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Show The hiftorie ofScotland. The hiftorie ofScotland. andfell in thirmith, fo that fonretimes aman might haue feene godemptiongof fandles betivittthem. Mn the fourth dap tn the mooning , uhen the Cnge lithmen bebeld the bill ahere the Srots bad lien the night before , thep perceiued botw thep tuere gone, and therebpon fending forth light borfiemten totrie out tthich imap thep had taken , worxdwas brought The Scots -bilonge. botv thep tucre but remourdto an other bill a little -fabfch For that thep could not niftie them atvap, thep billed, to the end the Englifhmen fhould bane tio gaine bpthem. here tere likewife founn fine Eng: lifhmtent wwtth their legs baoken, ¢ bound nakeo bn: fotrees, thich tuere quicklie lofen and conmnitted to the cure of (urgtans. Zhe eninties being thus de: parted,hing Cotvard bp adutfe of his councell babe Ringer pphiscampe, and returied to London 5 footing warniye off, lierg fatt bp the fame river ,and there lap init butloft labour to traueli bis people ahie further at kethopys Fata he Englith campedmore Trongite than before. Incontinentlie ro that time. ermicraled. herebpon, thing Coward ratfeth bis campe, ano res In this peare ied THalter Stetwar, father to : moueth fo another bill lieng oucr againthat bill Robert Steward, that twas atter king of Seat: newt fiherethe Scots twrth their potwer were now lodged. Land. And tn thts veare follotwing or rather the Cane veta, Atlenath , after that both the armies bad lien thus peare, 2. Clisabeth mother to Danio wWrnte the burthetca. aged {pace the one ouer againtt the other, James prince deceafled, and was buricd tn Dunieimting retbe Dotnglatie toke aanife with bimfelfe to exploita ur the peare after the birth of our Santoury 328.5n pi a right barbie enterpzife. A + Be chole forth two hundzed of perfect gad hotles MieM, Mounted vpon verie fini and readie gel avin of amongtt bis ownepeople, butalfoamongt tran erploitedbp . nefevied bp ante of them, till he tas enteredinto fir eee theivcampe,ubere,by the notte of themoning of the eit hooffe feet, fome chanced to atvake that lap afleepe. iButvet per the alarme wereratfed to ante purpofe, twtfe the Houlo at anie time mtake an ablolate lord The adutie Suettie Zles, bicaute the people of the fnic ate of given dp king herald bp bing COMMANDING Him to declare fhid) tere the thee Eroardtye miofk worthie + daltantcapteins that hehadknowne moxerebellion againtt the king , into the tthicy be- fore pra pe= 4 "ing once fallen, thepare not eafilie reduced to their ceaffe, ther, toe Scots thus levbp Dotwglashadperienthrongh, euen bnite the kings tent, and cut tivo cors of the iwith diuerfe. other of the Srotify nobilitie. gn the fuer frombingGoward into Scotland for the concinifion bee Land , ui declaringit free as tt twas tn timeofbing aoe fame in funder, fo that the bing wasin nofmall Aleranver the third > bnderthele conditions, that Eqcians Porthumberland youla be admitted for the mar?the peor Danger to haue bene Maine , bad not the Scots inithdzainent the foner fo: Doubt of being inclofen 30 ches of Scotland onthe eaft part, amd Cumberland osha With their eniinnes as nol raifed on each five to come fo bis fucco2s, but Dotwglale pet re‘urned ie Scots , it was couenanted that king Wobert Hhould at Coy pap to king Coward thirtie thoufand marks fier: <a ling. And for the moze fuertie and ratification of Ea 4 this finallagreement and peace betwirt the tho mage obey fate). Ahelearnries lap thus oneagainfFan otherfo. Thre Srots fecreti:ere- the {pace of eightene dates, till at length the Scots tornc home to prinilie in the night conucted themfelues alnap, and 40 Heirtountne. returned home m mof fpedie tile , {upofing they had done {ufficientlic inough fo, that time. Jtcane cedthat in the enening,before the Scots tent thus theit