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Show Thefeuenth Booke of fo theteprtticesbp the fuceetleof that one battell. AE ter this, there yas an agreement deviled bettvirt them, (othat apartition of the realme twas mabe, andthat partthat lieth foze againt Jfrance, toasaf figned to Gomtmd,and the other fell to CnuteThere be that write, bot the offer was made byhing @y TheftateofBritain. Canute vadertakettorhe torall regiment -aagreed,and had mrade partition of-fye-realure bettworrt boloneffe of ffomach, pet was he farre tw Wweake to them:) But God (faith be) being mindfull-of bisolo deale witha man of fud)firengthas Comundwas can notlong ffand,thortlie after take. Commnd out 5anete realmeby Due mdgaddired meanes, he thoughttt _of this life: amd by uch meanesfeemedto tabepitic; ermine moft conuentent that the Kingdonte Mould be oiutbed betiwirt them. This motion was allotued of both bpon the Cnglifh kingdome , leaf ifboth the kings naturatvenh fhoula bave continuedin life togither, thep thoulo Andzew nert infuing the late mentioned agrees Fabian. ment, And this houls feeme truc : for Abereas thefe aw Encomium Emme, doth report in this bebalfe.Cahich is that thoughperfuafion of Cozthe de Streonaking Comund tmmedtatelic after the battcll fought at ret of bis death, dwalfoturite, that then be knew Hen. Hon, the act to be Donte,he hafted onto Cnute,and declared buito him that he bad brought to paffe for bis ad- bit onto that thich the author of the bake intitules Athdone, fentambatladors bnto Cnute toofferbus toife the lante Wettritha, fitter to the fain Crtnte: 1 @ Were pe have to buoerfand,that this mariage the Danith armic inté Denmarke; Edrikede Streona bewrai« eth his forinertrecherie;'and procareth his owne death through rathneffeandfolliethe difcordantreportof writers touching the maner & caufe ofhis death, whatnable inen were executed with him, and ae ourofpoets za ee i ---faid bnto him : Wicaule thou batt fo; nip fake,made therebpon haue pledges deliucredinterdangeablie thy head aboucall the lords of England, andfo caw > maried Oihito Cinfe , but alfo he himlelfetoke to Was tot made ithout ieee! canenation's eye =~ touenants grantedon tye part of Bing €nute z fox deceale, the crotone of Giigland fhould remaine'to nants mabe the tue boutie of this mariage bettuirthic Crt atthe Hare oe ig edcnute, : " e thich couriiantaljough it was Hot perfomicd ‘ith eee ixs mediatlic afer the deccalle-of king Cnute ; pet tn Cuan. Ie § the end it foke place, fo as the right (ented to be Be: * ferred, am notto be taketi awapiro2 abblitheds-fo3 intinebiatlic tpon Warolds death that had Dlinped, . @) deathof king Comund, take ap opor him tebbole rile ourr yall therealme of Cugland;in AN, the percofonr Lod 1017, . Uy the Danes were vtterlic egeltioeb fone ah-right" =< fhat thep hav to pectend brite the croreSFthis Ld, and the Cnglith bloud reffered theretoehtete chy that gratlousconclafion of thismariage bettoirt Sheenaitth Y SH ithe tenontently pete ofthe + hing Cnute and quene Camis. 302 the Lich no pion rettoz ui Wenrie the fecond; furnanced Claw finall pratle nas thonght'te be-dtie nto the fain rep. dus j inthe tentity perc of the reighe of wovert, ; 0° Hucne, fh bp Hie politiize gouernement 5 titania Che pratte of hing of France, andabout the7 pare of alcolme king bir matey fo benoficiall tobir felfe anv hiv live, aopectoe uancementto the gouernmentofthe whole tealine, -_alway the wosthictt boote ofthe tool , ¥ {hall raife " tall entimte tobir former hutband.iButonke Richary Polydor. The Xf. Chapter. ‘ardicnhte turcensd as right heire fo the erotwite, 23 -~", 020: bp force of the agtamentmade at the fine ef LATO