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Show Thefate ofthe Thethird Booke. + foybis fullmeanin Sorianseee ithere itt thither,as be thatba D forepurpofing to patte agatnte agreat defire to bring the WBritains buoerthe abe pience of the Romane effate;he caufeda great. numberofthips tobeprouided in thetwinterfeafon anbputitra teadinette,tothatagainthenertfpring: aucthereof beftolveninfortifieng bis campe. Britains ynder kinge. Mabbie, thé mnaner. ofthe Britains he wert vay, as be Han ferrt, feorth fuch as Thorlo from wordeanre hauepurlucnthe , Britains, tconate tae to himfat Quintus Atrivs » thatbis nante »Aghting inwarre, their incounter with theig by tigonrof a foc enimies,rheir difcompiwrethe worthiz -_and hincous tempett twas grenouflic moleften, and cifall rageof wind,the maiffers and mariners were notableto belpe the matter. Cefar calling backe bout the beginning of thefpeing be camte to the batenof Calice, trither G@ccording-to oder by him pretcribed) allbiships teerecome, ercept go thidy by tempeft were dziuert backe, and.could notas pet cometo him. oj i - After behad faiedat Caltce(astwell foraconucs and finding themin {uch ffate as be bad beard, toke order forthe repaitingof thofe that were not btterlie Defkroied , anpeaufen them fo tobe dzatune bp to the land,that tuitha trend)he might to compatte in aplotohiground, that might ferus both fordefente of his thipsandalloforthe incampingof thofemenof their fre touching Mandubratius , manig of theBritains are taken and (line ofthe Romans, det forthe gouernance of Galliainbisablence, ar 10 thofe tibidh he had(ent forth , returned to bts thips; nientiind,as forotherincivents)certeine daics,at Icnath hen the tueather fo cangedthatitferuenbis The xv. Chapter. oy findingnotonetorefifthiscommingathore:foras belearned bp certeine prifoners thich twere taken tuchamightie number of thips affembled ont ofall -_parts oftheland,and bad bp geneval content apotty fembled in. purpote to haue refitted him, through fcave firiken into theft hats, at the bifcoucring of the tvarre puto Cafliuellane 3 Cafftbelane, tole dominion was diuiden from the cities fituat nere Ceattbelet Decdof veilelsoneand other, that iitbittellers, ¢ thofe thich priuatmen bad pronided andfurntthen fimebabbin at continual twarre with other rulers, thevertie? and cities ofthe lann: but noww Weitains moucd Drogo Aypecring in fight all at one time,made a wonderfull orbet and rulcofall things touching the aefenfe of w after bis connning fo land, the dritainsbeingaG : a mans, byreatonof theirhea, (nigarmour(being notableet> p re miuffer,and rightterrible in the cies of thewritains, Muttoproced: Celar being gottoland, incany pedbisarinic ina placeconuentent: ¢ ¢ andatterlear; ning bp the prifoners , into that part theentinies 5© {weretwithozatune, be appointed one Quintus Atris us toremaine Upon the fafegardof thenanic, with teticompanies 02 cobozts of fotmen, and thzee hun: Died eM AND ANONAfter midnight marched forth bimfelfe with the retinue of his people towarn the Writains,andbauing mader2 milesof tap, he got fightof bis entmieshott , tho fending notwne their countrie againt the Romans onelic to bim. Aheirborwemen ann charets fkirmifhen bp the twaic {with the Romans, butfo as thep were putit backe of tentimes into the fymds ana billsabiotsing: pet the Writains Mue diners of atom cp follote- edanie thing egerlie in sales: cto Allo MMithina hile ater, as the AXomans tere bufie in fostifieng their campe,the Britains {udder licifued ontof the wads , and fierfelte atfailed thole -_‘that iwaroey before the campe, tito trhole aio Cefac -_fent tian of the hicfett cohorts of tivo legions, the theit horMenien and charcts onto the riuer fide, hire fubich being placed but a litledittance one from ano: mifhed twith the Romans, meaning to beate then ther, then the Komans began to be difcouragedD backe fromthe bigher ground: but bettgafailedof So Lith this kind of fight, the Wyitains theretwith burt the Romane horlemen, thep twere tepeiled, ¢ take ox - fo: their refuge, therein they ban gota Gm erieftrong, both bp nature and belpe of banb, aa Ard = _ be thought) bab beene fortificn bes _ pered an Woarteamongtt them:foi nen ments Uhichbadbene apnea er : Dotubeit the fouloiers -me?)a re st = before them, found eo -- from theirnefen. Senaoon . Po:tm echoed ofthe aon ownage . ufter the Nomansto thieonmaieenn "ees the ature of theron Dap vas farretpent fo thent: and againe the sKthatbetouldbauetheret, mightpercetue otv the Wittainsinere readie on the further five to impeach bis pallage, ano goto that the bankeat the comming fanth of the toater twas pight fall of tharpe fakes, ano fo liketotfe twas the chanel : the tiner fet with piles txyicy incre courted inith einater. Thete thirigs vet