wates, there nas a Scottaken bp the Cnglif} inatd), tho being bought before the king, confef? » fed that there mas commandement ginen through *. All Ghich articles tere putin twriting, there ber of the nobilitie , both of @rglanb and Scotla. Eien dking Robert Itucd not pat teclue monethsafier a this mariage, departing out of thislife at Cardses the fenenth vay of Zulie,in the peare of our L160 1329.31 the latter end of bis dates, he as ge 1333 Cnglify doubting leat the Scots minded togiue them a camifave that night, placcotyemfclues in oder of battell, and fo fod till thenert mozning teabie tohauerecciucdthem ifthey hadcome. Lhe madcanendof him, in the tluentte fourth peare of his reigne, being one of the moft baltant princes -_knowenin anie part of the tibole toozlo in thole bis Bi -_daies, hauing felt inbis timethe force of ettherfag Scots alfo madegreat fires within their campe, thatthep might fee about them .3nthe beeakeof the bap, there Were tive Scotithtrumpeterstaken bp -_uouflie vered with a leprofte , which thus finallte tune; fo2 in the beginning ofbis retgne,fad ~_ nes of aduerfitie {urrounded him on each five, ~ oat -_-is conftant manbodhad not bene the greater, might haue brought him in defpaire ofall wea the Cuglith counts, the Hhidbeing brought before the bing, declared that the Scotity armie was bzo- 60 rie: for befive {undzic difcomfitures, ‘bleh be ee ken bpand returned, and further (hetwed how they ued at the handsofthe entmies , with lolle of ae iwere appointed thus to declare nto bim, bauing bretheen (bis brother Enward onlie ercepted nf fuffered themfelues to betaken for the fame intent, Asfone asthe Cnglifhmen were aduertifeo that the Scots were thusdeparted, thep batfed to the moff partofall fheto2ds of Scotland were him and aided his aduerfariesto the utter -_bis power : pet he nothing difconraged bere a place there thep hadlienincamped,inbopetohane foundfome riches , thich for bait thep ban left bee -_ceaffed not to implop all indufrions means _ _tuer his countrie from the poke of ferulle nents Hind them:but at theivcommingthither,thep found (able be beleurd would fucceed bp the saree - are madeof the grénebides of beafts dutanneo, _defpite ofail former chances)be atterned the ¢ ait, hothing,, but 20000 patres of hicland haves, whic) Allo thepfoundthee bundscdbivesof fauagebeats fet bpon fakes in ffead of caldzons , therein to fecth thett meat . MPozcouer, they hadlett behing Hemfine bundzeddead carcatles of brattse thepe, of the Engifiy kings) till at length ae it his ohole indeuors, fo much the mor to ene as be bad found the binderance ano difficnlit An bringing the famefullie to palle. not oneli Wis fame therefope vid fprcad bugelit, emangt fuchas wasable beff to qiue fentencein fac) a mat: fer;@idagaine, for that manie of them thought hie would have numbzedfome of thofe that were there Cnglithmer, noz to teopard the realme ppon the chance of one field: but rather to refit and beepe them off from indamaging thetr countrie, by often Cngland, but allo all {uch frangersashadin anie iwife creelied in Martiallowedle, haningall their acts and baltant doings in frefhmemozie,andtheres -comfiten,thep mapbauc fome potverpetrefered to amakenetu refiftance. Thirdlie,be forbad thet tra. nie wife to make anvlong peace With England;fo naturallte meit war dull and flouthfull by long rete and quictnes, fo that after long peace,thzough lacke of bfeand evercife of arms, men are notable to the emperour : for he fuboued tha kings and thre fulteine anie great pares oztrauell. fir Giles of Argentine, tho in three fundzie battels -_ppoxtuntitic amd conucnient occafion for themtoate tempt the tuarres: anbd therefore be indgedit bet, foeir principalcapteins with bis otune bands. he Creberay ‘shone, of gpcoriant realuts werefet in moft fubfantial! wife. Zheb lemntsation of the