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Show The defcription of Britaine. -the fame, the deane and chapter of Roche aot Na -_plenticof furgeor, as befioe the hings postion, ano a Due unto the archbifhop of C an a - the hearbe Argenstaria for Serephium , betivene {ital allowance alfo of that commobditie : liketnite fitch there is no maneroflikelibod, This neuerthes lefleis notable in the faid hearbe,that being trandar Perton college in Drforp, aho by miffortune perity, en byfalling from the fame, as he rove to furueie the fworkemen, iBetng pat Kochefter , this noble river goeth to Chatham, Gillingham, Upeburin, and fone affer branching,it mbzaceth the Greene at his fail, as bis ttwo heads do Aldon forrest, that lieth be: tiene them both, -_foy._ the Mhamps that are takentherein oa a no -_Lefle efteemed of in their kind, than the te - fedinto the garden, it receineth another forme cleaie 10 finelts o2 founders taken in the Thames, ec. Different from the fir, thiditpeeloed dhenitgrety -fecond anthour oefertbeth it after this manner, and ponthe Hore,and therebnto appeareth of moze fat moze coptonflie than the othe vi ie gfogaie fabftance . Which maketh me to thinke that The cheefe head of thisfreame rifeth in Water: our hpLiciansdofakett for adiftinc kindof tore, don Forrel#,from tabence after it hath runne a prette wad , thereof controncriie arifeth among them. wate Mill twithin the fame, catt of GUhetlin,it meetetty Thenert water that falleth into the Thames.ts wef witha broke, hole beadts tn ward forreft , fontty of the Glante Gles , arilof no great fame , nefther woefk of Greneffed, thicy goctl to Wartfield, and fo long courte,for rifing about Cozingham,tt runneth fo Whetlin, and per long loineth tofth the @pidtwaie. not mante miles eat and by fouth,per it fall into the After this confluencett is not long perit take in ane mouth of this riuer,chich J dw now deferibe. 20 otber bp-tweft from Cotwnen ward, and the third a Z would baue fpokenof one creeke that commeth bouePentherif,growing from tivo beads , xhereof tn at Cliffe, and another that runneth dotone from onets in Lingfield parke, the other wet of CratuIpaltfto by S, Maries: but Kth J vnderffand not _-herik; ad lotning aboue Coinbzidge,it port fall ints With that backewaters they be ferued, Aletthem to the midtwaie beneath Uacucr totne,and Chidding: paile astiot Thilfull of theit courfes. And thus mucy fort. Ffront enthert our maine ftreame haffeth to of the rivers that fall into the Lbhames , therein F Ligh, Lunbeidge, and Lividleie, and beneath the haue done that Jmate, butnot that J would fo. -_totwne, it crolleth a twater from orth, {hereof one mine otune fatiffacion, till I came fromthe bead te --Headis at the Mote,another atWlrotebam, the third iLechlave, dito thich,asinlicn of a farewell, ¥ will at tueft Peckham, ¢liketwffe another from fontheft, alcribe that didtichon tthich Apollonius Rhodiusfit) 29 that runneth caff of Capell. Pert after this it rece teth of the Lhermodon: ueth the Zhete, thote forken head ts at Thetfe Wirt, Fiuic non eft alitedflamenpar,nec tetin agres MidWale. Fllsemdimittit rinos quotfundit vuiringue. Pert buto the Chames tue haue the Midwwaie Wwater,thereof ¥ find tivo defcriptions , the firttbes giineth thus. The PiowwatetwateriscalledinLar fine Mefeuia (as fomte twzite) bicanle the courfethers ofis midivaicina manner betivene London and Dorobernia,o2(as tue not call it) Canturburie. $n tbtch delcending dotone tolward the noth, taketh in hot farrefrom Scotnie a bebe out of the northfive of CHaterden fozreft,hofe name J find not , ercept