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Show The hiftorieof Scotland. tention; notinithonttheamM@tanceat the noblest SBaltollfor that be was befcenoedattheclnoBAity, nogingthe parties, as occation of friendihiporkins red moued them,namelic ialioll and Weufehadna fmallnumber that leaned onto therrparts ; bp reas fo thereof,thegouernas were indoubttoproced Chedoabtor | anic definite fentence the matter , leatkifthey WF oeclaredoneof thembints,anotherinould attempt ie. tobinepe the crotone by farce. = aS, Thehiftorie of Scotland. -conuenterit for bis purpofed intention to:conpuct He hadaypointed the 24 learned mentbefore(perifva, tobe peefent, that finall fentence might be gion,ag cording as bechad before promifen. Given be tas . +f come thus bite Werkotke, aud the forefaid-aizdeau, aces -_promife (as itis to be thought) to make bin bing. ans,foz Ahome the bing inaffemblie of the fates did give fentenceagaint the other.This Pakoufte after theland thereof the contention grety tuas fo adind® Handsall (uch cattelsas he belv in Scotland. Zohn alioll the Zvcotith king, bnderftanding that hing Goward minded to malie aconqueft bpon him,fent Ex clironAS gaint him than was caufe, andthatthe Bingiwas not (o feuere arenenger of bis brothers death, ashe -_bifhop of Dunkeld, with fir John Sotwlis, annie **8e tt Jngvant Umfratuile into Jrance,to renetwthe ane G80,, fappoting therein the King tobe moze brit as the fame Robert neliuered into king Coward bis William bithop of faint Andzetos, amd Matthety dindon, as H doped that be thouldbe; forfokethe Waltoll, andap- ;, cient league bettwirt him and philip the fourth 548 dedfor the purpole, be canfen the dorestobefherlie The part -_ept,and the entries Gronglie warved, thatnomnan ose pealed to the Bing of Cngland,before hom becom-then kittg of France; Hbichaccordinglic was done: ano tlerinre theprbofelim .[Drtbotefaithandloue -centce, His purpolelvas to mabe himbing,-that one w of was appointed tobe boloen at London,theretwas daughter of Charles carle of allots and Anion, im, as fuperio2 lord thereof... Audbtcauiebe kelp Englit} manner, among abome this Waliollhay age onto Cotvaro Walioll, the fonneof king Fob, would be fvorneto holo the crowne of Scotlan of ver. father ofthis Goward, bothalouing fatberiniatwwts that wobert Bante as aman offingular manbop allo thep ioinedthis caute of bopeinking Coward, if be foundhimnotconformable tabis purpote, then bimfelfe,and bpzighttute: tobisrealme.Cayerebnts mented bis (uteagaintt WaliollZhevecioing theres might comein o2 cut, butop bis apoiutmentadly orctne towardstient, thepdinnot anietbit miftrut, b¢ canfelevanner thelatkingaf Scots hapfoundthe an affemblie 02 parlement ofthe nobilitie, afferthe Saha bis place alto, of : and iwifedonte,he thought betl toatlate him fired forthat the fain Goward havof late before tried the 2. beinindentotric that the Baliollwoulda, When Robert Wrule had theoughlic heardking Chemie Cdivarns motion, heanfwered that be weied thely afta _bertieof his countrie , moze than his priuate prefer Brat m: he parlement begun and Walfoll there farmer ‘"eD02 cite, fyould hauie antiuered by his proctor 07 afute Aattomnie ; but this(Hotbetngalloteed) Waltolivas and for the more cowobopation thereof , the elnett lzother to king Philip , twas promifen in mart bic) Cotvard Tould intop landsof pearelie rents -_greuenuesto the fummwof fiftcene bundzed pounds -_frerling,in places not of theaemefes belonging to -_thecrotone as Ballienille, Damptere, Warecourt, canal compelled fo rife out of