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Show bt The Chronicles of Ireland. CnalifH pate, andallcis i i on ns panes in jig date Oa ek th a Herée gad fouldfo2,and an erpert capteine, both as ant booMeman, and as a foteman, both Libict mates ubbentes,stvsamperteninbememerotl ; that be knowing i Gerneand a fot fouildio2, and was fo lightoffot as po igs SansaGovanwetes, bate nature nn Herne iviftersfor be fwould purfue themin bogs, Zon Prot. is iat being handled gentlic, thep will Hing;but bes ing harderuthedtogither, thepwilldonobarmeres thickets, tn tombs,in pafles, and in Mrefds that focuets and neuer leavethem,bntill he did performe nen fo be began tith them. The Kod and the law the charge and feruice committed bnto bim, 3f be he made to bethe foundation of bis gouernement, bp the one be perfecuted the rebell and difebedient, 10 were to ferue dpon hishooflebacke,bis Datlie feruice cant witnesfuffictentlie hotw much, and hotn often and by the other be ruledand gouerneditt fuffice and His fernice {udgement. Great troubles be hadin both,but lit: be preuailedagaintt the entmie , and ayalled their againt the coutages, andwith tome be would inconnter if fle be did preuaile in the latter, befoxebe had ower, te Ca be might by ante meanes. come the firff : and therefore minding tocbattilethe NotwithFanding , as Jgectahded a rebelles, and to batng them toobedience , be follotur {pec as be twas,that be twonld not be lightlie : tape edand chafen them from place toplace : tn the bogs -_pedin the ficld,yet was he decefucd in the -_< be pucfued them, inthethickets he followed them, -bnnder the colour of a parler,ano bpon ‘ vines al "i Coupe in the plaines be fought with them, andintheircal -e was invitedtoa topper: andiittle thinking th aa. telsand bolosbhe befeeged them, and tvould neuer fatter them fo be at reff and quietieffe, bntill he bad 20 anic bread) of the truce Mould be made, betuent ity -to the caffell ahereas he was bidden. Wut -bis = tiredand Wwearied thentont, and at lengthinforcea tng. there,be was taken ea ace Fames Fits: James Fitsmozis andhis complices to come bnto -_-fo Kept for a fpace ; but pet not long after ae "4 inenis ferketh Zsilimalocke onto bim, and there fimplie to fubmit for peace, 8D binfolfe, andopon hiskneesin the open fightof all -_ffozeD and fet at Itbertic. Concerning bis other ally jon -_ffant, bis name twas Oeorge Well borne in Wa : - _ the cople toconfeffe bis difictaltics, mbinallbum: _-terfoxd anda gentleman of ananctent familie, be inne ble ati fo craue mercie and pardon. Wbome twas brought bp in learning , and was : ed b though tntill bir maiefttespleafure bnotwone hedia the innesof court at London, and profpere forbeare,pet the refioue be fpared not; but after their foell therein : and albeit bis riefvere but pong, peferts be executed in infinit numbers. And having arden from thefe weeds, and rated bp 30 pethis knowledge, granitic, and fincerttic counters Seca thefe pce: he entreth into the go: ; natled the fame with an ouerplus. Jn deciding of : matters be twas bpzight and tuff, beitig not a nernement by oder of law, andfromplaceto place nated m9 knotwne to be corrupted for ante mi throughout all @ountter he trauelleth and keepeth _-pleafure, Antudgement dpright, m tuffice rn hecinit go: bis {effions and courts, hearing euerie mans come uernement of plaints, and redzeffett their grecfes, andin fho2xt anid Without refpectof perfons would see on" aii GrFon Pie FimebzoughtthefametofucaquietneMeandpeaces the latw had prefcribed , be {pared neither pa :_ twould be affecen to anie; bp thich means ibe able eftate, that thereas noman befoe could pale fhpough the countrie,but fpasindangertobe murs