Anite,Cutie, Whaihie ‘mariage tolemintsed betiwirt bis father aitdMsther , Sthe Cuglith chisnitles Xo and veing once eftablithes in theRirighontes he's. FRX naire Brought, after the aeined his brother Cotoard fofick him',Heres thors thich report, that earle Coafke twas the procu- Ram Hip Comund might quictlic tnioy the fouth parts, and onetther fide. byhisaffignes; Edwinsand Edward the fonnes'of Ty the Danes excluded: Queene Emma praifedfothichigh wiles 10 before be could obteine queeie' imma to his wife , domeinchoofinganenimictohirhusband;Cnurediimiffech tt {pas fullie condefcented Fagred,that atter Cneits @becone: to him peace,with halfethe realme of Cngland,that 30 Uherebpon Cnute,abboring {uch a deteftable fac, istofap,, the nopthparts, trithconditton that king "pid not onélie confent , fhat bis fato fifker ould be ges, King Cnute marieth queene Emma ‘the widow of Egel- the armies, fo that king Comund toas of force cons both baue linedin great danger , andthe realme in firetned to be contented therewith. trouble. GUlith thts agreeth alfo. Simon Dunel. rho: © Zhns ourcommontiters haue recoredof this 20 faith,that king Comund died of naturalficknede, agrement,butif J ould not be thoughtprelump» -_-by courfe of kind at London,about the feaft offaint tuous,in taking Dpon me to reprouc., 02 rather but to miffrutt that thich bath bene recetucd fo. a true narration inthis matter, ¥ would rather gine cre: ofthis land, he xffembleth acouncell at Londoh,thenobles doo him homage; he-dittieththe realme-intofoureparts tobe gouerned ted,theiwife andpolitike conditions whereypen' this mariage wasconcluded,the Euglifibloud reftoredtothecrowne and doctrine, that Guerie kingdome;dintdcdin ttfelfe, This is ae Bnowie tobe. Wut ith thepdinpretendtitleto the amid (rr hie brother, that toouls fattitte the requett of "Gnute heretit jconlinering he hav beente (ach amde ~ Bdnwndsere banifhed; sheirgoodfortune by honorable marine that(as fome trite) bis fonne didit,. I5ut the author Fabian, mundfor the auoiding of moze bloudfed, that the that turote Encomium Emme, toziting of the Death of, Simon.Dun, tivo princes thould trie the matter thus togither ina fingular combat. i5ut Cnute refuted the combat, €omuno, bath thefe {words (tmmedfatlie after he, bicaule (as he alleged) the match Was not equall. 10 bad ‘fic declared in fhatfort the;tieo-princes fuere Fo2 although he was able to matey Comund in the hiftorieof England. ydertheDanes. friends , the ferpent of entie and falfe confpiracic burnt fo in the hearts of forme traitezous pertons,s that iofthina bbileatter king Comund twas faine,B. Ermer at Drford,as he fat ona petuie tode the neceMaries: oe Fe of nature. Zhe common report bathgone, that carke.. 1, -Corike twas theprocurer of this billanous ad, amb, hingof Scotlaw, Crnte thortlic afterthe death of king Comund, affembicya counccliat Londonjin + the crownoelwas thostecoterdd ontof theahidsof nome, © the Manes andteffored againeiit time to thetiabe the abich be canfen all'the nobles‘of the realme to fen bimtobeputtetrath. Zhus haue fome bakes: ,, -« ‘Heire, as bp air aulticient treatife thich foMmeHane Cute haning heard the effec of this meffage, Wolvbeit this report agrecth not with other writers, fated to make anfwer till be beard that bis coun- bhich declare how Cnute adnanced Coztkein the bee do him homage, inrecciuing anoth of lotaltebel fance. Hediuided therealme tite foure parts; age © intituled zncomiiaMEmme, amd tas Witter {tole Ercominm dates , it Dothandimapapeare. TAbic) bake ay 2 cell oul aduife bimto bo inthis bebalfe : andbp- -ginningof bis reigne bnto bigh boiroz, and made Some thinde hing Northumberland onto the ruleof