bis feat , and to defend bis 20 and Womete, which bisfather belo in France with --Lanarke ,3ldion, Paldeleie;Cemingham,ano the ed bimfelfe iran tnferioz place. Whichcontmnes # @ngland te aa he burffnot at ante timerenzefle, fecretlie -_caftell of Dunder, with theaypurtenances in Scots fauo2 of the Scots folpards him, by a fingular teltts monie , ta that thep fo eaftlieconfenten to ioine the Gniwarv.] faincharge Scotland " peiveot peredpon king withthe Gowardfoot tokethe this vpan ment, ard therefore minded not to deliuerbis come him,ascompetentiuage.gpzomiten byacertein dap tocomte tuto Weriotke, tilling that thetrcouncell trie (hich euent tothat dap bad beene fre) into the bondage and feruitude of the Cuglifymen, Bing Gen oNbl tycreot i" a then heiwould,and Micould not deliuer bimfelfe of fuch difgrace; he -_feigniories and places ercerded the balueoffiftene hundzed poundsof pearelie renenues, then Moulo Coward perceiuing his toutnelle of fomach,brake ling mounteits of choler therein, tho Hill bending -_the fameamountednot tothat fame, then (houlo mighthe affemblen there again hat time. Athis comming thither at the bap aifignes, andbauing a are are in mind, Hirtill fit oportunitie mtight ary tetutned home with a mind of ‘Deadlie anger , tol off twith bint, andfell in talbe antth the alioll, tho bad(uch blind vetire to atteinethe crotwne, that be fatdonedpart, andthzoughlie Hearn shat couln beeahenedprtamt Sitar Menatiatendbi aa ne ert Thetitic \ i ; d ; oebee tor eetaba fectsSonetocaen TeaUHED and moe fitlfall latoters of all the realme fo : ‘ , bene tperebpon might have -feruitude,fobe ents iN ag oth fmt by alluren faithit. Balioll had giuembis Gdivard,that he iwoulo nw homage vuto hint forthe ove _tealmteof Scotland, and acknotwlenge fo holo the bing ewe beaflociatwith timelne Cuglttmen, chicepre- amet him as fuperioelord , king Cotoard gaur naertimetoDit doubtful,requitedalo thefame ambdthere: odanuifect countell: tru fe niifedto hate forth of the mot perfect and wife ' truth mightapere,accoming unzeither of oneparto: other.[iefoetbicbhetoke outreaton put backe) fpabe in this fort na 2 iors ‘ een afclemne oth of the ambatlado2s of Scotland, any facynobles as were there to ffandto bis aefinitine fee ftand totheog: fentence, further therebpontequiring atezitingts bemade, feaied twith the feales of thefamenobles.| Der ofking After hen allfucymatters andprofesaswwere pros Coward. fward:Dh Bing,temember fiat is pon p a aay Day,{paving to gtue righteous fentence In ty io, it Bose? ter; fox though the famebe not couercd ered gourd bes ‘Mall be reuealed,ahen the great ludge thai a -. -confetences, and the fecrets of cucrie Te oa poned by the parties , allepgedbythem fox further ee aa Seesin tnziting, as meee bprightliein this mate Scott tyarn bfen himfelfenothing ofthe 5 Spriters fmel- mel" fhalhcante thie to.antiner fap tt at nego gtuen ter, but accozdinglic (as it often bapencth) hav the iethaltogither afmalicecon- Les of bis confcienceblinded, pon ope to gate oe oo fomethat by thiscrenit thus tobimcommitten.asut king of Scotland on faint AndzewesDAV» Coward tobe fatiffied in knotulenge fent into 3france for men entemeetoee- perience in thelaiwes, that he might haue thetr opi, nions inthe demandsof the parties for their Doubts fullvights. tut (faith Hector Boetius) hefirftcom: manded them inno wifetoagre bponanierefolute point,butrather to varie inopinions, that then the ple thoulfweme doubtfall by reafonof theircone compe for that he tvould feeke to reffoxe bis countrie tobis