maruellons much god in thatferutce, ne b iP iwas that gouerno2 that had fo god a counle xmy 141! Deredandrobbed,andnomandurittoturne biscats fell into the fields twithout watch, mdto kepetbem 40 Jmmedfatlie dpon the placing of this gre bit ~, én barnes in the nighttime ; not eueriemantwith --mentin ountfer,fr Henrie Sioneic bad oe fim Tie quietnes and fafetiein atthite fticke onelte in bis hands, and with great treafures might and dfd traucll fwithont feare o2 MPountter, danger there he vould (as the writer bereofbytrt, all knew it tobe true) ano the tbitethepe vidkepe the blacke, and all the beatts late continuallie ithe fields, twithout anicffealingozpreieng. olw Ghent he had thus quicted thispzouince, amd andlicencetoreturneouer into England, peel - cetuen bic maiefttes letters dated the io a Decemberone thoufand fue bundzcd feuen - one, ¢in the thirteenth perre of birmateffies te7 . -_-fo2 the placing of fir William iat lozdepntie in bis place. Which tert be bad sche -_e pafled ner the feas,and byfournetes nae a fetlen all things in g@do2der, thenbebeginneth to -court.ibe twas verte bonozablic aie - =: tefopmetheir manersin life mdcommon conuerfa 50 highneflewell commended, there being fun eve fiom and ayparell fuftering no glibes nozlike bfages -_blemen andgentlenrerofthe court, obi - eats Of the Irithzie tobe biedamong themen, nozthe Cs gyptiacall rofies bpon womens beads tobetwome. Whereat though thelaviesandgentletwomentwere fonretbat greeued, pet thep péeloed; and giuingthe fame oner , did weare batsatter the Crglifh mane Sir John ner. Ju thishis ferutce be bad tivo berie gad ¢ now fittant faives , and the otber for bis gouernement bp the Perots af fable aiittants, theone concerning the mattiallaf before he came to Whitehall, bere bit wee a birth and fermeces. Sit William Fitstwilliants, hautig a fpecialt fate and relpect fo his harge and officeoffpoleth all things in the belt order be could bp the adutfe of the courtcell, and finding the fate fomenbat quict,faing ountter, his care and fFudie toas fo to keepe and mainteine tt. And be being a iwife and a graue eats uevie man aftuell of the clergie as of the lattie to be pelt rece{ued,fmbzaced and follotved. Then that the conv Ge dahdon mon peace and quietnelle throughout the thole land might and fhould be conferucd,and all occafions of ea, fhe bzeach thereof, and of all mufintes and diuifions Exlming tobe cut off. Thirdlic, that hir maietties great anv Thele confiderations and {uch like,beitig ordered Tifhzie, in thom twas no seale in religton, and lefle Obedience to hir maieffte,and leaft care to liue in an Honeft conuerfation ad commonfociefte, butals luaies fuatching the bett opportunifie and fine fo beake out into thetr tomnted outrages, robberies, gin toplate thefr pagents. The firfk was Wefan Pac habir of dsnocking tn the countie of Caters lough Cauenagh, tho bpon cerfeine wrongs ahich be complained he had recefued by one Robert Wrotwne of Palrenkant, be tprannised ouer the thole countrie, committed mante outrages ano thotles,preied the countrie,t burned fundzte tolwns, Liketwife the gentlemen of the countic of Werford, On thefr parts, and all rofe vp in armour againt -_certeinepeares ontill he tas reveled, Wh a teit matters verte egarlie, and being in a great Companie tvell aypointed, thep fought out %zfan thepcould make bid refift the other, fo that all the tole conntrie twas therebyin a berie troublefome ate; and no end could be had before thep had tried Sac Babir,and gave the onfet bpon bim;but he fo 6° Watched the matter,andtoke themat that addan tage, that although he and his companie were but bings, amd menof great bonoz amd nobilitie; ann bHito.. Waypie