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Show d. of Irelan The Chroniclesont fampt pheeioonase a ns,but bis allopinfo neberetic ofcertei bisconfit e areas Saniecu g.of ows beginnin canto the toste ndthe bihopwasimifiraftcs the tuftices hinfinart,a : toprofecute bis otune fuzong , and the perfon ofthe : fo, toas tmitco 74 dateces than the fault man tathcr sae ; hers the (uftifieng of the bill, ‘ the parfiebeingape : ; : bed and refpit ation i ) was reputed parefall: and ‘oben bisaccuf t meantes: oreof the matter banged fn fafpente . flelan The Qhitonicdeso bear d. 3 ee inbis aaueenernent 548 the twas bent fo ; oepentie ate. ponerse2eee BIER 7 Ghat bE made of fhe Scots byg the Jrifjmen :; and fo ‘aha i? Rahs Sreland Che carie ot AOEMMOND f twas app, gehended at Limerik D<fmonr inftice; e bp the lord op 2d inttice, and fent bute the cattell of Dublin . fhe Bing tn one part, andthe logdiufticeofinet é i ie conques was , Scotland inanofher ; in manerthel was efablithed king g of red, and Cdivard Waliollenue "i a ep had bene tworth the keeping: info the SeineA oe ote and ameieetle of - feathe eben. Miri ozeoucr, ctobe fir CBlilliam ublitt. In20iuic 3 0 § mat Clos A irmingha mellby atuile, adilettthe twas ficke inbis ben, fi alent iil. Ft 13 3s thirtith of Aprill. in, the ca = bapayonoei thirtie ano two Taam Bie ae abltt Ce toas beliuered by.teaton and fauoaree "° Gelalter a an abbettop fat prionTheprior infiuned theheretic. £0 by-reafon be Was Lotthin oy : ders fabmittes bimtelfeta of Arnolds proclamas the triall, and therebpon were feuerall tions made in court, that tt (houla be aed ie tuh ercesiac Mantocampinte the coust; anbtotnf anbbeclave hhat euidencebecould, ageing thetoxd {uitice: but none came. Zherpalledadecre bypotethe ing all bithops, abbats, couttcell command patie shenalats of Dublin, eo aimeriheeile, uiblin. F amonoft alt thefe , thep saaician fir alone Lehi cramining :the bithops and other perfons. ae cuepareties nie aeee‘s selon ming that (Co thetr tudgements heteas a uminidtabdbews Suiecram time Arnold le potwee the prifoner de cate abieebe fu OnegeD, maeeuis trite, Alfa thetoz Geaeiton eates Wutler Maine. aoblemen were Nate by spac Gogosineneain ob i . Forthe Frith aswell rithmen nee to Polinger Brith ed he | ¢aioetae hates ae eethe eM one ¢ u Y Vistas anoeprpaces- 5 - ie nifen tvaics how to hauc the carle of Defmond prebenided: which being baought to pafie, be s onto XohnPape ata oreiufkice ; Seaiantesate i thoufandthee hundzed ae 02 bie eec as hereatterthatt . - iyas evecuten, he oe tt pee bright, andfuch acne as fi avon ceotinted oy z iv: bi i Cherctannsiemarksrgnmesocrinenette i : sBorat Peeoe tes mae sl ameeine Ratetetuoi mt wae, 1338 33 ee praia earn = bim 0a brother Thomas bithop of egy "e a ena 23, 2 TOR. 9) eShnmenii ace afterward lo2d tuffice, in whofe oaP ein: the Brith of Jreland incre at oefiance with neal aoe t beta a . wie, s ec e + Lhe loz = i : siacisntan| anevcti SEcr be realme of Sreland, and to Pate he cach perfon thereof. Chis revoking ofliberwas di{pleatantite taken. Lhe Cnglifh of birth f at twozds, tuere dtfalling ; Englithof bloud and theinte faciongabontit,for tbicycontention the uided ae Oo as the realme was enen pon and Zamutseatleof Dimond tanquithes. 0 ffex outragious there the Ketntter Acith that e os gids bet ee gis beffotsed Spon him by the king ) twas tn fingw ne Neen ee ee ueag sad_ nobies refufed tocome, and in prithen at matte, no move but the life of theteHicked with their ae the mans of a the kings gift,wwe finn that be badlands tr Fete ete exc Geen m ms : theconmmons agreed tpontcee by Waite aan , and IBaliogarie, andather ins, fpurited the ott, and twattcn all foith fire: nefe : anie tee of the popes tuterdiction,t102 they cenfures cleflafticall \ aeforced of-a faint cedensteroin:wankad dete wep entice, omnia aetots oe ngs sesame D and: : Yrncte ne nereto meds ti bis stone people,but his tutte ann Daughter eftaped Fitsthomas earieof Detmano tn caine rice mate fhalteie', out of the hich he traclie efeaped into the Lozd Lionel the kings fone. Sbe peceafed -_afterivards.at Dublin, andief apaughter bebind in Dhontte. Gio thecatehof Atclotvas " enby madeofthe the Arithmen,and great laughterand ather or lith inthe Cowlagh by Dtotbell inp lotieties tas fentouer LucieAaughter Snihoniewyyas mane ot tints Ateland, and great Gie lob tus, 120.Anthonic the Frith countrie the of knights the at Khurlisbp fice. manic feet nath in Meth, there were Qaine by the Cngltth:but pet toas the cattel of anbburnt bp the Irth, + On Duthetealk Fernistaken aie of thea' death of thts earle of Wiltter(faine as var baue beard witha -_beffoe Sinockfergus) the lovb inffice Darcte thofe that great power {entinto Tiler, to purfue spandeutls feditious tamults bad fo trattofhroutrh aw -_rotilliemurthered their Loz. Athis letting hrward, the (afd futtice Darcie apointed fir homas Burgh a treafuroz , to gouerne as lieutenant to bim in pis abfence. Uther the lozd tuffice bad puntihedthe (18 eyo oner into Secotlann,there pee oF tors tw Cilfter ,bepalted the Scots that were ertincics Qo make inarre againtt a i theiasne sgreq bond a» teoie the advantage of e vevelieececewomia oxbtufficeetan gaint the mainpernours., foure of them onelic ers cepted, the twoearles and ttvo bnights. helow inttice is charged twich Frit -in2iters in this bebalfe,for that the fame %5 -_alliffenbimtn bis wares againft Defmond. eaekenofee een ee h {uertie bponforfeiture if enerie Foret red. nfo become fucrties themfelues rice eth a eae ae ae inone peare grow to maeerces 2 . 8? wee oo it chancen, that {ith thepwere all called itieas nate olwne,that the fouceeigne lozdof them into England : and the Daughter was after marie martine Pandeuill tye was the firff that p2efusted cul togiuetothe earle anietoound . Zo reucnge te ste fo reaeee ee cae Roger Powe , Matiheto Fitshonric Wiehara oe a vent obedemaninied of the king ;eee tibap kar patrimonte and liue- i . len vo the ridyer for themz tohte r ¢ of themthat thus femrd fo repine tbat cate wonld men haue either to procure fuerties the Wut {uch ts affection of waiters, {peciallie then thep baue cons eee taal a tworthie man ‘al en as manie ae to f{peake, fo ‘ake occafion -ath bene defamed,and twith Mander greatlie defa death ofthe lozd iuffice, tbich infued the nevi peare, ap forthe See eee top thewed through meaty ates all the relme of Greland. Wis lavie verelie(as Myouly 122 tice aypeare ) was but amifcrable woman , procuring feree im to ertortion andbatberie, duch heabstoged the prerogatines of the darcy, and was fo hated, that -enen tn the fight of the countrie be twas robbed nottwithitanding be ee entgammpmicet 5 was Chomas Fits: 65 Without refeue by Mac Cartie, gathered potucr,anoddifperfed tholerebels of Cilier. Robert Darcte was ordeinediullice by thecouncell twas in ote aoe of the matter, the countrie to Roger spa-imer lo20 Wun Wacie returned into erlae -e 60 bit that twas bis betres;maricd carle of Mareh,amd io. of Keim. tele > nedtie kings peace and fauowe, His murther was prscured: by Mobert Fits Int the. peace ore thoufand thee bundzed thicti andone) the carle of Wlefer patted aie With oe land , and great daughter tuas made bpon fhe ng fata ve megsimeersean acienaun taokelle a eon Wial Wieliefeie WelieNlete , Walter le Fant, Richard Uokelleie, bath deferued fingus pe oth bnfkilfall and onable mall warlike fers 50 " in things therein see ar commendation. jBut powfocuer this matter : , handled touching the earle of Delmond 5 bpon the pote concet 4 2 How mofficertnder the king, that entered er, by with on Seludesieritayssolie tere Chepriorot and tho prtoz of Hilmainan tow tuttice put a Sue Zocumons, carom aigyties Rochford pets 3 Geral Wew2e, a e anitaea pe thonld be forboone, that ofherwife nothbis uctie. ~~ ae a a of inarte inight begouerned veares of itera pong gentleman of fventic of ea es > arle aiheere E me themfelucs togither at ile, stare ation, fignificng in the fame partlic their at sina bp = ~ tein thofedaies) but malfcfoniite petfeueredmthe ° a ee tut tt this peare 13 3 3,%0as ter . ‘ ; tour(e of duerints Gngtan dito the king;ann William orle pote tne sdyayshee Wier macctionee ied;peare