land,contrarie to tye mindend comfort ot ae this Soe vealmac(ith hadrematned tn frecdomie DT totwneagaint the entmie, if be came to beftegeit, men, being at bis returne into Scotlano rather hav im po contempt of bisotune people, than anietotreuerery -{abich held twtth $altoll_pid allotheir boars int -gteuoullietit their hart, Difembled soith the par time, andcouered their anger bndcT the --. tion and profe hereof,there was veer ariel Fife, being (in the time frbem there IM Tay : it made oneofthe fis gouetnarsof the realmtc _earle twas not onclie billed be he fe of birneet V -hips,and cafen atvate the refioue, Buchanan) coulofearfelie returne home in fafetie: final felctie fucceeded therof ze Ano bete . i r = ing farre from bome,thep purft not Cn it the power of tino kings. TWhereof forme deat ming the (eboth bs tatunted tutth innumerable contumelies) halite Ooty Scots being adnertifed, came fo;th a' sone, -_gainft thole that ayprochenby (ea , tohe 170their King Coward rather pronoked than feared with rome trite bs; we intend thortlictocomebntpbim, this nrifabuentuce, came toitha farte greaterpull sessing theretwith the ambatladors departed. Gutus ((aith Co fance than before , to renetw the Mege : but then be Gegen, 6o daies) into the fernitude of the Cmglithmens mie roth bp Buchanan, that the nobilitie of - Mhe Cnglithmen came not onelie witha mightic caried thefe letters inte Cngland, bpon the recett that fince tue perceiue (fatth he) your bing twill not mons Hlonofeeredtogpskontte, bytbe neath ¢ no Bin nevis'eTot sSubtomotherewere thatgauefentence tuithFobn: _-tifed that king Coward purpofed to come and ber bo peia = es; me by~~ of bis nobles Frone. feeaeroiibeada tiiefoVink 8 56 of qavueneunen yar teenie _bles,for that by this meanes,be {eeme pfo faba to hole ae Iowbcit the mofk partof the latwiers iuogen with cidingrontto-. ony alfa fox that he toascome of the ate being eee'bpforce 5 - tbe -o eens thereof , king Coward anflweren the ambaflavo;s HK" 4 faire countenance, tihich pet in - eclat? _Notivithtanding thts painted fhetn. 3:9 eer oc of bisperfon, perfonsinde- atobert I3zufe, both forthe tomrtbinesfiriiduemale, thas of no ftrength in it {clfe, ano not mete tobe tn thepeare of our Lod 1295. And the letters pro +4 9¢, -curatozte made by king Fobn to the Catv bithopos -----~ faint Andzetves,s the other his affoctats , bare bate -at Striucling, the thirvnonesof Aulic the fame rye genties -peare. Shontlie erebpon, hing Fobn was aduers menot Hite, -_-potverbp lanb,but allo toith a great nante bp fea to trarictic in deciding tyereof,bemight thebetter im: der thatcolour,giue tudgement with adich partiche thought mot erpedient to ferue his parpote. bing pili Uptlomumesiontaenet, iiicles ee wardsthe_ totwne of Wertotke. Df hole comrarer at wets mage tuto king Cowsrd fo; the reat ets noceed as Wefind itin the Seotity writers axing dienpadad-eteeepe>carbarversti lonaape!dr bit felfe uring bir life atter bir hutbands deceatle, tf thanke(o3 as other haue the or of Alberbyethie) came to Petwcaffell pon Tine, AN that tic) the Scots dm imite thereof , iwith that o -tnfuing, on faint anne an ee ino a tothe indifferent readers to confider, by conferting ARefpect of thas bp dming bishomage ; andtherebdpon fenthis ambaffadoxs fo king Coward, as then foiourning at London, to renounce his acttouching the fame homage, alledging that fo;much as it twas done Without the aonifeof the thre eftates of Scotland, it peere from the incarnation 1292.; $ntoe pee 5m gud alle _holn bninttlie he is flanbered inthis