Zeke 02 Wie -< though there be but few copies thereof abpoads ‘gt on god deliberation taken inthe matter, conftve ting that be bad lof no fall number of people int Him gouernor of Mercia , and ofed his counfell in *e oe manic things after the neath of king Comund, as pe tus,Percia onto Corike,md Caftangle onto Lure bill andreferning the wet partto bis otutte goners - eth badoubtenli¢greatlight fo the bittorentthat tite, PSIG Ww hance, He bantthen(as befow is fatd) Cowin, the xo But noty to our putpole. Cnnte thefamelpeite Math Wet tof king Goniun;but fuchas torre fufpeded inahicy he asthas nmacted, though permaton of the former battell , and that being farre ont of bis 40 inbanithing Gowin, the brother of king Comund, nohaet countric, Hecould not well haue anienetw fuyplic, there the Cralithmenalthough thep bad likeivife With bis fonnes alfo,Gomund and Eotvard. fex atnoined Wut for that there ts fuch d{{cozdance and variable *r*"® lof beri mante of their men of twarre,pet being in report amtongit walters touching the Death of King a their otune countric, it fhould be an cafie : matter foy them to reftoze their decatd number, it toas thought erpedtent by the hole content of all the Danith cap, Comund, and fomefables innented thereof (as the reposts fC manner is) tue till let the refine of heir reports munds dee tobeculpable of Gomtmdsaeath,becaufedtobepnt focrecution: therebyit toulo aypeere , that Cozike Wasnot then in anietoife deteded o} once thought tobegiltie, pallestith certeine it is,that to bis eno be came,atter *" ge teins, that the offer of king Comumd thould be acs be bad reigned about the fpaceof one pere, and fo cepted, f June and much moze as is betivene the moneth of Peredpon Cuute calling the ambalavors before -sthe latter endof Pouember, Wis bodie twas buried dimagaine, declared orto thent, that he toas cons so at Olattenburic neere bis tucle Cogar. With this tented toconclude a peace bpon tach conditions as Comund, furnamed Zronfide,fell the qlozious m+ thep bad offered : butpet with this anvition, that their King thatfocuer be hould be, Mould paieCnutes fouldiers thett tages , with monicto be levied of that part of the kingdome abicy the Cuglihking * {houlbpottetfe. Jo (this faith be) Fhaue vnderta: mrudh aduanced. fe Wotwbeit the common report of turiters touching the death of Comund darieth from this, tbo bw af firme , that after Cute and Comund were mane Af fight,at length envedbislife, andtwasburied at Eauettorke. weakened by the Danes,that nowy gotpolletlion of the ubole, pet fometbat recouered afterthe (pace of 26 pees bnder king Coward,fernamed the Confeb matter, c ges. Bn the peare 1018, Cortkeoe Streona'eavle for being called before the king into bis palite cham yor 8 of Mercia twas ouertinowen in bis one tartie; -----*- wants. Be toas called the bing of durles. Dthers ber , amd there in reafoning the matter about fome insite,that be camefecretlie into the realme after be 50 quarrelthat tuas picked to hint, be began verie pre as tt hadbane an agen bovie being foze becaicd and alfo are thep miferable, fo alfoare they funden, fal fo arethep bnanoidable. And true it is, that the life of man is in the bands of God, and the ftate of kingdoms doth allo belong bnito bim, either to cor finue 02 Ddifcontinue. Wnt to the procellr of the The fato Cowin afterwards returned, and twas bad bene banithed,and keeping himfelfeclofelieout ieftic of the Cnglifh kingdome,the trbfc)after tward clofed and befet twith round about , are manifolo; & then fourefcoze and tivo thonfand pounds oF Mltier, nhich tualeufed throughout this land for thet war yyyMalm.' but thostlic atter traitozoufiie daine bpbisotwnefers