twas that pzonince, and and ae am of that thire about o2 aboue thirtie pers s. 30 this companie twas an Englih gentleman, after twas in great crevit ¢ office among them, tention and teport. And this gentleman,baning fome motion of the balue ann valiantneffte of bis -_beene continued bythe like, to bauefollome Anceflors deriuedand defcended pon bint, twasah cd: but the wantof the one twas in (hort ae 2 twas d2iuento leape bp on be2febacke bebind anoman,end fe efcaped,o2 clfe he had nener bene fenefhall of that prouince. After this fight,though Se grunge were not forgotten no2z a renenge bn» (ectedand giuen toallfeatsof chiualtie, and efpeci+ allie to the feruicein thewarres,therein beproued -_thofe people,abich being eaten i a uonrediwith caterpillers, be bad bought saom med toa moft hayte.peaceable,ad quirt e if it bo be leftit euenin the fame maner. ee innit the gouernement, the fami fwould fo oY othe OP _caie of the other,ano that reformed count a toa mol muiferadle effate,as by the con | The Omoyes, notwithtanving the carle of wil The Omozes bare was twaged bybie mateftte to perfecute any > chattife them, pet without anie refiffance 02 finpects mrenfthep rage and outrage in all traitozous many her and rebellfons difozders. Thep inuadedthe Cr billages, and carried the prefes and pillage tottt themt without anie refiffance. he abole province 2" Connagh of Connagh twas altogither in actualrebeliton bp ea in the carle Clancicard fonnes, and thep for ther aio "ae badcalled ¢ twaged a thoufand Scots. And though thep and the Zrithzie were of dfuerfe nations, pet of one and of the fame difpofitions and conditions, being altogither giuen to all Gine and wickeones, and their barts were altogiticr imbzued tn blond Steeued twith the death of Kobett Brotwhe,aho was 5° andmurther. The earle bimfelfe was at {his time The fatle vit bis neyhuc,being bis fitters fonne,were as bnquiet prifoner inthe caftell of Dublin for the fame rebel fembling of better eftate for wealth,peace and obepfence a thep were nomoze noble of blond han baltant,twife andpndentinal theivacions, bothin theferuices of chtualrie amd matters of polictes,md thereof the biffories of Cnglaw in manie places bo make Gr afiwell in matters of counfell, as of ante fernice to Pet? Cs M0 namelie fir Micholas Denereur knight, being Wiwith the fword. F03 the Werfozd men following -_it the time of bis goucrnement bid reduce pie ton fo; terme of bis ttfe: for hie foas a man of great and rebellions : thefe (4 faie) it fundzie places be: 40 glith pale, (potted aiid burned fundsie tolvnes ano be wasthe third forme to Fobrearle of Wath,ubole ancefters were defended fromout of the loinesof i ting bts fotule offozvers and outrages;and pet firm , lie auouchingthat the quavell din not begin by bint noz by bis meanes : bis fabuiiffton toas fuch and it fo bumble fo2t,a9 that be obteinen the fame. Ain ace cosding to bis prontife then mabve,be oto then(efouty AND effablithed tvith the confont and dbuife of the 3 o be dane in thofe parts. A man (ftbich és rare among fhole councell,amd (nell liked of enerie god fibiect, thefe people)verie conftant of hts tyo2b,ann fo faitiy Dicaufe the fante twas grounded bpon derte god folie he ferued, amd fo mine he Honoured Gr Weter teafons ; petit toke not that effec as ittpas meant Carely,that affer his neath, betiny as one maimed, and twifhed it fhould. Foz that tofched raceof the Zs he confurmed and pitted atwaic,and ofed tn peace. But this fir John Perot prefioent of P .oa fe fit qouernour for that effrenated and bar! neil people than toas he, noz twas that countrie cunt to the loxb deputie for bis pardon, and fubnitten RabiMs bimfelfe to his lopothips devotion,confemting