thezet txicunity, of themnintone Santaly 3nthe 3 ye eben Slane, toateof eS ir a tbma 0 giue ouetall, aah torebell. $02 redzelle 4o trulie if tue thal confiver the matter with nroiftes the _ belonged to the earle of Gtw.Anofo; that # €*. : foidulipoe ae pnta the kings bao: dhe earle of Defmond walLL, Hes Wifker ,Zames Wutler catle of Dzmond, Richard ns : Dawid Warrte, Wa liam Fitsgtrato, tlenth i a couee se the fours ice, Henvie ids teigne, 30 Foulkede Frarinus WobertgeFitsmaur king C Hi) Y _FFitsberbleie,John Fitsqeor de orl Reomee Ceting in of oeee abnfed by cull countell andfiniffer infor: beard) were haue pe (as Chele pneesoe Burgh, orn edit onder bis fignet rofall,the francbifes, terug. eee Zohn © the lox place, Cnglanp into town ' tuas ¢ chtlozen bis tolfe >" in ALncies tullice, and fent ouer Darcie fahonre thep nottnithttanding po tangle LKbis peare the lor Antonie ducie was nifchare eich ich, other things abidbe ap: 4 ee earleof WL ase ged of hisrmme by the king, and fo returned twit church thep burnt foure (coe tuttocent foutes aking saa snes He pet remained in Mountker,he de widl SeuGheeorcaits Ras foclon 20 hotmeltargherat a ne Haughter was made bpon I2en Dbzen, ; " tocome acorbding ings fandard, and With anarmie marched into tothe kings hands, letting themfozth to farme for an annualrent orto other perfons. that the leading of Dire. Shown whlliam earie of UAL Fr) . _ Authie in Bountter, by the Cugltth of 193% -_-gpountfer,aud there feized the carles potlemions uv oltice oF Coz featon, and "yh nebananes in Leinter as io * ccena Walter Wirmingham out of ing (e hseqteors ae Eaaic Grin Coward the thirds tenthof Lota ae a pand oayghe amo Hisard Celbot of Selabioe meee Maineok5 GelaeH ; is GUhitfan euen at Waltbaga eneer Weeroie guietbe Rouen Apean tothe fammans, be ratled the ; Campi hantdaunced{in tins of the gone Ulfam Wirmings Kam Dutlate peice of 34tl 5 ok Cat: 30 fo Henrie - etn, icra = buried, aber and font pyllor ca ae e r h t thoufand rees peare one Fithee,Jobde ~~_7snates Dublin, Liketwite walter 1329 t -andnin eeabeo herarleo oe 0 of bis bretheren tere taken in = oi Louth laine. his bpother Peter,with manyatber of that ‘icin Cheind t Oe BONS 3S iietioyet abeentic oeaes3 eeogres cote asis ake soniateat Seateroan ae be bath (ene; carpion foneDish,etgee 2 Muon trahabasb are infa fheis -tva of poefoSeat haute by Gants: Suttothe atauene ev oftren a0theSpee ‘ purpofe, thofefoetimes.6 Wnt doingsof gi idreot Sage Whis Wifort loz tuftice,in paine of forfeiture al - his Gitort lod foeong,t eORD ; a parlemen fontal aypearance at matie mate bibis perfonall to bes there Dublin, holnenat be to wbiahe called Eetn-Cietowtcmtamptr tons common rie of Deine Sia Secsiero, Skwaeiauences P fharpe dealings biteiene g f and riga: ricke him foxward tt afwell repo. rous proceedings {he had bane not : bi mitean ree Defmond , thzough whofe mainte: ‘3 lene - oo rouble;fo as it bad not lightlte bene bapapearen conteapiett in minds and difitking Giticoe - thofe of the Cnglity race,it inas (or ante fie before peretnith Wafe BGtite: Tet ese tutewit \ ent oucr lo2d fufkic tie bringing bis Gerarriuedabovt e ee ees pear = 3ulie. Chis man twas verie tiga tonic be ee perfuafion(as twas laid) of bis Ur ccoane, thertutc lee Sounds ertre Rae, md courtcts that os ¢ rance bp Uffozt at his death. Fitsmaurice continw yon Fits: was difcharged, and the lov Waly monce tuttice, procured a fafe conduct fo; Defmond fo plead hisMME caute before the king,by thom be toas liberallic in, treated, and allowed towards bis erpentes th evnotlong,but ter Wirmingham elected to fucceed inthat rome, tho *#- ASirnungs tiwentie fhillingsa dap at the princes charge,3 ates ene bene ,a matter not tobe fizeration of ibid) courtefie thelved to his kinfman, bir bufband to baue theiwed himlelfegentle bnights,andchofen porfemen, ferucd the bing at ee a if this ladichan bene as readie to |, fill the kings letters came to ir Jotn SFitsmaurice, Robert Dare tubo releafeo Fitsthomas earle of wtldare lettin Due ete toga tultreg the earle of Lstloareaccompanied with diuerfe lozs, Calis, , |