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Show The Epiftle. dooheheereiti,your hionérs diferetion thaleafilie conceiue, For the imperfectioty fich itis the firft that hath beenefet foorthin print, I craue moft humblie pardonot yourgood lordthip , befeeching youtrather to refpeé my good will than the perfedtnefie of the worke, which (the wants confidered)for the orderlie furnifhing thereof,isnot to be lookedfor inthe skilfull, much lefle inme the meaneft of all, and leaft able to performe it,Hauing prefented the righthonourablethe earle of Leicefter with the hiftorie ofScotland,to whom (as Vhaue heard) Campionmade dedication ofhis booke;] could not rememberme tdwhomie! might moreconyes nientlie offer this my trauell in this hiftogie of Ircland,:than to your lordfhip , being hir maiefties lieutenantin thatrealme, Andtherefore in moft humble wife I ex- hibitthé booke to'yourhonour, befeeching the famé to beare with my boldattempttherein,and toreceiueitia good part from him that wifhed to haue_more The authors out ofwhom thishiftorie of Freland hath beenegathered. amplie fatiffiedyour ood lordfhips expe@ation,if abilitie mighthaye anfwered good will, Thus Tbefeechthe Lord to guide yourhedrin his holi¢wWaies,&rofurnifh you with politike prudenceandskilfull knowledge to gouernein youreftate and office, fo asyour dooings may redoundto his glorie; the fuertie of hir maiefties dominionthere,your owne aduancementin honour, and'confe- qguentlie to the fure fupport and peaceable quietnefle of thetrue and loiall fubic&s of that realme. . GiraldusCambrenfis, = | Henricus Marleburgenfis. > | Saxo Grammaticus. | Albertus Crantz. Rogerus Houeden.' { Guilielm.Paruus Nouoburgenfis, | Polychronicon,fiue Ranulfus 2 Higeden, o hannesBale. 'y Edmund Campion, URecords androlles diuers. | L } Your honours moft humble tocommand, RapuHatt HoLinsuEp. The contentsofthe chapters following in the de[cription ofIreland. countiesit conteineth, the diuifion 5 Ofthe lordsfpirituall of Ireland, their names and dignities, Chap.5. 6 The lords temporall , as well Eng- or partition of the land, andofthe languageofthe people. Chap.t. 2 Of the natureofthe foile and other 7 Thenamesor furnamesofthe lear 1 ThenamesofIreland, withthe com- paffe ofthe fame, alfo what hires or incidents, Chap.2. 3 The namesofthe ciuities,boroughs, and hauen townsin Ireland,Chap.3. 4 Ofthe ftrange and woonderfull pla- cesin Ireland, Chap. 4. lifh as Irifh,which inhabit the counChap.6. trie of Ireland. ned menand authorsofIreland, and Chap.7. 8 The difpofition and maners of the what bookesthey wrote. meercIrifh, commonlie called the wild Irifh. Chap.8, |