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Show The hiftorie ofScotland. ¢c Honorablefobimto mabe aking, thantobeaking, é Cinentiefoure pares atter thatubich wasthe pare of our Lord 947, king Clozed our progenito2 Athe anes bother, tobebomageof Jrile then King of &e Scots. Thirtie pares atter that , tic) was in the ce Peete of ourdLo2d 9 77, king Cogarourpredecetfor . fokebomageof Rinaldking of Scots. eretwas € slitietronble in Cnglandby theneathof faint Cos fox that purpofe, Ctuentic fir peeves atter that,tbich Was in the porte of our Hor 1216, Alerander king 2» of Scots maried Pargarct,the daughter of our pro» genitor enrie the third,at our citie of Porke,inthe » feattof Chziftmatte,at tabtcl tinniethe fai Alerander > -_-dfd his homage toour fad progenitor; ho reignen -in this realme fiftie firpeers.cAndtherforebetwene 5, pet no intermtifiton toithout the termes of unemozte: 9» ‘ox Lwithin fortie foure peeres after , thid) tuas the : William Conqueroz entered thisrealme, thereof pesveof our Wo2d 1 3 2 6, Edward Baltoll after a be accougten no perfecconquett, ontillbebadlikes great bictorie had in Scotlandagains, tye atherfar © site fu plicd the Scots. Andtherefore in the fato <¢ pareabich was in the pre of our Lo2d.1 068, the -. fon,and tutoteng the crotnc of Scotlandmade bo mage: f9 ont progenitor, Coward the third . And 5» «c. faid alcolme king of Scots aid homageto the fain -twentieperes after that , whid asin the peere of William Conqueror, as bistuperior by conquel! iow 1346, Danid iaule, tho tas euct in the 2 our 30 "kina of England. Lwentie flue peresatter that, contrarie faction , vid nenerthelete in the title of the * cc tthich tas in the peere of out JLo 1092, thefain -_crotneot Scotland,terot he was thonin pottemit: e¢ Malcolme did homage andfealtieto Williamiza on, make homage to our (aid progeriite: Cotpard ,, fus,fonnefo the fain MHilliam Conquero2 : and pet S< after that twas fo3 bisoffenfes and Demeritsdeps -the third, eq Mile failed of bis dutie: andtherefore was o2deined inthat eftate (bpthe fai William Hufus)Eogar, to chaftife the infivelitie of the Scots, meee againt them: abenattergreat vicortes, Cotwar <c fed, andbis fonne fubfitute in bis place, tho likes & inother to the lat Malcolme, andfonneto thefirtt, Within nine peeves atter this,Coward the third, 5 3altoll,hauing the futt ano righttitle to the iar " of Scotland,forrendzedclearlie the fame foource ce Khadid homage and fealtie accodinglie, of Jorburgh a om mm Meuenperes after, that asin the pereofour 4o progenitor, at the totwite ce -tibere our faid progenitor accepted the ie © Jovi 100,the fain CdgariB.of Scotsvinhomage € puto Henrie the firt our progenitor. Thirtieteanen ¢, péttesatter that, Dauidkingof Scots vin homage fo Wathilothe emprefle, as daughter andbeire ta sponvie the iri. Wherefare,betng after requirepby << Stexhan,then obteining poffettion ofthe realme, to oc Mabe hishomage;herefuled foto d0,becaufebebad before made it te the fain Wathilo,andtherebponfors then canted himfelfe to be crotwned Bing! et a " _-_land,and for atime interteinenét, and intoled, a _-berie proprietarie and otyner of the realme : ie the one part by confifcation acquited, all‘o ten? _-‘ther part by free will farvendzed bnto biae after the death ofout fatd peogenttor wt this out » third, began (editions and in{urrecions we aie -_realme,tn the time of our progenitor oes of be " €¢ bare.Atter thichDanins death, which infuedthortlie << after, the fonne of the fain Daniomade homage to ¢o cond,which was angmented by enevon he" ec the fain bing Stephan.Fouretene