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Show \ Lheflate ofthe Bri- bisowne deftiuttion, the ‘comming ofbis foncs tetutued fo {nuade the confines of the s2t- Mj} the Scotsapa. Pitts plague the Britains , firofed the'places before thent, "acco2dttig t6 their founce coffome. Werebpon were mefherigers ith Gylaas. mot lamentable letters againe difpatthentotearns Polychron, they,fend foraideo Rame,Valentinian fendeth Gal- oRauenna to-releeuesbem, the Romansrefufe anie langer Rome for netw aid againtt thote cruell emimies, Pcs ‘rofuccour the Britains, whom they taught howto make arFour and weapons, the Scots and Pidtsenter afrefh into Bri- with prontife,that tfthe axomans tonto now in this "Y* great neceflitie helpe tovelinerthe land,thep Houln ‘aili¢ and prewaile; ‘the Britamsare brought to extreme mi detic jciutll wafre# among them, and what mifchiefe dooth T° be affured to. find the Writatis eucrmore obedient » follow thercypon their lamentable letter to AGius for {ubieas, and redie at their commandement. Cla: fuccour againft their enimics, their fie is denied, ar lentinianus(pitieng the cafe ofthe pare *Britatng) Blondus, what ume the Britains ceafed to be tributaries to "the Romans , theyfend ambaffadors to the K_of Britaine in France, and obtéine their {utes appointed another legion of fouldiers (of the which ‘ one Gallioof Ranena had the leaping) togo to Cae theft {uccours, the which arvining tn WBeitatnefet on intowuttheeninies Jandgintig them the ouerthzow 5 fine taine, The xxxtij. Chapter. Agreatnumber of thent, ard chafed the réfiore out of the countrte. Zhe Romans thushauing obteined the bicorie , Rationus then, whame ParimusorMartininushay 20 declared to the Weitains 5 that from thenceforth ey fent into 1yitaine (as before thep tyoulorot take bpon thert for enerte light oc Gratianus. d pe haue beard) bearing that ay bis matter twas laine, toke cafion fo patnefulla tonrnie , alledging bot there twas no realon thy the Romane enfignes, with & dpon bim the rule of this our d We fuch a number of men of toarre, thould be put to ttar uell fo far bp fea arb land , fo2 the repelling and bea: ting backe ofa fort of fcattering roners ano pilfring theenes, Wherfore thep adutled the zitains to lake Wittaine ; ano made bimfelfe po bing therofjin thepeare 390. borne, ‘as Polydor triteth, TFtien coniecturingfo,by that bets named of authors to be dus faith, bp that hich is found tn antentike toxters. Then the foyonamed kings Ouantus and Mpeiga, thicy(as fome torte) wore byeftpen, returned tnto this land With their armies increated with netw (opplics of mienof iwarte , as: Scots, Danes, the Portuegt Galftid. Caxton. ans, and defiroten the countrie from five to five, For the Waitains inthis feafon were fore infeeblen;, Galfrid. Marth. Weft, Caxton, Gyldas maketh nomention of thefe ttoo kings Gyldas, Guanius and Meiga of the Wunnes , but cebears fing this great peftradion of the land , veclareth (a8 before pebauebheard) that the Scots ano pias (if te Hall fo take them) fondmeflengers with all (pied write ome to mate Cute for fome aidof mer of tuarto be Mit (nto Wataine. CUheredpor times #\miniftred vnto the prouifice of the > fetbam feyen, fwould land, they caufed tofvers to be erected , with {pacesbettwirt,ontofthe txhich the feas might be dff coucred. Lhefe things ordered, the womans bad the Wrttains fareivell, not minding toreturne thither Gyldas, againe. The Romans then being goroutof the land, the Scots aid qDicts knotwingthereof, bp ¢ by came chance? maine as inbabitans. And Lberas the Watains get in is the pert 4 thento their tall todefend the fame, that the ents as Mie mics thould not patle further into the countrie, thep iwere in the cud beaten from tt , and divers of them faine,fo that the Scots anv Plas entred bponthem and purfied them in moze cruelt maner than before, tolunes, and dwelling boufes , tuere conftreined to Awevonetiuered fronrdanger of biter Delramion, as atter the manerof fauage people, andin the end be gato rob and fpoile one another,{o to anotd the Daw: cCommare of the Wxtahes, the tic) by this wieanes thebthonght. Polychron, fic into defert places, and there to remaine and live get of ftarnihg fovlacke of fd ; and thusat the laf Ant the) Womans being occaflonedito:depart av « Chocountric twas fe deftroicd and watted, that there Walee outot the land, apomnted thesntatrs to WAS NOother Hitt for them that twas Icft alinc to ualie p.dwall (as'bad bone afoetine be tho yp! hue bp, exceptonelie bp bunting and taking of wild Petouts Rotan , Aritovinus and Sevoras ) oners brats and fentes. Arp to anqmenttheir mitferie,tbe ,. Boss thtward the countriefronticn tofea 5 Mueteteng frown? cotnittons ttpufing the