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Show Thefixt Bookeof © Rolloa noble man of Denmarke with afrelh power entreth England, andbeginaren it,king Alured giveth himbatell, Rollofaileth oner into France; whofirftinhabited Normandie, and whereof irtaoke that name; the Dazes breake shepeace which wsmade betwixt them and Theftate ofBritainevn. latheSaxons Danes. that the fanre might bauc {efficeda great atmicof men,fo: the bittelling of them at that feafon, Ehoatlic afterking Alnred twke bpon himthe has bit of aminffrell, and going forth of bis clofure, re: patted to the campe of the Danith bing, onelic ace sing zt companied foith one truftie fernant, and tatrieng Defgurfeth there certeine dates togither, tvas {uttered togoin. bim‘lt. ‘olydor, Alured, heis driven to his fhifts by their inuafionsinte his foeuerie part,and plate on bis inftrument , as tell kingdome,avifion appeercth to him and his mother; king AlFabian, afore thebing as others,fo that there fwas no (eerct, ured difguifing him(elfe Ikea minftrell entereth the Danith campe, marketh their bchauiour vnfufpected, affalreththem 10 but that he bnderftmdit. Low tehert he hav {ene and onthe fudden with a freth power, and killeth manic ofthem learned the demeanour of bis eninties,. he returned at aduantage; the Detionthire men giue the Danes barrell againe to bis people at Colingfep, and there decla vnderthe condué ofHaldens brother,and are difcomfited; rep to bis nobles that he bad feene and beard, that Alured fighteth with them at Edanton,they giue him honegligence as.amongft the enfities , and bow ca ftages, Gurthrun their king is baptifed and named A= del ftan,a league concluded betwixt both the feamatter it ould be for bimto indamage them. kings, the bounds ofAlureds WAberebpon thep concetuing a maruclious goo kingdome, Ann.876f4 ith Simon Dun. 4 5 a4 thoztlie after,there came into em {67 Cugland one iolle, a noble gman of Denmarke 02 Po2 (notivithfanding the peace concludcd betivenethe Crs bs Po 7 glithrien ad the Danes) be Gait to Wate and deftropthe countric, hing Alnred bearing thefe newes , twit all (pen thought bet in whom the French named Normans, wherypon that generall name was giuen them;Gurmo Anglicus K.ofDenmark, whofefather Frotto BCre isto henoten, thit writers nate Biuerfe of the fic, twith Inguate , otberWwifecalled toungar , and merfetthire,cailthhire,s Hamthire,reioifing great farons, brought the matter to that pafle, that there lic to Cee bit abzoad. Fromthence be toent to Coan fon ,t there fought againf the armie of the Danes, Keepe bimfclfe clofe within the fernes ann marefh Grounds of Summerfetthire, with {acy hmatl com, coucnants to depart out of bis Dominions, and that Temained fo; the mot part in(thinan Zecalien Ce Dlingfep,thatis to fay,the land of noble men,enut, theo: for Gurthaan, home fome nanie Gurmond, apzince o: king amongtt thefe Danes , came to Al ured and inas baptife,king Alured receiuing bimat the fontifone named him Aoelttan, and gaue to bim the countric of Caftangle,tbtch be gonerned(0; ra ther fpotled) bp the {paceof ttueluc peeres. uafions Lbhich they made into the countricof iets "< Danith capteins, kings (of foxren regtons,as England,France,Flanbders,and fea, ronedabout with fennes amarethes, Whiles be was thas Kut vp within this Zand, he {vas bp dreamte aducrtiled of better bap fhoxtlic to 60 Derufllotn for as it bathbene fa, faint Cuthbert ap. peered to bimas be laicin leepe,and comforted bim, declaving to bin, that twithin a ubile fortune Tout foturne,that be houlb recoucr againe bis kingdome to the confufion of bis eninties, And to adure bint that this (ould pzouc true,betola bim that bis men luote gone abzoad tocatd ff , fhouly