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Show 44 Bbattell at AMVerton, He wasbt: Thefixt Booke of Theftate of Britaine Freine, and Harold . This battell was fore fough: ° (bodie , and threty the fanw into a thickegtowe of bu ten, and continued till night, with thedanghter of "thes. Wnt aftertvards bis friends take the bovte egietoon, manic thoufands of Danes .About 14 dates after , Moith the bead, and buried the fame at Cglefoon: king Cthelred and bis brother Glured fought efttubere afterivard alfoa faire monatteric twas but fones with the Danith armie at Wafing , tere the Dedby onebithop Afinin, and changing the nameof Danes had the bidorie. Alfotivo moneths afterthis the place ,it fuas after called faint Comundfhw they liketwife fought with the Danes at Merton. tie. Thus was king Comundput to oeathby the And there the Danes, atter thep hav bane put to the cruell Danes for bis confant confetting the name toopfe,¢ purtucdin chafe along tine, pet at length of Cyt, inthe 16 peare of bis reigne, and fo ceafen Thop of Shire they allo got the bicorie, in tbich battell Comund xo the kingdome of Gattangles. Jo? after that the borne ag Mar. Welt, faith, Wil, Malm, bithop of Shirebore twas Maine , ad manie other Danes had thus Maine that blefed man, thep cow that were men of tvarthie fame and gwd account. queted all the countrie, ¢ thaftenit, fo that through Cattangies thefrfpzannic it remained toithont ante gouerno2 bp Smithout age: $n the fummier following , amightic hott ofthe Danes came to Heading , and there fofournenfo: a time. § Zhefe things agree notwith that thi) Po- Polyd.Virg, lydor Virgil bath wattten of thefe tuartes trhich bythe Saxons Co Danes. ured was confecratenking in bis fathers life time 4 greuons tars in fundzie pacts of this lann, be- firoteng the fame in moff crucll tvife . Abouta moneth after he was madeking, he gaue battell to the Danes of CHilton, hauing with him no great numberofpeople,fo that although tn the beginning the Danes that dap tere put to the tumefe,pet in the end thep obteined the bictorte . Shoortlte after,a truce vernour, the fpaceof nine peares , and then thep apeinted a king toruleouer it, thofe name twas Guthzun, one Guthuns of their otune nation , tho gouerned both the. Catt: Dane king dt Eaangics. king €thelred had tuith the Danes: forbe maketh angles andthe Cattfarons. mention of one' Zuarus aking of the Danes, hbo Pe haue heard how the anes flue Dirike and Landed(as he twziteth) at the mouth of umber,and Cllakings of Pozthumberiaw. After tbich diaoikea out enimie inuaved the countrie anfointng . 20 rie bp themsbteinen,thep dip much burt tn the nozth Again# ahome Cthelred with his beother Ainrea parts of this land ,and amongeft other cruel needs, Polychron, camewith an atmie , and incountring the Danes , thep deffroten the citie of Actin , abicy twas a fa fought totth them by the fpace of a Gbole dap togt mous cific tr the time of the sloSarons, as by Bether, and was in danger to Hane bene put to the da and other tuztters both manifettlie apeare . Pere twonfe, but that tie night feuered them afunder .3n ts to be remembzed that fome twpiters rebearte the Caxwn fhe moming they toined agaitte: but the nrathof 3+ caufe to be this. Dibright 02 Dirtke king of ox uarus , tho danced to be laine inthe beginnitig of thumberland rauifheo the twife of one Werne that the battell , nifcouraged the Danes , fo that they {was anoble man ofthe countrie about a2ke , tho hive ~* ivereeafilte put to Light,of tomie(before thep could toke {uch great delight thereat, that be fied out of get out of Danger)a greatnumber were Maine. Wut 30 theland, and went into Denmarke, andthere com after that thep had recoucren themfelues togither , plained onto the hing of Denmarke his cofin