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Show The feuenth Booke of Theftate ofBritaine Ran.Higd, --ingat Southampton by the bithops and abbats; duke Richard, 02 rather fled thither hirtelfe with them (as fone tuzite.) Hen.Hunr, Simon Dun. ad diuerfe lozdsallo of the tempozaltie there tog ther affemblen,onto homie he fiware to be their gad and faithful Huerveiqne,and that he tooulo fee tuttice trulic and bprightlic miniffreo. : After he had ended bis bufineffe at Southamp: ton,be drelw With his people towards ALondon, and the end he Mould fubdue and. banguith the Danes, andland,caufing a great trench) to be calf aboutit,fo London befie- niegreat afalts he caufed to be given bite the citte, ged. butthe Londoners and others within ( valiantlie defended the twals anagates , that the enintics got fmail aduantage, and at length twere conftreined to Depart twith loc. Cnute then percetuing that be Daike being putin truf with bing Comund, might the mozeeafilie deuife twaies hotw to betraic bun, But Cuutedifapointedof his purpofe at London, and fetching a great bette and prete out of the coun: tries nert adfoining,repared to bis (hips, to fe that night not haue bis purpofe there , titho2etv well order was amongit them, thidha little before tuere Withdzatven into the riner that palcth by Wodcfter conning thither, befieged the citie both bp twater Aduifen thereofvathed into the leftwing fabere mot Datiger twas, ‘Avid fo relieued his people there,that f & *yalitethe Cngliinen, both tearied twith long? ~ fightsand alto difconvagen twiththe runing atvate Mo2eouer, earle Corike, percetuing the qreat manhood of king Comund, beganto feare,leatt in teberefore he fought meanes to conclude a peace,and fake fuch order with bim as might tauv.totth both thete contentations, tbich per long. be brought a bout.dhis twas done (as pou hall heare) by thecon ~ of fome of theireompanic, tereconttreined to gine oerand by fightto fieke thetr fafegard,fo that bing *Gontund might not by ante meanes bzing themtages being forelaid and Moyen by the entices, the Ciiglithinen wanting both carriage to make longer refiffance, and perceiting no hope to rett infeing, _ {here beaten dotwite aid Maine in heapes,fo that fey eleaped from that dzeadfull and blondie battell. faiemen . Dhetediedon king Comunds fioeouke Comunn, Gamatehe Duke Alftite, and duke Godwine, with carle Uifeanllot Sh= Kettell o2 Tirchell of Cattangle,ano dube Ailewaro, cenDun, at toas forne to Ardelivine late'vake of Catkane called Pedtwaie. ere Cnute rematued certeine % daies,both to affemble agreater power , and alfo to andconftreitied te forfale the fielo bp the bigh pro» 20 bearken and learne that bis enimies ment todo, the thich hecafilic onderfton, iwelle ¢ manbed of the faid Comund . Bing Cnute the famenight, after the arnties twcre fevered, des hing Comund,tho hated nothing twazfe than to Ring Cr Polydor. Halifburie beficgcd. Simon Dun, Matt.Weft. WilMalm. parted tolvards Windyeffer,(0 to get himfelfc out of Danger. Shortlicatter,king Commund bearing that an other armieof the Danes bad befieged Salifbu: dil linger bis bufineffe,atflemblen bis people, and mar munds gence, ching fortward tolward bis enfinies , aypzoched neere bnto them, ¢ pitcht dotune bis tents not farre from Wide, glesand tobe beiefe,: all the fonreof: the Cnghty no. bilitie. There were alle Maine at this battell matic renoiuinied pettonsof the (pititualtie , as the bithop of Lincolne,and the abbat of Hanley,tuith others: hy é@e Ring Comundefcaping atvaie,got himinto Glocemmibith: fferthire,and there began toraifea new armic. 3 fedicee theplace there this field tvas fought; are pet fenen tnmediatlie Cnute followed him, fo that at a place bis enimies campe, erbozting bis people to remeny bertheir pallen bicozies, and tode their gon Wwilles, oeight bilstherein the carcales of themthat tvere flaine at the fante field were buried: aid one being in Worcctkerfhire called Scoraftan, on the foure and twentith of Zune,thep tncountred togither,and at length by oie battell fo to oucrtholv them, that thep might makean end of the warre , andoifpatc ina Coffin of fFone,of hich the ons laic toith bis head tie, marched thither to fuccour them twithin, and Digged dDolwne of late, there iwere found tivo bodies foipards the others feet, and mante chaines of tron, (ike to the twater-chains of the bifs of bo2Mes)ivere 3 foundin the fanie hill.But not to the matter. Boatteil with fought verie cruel battell,ahich at length thentght 3° themclerelic out of the realme. Teith thefe ano equalifoztunc. parted twith equall fortune. Andlikewtfe on the nert the Itketymzbs fe pid fo incourage bis fouldicrs, dap they buckicd togither againe , and fought with that they difoaining thuste haue the entinics dailie prouoke them, and to put them to trouble, tithe oeue