peeresatterthat, ate of the fat Mtchard , and the aoe pao om fibich was in the pare of ourLo2, athoufandone & Hundzedandfittie,@tlliam king of Scots,Da ec wid bis bother , iith all the nobles of Scotland, fameto Wenric the fourth:foas the z . thet acct » -_lealure to platethetr bagues, andta Pm Oe famed manner. And pet Henrie the tening o *< referuation of thei dutie to Wenrie the fecondhis Scots toattend pon him in that eon being bef made homage to Wenvie the fecondsfonne, witha << father. Diwentic fue peeves after,hich toas in the ec Daxte of our L020 1175,Telilliam Bingof Scotland, after much rebellion ¢ refiftance, according to their vicofbisrightin France, commandeb 3nithistime, thereat of cot acre" _cendedto the houteof the; Stetwarnss® iw of James Ste mn hue directlie commett) <° naturall inclination, bing Wentte the (econdthen 6 Dcots,in the peete of ouri920 1 43yomage 088 " <& being in Powmandie, THilllamthenbkingof Scots to Penrie the firt at Wiinodioze , tht mane l? &¢ the feales of the nobilitie of Scotland, making c¢ theretwith bis homage and fealtie. _-diffant from thetime of theo ther homage one botfare Dantd Weufe, thee core pares anebtt pomsges within the frefly memozieof mar. sie to bame bene anv fealties as thep appeere by fo cc Scots came toourcitie of Canturburie, andthere fealed with the {cales of the bings oAbp stontt,be? the firtt. Fouretene pees after thatthe (ain wil. < ifam pio homage fo ourprogenttoz king Zohn, bpon the Scots pracifedto fteals out nertheles _uaerfe of thefe inttraments,tid ne é¢ abill befives Lincolne; making bis of) pponthe afterward recoucred againe. ¢c Ruotwledged finallic bis erro, mdmade bis peace a compofition,confirmen with bisgreatfeale,and - Within fiftenc peresatier that, th{c)iwas the © peercof ourilo2d 11 90, the fait Williambing of « did homage to our noble progenitor king Ricard croffeof Wubert then archbithop of Canturbucie,bes ing there p2etent,a marnelious multitude afembles as afore, 008 ,» made anddoneattimes and entsete ‘there remaine inftruments a Sreptland,te? 2 _fieng the fame. And pet darth it ee treafarie " to of that fem ,, nb to the intent pe map brio parceisine aud tersure the faibinttcuments ste * : Thehiftorie-ofScotland. Cthe effect th twm20-and fenfence as thepcbemade, cc Ubich we dm, to met withthe cauillation:aweontris 27 landivas in i > ten peuearamenaieoeaau -= 2 ‘2 uedenafionof the Scots alleging thebomageita baue bene made fo theeacledome of untington; oldstuere furrendied to bim, as to the fapertour >> cc Burnt inthe band, tofaphewas cut twittpa fickle; cc hich is as true as theallegation af-bit thatig promotions patito ttethat ‘time fromthe mere gift ofdue fato progeaiitoy, asin the right of this crommte ae And therefore the tenuroofthe bomageis this, the homage mane. bythe, faid Alerander king of cc fuard King and martp2,deftroted by the decett of bis Heats,and the homage dane by Alerander; fonneto 2 motherinlay. But pet within memorie,fortieperrs ro the faid king of Heots,to Coward the firth at his coronation at GHofkntinfer, there was about fittie ye be after the homage Done by Binal toking Gogar, -peeress at thidh time the fato Alerander bing of & thatistofap, inthe pete ofourdlodro18, Male -Hcots repaired tothe faid feattof coronation, and cc colme king of Scots div homage to danute ourpeer there Didbis dutie;asis aforefatd. Withintiventie 5, decefio2. eight preres after that, trbich was in the perce of our Afferthis homage done, the Scots vtterefome ¢ Lozd1 2 82,F0bn Waliollking of Scots madebis » ¢¢ p@ceok their natural difpofition: aberebpon, by bomageanofealtie to the fad bing Cotward the firtt €c fwarre made by our progenito: faint Coward the confeffo2, twentie nine peres after bomage bone, sur peogenito2. After this began Robert Weule to vlurpete ., " thatisto fap,the peeve of our i920 1056, Walcolme cc kingof Scots as vanquithed, anothe realine. gi 20 crotoneof Scotland,and to moue fedition therefae againt them ofthe boule of 1Balioll, tchicy made for 55 ec Uento Palcolme bis fone, by our fatd pzogenitor faint Coward: totthome the faid @Palcolre made ~Afeafon {ome interruption in the (ato homage; but & homage and fealtic, iwithineleuen peeres after that ual Theforme of the homag 1aG é,... tis _exbinthetime.tvacation, Beneficts,ortices, 2? oFCnglano.Shivifesnainedandaypomted , twrits; >> and preceptsmiade ,ebcicd, anderecutes,: *: Finallie,a llahattue do note itt theouchicof© Lay 2 > S} frue Johnand. N.bing ofScot Chall16be #6 caller, thefame that titleite progentea for r the timeot 33 faitbfull bntosyou thecontentionfor vidour the i, realme of Seate »> ane An agreeinent ofall eftates "* lozd of the bingvome ofScotland, ag bn- sdoutvasiawanenaetaadorcane » cc Bingdome ofSrotland,the bich Abo - aan perenwiee theacchouyopor waste Ded 2? ouer all thatcouttrie.) ow if the whiep Scotsestan will 39 ; Edward bp the gtace of God lofEngland,the noblefuperiour to pou F make amp fdelitie. of the fame 2 the realme aferblevandcontulted.toith for that 22 ; eto hold of pou. And Fthalibeare rare ercoptiomea'the bontageof therr:princes as madein warre, and bp force,which tw not true; what And worldlie honor, againtall menyand 46 twill they Cayydredud eho itor Marte allege againtt 2 « faithfullieZ hall knowlea Cand alld -theirotone parternontynofof fore but ofall confits » c tOpoUferuice Due topoOf the Ringdome Meds PtdMAoDypederewMtinesimd feales ; Here! * topou mp faith and fidelitie ofitfeandlim; < Sf Scotlandafozefatd : ag God fo helpe and thefe holie euangelitts, « Pow forthe third parttouching records and rege fers , we haue themfo formal, foaritenticall,fole © riouflie banblen, and lith fuch circtinffaricts declae onto nothing wnfoscooithem duerigbe ano reaton,bes 2? tng paffen tr'peace amd quiet without armory comi 33 pulfion 2 Tfthep fap thev vid it not ythemfecake Ihe v themfelued ; ifthep fap thep vip it; then dw thep now Uke themfeluesste withozatn their dutte;ot fo mine 29 to be blamed , awto beamended" » c¢ ting the matters,as thep be and ought to bea great Thus apearet onto pou the beginning of the co2robo2ation of that hath beene in ftoxies tpyitten 30 Hight of fupertontte,tuith a perpetnall continnance, > Freposted in this matter. Jfo2 among other things without intermiMor within memorie, Certeine o- 99 -_-miiftons and forbearingys bpanthe grounds and oc » "¢ the haue the folemne acrandtudictall proceffe of out -_calfons befoyetpeeifed wedenté noty thereby they title the ec P2Ogenito: Cotvard the irl, in difcuMtonof ‘i of Scotland > iben the fame twas challenged bp 12 hare nrante times fought and taken thetoppoztan' >? competitors (that is to fate ) Flozentins comes tes to twithdsatwthe Dwtinr of there ouctic in kiwtys 99 edge of our fiperioritieouer thems uhich to auotd, se Bolandie , Patricins de Dunbar comes de Mere -thephauenotcareo what thep amor alleged,thongh << Hla, Willielmus de Uelet, Williclnus de ole, {t were neuer fo Untrue,liong altwates in tuatt uben 29 Robertus de Pinkett, Micholaus de Soules, Par thep night annote this realite, nor turthout thetr » § tricins Galightlie , Kogerus de Mundentle , Joan < nes de Comin, D. Foannes de