mariage before rernembaed twas Rept at Werintke within a Hbile after , onthe etgh teenth day of Julie, in the prefence of a great nant of fuch frength,that they carmot be aypoched but bp ec Againt the Saracens got the victorie, ¢ fue tivo of Cotwardfhouldbecoupleoinmariage with Danld yee a to all the feals of the great loxds torthin both the fea, as inuironed with the fame.Scconbdartlie,he aw uifed them neuerto aypoint anie fet battell with the €¢ realines , and mainteined bis intperialleftate amp Wo2ouer,be alledged,hotw the Cugtifmen toonls te profperous felicitie to bis lines end.Zhe fecond,was 30 continue tn peace no longer than there thanten 6. fions , tf was conclnded that Jane the fitter of king -_ Weale the peince of Scotland, the Scotifh campe,that cueriemanfhoulbbe readie {ith bis armoz and tweapon to follow the fandara of Dotyglafle at a certeine houre thefame night, but thither thep intended to go,it was Onknowne, 50 faue onclic amongeft the capteins. erevpon the wtion, made , and for the Damages dane to England by the carey campe, hauing faine(asfome bobs report) thee Hundzd Englithmen at this bunt. The Engh} inent warned hereby, toke better hevattertothetr due obedience againte,by reafon thetr countries are the compante were quiet, longing tobtare bis an: fwere therein, both for thatthey knew bis thill was bponboldlic vttcred his mind as follotweth, Treberas The firk, mol tworthirand valiant chiefteine(fain mfwrrto the he) that hath liued tn thefe our daies, was Wenric onthe wel. Fo? the which renuntiation thus to be cata fafetic with bis number backe againe to the Scotith in all bis daics.ihe herald apnifing twit bimtclfe of piefent amonat thofe thre, But the herald dtd not. 20 fairmithing , ¢ cutting them off at freics ¢ places onelie knotw all the noblemen within the realme of of aduantage, to the mtent that ifthe Scots be dit: end oftie faunte peare,there tere ambatlaners fent Sineiois tabicty be havoz might baue to the crotwne of Sot: apart ne quetionfo the king of beralds,that as then fodbp, .. nature onttenfatk, and fone feduced and brousyht to aoa this matter,{tated afpace, in obicymeane thileall the fame peare,king Robert wan the cattell of POY Scots ion of a peace, tbich toas accorded in this tulle: that fentfone uid,achilnas then not pat feuen peres of age. Be alo aduifenthemof fundzie thiigs tondjing the rule of the realmeafter his veceale, tytch he pereciued wasat hanw.Ado fir be counfelled thent that inno ercelled in fitotwlenge in that behalfe. At length,af ter much reafoning to and fro, He proponen this Fquetion eae ham, and thoztlie after befieged the cattcli of Alm: beicgan -wike, there tuere Asine Ciilliam de Dountalte Bini Hk. Coward fhoulo renounce all his right eclaine commis Dis realme, ann there int prefertce of them all > coin inttted bntothent the gouernmenit of bis fonneDa: berie enimies. Ffo3 (asit ts fai) ona time tt chan Reg pat o: ced that bing Coward the thio, fitting atabanket mangit the amongst bis nobles,fell in talke twith them oftware emmieg. like entecpztfes,and of uch notable capteinsas had Ditigs, With the abich in the night feafonhe palled z. knight, Fobn Clapauen and qalifius de Dunbar, ctate 2n enterpzite flilie bp the Cngith wate, that be tas not once 227 into the chantber there he laic, the thicfet pares of king Robert. gers, infomuch that bis ouc pzatie was not tan: fing, HO not euch amongand tr the midf of bis Mill, The herald then began againe thus: Tbelied) tule, -_that the Scots thouln neucr conclue anie perpetuy S¢ third(if bnder pour graces correction ¥ map praife the cniimie) J mull tudge to be Robert Wrule bing of Scotland: thom the herald hanno foner named, but all thofe that were prefent,twithfomfull laugh» ter began to teaft at the heralds p2efumption , for that be durft fo malapertli¢ in the kings. prefenee