likefuccette as thep bad dane the bap before, for to, (i Iwardscuening thep gaueoucr Well wearied , and not knowing to whome the bicozie ought to be ab cribed. @ortke de Writers hae reported,thatthis fecond dap,ahen Streons his Duke Coztke percetued the Cnglifhimen to be at tre Simon Dun, point to haue got the Dyer hand,be twithdzcty affine, and hauing bp chance Maine acommton foulbicr cals 4° led Dfincar , which in vifage mud) refembied king Comund, thofe head he cut of,helo tt op, haking His homd bloudic with the Manghter, cricn to the © Cnglithinen ; Flee ve wretches, flee and get awate, ce for pourking ts dead , beboly beere bis head tkhid) J bold inmyp bands. Weeretwith had the Cnglithmei S° fled immediatlie, if king Comundadnifedof this Mratagent , bad not quicklic got bim to th bigh ground there bis mennight fe bim aliue and In, London & othergreat cities & townes Submit themfelues to Caute, he hafteth af- ger minds andfierce courages offered battell to the Danes, thid) Cuute had prepared to receiue aber: foeucr the Englithmen approached: and beerelwith b2inging bis men into arate, be came forth tomat bis eniintes, Then was the battell begun with great The batted carnefineffe on both fines,¢ continued foure houres, begun. the orationofa capteine in the hearing of both hofts; the titleand right Ofthe realme of Englandssput tothe trial ofcombatbetweene Cnute and Edmund , Cute is ouermat tit at length the Danes beganfametbatto theinke, fehich hen Cute perecined, he commanded bis bozflemen toconte forward into the foxepart of bis Heapes the dead carcates that had bene Mainein the Tiwenticthoa formerfight, the number of thich on etther partic fought as thould apeere bp diuerfe writers, at Dkes S fort o2 Dteford . Ftivas thought, that if king d+ yen. mundbad purfucd the bicorie and followed in chale of bis entmies in fuch toile as be fafelic might baue Hen done, bebad made that dap an end ofthe tyarres: but be tas countelled by Enzike (as fome tw2ite) in € tte, Int the night follotwing , Cite remeued bis campe in fecret wife, and marched tolvards Lon: don,uid) citte ia mancr rematned befieged bpthe haute of the Danes.ing Comundin the morning then the light bao dffcoucren the departure of bis cv nites, follotued them bpthe tract,and comming to London toith Qnall ada remouen the fiege, and en tered the citie like a conqueror. Shortlic after he foughttuith the Danes at Beentford,and gaue theme Agreat ouerthow. Fn this meane while quene Cm ma the Widowwof king Cgelred, Doubting the for. Tune of thetuarre , fentbir tive fonnes Alfred and Colward oner into Normandie nto bir brother ther, and began to (poile and twaffe the countrie on tach band.king Comund aduertifed thereof, batted forth to fuccour bis people, and at Afhdone in Cller itrecoucred fomepart ofit brightneffe. The tenth Chapter. = fA the meane While that ° 2.) Gomund was bufieto leanie a new armic iit Olocefter, AX ann other parties of Mercia, ao Cnute bauing got fo greata a ; bictorie (as before is mentio‘ ned) recetued inte bis obet: Y fance, not onelie thecitie of London, but alto mante other cities anv totwnes of Steat name,and fhortlie after batted fortwardto pur- Cozike fied to the comfort of the Danes, and to the bifcomfort of the Englithmen. luebis entmie king Gomumod,tho was readie with ; Bmightie hott to trie the bttermoff chanceof battell abe ifthey thoula eftfonesfoine . iserebpon,both the ar: Imes being readic to gine the ontet,the one in fight Of the other at a place callen Deareburit, neere to the Werebpon king Comund twas conffreined it Tuner of Scuerne , by the o2tft of puke Coztke, tho thee ntiles from Saffron Talven, qaue baitell to Chute, tibere after fore and cruell fight continucd twith great Maugbter on both fines along time, duke fhe end to departontof the field , baning firft bone all that coulo be twithedin a twozthic chieftaine, both bptumzbs to incourage bis men , ¢ bp devdsto fheiw thent gam crample; fo that atone time the Danes iwere at point to baue giuen backe , but that © vt aputfed ‘ "98% The oration of acapteine inthe au- dience ofthe Engl{band Danifharmie. armsC haue, mot tomethie capteins, OGG fought long inough one againt WAVZ another, there hath bene but to =Smuch bloud (hed betwoene both the nations,and the baltancieof the foulaters on both {ites ts fuffictentiie {ene by triall,teither of pour manhwdslikesoile, and pet canpou beare neither god noz euill fortune. Ff one of pou woin the bat- teil,be purfueth him that ts ouercomesand tf He-chance to be banquifhed, he reftethy nor tillhe Hane recovered new ftrengeth to fight cititones bith him that is bictoz. Walhat Mould poumeane by thts your inutnctble courage: Alt wobat marke hatety pout Qrevdie Delive to beare rule, aud your erceffiue thirlk toatteine honour Ff you fight for a Bingdome, Diuide it