fanit totef Gr the Lops aNd 45 cpetton Wenuelton tito tho cttiviet Acad jebcreweehe ene sniesndy tbe Raid. rom tntving thetand: but this? Awatt bemg mad? oftargsiand fos,eteshan torte Sones, after the Departure of theMommansWas eats $ Voto otit wines and childrenat this prefenc, which{tandin moft extreamepetill. For the batbarous people drinevs to the fea, andthe {eadrineth vs backe vnto themagaine, Hereaf tiletwo kinds ofdeath,for either weare flaine, ordrowned;andagainft fucheuils haue wend Qoudtite:s; arefeagamf them én armes , but ict Banquithed wiv-cahlie put te firbt-attine frurratt fires being beater dotorre amd flatne throngh Larke OF Pil) ith Reynembets, epectatli¢ the tarcer tine; that tev: Jfo2 Alo2oenus agreed to fend bis brother Con : "ftantine onerinto great Wwritatne witha conuentent consent potuer, Dponcondition , that the bicorte being ob- a of teived againft the entinies', the Writains thonld make bim bing of great W52ttaine, husit is apparent,thatthis land of wettaine iuns without anie terteine gonerndur( after that - Gratianthe blurper was difpatched)a number of temedienorhelpeat all. Thereforetin Yefpedt 4o verestogither, but hotu manic wetters tn thetat- ofyourclemencie, firccor your owne we moft lap at rode, ¢ there it tas Douted that the entmies diatlie legionof fenloiersinas fort thither in the o> {0 that the Weitains being chafed out oftheir cities, Reda and =JRomane empire, ynto our countrie, Gos this,onthe coatt of the eaft fea there their hips pieed 414, tbidy vafilicrepelicd the enimies , ann - chattn them backe with great Laughter,to the qteat theline 0: Goffcline twas appotnted the chiefe and tainein prinetpall, rho patiitg oucr into little Weitatne,any Krance. He lamentable requeft of vs the Bri‘ 30 tomnting before the prefence of Alozoenus, fo decla tains, befeeching youof aidto bee 3° redthe eee aa effect ee of his meflage , that bisatte fit was grants agatnebp fea, being moze emboloened thanbefore, Were the fante that did all the mitthiefe, Abome he 50 bicaufeof the dentali made by the Romans to come Calleth tivo nations of bepond thefeas, the Scots Anp moze to the fucco? ofthe Waitaing, they take ine contming out of the nozthiwell , andthe wis ont of to poffettton all tht nozth amd bttermoft bounds of thenaptheatt jbp thoine (as be faith) thetand was the Fle,cuenbuto the forefaid tall , therein fo rer Suevrun , andbrought onder fot nanie'peares ab tet. Therefore the Watains being thus vered , {poi led ,aubcruciite perteented by the Scots and pies in the bttermoft bounds ofthe Ble, and there contt hued, making infurrecions oftentimes bpon their neighbours, and fpotling them oftheir gons. ambatlage thearchbtthop of Lonton named Guie- jing ofBy To Adtius thrifeconfull. hich the Romans now built with helpe vf tHe Uel- Beds. tains was $ fot in bredthand 12 filength, tratier fing the land from eat to tuett,einas mane of fone. After that this tall was finithed , the Romans Cyld erboaten thewBzitains to plaiethe men , and fhetucd © qo thenvthe wap hotw tomakearmo? ¢ weapons, Wee auth tere not able to: make anie great numbers of fouldiers, by reafort that Marimushad len forth of the land the doure and chtefett choife of all the wat tit) youth into Gallta, as before pehaue beard. home,tomatke returne againe withina wbtle after. Wutthe jd ics fettlen themfelues fir at that feafon hts with more alfo hath Gyldas, ann itketotfe Golfridus Beda twzitten of this great vefolation of the weitifh Gyldas big inthis ffate,as needing one anothers helpe, neceltts peo ple + tibercitt tf the two2bs of Gyldas be twell_ ors are te tie made peace bettuirt the lo2ds and commons of ro Wwefghedandconfincred , it maie lean bs to thinke, be conGverco. theland,all ininries being pardoned and cleerelie forthat the Scots had no habitations here i *Betfloen given, his ciutll warre decated the: force of the taine , butonelie in Zreland, till after this feafort; mite Writains,little lele than the tpeannicaltpeacifes of and ihat at this peefenttime the Picts,Which before wg Parimus,for by the anoiding of the commons thus inhabited within the Gles of Dekente, now placen ent out of their houfes,the ground laic butillen, thereof themfclues in the 102th parts of Scotlatd,and after sition of infued {uch famine for the (pace of thee peeves togt by pzoceffe of time came and nefflen themfelues in Sees. ther,that a tuonderfull number of people died for Louthian, in the Wers, and other countries moze fant of fuffenance. Neere te our borders.iBut to proceed. Thus the Wetains being bought generallte in Dhe wrth hittortes affirnie,that thilet the Wet foludjertreame miferie, thep thought gad totrte if .. tains were thusperfecnten by thefe tive