bonothe enimie twith fobigh praife. at length, at yo the heralds requeft, the king commanted them to be pour bighnefle (fatd be) if J haue ought offended, to ¢ take myta:ds in ged part : for J bauebeene ener all peace twtth them,noz take anie trace longer than for thaee op Fonte paeeesat the molt. We filled them -further,to confide one thing, that thenthefe aypear ered leaft occafion of tuarces trith Cngland, then they oughttobe moft etrcrm{pedt , teat peraduens ture their enimies fhould conte at onivares,anofind them bitpouided fox timelie refiftance. Werednto be defired them, that after bis neerate, thep twouln we iy to ‘ shoe fomcorteof the molt worthic eapteins within Huehishear the hole realme , to beare bis beart bnto Ferata holp fepuichze lent,rndthere to fee tt buried within the temple , bee « 0this opinion, that the truth houlo in cnerte cafe ane the holie fepulcyre of our Lor. Jor tf he hav * be bttered, recetued, and allowed in pour prefence; <c Namelie, tobere pour bighnefle commandett ante & man to declare the fame. This one thing therefore ¥ berating not beene for along {pace hindered by bigent bute neffe of warres at home, and laftite preuenten bp Death, he had vowed to haue paffed toith ar armice em, fhall vefire pou to confiver, that if a man mutt intothe bolie land, tn defenfe of the chgitian fatth, a ¢c Meds be bangquifhen, tt isleffe pithono: tobe va 50 gaint the Lurkes and Saracens, quitged of him that is knotone for a right baltant Werebvpontherhe wis dead, the lords by one als arhe caute ¢¢ perfonage,tban of bimthat ts but acoward. doze» fent, aypointed Or Janes Dotwgtale to take this whv the Daw ouer,to thet plainelie bute vour grace, botumud _-enterpzfe in ban,tro twillinglie obeted their order, saMlco beare + €€ J efteeme the valiancie of king Robert(ubome ¥ perceiue fome here mapnot abide to hauenumbied ‘with the tivo foymer mot valiant capteins) if truth ce Might aweare, J durfkbeboldtopzcferre him with -aas hethat badeuer during the life of king Mobert, weei : ferucd moft fatthfullie the bobte therein the fame heart was tnclofen,4 for this caufe the Dotwglattes -beare the blondie heart in thetrarmes, % Khe com: p,rpin mendations of ubich hing Wobert,Buchsnan fetteih §@d caule before them both: fo the valiant acs at, < diued by Wenrie the emperour map be afcribeo forth to comprehend mante things tn fetv wo208) to Chess, father to the twifedomeof bis councelle:s , than to 69 be: that he was euerie tap a moft warthie perfon, *Srteraty bis otpne baltantneffe and prudence : but contrarts and that there were feto tobe found (froin the for» lte.king Robert being confined out of bis countrie, met beroteall bates)cquall bnto bin in all kinds of here ls no tests and deffitute of friends and ail conuentcnt aid, re. bertue. for as he wasin battell mot valiant, © hore but hath * ¢¢ Couered the realme of Scotland , by bis fingutar twas he in peace moff temperate ¢ (ut, Ano though Ryan. manbod,ontof the hands of pour noble father, ano bis vnointned gen fucceffe and perpetual! courte of bath biar ce efablithen it with fach tranquitlitie , that be aypeas vidovies (after hat foptune was once fatiffied 02 ras priche, red inaze terrible to bis enimies of Cngland, than ther werted ttth his miffotunes) were verte great, ¢ ener thep had bene afoze to bis fubueas of Scot pet hefeimeth to Backuorn tobe farce more won law. € Zhefe o; the like wors btteredby the hes _-rnerful in bis anuerfefortune ; thofe balure of ming Tald, were well allowed of the king , anv flowed the Mouths of them that toke the matter @ ftranges twas (achthat tt conte not be broken (no not fo muh as ineakened) by fomanie coils as happened bnto oe Bat new to returne to otBing Robert alice betoze eaten of wtoe ‘ calledtogither rey tecaputtos,ws0cobig 5 wife, renby pallant beth;Ang befines that, bis frlenos yo |