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Show The hiftorieofScotland. Thehiftorie of Scotland. Theeerleof& aoe a ge tsfatd, that fri oufragtons vi: entred at this time, ano began to growin ble a ntong the Srotif}imer, fomtther with thelanguage Bikndta- andmaners of the Cnalith nation (bp reafsn that on Gireeker. W!nt hing William nothig oifcouraged with hisouerthzow; fentone ichardearleof Glocester tice miniftred, but throngh fuyportoF one Makdur Golpatribe fat)Simon (tthome amongettall the Englithmen he bad mot tWttufk) with a mightic armie into Cumberland, fo Wwatfed and defroicd the kings poftelfions, tity -moze crucitiethan ener had beene heard of bene, Wherefore to punifl) thete traitorous attempts, imtogpeot- Henteith , Hho defended the countris right mantic from the inuafion of the faid earle, fo that be was not able to take anie aduantage of them. ing Makonffe tuas fent with an armie into Mar. Wut aperruia doubti leatt thep fhould not be able to the trattozs doubting -teithifand bis puiflance , thought nothing moxea: iam, William aduertifeo hereof , wared tvanderfull uatlable than to flop bin with monie ; but inthe Duncl. againthome twere font the earles of Parchand cane , whorethev chofe to be their capteine, they al ll fucha multitude of the fame , fieng out of ther uerie of the : nobles peers pereeining ahat vifconun f oditie t oral and decaic to the ubole tealme would infue of this oaie : intemperance , came to the king, lamenti ng gte- fine fo; the in: noutie the cafe, for that this venemous infection temperate {pred fo faft ouer the thale tealmte, to the pernerae fing and vtter remoting of the ancient fobsietic of iw2oth, that no moze god was done againft hisewi: ro meane fime came the king biméclfe in gad featon mies ,aberebpon be fenta nelw power thitherivith into MPonimutke , there he twas aduertifed,thatin all {ped , onder the leadingof bis brother Md0, tho manerall the nogth parts of Scotland with the Zles, Moodithop of iyas both bithop of Wateur,andearle of kent. By -kwere confederat twith the Durrepland men againk watcurand this lat armie, the countrie of Mozthumberiand -_im.Ahe king aftonithen fomething at thefe newwes, bolwed to giue the baronnie of Monimutke (hid pbc J earle of foas fozefpotled,and a great number both of Scots a be bnderitmd to be lands perteining to the crotne) and Marthunrberlanvmen difcomfited and flaine. MButas Dodotwas preparing toreturne, there came 4 in Fife , if‘tt brito the church of faint Andzetw te might Palcolme,with all the power hemight make,and -_-pleafe Dodto fend him bicorie ouer bis enimies, Daicol ral giuing an onfet dpon bis enintiesflue a great nun Attength committg bute the tater of Spete, he entecpzife gaint big ent= berof them, and recoueredall the botic hic) Ddos 20 beheld his enimies on the further five, tin greater mics, men had got in the countrie, and foright toffull of number , and in better furniture for armoz than he Stared that bicozie, returnedinte Scotland . ing GUL thought had bene pofithle to hatte found itt all Scots Hiamt pet nothing abatheo for thefe mifhaps, fenthis Land: be percetted alfo that his fandard-bearer bo Robert the fonne called Kobert,with afar greater polver than gant fo thainke , and not to Met the like cheerefull fonne of wil= countenance as he ought to bauedone. Wherefne |i: mem harm conquc- at anie time be had fent before, into sozthumbers bepuilled the banner front him, and gaucit to fir Ae vero land , iho remaining along feafon in campe nere Tour. Pewealkelt to the riuer of Zine, attempted no notable enter: lerander Carron, tho with this bis nety office ob t boon Tine rife, fauing that he repared and netwlie fortified mes Bpeaxcecon: clavebe= Twirt willfam the totone of Metwcattell , Hhich Fandeth bpon the and tobis heires for cuer : buthisurname twas ab famertuerof Line,and then at lengtha peace twas 3° terfvards changed and calleo Skrimgeour ; of fhe