it be the Dour. After this confluence our rfuer gor eth to Goldbirtt , ano comming fo the Liviff, it -_beanehethyin {uch toife, that one part of it runneth _-into Pidtwsie, another into the Garant , 02 rather Cranehzoke (ifmy coniecure be anie thing.) ihe ABritith tt hight Dourbze : and theresf wxocetter 4o Catan (as Leland calleth tt) 0 the Crane(as Joo © was fometime called Durobeenum . Butinanola charter tthic) Jhaue feene ( confeining adonation. fometintemabeto the monafferie of faint Andrews there bp Ceadtwalla ) F find that the Sarons called this riuer ening ; and alfoa totone fading bee tiene Malling mdealk Farlete,wevsington;mo finallie , a forrett alfo of the fame Denomination , CUledzington,now TWlaterdon,Lherby the orginall take it) rifeth nere to Cranebzwke, anv going bp Cranns, Sitingbirtt, it receiueth per long one tater that commeth by Fretington and another that runneth from great Gard by Sinerdon, and Hedcome ,crole fing tvorifles by the watefrom bp nozth, Wedconne Name tt felfe Handing betwene them both. Finallie the Garan o7 Crane meting with gpiowaie fouth of Balling, thepontheone five, an the Thefe on the Diitig , andioineth twithanother beckke that Defcens _illte fofle, but neitysr totone nop billage.fo frre as appeateth to befetden from this freante. 3 arifeth in THaterdonforres eatt of aeyetlin.o2 Geter 5° other, leaue a pretie Fland in the nidbdeff, of foure miles in fength anv tipoin beeadth, therein is fome a from i. foxrett in Suffer + and after this Fonitiuenee thep goon togither , as one by AMbire, there having recetued alto the fecona hen en et) to Penfyert, and there carricth withall the c, pt oan Cae parke. Afterthis Theile, Graie alizs Cranng, u i wigins ' eth noeseat, catee Pacis at Patdttone, it interteinetha cil that rf th thot of enbarn, ano goeth bp Lenes ano Dectinaeer nOFeibe chonoenaet oewn Olttxpconeeee goe Feethug, J remember. ntheatt part of ikent, amd take ich i i in Doie pecres: } teante that comineth fromthe billes, t t : i. betoene Penenburie and Porfemon on ann, ball, Front thence alto, and not farre from Bailing 60 desab.beNp feat ie vets -_Afeh is anecetfarie on it ieee i Weeeetueth theWirt)ratteriwars Lbette (a pretie trreame that arifetly $Being § pal patt watott eee ; about Leite Datdttone , tt runneth bp Allington, f t the Gran o2 Crane, } Lhich bauing bis head not farre from Cranbroke > vaailcer ont oe Tien tiuelets bp the pater at the Pa ouhiie oe isthelat frit Doth foinetuith the faio a "bing@ pretie Slam, 5 ad then Saielene.sem Bale it meetethwith another thebe.Shy i" not, andéhenpatieth by allinat ofename X Aewhioe, Walling Cuchefane werehe> aban,either: Chate lett into the. maine tea betiog fEhepele eat Hone Shepete and the Snodland,Walling Cuckfane,amd Rochet Fer, bere itpaffethondera fatre bridge of fone th aerte finite courte, teptch bridge fvas begun 1388 bpthe lox Aobn Cobham,the lavie Pargaret his twife,and the valiant Gir xobert knolles , tho gane the firtt on fet bpon that perce of toorke, amb theretnto builoen a caypell of the rinitic at the end therofin tetttme: nie of bispietie. 