Waltings, Joannes 40 otwne great banger F perill, galfo evtreante det' ment, Wut as they ottracted the darting of thety pw 2? ¢, De Walliolo,Wobertus de W;ule,Cricius rer sRoztwe- ate. fF inallie , after a great confultation and ma cc ture deliberation , with oifcutfion of the allegations proponed on all parts, (entence twas giuen fo; thet) <¢ tle of WGalfoll , accozding therebnto be infoied the realme. ut fo> confirmation of the outie of the bo» *€ mage befoze that time obferued bythe ts. of Scots, c¢ Wappeareth in thofe recoz0s, holw iben thofe compe titozs of the realme of Scotland repatred to our 5 <¢ progentto2 , as to the chiefe loz for Difculfion of the fame , infomuc) as the anthozitte of the tudgement «¢ tobe ginen depended therebpon; if was then o7dered that the ubole parlement of Scotland, fptrituall € etempozall , ¢ of alldegreesaflembled fo) that pure el pote , and confidering bpon that ground ¢ founda tion the kings of Scotland bad in times paft made «c the (ato bomages and recognittonof fupertozitie,the fatd parlement finding the fame gwo¢ true, thoulo <c (ifthep( deemed it pelo anv giue place, and bye Co prefle confent recognife the fame. At thich parlement twas alleged bnto them, as €¢ tte, fo God granted vito this realme force to com» >> _pell them therebnto within memopie, ai notwitty » Manbding ante thety interruption by refittance,ibid bnIto the timeof ont progenttoy Ienrie the fire nev >" uer endured (0 long as it made intermiffion within yy -thite of mind tiberebp the poMeMow might femeto be empaired. f vomthe tints of Wenrte the firt, onto % the feuenth peare of our retgne., our realme hath >> béene fo} a (eaton lacerat and tozne by dineriitie of » titles,till our time; and fince allo bp warre outivary fie bered andtroubled , he Mortets fo lamentable >? fo; fome part therof, as Were tw tedious to rehearfe, >9 Since the oeath of our progenttoz Wenrte the firt, one grandfather Coward the fourth reigned, tho ab 2g ter great travels to atteine quietnes in bis realine, >> finallie in the time of preparation of twarre again#l 55 Scotland died. Uldhard the third,then vlurped foa (ralthine tn veares , ihome the hing our father by "» the trength of Oovs band ouerttyjew in battell , ano >? moft inftlie atteined the poffeffion of this retme,ubo » neuertheleffe alter the great ternpettuous topes, cc Bpeateth in the fame recoxds , not onelie thefe aas ndingall matters not pet brought to perfec quict " of the pzinces befoze thofe bates , and before reheat cc fed : but allo befives the teffimonie of Bozies , the writings andletters of fo;ren princes at that time «¢ reciting and rebearfing the (ame. Cheredpon the fato pariement did there agrer to this our faperto;t <€ tie, ane infuing their Deterwunation bid particular. cq Me a0 (eucrallie make homage t fealtie with pp clamation , that tbofoener witte;ew bimietfe from << Dwtng bis Durtic therein , (hould be repates asa rebell. Ane & all mane homage ant fealtie to our pro and reft , cealled and fopbare to require of the cots to dew their butie 5 inking tt policie rather (op that tiene to aflaiz to tame their nature bp pleafant cons tuncion ¢ conmerfation of aminitic , thantodarge them twtth thetc fault, q require batie of them, then oportunttie ferued not by fosce ¢ feare to conftreine andcommpell thems. AnD thus palled ouer the retgne -of our father Without demand of this homage. And being our reigné noty foure ano thittle peares , ue were one ann finentle peares letted by our neyue 6¢ Genite; Coward the firk , And he rsabne of Scot Se ae = he yy ? >> » "" >> ,. bim + |