moff crucll they might purchate fome aid of that nobleman Ac: andficrce nations the Scots and Pics, the noble fins, thich at that time remained in Sfranceas pet and chiefett men among them contulted fogither, falled Gallia, gonerning, the fame as tieutenant € concluded to fend an honorable ambaflage bnto Ab bnder the empero2 Ponortus; and herebpon tabing dzoenus as then bing oflittle wettaine tn Gallia, an atnbaffage counfell togither,, thep twzote.a letter to bint; the tes frhich Aldzoenus twasthe fourth from Conan geri: tent from the no ihereof infueth, : Docthefirfk king there of the Writith nation. Dfthis oe bn felues to defend their countrie bp their otyne farce on citic there betubabites . Forbhislkernenete arid 30 from the enimics (nuafions. ‘And becaufe thep tudrough gouernemient , be twas of the Wettains (ab ged it might be an helpe tothe Wettatris , thep fet in the biftories allege:).laine and vifpatced out of band to butly a twall pet once againe oncrthtnatt tlic Bie, in the fame place ubere the emperoue Spctieters the Iwate, after he bad reigned the {pace of foure peares, 02 rather foure moneths, asthould feme caufenbistrency andrampite tobecatt, Hhis wall thentfeluce . She ticked Frith people vepatted trentefantine,abenneither part coula long remaine to their Ductics, and like met to froeuour thei Municeps,thatis tofaic,a freemanof the countrie Mf the omane fouldters as Blon. that the retinue Ghicy efcaped,toithmety into the craggie mounteins, there toithin the buthes anv canes they kept themfelues clofe, fometimes com mitig Dotpne and fetching atvayfrom the beards of heatts and flocks of fheepe trhich belonged to the no: bles and gernitlentenof the countrie; great boties to relieue them twtthall.wBut at length oppzetfed twit er- tains ,amdfo entring the countrie , twaited amv ne. two-brethten Guanius and Melga with their : iwmderthe Scots é Pits. the hiftorie ofEngland. lie suerthzotne by the Sets anv yas) Whitey ett, antlie require you, &c. ws. , ‘ orc t he Potioitttanping the sévitainsthus foughtfor ato Peggy "tbanbs Aciug as then: the emperourslientenant, Ning, Pétcould they get none;cither fothat Aeius ‘would Hot,as he that patfeo litle hotwthings tent, bicaute Debate difpleature in his mind againGalentinian count da bavie.Fabian depofeth by divers coniettuts Fabia that thefpace bettwirt the death of Grattan , and the begitming of the reigne of the faid Conttantiné, b2ether; fo Alozoenus 5 continued nine and thirtie peeves,boring tihich tine the 1eitains were fore and niferablie afflicted by the inuafons of the Scots and Pics, as before pe baue heard by teftimonies taken outof Beda, Gyldas, Geffrey nf Monmouth, 6 then emperoz;02 elfe fothat he could not,being o- and other twriters both W2tith and Cniglih. ther places againtt fuch barbarous nations. gs then Whatthe Romanhiftoriographet Mar= céllinus'reporterh of the Scots, Pitts, and Herne conttreined to imploie all bis forces into: 50 0 the Romane empire,And-fo by that means Britadiclot , and the tribute whiny the:wi: Hains wore accustomed ta pap tothe Komansceat Rdiutt fiue bundsed perros, atten that GuliussGer entten the Ze... . s nod Homme sie oe tains being thus putto thefr Shifts sma: Mas hunger-ffarued were confrained to Britains ynder the emperour Iulianus, Valen; tinianus and Valens, theyfend thes. vicegerents into Briraine,sthe difquictnefle ofthar time,London called AL.guile » the warthte explotts of 7)heodafins in. this Tland againft the enimic,, Valentinus a banifhed malefactor detiferhhis deftruction, He is taken and execuced > he reforreDenatelues into the griping handsof thet. eut: ‘meth manic diforders and inconueniences, the ftften. sthereas nther pet: beeping iwithin the mont: 6o 1 suingofishe SaxonsintoBritaine,they aredawated rqhe veriefight ofthe Romancenlignes, the MD caus brake aut.as o¢cafion fer ~ Saxons licngin wait for their enie Span theirabuerfaricg.ann then firtk(ait Gyls mi¢s are {laine euctie moer the Reitains not putting,thee trust in man ithers fonne. | ' O (according te the Cateng of Philoswthere ¢ fallethitts neptullthat Gods belpe, lid tet) ia flaugbter,oftheicentmies that bap betes then eens mante.peeres to, Fob anvfpotle ee Ste uer a8, befareis.reciten .. and fotbe-balt Ray eves of cnimies cxaffen for atime: but the phemuede ot theXSzitith people ceattepnotateall2 Siinties Departeo out the lan. but. theimax rae mn it, sensi Aniigsy fe ciuilh eat backe. common erie WEEAS focxeccife ihatre anndttcopt.emang: aieace Chapter.. ; pA ‘tps tantjasfome tall bth', tho >) Zz began hts reigne here tn Bet« tatne about thepre' of our A Anjd'383, andthat tilt ts ie a 2.812 eS 2 + "The fourthBooke of Gratians*rotgh regiment: procureth |