of the and found out a conuentent place there to pitch) their of the Cnglimen. Amongett others , Cthelren = ‘wi 2 Pian Sera @dinnnd &, ofthe @att= angles. exe Ring @os Tard thar to Death, Alfred ruleth ouer the Weftfaxons and bimfelfe recetucd a wound,thereof be Thortlie after the geet part of England, the Danes died . Thus faith Polydor touding the twarros afflict him withfore warre,and cruellie make tibich king Cthelren had twith the Danes , tho pet confetfeth (as the tructhis.) that fuch authorsas be 5° Wa/l ofhukingdome , they lie at London awhole Herein followed,varie much ftom that thich the Dar winter, they inuade Mercia, the king whercof{Burwith twpiters do reco2dof thele matters, and names thredby name) forfaketh his cossntrie andgecthto Rome, bx lie touching the bmings of Xuarus, as in the Danith death and buriall ; Halden king ofthe Danesdivideth Northumberland amonghis people ; Alfred incountreth with the Hittoric pou mayfee moze atlarge,.. « Danes vpon the fea, they fweare to him thatthey will depart Wut now to our purpofe touching the oath of out ofhis kingdome, they breakethe truce which was made king Cthelred , abether bp reafon of burt receiuen betwixt him and them he giuech them barrel] , and (belides infightagaint the anes (as Polydor faith )o2 0 a great difcomficure ) Killedh Manic of their capteines, the Danes and Englith fightneere Abington, the thertutfe , certeineitis , that @thelred anon after vidtoric yncerteine, feuen foughten fieldes Catter departed this lite, in the firt peare of bis betwixt chem in one yeare,the Danes teigue ,and twas buried at Wlinbome abbey. Jn foiourne ar London, the daies of this Cthelred , the forefatd Dantth caps teins , Wungar , otheriuife called Agnerus , and Thexii. Chapter. Hubba returning from the nopth parts.into the countrie of the Caftangles , came onto £ betfor, sap Fter the deceafe of king thereof Comund, abo reigned as hung in that fear Jess Cthelred , his brother Alw Suet the Catangles, being aduertifen , railen ¢e)) ved 02 Aifred fucreedeo bir, an acme of nten , and went fozth to giue battell bry and began bis reigne curr to this acmie of the Danes . Wat he twith bis people eNO the Wieitfarons , and other ; {ons chafed out of the ficlo , and fled ta the caftell of ' the ntoze part of the people of Framingham, abere being enuironed tuith a fiege Cngland, in the peare of oor HO" ae enhinies, be peeloed bimtelfe ontothem, And A? Low 872, thi was in the ‘aufe he would not renounce the chaiftian faith, {hey Daunbine toa tre and thot arrolves at bim bedten: adattertpards cutoffbis bead from bis 19 peate of the enrperour Letwes the ferond ad 32 peareof therrigne of Charies the bald, kingof France , and about the clecenth pears of Cor far tine that either thep muft fight fo2 their liues ,o2 dte iwith fhame; bololie came fozth , and gaue battell . Zhe Cnglithmen rathlie incountered toith thent, mb though thep were ouermatched in number,pet with fuich vidlence thep gauethe onlet , that the enimies atthe firlt were abathed at thet barbie alfaults.wut then as it was perceiued that their fender ranks Were notable to retitt the thicke leghers of the ent trites , thep began to fhrinke sloke backe one bpott another ; and (oof force were conftreines to retire ; and thereinithall vin café themfelues into a ring, ftebich thonch it famed to be the bef wap that coul be deutfed for their fafetic, pet bp the great force and nuntberof their cnimirs oneach fine afatling thenr, thep werefo theonacdtogither on heaps , that thep had no ronie.to ftir their tueapons . Which difanuantage notivithfanding, thep due a great nuny Andthe Danesthat hadlien at Keabing , remoucd 20 berofthe Danes, andamongeft ether , Hubba the Hubba flaine, brother of Agner , with mante otherof