31 procefe of time alfo one Jobn WHlarnecof axocbetter mane the net coping theres of; and archbtthop UWarbam of Canturburie the tton batres : the bithops alfo of that {ee were not ache in thety bencuolence and fartherances totware that div fometime take the name . From hence we go 53 toward the Camber (omitting peradventure here anb there fondgte fall creeks bold of backwater by the iwaic) thereabouts the Rother a noble rinec fal: leth into the fea. Zhis Wother feparatety Suffer Bother, fromikent , and bath bis bead in Suffer, not farre from Argas hill nere to Waterden forref, and from thence direceth his courfe wnto %otherfieln, After thistt goethte Cthlingham o2itehingham, Of fuch ftreames as fall into the fea, betweene the and {0 forth by Mewendan onto *Pattharm ferric, Thames andthe mouth ofthe Sauerne, there it ofutdeth tt felfe tr fury wife,that one banch Chap. 12. thereof goeth to Applevoure ( ahere is acattell formes Fterthe Midtwate we haue the time builoed by the Danes,in the time of Alfred, as Stoure that rifeth at bingefwmn, thep did erect another at Mindleton, and the third at Stoure. abichis fourtene o2 fifteene niles WeamActe) and at thistotwwne, ‘where it meteth the irom (Canturburie, Dhis river pat Wile that rifeth about Wiltngton , the other by Z- tite, eth bp Athforn, Wie, sacking ben, fo that it tneludetha fine parcell of ground cal Srattburne fon, Canturburie, Fowith, Stans led Drnete,tehtch in time patt was reprtedasa pars Swater alfocas FBheare) necr dif}, awd Sturemonth , there it cellof Suficr; but now bpon fome occafion o2 other to Cantwar: rece(ueth another river growing of thee branches. 5, (tome bnknotone) annered onto ent, Frombence bivic,but Z After our Stoure o2 Sture partethit (elfintwaine, allo grotwing into fome gteatnefe, it runneth to wate not Soereabonts: Fin {uch twile,that onearme therof goeth toward the fee Marianus Scotus, ie, werett mecteth finallte with the Werke, abich Weeke. north, ad is called (then it commteth at the fea) the comuneth from iWecklete : fo that the plot abherein no2th mouth of Stoure; the other runneth foutheak Mie fandeth, ts in manner abp-land a2 peninfula, tard bp to Ufchbo2ow , and foto Sandivich , from aserpertence doth confirme., Leland and mot men hence tt goeth noztheattagaine and falleth intothe are of the likelfef opinton, that this riuer ould be fea.Lhe (fueofthis later tract ts called the hauenof called the Ltmen,tbteh (as Peter of Cornhull faith) Rimenng; Handinid.And peraduenture the Kreame that com» Dott) iMTuc ont of Andzcdefinald, tbere the bean theres methdotwne thither,atter the diuifionof the Stoure, of isknotwneto be, Certes, Jam ofthe opinion, mate be the fame thich Beda calleth TWantfome; but 30 that it iscatien the Wether wnto Apiedoure > €fron as % cannot ond this knot at will, fo thists cer. thence the Limen, bicanfe the Danes are noted to teiite,that the Stoure on the one five, and peraduens ture, the Wantfome on the other, parteth and cutteth fhe Lenet from the maine land of Lent,aberebyit ts left for art Flan. here are other little baokes thich fall into the Stoure,thereof Leland {peaketh,as Fithpoole becke that artleth in Stonebirf tumd, and meeteth totth it foure miles from Canturburie : another beginneth at Chiflet, and goeth inte the Stoure gut bic) Tometine tnclofed Thanet, as Lelaridfaith: the third (Tue th out of the groundat Mozthbarne (abere Cadbert of Kent fometime pak held bis palace) and enter ittto thefeparts bp the Limen 5 and failing on the faune to Appledoure,ofd there begin to fo2tifie,as 3 baue noted alreante. Powbe tt, in onr time it is Knotwne by none other namethan the Rother 92 Ape pledoure twater, abereoflet this (nffice, ' Weing thus crofled ouer to the twelt five of rte bauen,¢ in being the tMuesthatfall into the fame, X meet fir of all with a water that grotweth of toa brakes, thich come dotone bp one chanelinto the satk(tve of the mouth of the faiv port. The Arte ther: fore that falleth into it defcendetl from Wecklete 02 thereabouts(as J take it) the nert runneth along bp tunnel to Sandivich haven, as