betwane poutea, tobich fometime voas fuffictent fozfeuenkings : but if poucouet to voinne fame andglozious renolome, and for the fame aredatuen to try the hasard bobether pe thall contmand 02 obete, deutle the wate mberebp pe may without fogreat laugh: ter, and Doifhout fuch pteifull bloudihed of both pout guiltietfe peoples, trie bobether ofpouts mott vomethie to be preferred. Thus made he an end, mod the tivo princes allote- ediuell of bislatt motion , and fo order twas taken, heed ak that thep Mould fighttogither tr afingular contbat foreseyenats ofEnglandafter his dcarh,andin whole time 1 wed "7 within litle Yland inclofed tort the rtuer of Se ter bya coms uerne called Dionep,with condition,that abether of bat. themt chanced to bebictoz , ould be tutg, and the os Oluer- Teigned,and wherehe was buried, the eclipled {tate bundzed men;and of king Comundsfive,notpatt fr Cute with his armic patfen oucr the Thames ee sechenecolt to the poitt oftiuentic thoufand anv a: 60 Hhen into Cer, and there affembled all bis power togi- ces,¢ bololie bttered hismino in foxmtefollowing, Edmund,king Edmundtraitorouflic flaine , the diflonantre. rt ofwriters touching the manersof his death and both the igs dealing aboutthepartition ofthe realme,Cnute caufeth Edrike to be flaine for procuring king Edmunds death,whereinthe reward of treafon is noted;how long king Edmund out refpecof thame they fled amaine, fo that there died that dap of Cnutes fide foure thoufand andfiue of hocondition to follow them, but to ffaie and giue tinte to bis people to refreth their inearie bovies. in {uch aplacesas be might be heard of both the prins ed shed,his woords toking Edmund, both kings are pacified and their armies accorded,therealme divided betwixt Cnuteand daiunted hott. Wut thilet one part of the Danes gare backe init feare, andthe other came flofulic fortward , the xt" Atraic of the hole armic twas broken, ¢ then twithy Mie, Perretvith allo the tvattor Cozike efcaped hardy 5° bundzed, and thofe tuere fatmen. This battell was lie the banger of Death, the Cnglifhmen thot foe: gerlie at him, Atlength, as is fard,the night parting them in funder , thep twithdzew the one armie from the other , as it had bene by content . the third bap Thep remained th arnio2, but pet abfeining from battell, fate Mill , in taking meate and dyinke to res lieve their wearicd bopies, and after gathered in ter Edmundwithhis power, boththeir armies being readie to incounter by occafion areftaied, 177 nan Cuglifyman,ttis notcerteinlic told) fod bp March.Wett, ° = gafite into order. Herevponall the tates and paffa- that no man mightcither get inozcome fo2th. a: ro fentof Cute (as fome twyite)fo the intent that.C- Henr. Hun. Cnuteat Gi iward, andbefives Gillingham in Dooletthire, ine linghamin countred tofth 3. Comundin the Kogation tuake, ese Aight and after foie ¢ fharpebattell fvas put to the tworfe, the hiftorie ofEngland. widerthe Danes. at length began to fhelv fone token of god Meaning,the too kings came to a communication, Sede, MDIN the end concluded an agreement , as fome Writtenwithout ante more ada. Dthers tutte, then both the armiestere at point to haue fot Hed,one of the capteins(but iether he were a Dane ther to refignebis title for ever intobis hands. he tivo princes entering into the place, appointed in faire armour, beganthe battell in fight of both their armies ranged in geodlie order on either foe the ris uer,with donbtfull minds , and nothing toffall, as thep that tuauercd bettwirt hope andfeare. Zhe two champions manfullte afailed efther other , without ; {paring. Firk,thep went toit on horebacke,and af- aeweet teronfot. Cnutewasa man of ameane ature, shat tatare but pet ffrong andbarbdie, fo that receiuing agreat hespag. bloty by the handof bis abucrfarie,abich cauted him fometthat to tagger ; pet recovered himfelfe, and bolly ftept fortward to be renenged.\But percefuing be could notfind aduatage, andthat be tuas rather to weake, and fhzetwdlie ouermatdyed , be fpaketo cae Comuno witha lotwd voice on this wife: What nee gnutes celfitie (faith be) ought thuste moue bs , moft ball mazds to antprince,that for the obteining of a kingdose, toe Edmund, fhould thus pnt our liues tn danger. Wetter were it ,, that lateng armour and malice affoe,we Mould cory aefcend to fone reafonable agreement. Aet 0s bee ° > come flwome brethren, andpart the kingDomtebes 29 tiirt bs: and let bs deale fo friendlie , that thou Hunt maift bfemy things as thine otune, andA thine as 5> though they weremine. Ling Gomund with thofe 4 fwonrdsof bis aduerfaric tas fo pactfien, that imme diatlie be caft atwaic bis fluw2d, and comming to Chute, iofned hands toith him. Woth the armies bY tepipt hems their erample nid the like, tthid) lwken for the faine tetneg. fortune to fall on their countries hich ould bones J 9 |