bebalfe,Jicauc -tabiehis tobe foundinour Englith hittorie . Wutta seatick mine former libertie. Chic) meflage then none of the better (o;t urif take in hand toerecute, acerteine l im,forthst batraths. sy ‘ a bis CAME Tepentant, in that he had indangered bimfelfe : nebd, beareth date at paris, erat bap of Detober, yt; eee foz their ok Siete ‘ SensRui: victoryDebotnigeCOCs tbvamctagsdenteteamineatignccocesenan, it Thin, -pemgeneoregon i"aeal ie the faid hing'make them god, and fupplic the fame 5000 poundsLurnots.Lbedats tot all thepotnerbe: conlo prepare to alo him in bis px(as othertypite): t to whe big‘onhssaietneat beretvith bee 40 Scmunalimarhenen leagueabeletnenn F parte eotity habeeee riccia4 50 ven onthe. Shortlie atier , John iBall yess cro iit rs - be twas Scone, tuto arraie Steat Day, cS; faberesetwes i Z : Thisreport : std aphasiaabetad sD cobabsreren: FlakyRsiiia eareect ae oe 5 the tvars ae Seber gteat pradence and autborttic in Cngland (Ceving thecere tothe aint be aan to ~ ems eeitbout fa ae the Batol thus made bing,anb Axobeet Beatty Geaie Fi, Thin. the furplufage remaine tothe ts. of Scotland: but if ' fhalt date Fo aaaecatieaorion' ing -_fentencewitty him,to bane mott right to thecvotune Land; ano bereto tuas annered a pronto, that if thofe binifelfe on euetic foe te fatiffic bisanger,pivelle Wivits.Secach nisstmtCromnlc woompemeommnnenerseammeee Wiles Waltoll wwith this meditation tas feeding °° seténe bundzed pounds inpearlie rent toas amigneD : might be foun foithin allbis bowing - andealmeot Zoctlans,totoin contronr, clechsthat ong,to theintentthat bytheicripeanbanuifendebas ©, tis fai that tycearle of Clocetfer,amandl gytamé fing of the matter, 2049 authoritie twithin Scotland) butthe bother alfo of fhe faidearle twas calleinto lato bp the Abfrnetht -_the realmie of Scotland,veturned to 15ertnthrsubere procured the frtendtiip of RobertWyuite, and dpoid repngnant fo abeiehis fentence. arevuto was none thoughtmetas Cowardbingof England, sed. _ (tbieh fenntlie nfo then greatlic floucith inrickesand' Sing, Cdtvard fuypoting thisto bethe thme mot Ned lawiersatembied as allitiants with binti,and sscrinis, JHerevpontheyiadged theft toreferre the deck fion of allthis ahole matter tofome mightie king, 10 the parties apeering before. himiin a damberpont, fibich was of puiffance able to confiretnte the parties i Tein, ted fo: fuchan ambaflage. After this, king Coward the better to accomplith merabe: bispurpofe agninf the Scots ,foundmeanstocon. ty obra clude a peace with the hing of France, andi; the =. Move confirmation of the (ame peace, the Frend kings banghter foas given in mariage nto king Crinard bistonne. Mucctheletle (as faith the foco eee) be parpofed (tben be bad twrought his France as once againtt the Scots) toinuave ante bond of fiercetic as before, notivithfanding amitic o; mariage by him contraaed. After this,be percetuedhis purpofe tobe not fo (peedie effect as be -_bhopedit thould haue bone, he deulfed hotw to take " -this totone by fame Hightfull policte. erebpon he feined as though be would haue boken bp bis flege, arte poticte of and fo raifing bis campe, withozew a little from the ting Comer -totune, anb then hautng proutded banners and ew - "™ * -fignes , refembling altogither {uc as v(uerfe noble menin Scotland -fadenlie returned toward -the - nae one bis foulbters wearing a a -_ thetr -_ -= a ee the ne -_ . a bnto the towne, certeine Scots that -_ferued the hing of Cngland,, tte gaue knotwlenge hing ta Checapteins tuttlun the totone.that = thetr Lozoane |