bring Dome great plentic,although the feafon teas again them,bp reafon that the waters were frofen,and that cold rime fell that mooning, to the bindcrance of thete purpote, Usis mother alfo at that tinte being in ae the like biffon.And as thep badnreamed, f itcame to pale; fo: being atwakened out of their Aepe, insamebis men tuith fo gteat folfonof Ath, Mentof the kingdonie of Denmarke, whic) sFrotta \ tecetued baptifnte in Crigland,as their ftoziestell. fag __sntheeight pere of king Alfred bis teigne, the -+-. Umicof the Danes wintered at Ctreneefter, ad SDinerfe other of the Danith nobititic to the mem the fame pere an other armie of flrangers called Wincigilaie at Fulbam,and in the peere following j.) Gurthar s Garmont oF sucd Zocitey, ts mane buy of Cahangh ber of thirtie (as Simon Dunelmentis faith) came at the fantetime ft companie of thetr king Curth:un, aid twere liketpife baptifen, on thome king Aiured beffotwed manic rich gifts. At the fante time (as ts to be thought) tvas the league concluned bettvirt King Alnred ano the fatd Gurthzunt 02 Gurmond,tt b Departed fosth of Cngland, amd went into Jfrance, Mdthe armie of king Godzun 02 Gurmodeparted a from Ctrencefter » andcame into Caffangle , and fhe there diuipingthe countrie amongtf them,began to ibabit thefame, Jit the 1 4 peere of king Alfred tignte.partof the Dantth armie thtch was gone ‘aurie drcdeflep,nhich oid confeine intimes pattizomitles » cagey poitt at Appiedoze. 8 9.2. Simon Bin, 4+ Apilton. gating the capteme of the Danes ey gn oth, and to the other duke Alozed was god father. FFoxwas ft were to tvin credit, andtosuofd prefent dancer) Haing fent bnto Alfred thete his tts fonnes, figs nifferg that tf it tod twith bis pleafure, hecould be conteitt that thep fhould be baptifen. Wut nenerthe- apeatitiet leffe this Palting twas ener mofk ontcuc of 10920 KipmWen. "on {es fries, Alfred twke that caffle,tofth his twife,childzen, ete re fips and gods, thich he got togithrr of fxd) (pottes tpyetnzen nake as hebadaboad; but he reftozed bute Watling his of erciain fwifeand childzen, bicaute he was thetr govfather.' the ablence of Shortlie aftor,nelwes came that agreat nomber Bngas of other thips of Danes twere come out of Mozthuhe path noten, berland,amd had befieged Creefter. hile king Ale Excetter fred fuent then againtt them , the other armie. frhich befeged. ning on the fea,roaued abzoad,feeking pretes, Bes floes this, other armies there were {ent fon2th, hich comming out of #a2thumberland toke the citic. of patra taken Chetter,but there thep wwere fo befet about twith their °? PF. 5° cnimies, that thep tere conffreinedto cate thett goat gamine horfics, At length, in the 24 peere of king Alfred, thepleft that citie,and fetc)t acompas about Pozthy twales,and fo meaning to faite round abont the coatt tocome into Mozthumberland, thep arrinedin CL pen, tune. fer,anb in the winter folloting delw their (hips by the Thames into the water of Lute. That armie of She water of Danes whichhad befieged Crcefter ,twke pretes av dutesnow bout Chichetter aid was metwith ; fothat thep lot ia, mianie of their menand alfo diuerfe of their Tips. Suct into #ranee,returned into Ergland and befies $0 Rochetter.Wat abhen Alfred approchedto the res 60 "Anthe pere following, the other armic thith bad tkue.the entmies fen to their fips , and patfev oner brought the thips into the riuer Lute, began to baila Acaftcll neére tothe fame river, thoentie miles di the fea againe. ting qitcen fent a nanie of bis hips fant from London : but the Londoners came thf HenHune, telfurnithed twith men of twarre into Caftangle. hat the month of theritier called Sture, itv tuhich the bounds of king Alureds kingdome are {ct