conncludedbetivirt the twokings bnderthefe condi> =Aich ts Defcended a noble Houle, continuing pet tn great hono: int the fame furname and office, Chen = tions that king Dalcolme thouldinioy that part of Ee afe diet bfedin the fame. Cherefore thepbefo ught bint countrie,. the Ring tuas once palfed the water, annthe armies t02e. {ote was taken bp,and peace made on tele CONDITIONS; Gon of gemie of the kings . Boreouer, it was concluded that q@Maltheof 02 Tolnofius (as the Scotith writers Epiwarvearie name bim) thefonne of Siward earle of SPorthuny Of Morthum berlandthould marie king Wiliams neece, bore beriaind, of bis daughter , and to be fre fromallpatiments anderactionsduete the tes by ante maner of pre ofthetr bodies herewithi continuall trauell , thep caufe of Srength and Kreis moze rong and gteater of bodice, than their bugencffe Ofipaing are found tobe in thefe dates: for thep were st bovis, moze tit tefemblance like bnto giants than bnto mea of our thine, toith great and huge bodies, mighs tie aries end lims,prelfing bpontheirenimieslike amd fpoilen the bozvers of theitnefghbozs , not {par ting from Gaughter in all parts , ahere thep tere ieeees anie thing vefilteo. Againt thefe rebels was fent pag * bp bing Palcoline , Walter the fonne of Fleance infective poifon,atd btterlic to have expelled it forth of bis realme. Polvbeit the nature of manis fo onboth fides readic to haue toined , theough media fion of biffops and offer bertuous men, the matter Beret dice, prolte and readie fotmbzace ail kinds of vice, that tibere the Scotifh people before hadno knotwlenge Makglaue, Then atterivardsfighting with them of the Jles, be fuboned themin {uch Wife, that all things tuere pas cified eucit at commandement . Jfo2 whic) bigh prolves and diligencein this peece of feruice fhetved, be was created by Malcolme high fetward of the waltercrea- tealme, fo that atterwards both he and bis pofterts tedbighfe: tieeuerfince baue bome thatfurname, enen dnto Soma oe thefeour daies. Afterthe quieting of this bufineftc , there fpranga hefy tumult moze Dangerous than the former, fox the Qurrepland ment, procuring them of Rolle and bis iwife; nich of thent (oulo be moft feruent in loue of God, fo that mante people by the eon 3:gee? Drew reve}. Cathnes, with ofuers other to foine with themin tton in Mur. confederacie,didnotonelie fleathe kings feruants, tepland, and. thofe that tuere appointed bnder bint to {ee tw Parts of the intrails,tyat neither with purging, cut» tbolic to theaduancement ofthe cheistian relist ‘ and toreffore things that were Decated bp the a gence of his wedceeffors. Therefore thereas ‘cat placing menof fingular bertue anid pure tnthe fame, sa Ihnen leds, and comming with the fante into sorthum: berland,befiegen the fatd caftellof Anturke. Any Thecattertot the Cnglifoman ran the king through the lett tte, Anharvie and {uddenlic dathing his (purves to bis hortfe, efcar ¢*erpztes ped to the nert wwodout of all banger, he point of the fyeare entered fo farre into the kings heap, that ete, and in recompenteof bis feruice gaue himrcer? beginning, fap thep ¢ teine Linds in Northumberland: of thome thofe tapth offoe pPercesace defcended, obtd)in our daies hane try marie at the 23 peere of bis reigne , and after the incarnation Erles ofPots land. She Scatsatter the daughter of their KING, thumberiand, brake bp thetr campe , and buried bis bode twithin t.a9atcotine "6. HB. 1087. About thich tne hing waleolme canted the Peers old church of Darham to be plucked dotwneand butt- Setiebes, Of Dp Anetv, beginning cuenat the firft fore, Zn $x. "eh feafon,one Sgelivin or William (as the Sco8) twriters fay) was bifhep of that fee, ano prio: of "m -fox that be ftroke king Walcolme fo right in the 282" fuch fing no: fearing it may be bolpen. Sener thal! you deitrote the ubole nation,than remauethis bice. Gf in the meane tine ttle things paffcd thus in Scotland, king Wiliam the