the Danifh from thence buto London, here thep lap all the capteins , At length the Cnglif}men having valv iwinter feafant, Jn the fecond peare of Alured bis antlic feughten along tinte tuith the enimics, thid teigne, the Danith king Waldenled the fante armic had compatted themabout, at lal brake out and got The bicove from London into Lindfete ; and there lodged all themto their campe. Zo be buefe, this battell twas doubsfnl, that winter at Lowkfeie. Jn the peare folloiving, foughter twith fooquall fortune that no man biel the fame 1alden inuaded Mercia, and twinfered at fo thether part the bidozie ought to be alcribed, Wut Ripindon. There tocre come to him thee other leas foas taken betivirt the Danes and the Wiettfarons. © Dersof Danes thich our twziters name to be kings, Godzun,Etketell,¢ Ammiond, fo that their power after they tere once feucred, thep twke care tocure theit hurt men, and to burie the xead bodies , names Was greatlic increafed . Wurtizen king of Bercta 3° lie the Eanes interred the bodie of their capteine ubba with great fonerall pompe and folemnitte : hich bad governed that countrie by the {pace of 22 pietes, twas notable te twithitand the puiffance of thofe entmies : aherebpon be toas conffreined to auaid the countrie, and twentto ome, there be departed this life, andivas buried in the churd) of our ladic , nacre tothe Englith fhole. thiuric donc fo bim by king Dinight. Therebpon the king of Denmarke,glad to hauefo {ult aquarell againthem of o2thumberland , furnithen feozth arrarntie, and (ent the fame bp fea ( bnder the lear bingofbis tivo beettzen tungat and iubba) into Horthumberland , there thep flue firkk the fatd king thot, thatlittle tpanted of making an end of all inMiright, and after king Ella, at a place befives counters tobe attempted after bpthe Englithmen. Porke , thich onto this dap ts called Clas croff,taWut pet tofthin a feto dates after this, asthe 40 king thatnamteof the fatd Cla, being there Maine Danes attended thetr market to {poile the countric indefente of bis countric againthe Danes.Catch and range fametbat licentioullie abzoad, thep fell Cilla (as toc find regiftren bp twzlters) as elected Inithin the Dangerof (uch ambuthes as were lato fay king by uch of the Po2thumbers, as in fanonr of them bp king Cthelred , that no {mail laughter Werne had refuted to be fubiet bnto Dihzight. Iwas made of them, but pet not toithout fome lofle zouoked them to battell. Zhe Danes percetuing bp pope ALeo (as before pe haue heard) pettwashe | not admitted king at home, till after the deceate of bis three elder bzetizen: for be being the pongeff, foas kept backe from the gouernement, though be twerefor bis toifoomte and policie mo highlie cites med and had ital ponour. faperl Gu the beginning of bis reigne he was trapped ae inmanie great tronbles and mifertes, (pectalite bp 10 the perfecutionof the Danes, tbfch sane fore and Tuarus, campe , thep chofe ta their capteines Agnerus , and Bgnerug and pubba, tive beethzent , tehich indenoed themfelues Waubba, byall meanespoilthle to repatre their armie:(0 that iwithin 1 5 dates after ,the Danes eftfones fought foith the Cnglithmen , and gane them {ach an ouer: the hiftorieofEngland. finethe fecond bing of Scctliny Altiongh this A> ¢ Jand longing twith bis atmridere to the eninties , 3n the fourth peare of Ring Alured the armte of toe Giang ‘he Danes dinioen it felfe into tino parts, fo that Bing Palven twith one part thereoftent into 42.02 fhumberland, andlap tn the tinter feafon neete to the riuer of ine, there hee diuized the countric Amongeft his nent, and remainen there for the fpace of theo pearcs,and oftentimes fetchen thither buties and pretes out of fhe countric of the Picts . The oOr Danes el ther part of the Dantth amie