then reconciled to the kings fano2 (as fome write) « hen to fee them patd, and othcriwife J will not grant fo2; and fhoztlic theretpon as it bad baenc fale into toanie peace. Xhe league and agreement therefore 4 refiluation , cante to ertreame ruine bp the now being concluded inthis fozt pledges were delinered fion and conqueft of the Moznans: as after bp and receiucd on both parties andthe armies difcbar: 60 Sods gad helpe and fanozable alfiftance it thal! ap . Fed. Wat Gop(faith nine autho2)being mindful of peare. So that it twouls make a diligent and mat Mhiaty atte Dtouching bis old docrine,that Cucrie kingdome dinidedin it king reader both mufe and mayne, to fee botw bar' partind of felfe cannot long ttand thortlte after toke Comund able the ftate of this kingdame bath beene, ¢ thereby Hye hingdome, out of this life : and bp fuch meanes fdemed to take tofallintoa conffiacrationof the frailtie and bucet, pitic of the Crglith kingdome, ictif both the ki teintie of this moztall life,tabich is no moze free from Thould bane continued in life togither > thep aon fecuritie, than a fhip on the fea in tempeftuous wes bauetiued in danger. And incontinentic berebpon ther. 3Fo2 as the cafualties tkeretwith our life is tv was Cute chofen and receiued fo: ablolute king of =aoe abe erie Ehus bath be tusits tae Bates, tthofe crevit thereby histvife queene Emma,fent atwate the Dantth ita. uic and armie home into Denmarke, giihig'to Moreover; Cdowin and Coward the ounes of king Comuno were banithen the lady {ent fet onto Swens king of Postweietobaucbin made aivay : but Stoeno bpd remorle of confei> face fent theminte Wungaric, bere they fom Great fans. at the banos of king Salomon, infor tuk) that Cotvinmaricd the paughter of the fame Mon ,but hadnoidue by ir. Gotvard vas ad- 60 foucreighe lor hing Gomund, and at lerigth for ?? pourfakefluehim. At thidy words Crue began , ‘to change countenance, as one marucllonilic abae hed ,and fraightwates gauc fentence againt co. -rtkeinthis iwffesThou art toazthie(faith he)of death, >» a9 -_amddie thou thalt > hich art guiltic of treafonboth or towards Godand me, fith that thon halk laine thie 2> Perout Benrie,and by bir had ifuetio fonnes,Ev Mund and Cogarfurnamed Goveling,andasmanp xhp bloud therefore be vponthine otone bean ,fith 2? thy tong bath vtteren thy treafon. And immedtatlic faniced to marie tith Agatha , Daughter of the em €ts, Pargaret and Chatttine, of the abicy tn Conuentent moze hall be fat. hen king Crnte had eftablithen things,.ashe Songbt toy Mofk for bis fucrtie.becallento hisre- raz fumptuouflic to bpbzaid the bing of fudy ploatares "ashe had before time done butobimsy otoie be) 22 fo: the lone hich J bare totnards pon , firfake mp membance, that he hap no Wwe bat tte battar aoe Barolo and Stweno ; begotten of bis cor otune fouercigne lox , and mp Deere alien byother. becaufen his throat to be cut, and bis bovie to be thzotwen out at the chamber window into the tiuer >> of Thames. ¢ Wutothers (ap, that hanvsiwere lato Coste pot te bponbinr inthe device fame chamber o2 clofet tdyere death. be murdered the king , ¢fraightwates to prevent all canfes of tumults ¢ barlicburlies, he was pnt to - ~ Silpine. Wherefore he fent oner to Richard death toith terrible tozments of ferbranbs-¢ links; ma of Roxmannic, requiring to baue quene Cnv Xing, shee, wat of king Egelrep in mariage, and fo iseen hot a little to the tponder of manic ; tinch erecution baning paffeo bpon him; a fecond fucceeded; for both bis feet inere bomb together, ‘oughta great ouerfight both in the tooman anb bis bobie pratune through the frets of thecttie; ¢ in fine caft into acommon ditd calleo ounnw bitch, |