth amd Aoe with tomenn the high wate. Ft twas tn this place Der, md leaning Pertth a quartet of a mileo2 moze etgbtene fot boad, andabout fen fot pepe, and © on the tuelk fide of it, goeth tor Carletll (cuentene ftoned in the bottome in fuch tite as J haue noted ae miles ftom Weotwham, tbhich bath bene fome nota. fore, and peraduenture allo on the top ; butthele .., ble thing.dtthertott apeareth enidentlic,but going from bence into Scotland,F heave no mozeof if,on are gone, amd the reff remaine equall in mof places, and lenelltufth the ficlos, She pelo grauvell alfo that till J come to Cathnefle , abich is tive bundzed and {was brought thither iit carts ttuo thoufand peres thictie miles 02 thereabouts ont of Englannd, she Gtmingtreet, ohich fome call the Lele, Erming palled, rematned there fo freth and fo trong, as if it fretcheth ontof the calf, as thep faire) into the fouthe treet. badbenediggedout of the naturall place there it gtety not manic yeres before. From henceit goety eaft,thatis, from Menenta o2 S. Danids in Wales hard bp Margate, leaning tf on the welk five.And a bnto Southampton, therebyit is fomethat Ithelie indeed that thefe tivo iwates, YJ meane the Ffolle and little bp fouth of this place,tabere the prtozte fod, is the Grming, Hhonlo met about Cirnecefter , as it along tho2ough fare bpon the (afd ftreet,mectly well builoed(for low houfing ) on both fives. After this ,. commett from Glocefter , according to the opinion it proceedeth(as the drontcle of Warntuell faith) to concetued of them in that countrie. DF this aie Carton, mod fo to Wuntingdon,¢ ther foztward,till ZB find no mozetozitten, and therefore J can fate no winding in and out till t not onelic becommeth a mozeof if,ercept 9 fhould indeuo2to deiue atwaie the bound Onto Ueicefferthire toward Lugbie, but alfo fime, in alleging that other men fap thereofhole pafleth from Cafilefoyo to Stamford , and fo forth minds do fo farre Difagre one from another,as thep bp tuett of Parton, hidisbut a mile from Lo3bo all from a truth, and therefore J gine themouer as not delighting in fucd) dealing. kefeie. Bere by the aie J mul fond) the spinorof a Che Phentlo o2 Rikenilo began fometbere tt yeni. traueller of my time, tho noteth the fatd Mreet to go the fouth, and fo belo on toward Cirneceffer,then to another twaie, infonme) that be tvould haue itto 50 Wlorceffer, WAicombe, WBzimehamALichfield,tare crofle the third Anon, betivirt Petwton and Dotw bie, Chefferfield ; and croffing the Wlatlingitret b2idge, and fo go on to Winford bringe, TAibtoft,the fometihere in Borkelhire, tretchen forth in the end High crofle, and thence to Atherffon bpon Ancre. tuto the mouth of the Line, there it ended at the Certes it may be , that the JFoffe bab bis courte by matnefea, as moft men do confefle, 4 take it to the countric tn finch fort as he defcribeth; but that becalled the Zkenilo,becanteit palleo thorough the , the Watling fret (hould pafle by Atherton, F cans kingdomneof the Zcenes . 3fo2 albeit that Leland not as pet be perfuaded.. Peuerthelefle hts coniccs € other following bim da feme to place the Jcenes ture is not to be mifliked,fith it is not bnlikelie that in Pozffolke and Suffolbespet in mine opinion that fhe fencrall ates might met at Alveriwaie (a cannot well be done, fith it is manifett bp Tacitus, totwne bpon Lame, beneath Salters bidge) for% 6o that theplate nere onto the Silures,and(as 4 geile) Da not doubt that the faid totone did take bis name either in Stafford and WHo2ceffer hires, o2 in both, of all th2e Wwaies, as Alvermarie church in London ercept my conieaure do fatle me. The autho2 of the did of all thie Maries, onte thom it bath bene des boke,intituled Euloginm hiftoriarum, doth call this dicated : but that the Catling fret thoulo be one firet theLielme. Wut as herein he ts deceiued, fo of them, the compatfe of bis paflage twill in no totfe baue J dealt twithall fo faithfullie as 4 map among permit Andthus much bauec % thought gwd to note fuch dinerfitie of opinions; pet not denfeng but that by the wate. Mow to returne againe to Leland,and there is much confoffon in the names and couries of Other mens collections. thefe tivo Latter,the oifenffing whereof J muff leaug Fhe nerttivings that te heare of the Watling, to other men that are better learned than J, fireet, are that it gocth thorough o2 neere by the parke froto (peake generallie of our common high at Pomfret, as the common botce alfo of the courv faies throngh the Gnglifh part of the Zle(fo3 of the trieconfirmeth. Xhence it palleth haftilie oucr Caref' ¥can fate nothing) pou fyall bnderftann that frelford bzinge to Aberford,thichis fine miles from in the clate 02 clengie folle thep are offen berie bepe thence, and there are molt manifeft tokens of this ab troublefome inthe tointer halfe , Uberfore by LL. tf, authozitic Sai alto - ‘ a eee =e rea". Setar Thedefcription ofBritaine. length, hat of the Girivies pet patting all the reff, frhich is full 6o (ag haue oftenvead.) Wherein allo |