fated not Cefar, whoagetnting « his hoofcimen to patle on before , conimanden the footenteit to follatn.ithe foulpiers entringthe tater, iwaden thzongh toith fuch [pen and violence (nothing To aypecringof them absue.tnater but their heads) that the ritaing toeve conffreined to give place , tring not ableto futteine the bauntof the somane hortle. mien,ann the legtons oftheir fictemen,and fb abanbos ning the place betmbe them to fight. Callibctiane not mindingto trie the matter ante moze bp battell, fentatvatethe mot part of bis people, bat pet kept with bimabouta foure thoufand carretnten o2 wa Soners, and fill watched fibat Waie the Romans 2Ai ther to follow the Writainsas 20 toke,coatting thenrencr as thep marched , and kept Dastodepartfromthcivenfig, foimetWat afide tutthin the conert of temds,and other nes,ercept thep would runne inte vanger of cating themfelues atvate) tere nothing mete to mate) {with fuch hindof eninties: and as for theic hoste, men, theyfoughtliketwitcingreat hasard, bicanfe the Mritains twoulo oftentinies of pirpofe retire, and tihent thep hav trained the Womanehowlemeria Utlefrom theft legions of fotnent, thep ivouldleape out of thee charretsandinconnter iwiththem onfot, comberfome places, And ont of thofe quarters -«thugh hichbe biterftmd theaxomans twold pate, he gathered both inen and cattell into the wons¢ -thicke foyreffs , Iearing nothing of palucabzoad tr the champion countrie.And then the Roman hortke. men didcome abzodd intothe counttie tofeke ba- _ties,be fent ont bis charrets bnto the knownefuates and pallages to feirntity with the fame boriehten,f Gnd (0 the battell of hoxtfemen wWasdatigerous, and ,.. mud) to the difapnantage of the Komans, that thep Thmarner Mthe By: Ifke itt all points tether thep purfuen 02 retired. This alfo was the mancr of the Writains: thep durtt not firaie farte fromthele mainearmic. Pets ther wouln Cefar permit tyem (leak thep might fought not clofe togtther, but infunder, andoiatoes -‘baue bene btterlte dfftreffen bp the WBzitains) tones tes conucnient,to the abich thep mightretire, andi was not indamagend bp,fire and {polle, but onlie teleue one another with fending nety freth ments "there thearmite marched. {nto companies one feparaten from another by a guddiftance, and han fheit' tropes fanning in plas -_-ted the tholerule and ozerof all things touching kos chole himto be -_- With the counning of the Komans, Bucking: chief sanier all thetr emake peer cenbefore the campe ;eucitin of the fightand bietu of all men, Sif tuas percetucd thatthe 1X0: mie of thent that Nr oa e on enertoap after thep badthus fonght before the -spat further thant the mainebattelsof the fotemen ‘bept pace toith them,bp reafon thereof the countrie Jn the meane tine,the Lrofnonants whic) fone Croinonants take to be Spiodlefer ¢ Ciler men,tbolecttic was ieee eb. campeof theRomans,they thetved themfelucs aloft 40 thebett fented of allthote parties, and thought tobe {ud an bugenumber of thips,thep forlmke thethore 40 tothe feacoatt,by theviner of Thantes, 80 miles d{> ae thould and got them tntofhemountaines . Thereiwereins tant from the fea coal. Dhis Cattibellane before tame, mlee t for theft owwne bie, being foined to the oxdina: foogth Kienumber, atthe leat cight hundzenfaile, which F all this manet of (hit: a) mithing and fight wbich dare --Ywarre,hich he fhoula Ieauc to attend bponthe fafes -_gardof the fame.andbicauls there were at the leat putpofe,betobethefea, e having with bimfiuclegta fortie fhips lof bp violence of this tempefl , fo as ong of foulbicrs,and about twothoufandboremen, 20 therewwas no bope of recoueric in them, be fat pet he departedoutof Calicehauewabout fun fetting holw the rel twith great labour and cot might be re, With abs Outhwert wind, direcing bis courfefoy paired: aberefore be chofe out weights among the foard; aboutnidnighttbe windfell, ¢fobpacalme -_legfons,{ent forother inte Gallia, andiyzofe ouct to beinas carricd alongtt withthe tive, fothat inthe fuchas he bad lett there in charge with the gouerne moming when the dap apared, be might bebolo ment of thecountric, to pronide fo mante thips as Britaine dpon dis left hard. Zhen following the thepcoulo,and fo fend them ouer tuto btm.de {pent freameas the courle of thetine changed. beforxced atendaies about the repatring of bisnanie, andin iwithoares tofetch the hore opon that partof the -_-fortifieng the camipe for defente thereof, trbtch done, coal,abichhe han difcoucred, mbtriedthelatpere be left thofe within it that tuere appointen there bee fobe the bef landing place for thearmie, Hhe dil: 30 fore,and then returned folvards bis eninies, gence of the foulniers was hetved bere tobe great, this comming backe to the place there be had iho inith continual toile dour forth