fmzth thus; Firtt therefore let the bounds 9: marihes o€ out dontinion ftretch bnito the riner of Xhames, " ait ftom thence to the water of Lee, cuen butothe » beadof the fame toater, and fo forth ftreight bnto_, Wedfezd; and finallie gotug alongft by the riuer of Dufe,let them end at Watlingttrect. AE eats woke Ay te eee ot Hhich had bene in France, retuencdints Gaglann, a eatt part of ihent, neere to the great od called Ane lay at Applenoze invaded Ciler, and built a caffell others,as in convenientplaces pe mapfind, as iwell 4° inthatcountrie, anv after toentinte the borers of WAalesand builocd another caffell neere bntothe ry thont hiftozies, as alfo in the tuziters of the 3frenc) Hitoriesand Ubetwifein the chronicles of thofe noztt) ner of Scuerne:but being deinen out of that cour? Seacrne, Tegions. Thetuziters berelie of the Danith cont: trie,thep returned againe into Eller. Thole that han cles make mention of one Gurma, thome they befieged Creeficr,bpon knowlenge hav of king Ab name Anglicus,bicanfe he was bozne here in ng freds comming, fled to their thips, and fo remats land, hich fucceeded his father Frotto in goucrnes their king Mould be baptifen, thic) was accompli, Po tifcd,end a of 13.Alfrep, an armie of thofe Danes ¢ Momaris; ro M10 atrinedin the hanen o2 riverof dimenin the Bnvsedellegia ~~ the Danifh chronteles) to 3° fyas going forth to fpoile and Watt the kings coun? Chisenter- i. retgne int thofe parties. Wut oY true it is,fhat in thole dates, Re SAV SR Ant onelic the Danith people, butalto other of thofe noztheatt countries 02 regis ons, as Stoedeners, Mortvegians, the Wondens, MO fuchother (Hbfch the Englith people called bp One general nant anes , and the Frenchmen Homans) dled to roaue on the feas, dnd to inuade e lnmd, fibere there came to bim the people of Sumy eb is. Iurthzed(as befme ts fato.) About the 27 \pere and deed,he builoed caffle at Bramfield.Andas he Simon Dun tent remained to king Alured but onelie the thee coun and chafed them onto their frengthwhere be rematr fries of Hambhire, Cuiltthire ,¢ Summerfetthire, 50 nedafore thenrthefpace of fourctencdaies. hen 8. in fomuch that be was conftreined fo: a tine to the armie of the Dances delivered him hoftages and Pc panies as he hadabout bim, conttreincd to get their lining twit fithingbunting,and other fd) thitts. be Thexy. Chapter. hire,here the Deuonfhire men gaue himbattell, and fine bim with 840 perfonsof bis retinue. Dtber iwnite,that Halden himielfe tas prefent at this core lured (as before pon hatte heard) thortlie after, bp: ont the firoccafion,bzakethe fame , and bpoftenin: ivas of power able to repnee Hen mite tthertteahis Citic being at that [eaton the chicfeof all gpercia, he Deliucred into the Keeping of DUE Clozed, which had iiaried his datighter @thelfeda, ¢ held a great'pod> Wil.Malm. tion ofPercia, which Coltwolphusbefure time poles Etheldeda. fed bp the grant of the Danes,after thep havfubpiy Colmolphas. was baptifed in England; the Danes befiege Rochetn length, and thirtie in bzeanth. hele Danes law fer, Alfred pusteth them to flight » reconereth London out Ding with thetr people builved acaftle at Applenore, oftheir hands,and committethit to the cuftodie of duke El+ Zn the meane time came Walking with 80: Migs dred his fonne in law; he affaulteth Hafting a capteine of the itito the hams, anid builoeda caffle at spiodleton, Danes,caufcth him to take an oth,his two fonnes are baprifed; he goethfoorthto {poile Alfteds counrric,his wife, ch' itdcedt but he fwas conffreirted by flege abich king Alicea and goods, &c:aretaken, and fauourablie giuen him a~ plantedabout him , torecefue an oth that he Gould gaine; the Danesbefiege Excefter,they flic rotheir hot in any twife annote the Dontintont of bing Alfred; thips, gaine with great loffe,they are vanqui20 tho bpon bis pomife to pepart, gaue great giits thedbythe Londoners, the death of Alfred, his iffuc male as {ell tohint as to bis wifeand chilnzen. Dueok and female. Hisfonnes alfo king Alfred held at the fontiorte, Henr-Hant, comming bponthem on the fudden, flueof thema 877 gteatnumber,bauing them at great abuantage. 