Conquero; diedin the - Ling Patcolme, to withtand tach exploits ats tempted bp bis entmie,leuicd agreat hott of bis tubs that map devour mmebdiatlic falling totyneamongtt bis men, be diment pe - mot :aberein thep mapbeinftlie compared to gree: peeloed bp the gholl. Zhis was the env of hing al ‘ wakes die wolues and cozu92ants. Sut to betwatle that in colme in the vudtt of his armie, "Suazanrs two2ds whtch cannot be amended in debs, ts buta 6° Fitts (aid, that hing CUlilliam dyanged the name The name of follte: for the infectionis fo entered into the inner of this aouenturous knight, ¢ called him Perfecie, the Percaa the quene bis tutfe , ceaffed not to fet bis > = eveded tind other of nets .as surrey ue of ile fame. Wed tg § ' tion. Furthermoze , Palcolmeby the ae other tino to thetr foxmer beauties. anfare Horthumberland, and toke the caftell of Antuike Sis eatheet puttingall {cy to the fad as tuere found in the aeeear all mens efes ‘were earned in bebolving the ketes, {hte of moft bigh commendation ? reparation ( the other being Decated be rrbermect py fhoulo intop a great portion of the north parts of England, ancientlie belonging to his crotone as parcel thereof , beraifed a great armie, anv before our tine. Fo2inthofe dates, as pet the nature of bavme, Lought bim with great notfe and clamour man twas notfo overcome with the abufe of fupers bitto the kingstent, Uzho bearing the note , came flutties , as ttis nowabdaies ; for then though thep fo3th of bis pauilion to bnderttand ubat the matter Were gone fromthe ancient fpareneffe of diet, thep ment. Zhe Cnglithmanherewith couchen bis ttaffe, Pet did not eat pall tiifea dap, and had but two di- 50 as thoughit had bene to the end that the bing might thes at a meale; but now the greedie tatte of mens recetue the keies which he hab brought. And tbhilet * 8} thatioeuer map be gotten, ts bnneth able to Quench their gluttonous aypetit¢rauenous go:mans Dising; fo that neither land, fea, nz aire, is left br fonght to fatiffie the fame,as though thep were tno}, teinte ffrife betiwirt him, and that bertuons = ten', fonnte of Hi Williamthe Consens, ins nace in bat -_fo2tohimin the kingtome of England not toclt contented no; pleafes inbis mind, that ‘the Scots tut tnfatiableloft is fuch,that no kind of Meth, fith,fruit, Fede be bziefe, herein there {cemed tobe in mancra . Andzewsand Burthlake remaining one ffoned that wicked latw, eftablithen bp hing Elwin the hing Cwins third Heotilly campe. Thepthat warded, miffruting no nifyment and erbotationof bis wife quene Pav Purthtakic, anv tts of thenr, that yenga sae? ned bp Lurgot inthe boke hich be twzote of their lines, this is not to be forgotten, that he abrogated NOt to be compared in erceffe tutth things vieo in il ctuill trouble and commotion being thus que " bexo ted, king Qalcolnte (fpeciallie by the gad admy fypyran bis time, there twere but foure bithops fees "= - land, ag faint Andzeivs, Clalcotv, SaleT it Amongtt other vertuous ovinances alto, tric tere oeuifeaand mane yp king Walcolme (through -erhoxtation of bistwife quiets Dargaret) mentio: not trent the keepersof the holo were at point to their gadsconsilcated tothe kings ble. eps like maner as tt han bene afore time in the Fe of 14 Fona at the abbete of Colmekill, BM™bebelieafter they bad once tafted the Mwueet poifoned bait bate mave furrender, a certeine Crglith tight geobptye cot thereof, there tuas now no meane to be foundto re- 4o Conceining in bis mind an bharote and dangerors iy fe freine thetr lico2ous defires. ¢And pet thofe corrups terpzife, mounted ona fwitt hortfe twitbout armo2 tedabufes and riotous fuperfluitics (tic) came tt» -o2 tweapon, faning a {peare in bis band, bponthe fo the realine of Scotland toith the Cnglifhmen) point thereof he barethe keies of the cattell, and fo planted thereittby the dates of King Malcolme, are ITued forth at the gates riding diredlic towards the -_ept im perpetnall