tr twats poluertoithin the counties of Gtlerfow ¢ Cathers lough, And this Brian Dac Bably Pac Arthur was apvongerfone fo Charels, but the chiefett for ball antitefie,magnantmitic and toifedonte;and tone of all the fept of the Cauctaughs,though they toere Sipnies. excefitue charges to the confuining of bir treafure mante and balfant men, fo be compared onto bint! might be Hortened,and bit reucnues felt hufbane 20 eueric twaie, and onto hom thep all would give Dedand loked brio, accarving fo hfe {rmdete coms place. dames tobe mandements fofore giuen, Latlie,that the lates Hoto be beingatfured of them, and allo being a The trenath amd futtice might haue thefr due courfe and be envs lied by martiagé dnto ewen Mac Shane, tote Sporbabe rent throughout the ahole land,and the {noges and daughter he matried,be twas allo alfucedof the Dy : Officers fhonld bpzightiic mintifer fulfice to each bitnes and of the Dmeronghs,¢ aman of great Se hept in Man According fo bis defert, aNd that all the foulnis frength and abilitie, tbe became in the ertd tobe a Wrtan AYac fet oes ers Houlo be bept in that dilcipline as to thent aps follotver onto fir Peter Carety,with fborir he nev Bahte tsa fots ve, perteineth. net brake bis pomife, but fod him in great fey iowerto Brian Mac Rabir, and cach one twith all the forces continued fill in Hisoffice, and there - -- YG 5 peares after,Brtan Dac habie mane humble tated rien Mae matt, and of fo great experience in that land,he 2a Wueth the plot of his qoucrnement into certette {pe ble and bebaue bimfelfe mot dutifatic,andlined iy Expoints ciallpoints andarticles. Siri, that the retigton e+ ro a berie god oxder. Epis Wifanwas a Cauenaugh, Brian apace Hor william fablifged according to Gods holie ward, thoulo anbthe formeof Chavels, the fonneof Arthur, which MAHe,Sobas wiliams hanes free pallage thzough the fhole land, and by e Arthur was by king Wenrie the eight madea ba: 7°" thenlaie, fo (as time conuentent ferucd a count bnto bir the tole eftate in all eghee vie realme of Zreland, thich bic mateftic li -twell. a Courfe and order of the law. Concerning the affaires 65 to fone for that countric. Jfo2znenct mat ee * mattiall George Wourchier elquter wasiotned with bint in comutifftor,and did bim notablegmdferuice, The Chronicles ofIreland. may aypare, {mati in refpedt of the others, pct be gaue them the le and ouerthzolv, and killed the moff principal and be in banger to bane djunken of fhe fame cup, pet op little andlittle it quaileo. About two Ifon, tho hearing of the outrages of bts fonnes, ateeteary. mabefute fo the lord deputie, that if be might be fet atlibertie, be tuould tndertake to bring in bis fons, and to quict the countrte, Te lord deputic, vefiring nothing moze than peace,after funbdzie conferences bad with bitn,oio bp the adutfeof the councell inlarge bim,in an affurep hope that be would effcaualite performe in deo fabat be had promifed in worn. Iut he came no fos ner home among bis people,and had conferred with bis fonnes,but be forgat bis promife ano performed nothing at all. Likewite the Deponners ans the Ds Che Dchon1103e8, accompanied with a rable of like rebels fall ne iid into open rebellfon,fpoile the countrie,oenoure the ‘el people, ano make all waft and defolate. Lirlough Lenough in Ultter was reavieto reuolt,but that he fod in doubt of the earle of CMer,aho lieng bpon the fines amd marches in Tlfer, was not onelie in Teadineffe to haue bearoed him: but alfo be hav fet Dpdonetle in open twarres againt him. Bountter twas liketoile in open rebellion. Wut fir John pe rot then prefivent fo courted and followed them, that noetiwithfiand ng a great combination and league Pull. was rs |