878 Aboutthe fame time the brother of king Halden Marth, Welk came twith thirtic and thre thips out of Wales into the countrie of Gettfarons,on the coaft of Denon: the beginningto op fucya common mifthiefe, and 30 that thep were both Maine there, twitlttocluc bury fmmebfatlic affembling bis people, went againt bzed oftheir companie (before a certeine caffell cal: the entimies,and gauethembattelltn the thich there Icd dk intutth)receiuing as thep had deferucdfortheir dieda gteat number of menon both fines , but the cruell dealing latelie by them practifen in the parties Greater lofic fell to Kollo his armie. Bet Matthew of Southiwales,there thep had twafked all afore them Weltmin, fatth, that the Cnglithmen were put to {otth fire and fom2d, not {paring abbetes maze than flight.Atter this,tt chanced that Xollo being warned other common buildings, trandzeame,left Cngland,s failed oucr into France, hing Alured being with that gadlucke the moze fibere be found fortune fo fauourable fo bim,that he coinfozten, butloed'a fortreffe in the Fle of Cdlings obteined in that region for bim and bis people a fep,afteripargs called Athelnep, and breaking out iere countric, the hich twas afterivards namen ox 40 oftentimes dpon the eninries,offfrefcd them at fur manbdie,of thofe noztherne people abhich then began baptife dzie times with the atd of the Summerfetthire ment, to inhabit the fame, as in the hittories of Strance bic) Were at hand. About the feuenth twerke after poumaie fee mozeat large. Catter, inthe feuenth pee of bis reigue , king Ab The Danes thic) ha concluded peace with hing ured went to Cglerighftor, on the caft part of Scl dlinglep, ThEnglifh called diuers people Danes Hope,and imboloened With bis tuords, a power was affembled togtther,and {pies fent fio2th to learne and The xtiij Chapter. bring tomyd fibere the Danes longed: thich being Creep Sout, the fame time ,o2 20 done,andcertificat made accozdinglic, king lured é 147 the hiftorie ofEngland, fage pertonages as well Cnglith as thole that rt habiteninithin eat! Crigiand,ts fet forth in maitter Lambertstake of the old Engifth latwes, in the erm Of thofe latwesn2 ordinances Khich tuere eftablifyen bp the fame king Alured, asin the fame boke pe map fe moze at large. With 16 fhips of the Danes , fet bpor Seman ouercame thent in fight:but as thep returs ned With their pzites:thep incountered With another SA Gemwere atinie of the enimics, and fighting witty cnercome and banqutthen. Pm He vere following, king Alfred befteged the trong the Danesthat were within tt fled tantsean the Cngtifhinen that tere inbjabt- See glablie récetucd hint, retofig that Was fa} a prince bred of their ridtion, that ther,and giuing battell to the Danes , flue foure of the chiefe capteins.iBut by Simon Dunel.and Marr, ©be Londos Weltin. it otioteine,that the Lonbonters were at aretnt the this tine put to fight, and that foure of the bitgs Danes, barons werelaine in fight. ‘Wotbett Henrie Hunt. bath imitten as before 3 hae recited; ang tuitthet fatty; that ther the Daries fev for thotr' ted flige to the caffell/ Bing Alfred canteo the toater of Lute tobe Diatded into thie Ganels, fo hatte Panes thoulo not bing backetheir (hips ont the plate tiere-tyeplaic at anchor, Cahen the Danes fy. perceiued |