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Show The defcription of Ireland. The deferipti onofIreland. tofhisnaie; the things land; fofvif, Metorattell, Makaggard, Cleire, amd Cramlin, The manor of Cronin: Crumlin: paiety agreater cheefe rent to the prince man fell he Bled, fio haning afurpatling godborte, chotfe andfudja one as overran ina fet race other the fa: porfes, did bobtaile bimbpon bis returne to e to the ble leaft anie of bis frdends cafting a fantafi gan tomenace them. She lobbify and oefperat clobe : bertoulneffe , taking the matter in dudgeon, made moze words,but knockt their fenefdatl.on the coHatt Steyhans arene, Vegging greene, the 10 no flard, and left him there {pralling on the ground fox end further the An greene. one Steine,Dimantoi Dead. F02 Kich eteftable murther their rent vas py f this ficlo is there a hole commontie termed Scald inbanted , and thep pate at this Date nine pence ant g tio large miles reachin ith alabpzin bole, nothers b acre, Sbich ts Double toante of the other thee mar nber the cart.2hts hole tas in old time frequen, nos. fed bp a notorious thefe named Scalobzother, Waterford twas founded by Sitaracus (a8 tS yatertyn, iherein be would bide all the bag and baggage that aforefatd) in the pecte one bundzed fiftte and fue, be coiilo pilfer. he barlet tas fo fwwiff on fot,as be Prolome nameth if Banapta,but ube he appzopalar Apansplg hath eftfones outrun the fitted and Inffiel pong teth that nameto thiscitie, neither Doth be declare, men inall Dimantotone; mangre thetr beads,beaeis properlie builocd, and ringapot oapanof theirs on bis fhouloers to bis 20 nozFghelle . Thiscitt erie well compact,omettbatclofe bp reafon of thete Den. Andnow and ther, in derifion of {ach as purs thicke buildings and nartow frets . The bauenis {ued Him, be would take bis courte oder the gals pafling god,by abich the citizens theough the intere loins, tihich randeth berie nigh bis caue (a fit figne courte of foxren traffike in thozt (pace atteineto ae for {uch antinnie) anid fo being fhrotvded inlthin bis bundatice of tocalth. The fotle about it is not all of longe, be reckoned bimfelfe cockfure , none being the beft , by reafonof tibtch the atre is not verte fuby found at that time fo barbie as twould aducntare to till, pea natheletfe the tharpneffe of thetr wittes {ees intricat a maze. Wut as The names of the ficlos adtomingto Dabhin, SHcalo= brother. intangle binrlelfe within fo the pitcher that gocth often to the tater , commeth at length bome broken:this lutte youth woulnot furceate from open catching forcible (nating, and prinie prolling, till time be twas bp certeine gaping gromesthat laie tn twatt for bim, intercepted , fice t nig toward bis coud, hauitig bpon bisapzebention ving, quiche intabing, and fare im keeping . Zhe cittsensare beric becbic and twarie in all their pubs like affaires, fot in the Determining of mattersof Weight; loning to loke per they leape. In doling thetr magittraté,thep refpect not onlte bis riches but poutl and folitiebe was wontto run. There an deth it DiFmantotone gréene an biliocke, named alfo thep weigh bis erpertence . And therefore they elect fo2 theit mafornetther a ric) man that ts pong, nozan old man that is poze .Dhep are cheerfull ur the Jn the peere one thoufand one hundzed foure {co2e -interteinment of frangers, battie one to another, UitleFohn. tittle John bis hot . The otcafion proceeded ofthis. 1189. and nine,(ete tangedthzeero! bbers andoutlaws tt ,4 Nothing giuentofadions. hep louc nosdle bendy thiflers ring Mutkith faitors : fo pong and old are England, among hich Wobertmd anv tittle Fobn hholie avdiced to thituing , the men commontlic to Iwere cheefeteins , of all tyenes Donbtlelle the mort traffike; thetvomento {pinning and carding. As Hebert Hod, courteous. Robert tad betiig betrated at anuncie thep Dittill the belt Urquavite, fo thep fpin the coiled "in Scotland called Wricklies; the remnant of the crue twas feattered, and euerte manforced to Mitt for biméclfe , Wherevpon little Jobn twas faine to fle the realine bp failing into Jrelano 5 there be fo foricd foyafelw dates at Dublin. Me citisens bee ing Done to bnderftandthe wandering outcalt to be anercellent archer , requetted bint hartilie totrie go How far he contd thot at randon : tho peeloing to their behets tod onthe bridge of Dublin,and (hot to that mole bill, leauing behind bim a monument, rar ther bp bis pottoritic to be twandered, than poMblic Little Foku* Deaealle rug in Ireland. A freenwof mine being of late ber mutant in London , and. the tueather by reafon of an hard boare frott being fomibat nipping, repatred to partis garden, clad in one of thefe Wiaterfod rugs. Che matlifs hadno foner efpicd bim, but de ming be bad bene abeare, twoulb faine baue baited bint. did wereit not that the Dogs Wwere partlic muy icb,and partlie chained , be Doubted not, but that be