priforduring their lines , anda ofthemwere brought onto a better life. Agatha Lrinitie, odeInIng fromthencefarth that the CThefepuiture ofthe Scocominon : fepultur i e of the f kingsS fhould be ttHere, in t tih kings, hoz onderftanding of fine fare op riotous furfet; pet Chatthe connnonsthat tole part toi twith the rebels, men. Thouldreturne home out of hand,andfhe gentlemen ta fubmtit themfelues to the kings pleafure, thelt bir Daughter Chziine alto,by the erampleof 4 pourri (of ahointe there is mention madebefore)with a cor web tive bolic liners, renounced the pompe of the court, uenttent armie , tho at bis comming into Gallocs and got them to a priuat and folitarte life, way, fir gaue the people of that countric an ouers thot , and flue their chiefe capteine Makglaue. 60 -thepgaue themfelues ttholtc to diutne conte of. dking Malcolmedy perfuationof this Curgot, Shechur _builded alfoa chncejin Duunfermling, nedieated to Sannch of e the bnito fercelions , bearing dotwneall before them, 30 ante denouncing of warre bp him made, inuaoed tuithout dzcad of anie danger, for that theperceeded allbumane frength and potwer. Ierevpon king. MPaleolme toke great paines to Haue remefien this get iigion of Cyne garet , a tuo great 30a brite the relighttt ane onan of areatzeale that time) gaue binifelfe in maner altogt rogatiue o2 means for ace of tiventic peares 7 much deustion , ad tyorkes of mercie 5 asin per ; a. wt infufng. Ju the neckeof this peace thus concluded betivirt -_of alates deeds, by proutding for the pare, ree Bebrilionin Galloway, the kings , bamened nefy trouble in Scotland, by so like godlie crereties: fo that in true bertuc be thought to excell all other princes of bis time. £0 gph reafon of inteffinte rebellion: for the people of Gals lowap , and the Sland men,rofe in great numbers, ha ayouzting halfe a marke offiler to be paid to sevena not foeat but once in the dap, and then defiving no the Lozv ofthefatie , in redemption of the womans preca tee faperfuous meates and niinkstobe fought by fea _chattitie, hichis died tobe pated pet ; samd land,n03 curiouflie dzcffed o2 ferued forth with 20 andiscalledthe nrarehets of tvomar:ontathisday, tered, there others fatvces, but onclie feeding to fatiffic hature,and not -tife by teno2 of Ring Ciwinslaty, the lord had the -_greedie appetites, bie of their boviesall the fict night after thet ta» houghthis their fober fare,twith the erercifing Heder riage. ting VLilliam furnaimedthe Uen the fecamn Mbyersicrotle, crofle was called the rofcrote , that is, the crofle 4° lines andlands faucd.Botvbett mante of - walthesf. *PrOUide fonte remedie in fine, before bope of tes Deeflc inere pat, that the people might be againe reThrancient Ducedhuto their fornier fugalitie,aho hitherto vied -_teined (undgie faire lands and poemfions, tobim pyaa Porthumberland ahich lieth bettwirt Zwed, Cume en. berland , and Stainmaze, and todo homageto the 3. of Cugland for the fame. Fn the midi of Stain. moze there hall bea crofe fet bp, with the king of Englands fmage on the one five , andthe hing of Heotlands on the other, tofignifiethattheone ts mardto England,and theotherto Scotland. his COUNICIC, Were dailte reccinedas thenintoScot- land fotnbabitthere > as befoze ts thetwed) that di. of queene Margaret and PBaleoline hir Hafband tt the Scotity tong, Aterwardhe deceatlen in faint Andrews, but bis bovie was brought tte Dur amano there'buried,bicaufe he was frit pato2 thet Geabbeie was one Lurgot , who afterward was Made bithep of (aint Andzeis, and wrote the ltues -_toied the honozable title of earles of Pozthambers "Maret. the abbete of Linmourh in Cnglaw. But his fore bared at Aleranoer cauled it atterwarvs to be taken bp, any mouth. buried in Danfermiing befose the altar of the Hori, nitie, At the fame time toas Scotliny woundey with another mtthap. Sor Coward the prince of e ard Scotland, clvett fonne tohing Maleate, oevof a inosineee huct |