thefaio anthour res --Pelemarth, efoneafter toining twith all, thep bold feth by S. Warie Wurnechurch , and going by wi fide of ite: the third freame commeth from the portetl: and the fourth called Wzingewwater that rt Hhopsisurne, nueteth with Canturburie water at On as one, till thep fall into the fameat the twefferlie -mo2th, and as it mounteth bpuot farre from Dune Htourmouth: alfo Wibam that vifetyaboue Wi field , fo tt rurmeth bet weene Delcambe and WHhacks hams Thort of Adan, and. falleth into Batdgewater lintonnare vuto Weead, taking another rill foiths at Dudmill , oz Wlendertow: anvthe.thigy mame- so all that rifeth (as ¥ heare) not verte far from @tetks leffe, hich rifeth hort of WAddentburgh a towne ficld. Zhereis likewite a fourth that grotveth of tina tbecrein Heng € the Savors Honszen their grand brads betineene Jolingham and Wet, anv going bp {doll CHoden , or Dfhine)' ano govtly by Staple to GUinchel fete it mecteth with allabout Ute hauen, fo THingam : bublith thep are obfeure % will not torch that Windel(cic fandeth inuironed on thee parts tein bere. Fronvhence palling bythe Gudwine,a with water, and the Freames of thefe too.that A plot verte pertlous for fea-faring men ( fomctime haue latt cehearfeo, f firme land: "that ts) ontill the tenth of the congue: ibe waterthat faleth into the Deean,a nelle by rours [onthe tole waite was William Rufus, ano fouthwett of Hattings,o2 therabouts, is calleo (tus Achtus; therefiva great part of the inheritance of cris Gov: 02 Alten: perbaps of Watton o2 Watting the Dane, thine tittime paff tuas krtotone fo lie) buf efcaping tt 6 With eafe, we caine at length to Douer. Fin allie volage tee found no ftreame , bp reafonof theclifies that inutton the fatacoatt. Wowbeit vpon the fouth five of Doucr,thcreis a prctic fretrtuer,abote heap arifeth at Erinell,, not paling foure miles from the fea, and of fonicis called Dour, Lhichin the Weitity tong is acominon name for waters , asis alfothe old Bzttith wor Auonfor the greateft tiuers , into thofe mouthes o7 falles hippes might find fale en: trance; and therefoie fac) are in my tine called ha tens, anety tyo2d groiven by an afpiration apven fo the ola: the Scots call it Auen. Wut moze of this elle-there, fith Jamnotw onelic to {peake of Dour, pherofit ts likclic that the towne cafell of Doucr (aboin time pat pasa plague to France andeuge °° Lemp) srifing not far from Penbirk, it meteth with the fea (as 3 heare) by eaftof tollington . Y5uluer2 bith is butacrecke (as J remember) ferued with no ‘Botner Meng backetwater; and fo F beare of Codding 02 Did ha, a urn, therefore ¥ meane not to touch them, Into Peventete haucn diuerfe waters dm refort, Denenfetes and of thefe, that tbich entereth into the fameon the caf five rifeth out from tino heads, thereof the moft eafterlic ts callen Ath the nert onto the Wurite,any 2M. biting themfelnes not farre from Athburne, they Burnes continue their courfe bnder the name ano fitle of Athburne water, as Jread . Ahe (econd that coms inety theretnto (ficth allo of two heans,thereof the one is fo mante miles from Wozeham, the ofer not TY far of fushath not alittle balten; ubilett he giveth forth Sop Cetatplentie ofSctephiumgrotuety bpon the sentith hore, in tole defeription Fuich- that tworke, efpectallie Utlalter gperton founver of oeee aaa Grane. And thus mud ont of fhe fir aufhour , tho com men deth it alfo,fop that in time pafk it did peclo fuch 5 seiaes The defcription of Britaine. tafe, BanlesCrate Rowth Crate, and fall into the Thames, ptt osit on long perit c affed the fall of the bawke jit f ery 5 |