the beanie before incamped, be found them there reavte to refhips,to keepecourte tuith thegallies, ¢foatlengt) ft him, bantng their numbers hugelic increafen + fheplanded in tyitaine about noneonthenertoap, fo2 the IBzitatns bearing that be twas returned with ftrar:: } {uitagemsor martial exploits ofGaffibellane; ‘ the Treiriomants fulonifiion to Cafar sand) 110 -_thzotone bpon the More,fo that the cabels anv tackle -_being bzokennan deltroied with farce of the bmmers there were found to be readie rigged fir Hundzed thips,befine 28 gallies, Peerebpon haning taken 03 the hiftorie of England. TheRomans' heatiic armor their great ott the billsanv began to fairimith withthe xomane boalemen, but not fo hotlic as thep had done the dap befoye. Wut about none, then Cefarbad tent forth CiusTrebo. SB2&legions of fatemenandallbishortemenbnder ti, theleadingof his Itentenant Caius Drebontus to in fowage, thep (undenliebzakeoutoneucrie the fame that notviscalled London, fentambattae bours bnto Cefar, offering to fabmitt themfelues oto him, and to obete bis oedinances , and further --belought him to defend spandubzatins from the iw turiesof 4s.Callibellane, thie) Handnbzatius had fed bite Cefar into France, after that Caffibellane bad laine f bis father named Jmanuentinus, 1 Imanuentius fide, and fet opott the foxragers. The Romans fo far forth as they might, notbzeakingtheir arate, noz ‘that was chiefe lozd and ising ofthe Croinouants, mang? Might have the failegions tu fight teabte to (ace Rese Cour them if needtueres bp reaton trberedf, thep ue ‘rule oftheircitie into bis bands. Cefar commary ‘ded them: to deliuer bnto him 40 hoffages, and Going from their enfignes o2 guidons, gaue the andfonofuby theiramballavozs the fame Hroinos satge on them, and fiercelie repelled them, fo that 50 wants requefted Cefar,not onelie to recetue Mane Der, oe bortlemen haning the legions of fotemen at dubzatiusinte bis protection ,butallo to fend him bagtheirbacks, followed the Britains {long as thep onto thent, that bemight take the gouernmentand om Agreat number of the Wrttains, notgining then: at i leafure torecouer themfelues, no2to ftaic that thep Scepattg Mightbaue time toget ontof their carrets. After feutiy Sis chafe ano vifcomfiture, all {ud as were come gratne for his armie, and theretofth fent andus bzatins dito them, The Lroeinouants accomplityen SDometake bis commandements with all {peed , fending both te Croine- theappotnten number of hottages, aid alGograine 2oussmer, Wiliam, ftom other partics tothe aibof their fellowesdepare ‘forthearntie .Anb betng thus defermen and pester» -Writains inthe endwereputbacke, seucrtheletle, See Ring. NCD to top the enimies from patitng the fame, if by Saunt ahiemeanes they might: and thereas there twas but one ford by the hich they might come ouer, ing their tervitoxies with {uch munition as ther at the commring forth on that fide tebere he Wwas lov. be bnderfted that the totone of Caffibellane was noffar from the place tibere be twas then incampen fenfen tuith andes and martes, into the abhtch agreat number of people toith.their cattell and 92 ther fubffance toas withozaipne. The wattains in tie of power thep tuere vanquithed; as pou fhall fee after inthe courte of the hifferie, ¥potobeit in fine € . Cefar learning bp relation of p2ifoners though their enimies, and came backe from thence in fafetie. That date Nuintus Laberius Durus 3 tribune was Gaine.At length Cefar fending fundzie othercobortsto the furcour of bis people that tere in fight, andthzetwolic handled as it ayperred , the that repulfe twas but at the pleafure of fortunes fo? -_thepquitenthemfclucs attertwarns like ment, defery ab, wntill {uch time as either bp policteo2 inequall -thep fpere oner-ran and btferlic fabdued , but not without mud) blondthen and daughter, The tedbome, ¢atter that bap the i3zitainsabuentured 6o uedfromintutie of the fouloters, the people called < to fi ight againCefar ‘ehist with theieseat maine potver,; amd Cenimagqni, Scgontiact ,Anealites, wWikeoct, and Withdeatving beyondtheriuer of *hames,veterntiCatt, (ubmitten themfclues onto Cefar, bp tom llane canted the fame tobe fet fullof harpe 8,not onlie in the mipoett of the water, but alfo Sed inith his armic in gadorver,readteto defendthe idbetoke , that the Writains intended to na, Matched fo2th to the rfuer five, Lubere the fozdivas, bothe tihich bis armic might palle the fame on fot ough veric havolie, athis comming thither, he thofe dates (as Cefar twriteth) called that a totone 02 bol,which thep han fortéfien tuith ante thickecome -_-berfometomd , twith trench ad rampire, inte the -_ehich thep bled toget thembelucs fo) the auotoing _of inuafforr. Cefarwith his tegtons of fouldiers therfore mars chen thither, menue,Serene ~ |