this totone on o2tfebacke, ¢efpfeng a peeceofcloth onamerchants fall , toke bold thereof, anv bet the bponbe folemuite botucd neuer to fer beare batting and be tod dodging one twith the other in deaping the ware , the borffeman confivering that be was dhould bane bene well tugd in this Frith rug;tuberes bp ante manlining to be counterfcored . Butas the repatre of fo notorious a chautpton to antecountrie Would fone be publithen, f bis abode couln not be Tong concealed ; and thereforetoelthew the nanger in aniefud) werd : The citie of Waterford hath con tinued to thecrotone of Crgland folotall , thar ais not found regtttren fince the conquett to bane bene Diftainied toith the (mattett {pot , 02 datken with tbe of lawes, be fled into Scotland, tabere be died ata teat freckleof treafon; notwithanding the fundste tolonie the bones of anbuge and. mightic man are manet > Apolie as well to be bartilic follotwen, as ¥° cloth to the lowett price he could. As the merchant twell mounted , and that the merchant and be bad gtotwne to a price, made tile as though he wonlo t totone o} village calied Morante. Gerardus Mer- 6 Altaults of trattozons attempts:and therefore the cl ee ties armes aredeckt with this golen tor 5 James re cacorttt bis cofmograpbic aftirineth,that in the fame kept, thich twas called little Tobn, among whic greatlicadmired of all trac and lotall totones. bones, the buckleboreo: bipbone twas of fach larger Nefe,as witnedeth Hektor Boerius,that be thrutt his arne though the bole: Cheredf « And the fame bone dedby Wuowus , as is before mentioned,about being fated to the other parts of his bopie, oto argue the mant6 baue bene fonrteene fotlong,whieh ioas A protic lergth foa little Yok . Wherebp aperrety that he twas callenlittte ohnirontcallic, like as we terme him an honeit nian ikbom lwe take fo) a knaue tngraine, Mere to the citic of Dublin are the fare ancient The ving his fend, a MANOS anNeyed Co the cvolune , Ubichare named -_-the maultitude of hands feemedlight. 302 the abole fotone twas affembled, tag and rag, cut and long fabffantiall. tatle: none erempted, but (uch. as tere bedpedand Copke,in Latine coracium,o2 Corracinm,the fourth impotent. Sone were tafked todelue , others aps titicof Jreland baypilie planted on the fea. Thete har pointed ith mattocks to digs diuerfe allotted to nen is an bauen rofall. Dn the land fide thep are ins the onbeaping of rubbith, mante beffotwedto the cae combzed toith enill neighbozs,the Frith outlaws,that riage of ftones, fandzie occupied in tempering of thep are faine to twatech theft gates hourlie , tokepe them thut at ferutce times, at meales from fun fo - moater,the better fo2t bufted in onerfering the toorke fut, nor {after ante: firanger to enter the citte wih . men, ed) oneaccozding to bis vocation fmploted,as though the ciuitte of Carthage were afrelh in buile bis weapon, but the fame to leaue at alonge appoinding, as if is featlie berified bythe golven poet Virted. They ivalke ont at feafons fo. recreation tith gil, and neatlie Englithed by maffer dodo2 Phaer. polwerof men farnithes. Lhep tratt not the couns The Moores with courage went co worke, trie avioining,but match in wedlocke among thems fome ynder burdens grones: felnes onelic, fo that the tole citteis twelnigh line Some at the wals and towrswith hands kedone to the other iraffinitie, Dzogheba,accouns were tumbling yp the ftones, ted the bell totone fir Areland, and trulie not far bes Some meafurd outa place to build bind fome of thefr cities .. The one moitte of his their manfion houfe within : toluneisin Beth, the other planted on the further Some lawes and officers to make five of the waterlieth in Glfer. Dhere runneth as S in parlmentdid begin. blind proyhefie on this totune, that Rolle was , Dus 3 Anotherhadanhauen caft, blin is, Dzogheda thal be the befk of the thze. and deepethey trenchthe ground, Rolle, an hanentotone in Mounffer notfar frome Some otherfor the games andplaies Whaterfoyd, thich {iemeth to haue beenc in ancient a ftatelic place had found. times totune of great port. Uhereof. fnnzie ¢ p20 And pillers greatthey cutfor kings, bable coniecures are ginett, as tell bpthe old dite to garnith foorth their wals. thes that are nov a mile Diffant from the tvals of Andlike asbees among the flours, Rolle , betiveene hich twals and ditches the reliks whenfrefh the fummerfals, of the ancient wals , gates, and totvers, placed bee In fhine offunne applie their worke, tioene both are pet tobe fene. Lhe totwne ts buily 40 when growneis vp their yoong ded ina barren fofle, and planted among acrue of Orwhentheir hiues theygin to ftop, nanghtie ano prolling neighbours. And in old time and honie {weet is {proong, then it foztthen, albeit the totune were {uffictentlis Thatalltheir caues and cellars clofe peopled , pet as long as tt twas notcompafied with with dulcetliquorfils, fwals,thep were foynted {with toatch ¢ toard,to keeps Some doo outlade, fome otherbring tt from the greepie {natching of the Irth enfmics. the fuffe with readie wils, Wish uhome as thep were generallie molefted , fo Sometime they ioine, and all at onee the privat confening of one pessant ona fudden,inv deo from their mangersfet tenfed them fo inuiron their tolone twith rong ano Theflothfull drones, that would confume, {ubfantiall wals.Zhere repaired oneofthe Frith to 50 meth to be nothing rebated 02 duld by reafon of the grolfenefieofthe aite. FFo2 in god loth the totonels ,. mcn,and namelie ftunents are pregtant in concefe Healdbzother NO more tong Done bin, than that be was not for ner banged on that qallowes , through which in bis erecuted, AnnisKhe building of Limertke is fumptuous ano fhould be prenented: and toifhall opened bir coffers liberallie, to bane it furtheren : tive god peopertics ina councello2. pir deuile tas , that the towne namber of hoofes,the place is called Loum ne augh; fhould incontinentlie be inclofen with wals, ¢ theres that is, the boole bare, 02 a place made bare o2eatert Inithall promifen to diftharge the charges, fo that op by hoxles. he verte maine (ea is thre {core fhep would not ficke to find out labourers, Zhe des miles diftant from the totune, and pet the riucr is fo uife of this tuoathie matrone being wile, and the ofnanigable, as a Syfp of ttuo hundzed tuns map fatle fer liberall, the tolwnefmen agreed to follow the to the keic of thecitic, The riuer is termedin Brith Shauns anne, that és, the oloriuer ; fox thaune ts ,., oNe, andto put their helping hanos to the atchiuing of the other, ihe wore twas begun, tbtcy thorough old, €amneisa river, deduced ofthe Latine tod their mifoemeano:, toke themop verie tyarplic in the court, and totth rough and minatozie fpedes bes torre. foloen the dentfe, Hoty ante fach future tnifhance and twentiehoures. Gherebpon for the notozious than ante of the other three, nitch proceeded of this, The ferrelehalt being offended twith the tertants fox b catt, houly crauchint. Zhe noble man being fo b ountifullie gitien , as that of liberalitie be could nof,¢ of difcretion he twould fiente to gtue bis frend the repulfe in a moze Inetghtie requell than that tncamped inn that Ze, haning fo great a trope of porttemert,as the hortles eate vp the grate in foure Uimerihe called it Vatine Limericem was bail Lonent™ n peere one hundred fiftie and fiue. his citiecoattet Sei ott the fea bard bpon the riuer Senman, eberedy ale Mee moft notablic fcucred Bountter and Connagbt:¢ Brih nae this citie Loumnessh , anstbervof o Cnglifh itis named Limerthe . The towns & ee oa planted itran Slanb,txbich plat in ol» time. befare the bnilding of the citie tas toz0d twith grafle. Decks ubich tineithameneds tyat one of the Feil) por tentates,ratfing warre again another of His pe* incamped and nought would doo toget. The workeit heats, the honie fmels of flours and thime ywet, Wut to returne from Dido of Carthage, fo Kole of Rolle, and bir tworbe, Thelabourers twere fo mar nie, the worke, by reafon of round amd ercheker pat ment, fo twell applied, the quarrte of fatre marble fo nére at band (fo2 they affirine , that out ofthe tren baue dratoneto bis purfe , to baue defraied the mos ches and ditches hatd by their rampters, the ones. Rie. Xhe cloth in the meane tlle being tucked bp ahd placed before him , be gaue the {pur to bis hole 60 {were bad ¢ and all thatplot is fo ftonie, that the fous bation ts an bard rocke)that thefe wals twith dinerfe a0 ran atuate twith the cloth,being not (mbard from bispotting pate , by reafon the totune vasnot pers biatie turrets tnere fuddenlie mounted, and in mary ner foner finithen , than to the Frith entmtes notte cloled either twith pitch) 02 tall. Zhe totoneimen bes fied: abich F wile twas nofmall corfie to them. Thele thy pinden at the heart , that one rafcall tn fudy twals{n circuit are equall te Lonvontals, Ft hath {omnefull totfe thouln gine them the dampame, not 6 mug tweieng the fendernefle of the loffe, as the thie gorgeous gates, Withophis gate, on the eal thamefulnetie of the fotle, they put their beads togt five : Algate, on the caf fontheatt five : and South ,02 the poftbatf Gieng of ante {udyabuecnturons moufed for thefe twals , than fos a notable tpmdoen bzidge that ffretched from the totyne onto the other ther,contulting botp to preuent efther the fupden rus takebell hereafter, 3n which confultation a famous Dido, achat tov tow, a politike dame , a bountifall gentictooman, Calted tole, tbo reprefenting in finceritie of Life the Roieinetie of that hearbe tote name fhebare , by gate, on the fouth part. This totune twas 10 more far fine of the water, thich mutt bane bene by reafonas ble foruete tiuetue fco2e, tinot more , Diuerfe of the poales, logs, anv fakes, with tric the bringe twas briderpropt, Micke to his ~ inthe tater , Aman pile twoulo |