twith the thzee forefaty Kings 92 leaders caine onto Cambztdge,and remtat- hed there a thole peare . Jn the fame peare king -2__ lured fought bp featuith 7 thips of Danes, toke hich done,they held outtheir fournie till thep came to Abington, whither the Englith armtic thortlic af- Bbington. * tercame alfo, and incamped fait bp the enimies. In this meane hile, the rumo2 twas {pread a- broad that king Alured had bene difcomfited by the Manes, bicaule thatin the laf battell he withozeto tobiscampe. Zhis turned greatlte to bis advan fage : fox thereby a great number of Cnglifymen o baffen te come to bis fuccour.Dn the mowotv after Che Danes pis comming to Abington, be brought bisarmie and Gnghth= inen fight ner reabdie to fight into the felon; neither tocre the ent to Bbington. mies flacke on their parts to receitie the battell, and fo the tivo armies foined and fought derie fore on both fives : (o that it feemed the Cnglifpmen hav not to be with thofe Danes, which han bene diverfe tines before difcomfited and putto flight, but rather with fomenetv people frefy andlaitie. 15nt neither the one part no2 the other iyas minded to giue ouer Danes Snheof them , ¢ chafen the refiouc. Fn the yeare nert §° info mud that the bozffemen alighting on fot, and infning , the Danes cameinto the countrie of the ie en putting their ho2ttes from thent, enteredthe battell Weftfarons,and king Alured toke truce tutth them Sectlany amongtt the fotmen, aid thus thep continued tit Againe, and thep fware to him ( tbicy thep bad not equalladuantagetill night came on,tubich parted the. died todmto ante afore that time) that thev would aftraic, being one of the fore foughter fields that Departthe countrie. Their armie byfea failing from had beente heard of in thofe daies. Lo Ghether partic GWarbam toward Eyceffer , futteined great lotfe amanmighttufflic attribute the bicozie,ft teas bt- Gincerteine cetempt soz there perifhed 120 fhips at Stwanedictozic. 3 t ser BDoreoner the armie of the Danes by land tent to Creeffer in beach of the truce, and hing Alured terlie oneerteine, with fo like lofle ¢ gaine the mat Thus farre ter yas tried ¢ ended betiwirt them, Cth the fenv polydor, blable chance of danger and glopie ferent times that followed them, but conla nof ourrtabethemtill thep 60 peere did the Englifh and Danes incounter in bats Rav,Higd, tell,as toriters hane recorded. At length, whentheir Cameto Creeffer, and there he aynoched them in {uch wife,that then were glad to deliuer plenges for "Mane Perfomance of fucy couenants as were accorded ithimand them. And to then they oeparted Sut of the countric , and dxetv into Percia.. Wut te affer,aben thep bad the ahole goucritment of the land, from Shames nozthWward, thep thought thot omd to tuffer bing Alurcd to continue in ett the tefioue of the countries bepond Thames, therefore the tha forefain rulers of Daties, 15> > Chetell, and Ammo, trivading, the Noga 17malles from 35;oww , ¢ there piiched their tents. Alured aduertifen hereof , baled thither, LL, Suntec of aiettarons castie to Chipnant, oiffant potvers onbotl parts vere fore dimimthen, thep ae gred bponapeace , twith thefe conditions,th at the B peace agres eb bpon, Danes thoulo not attempt ante further toarre ar gaint the Cnglifhmen , oz bring inte thistand ar nie nety fuplic of fonlviers out of Denmarke.15ut Che Danes this peace by thofe peacemakers twas piolated and fojourncd at broken, info much as thep ment nothing leffethait Lonvon. fo fall frottr the concetned hope tebichthep bad of bea ringrole in this lanv, andof inriding themfelties. init the gads ,poffesfions.renfs and reueiues of the inhabitants. Zhe fante pecte the Danes foio2ned in the twinter featfon at London, accerding as thephay pone often times befoze, Rs. Rollo |