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Show The fixt Booke of hefate ofBeitainesrm. forthe Saxons and Daues. the hiftorie of England. 153 Frivekane to the fe of WHinckelfer, Aveta to Sj winchetter, pone: for Thortlic after,they being brought ioiv,ano not able fo Defend their countric, tucre compelled to Mockingdom (ubmit themfclucs onto king Cotvard. And fo was r2of Sime, in the 1302 rather, 19 perephibiebyas Anno Chriti pishodie as conueted from thente bnto Tainde- therkinng Colvards reigne, asbyMeuhWeltiif 27100; fhouldaperre. 15ut simon Dunelm.fagifeth;thatthe MacWelt fuines,o2 (as foinc haue wwritten) but two,afieming nelmeto Welles,and Coulfe to Lirton . Altoto the Sineene that Cogina tuas not his wife,but bisconcubine,of peonince of Suffer he o2deined one Wernegns, and strton, FpR.edinarn the fame king Cotard, tapohortlie affer annieyed boutthe:¢péere of king Cotvards reigne,die.bopie thonte he begat biseloel fonne Adelftar, tho fuccevendhim inthe kingdome. This Cogiua(as hath to oe for the peoutnce of Mperctaone Ce Wercta. nulfus. oftheCatan gat kingdome toincd bnto the ater Dominionsof decealled in the peere of Chzttt.o155 ahidhAhould bea SeADuns jas conucted to Olocefter., and there-buyteatuith; in the monafferie of S.pBeter,abichbir-bufbandana the tn their lifetime bad builoed, andtranGeafertyis ther the bones.of faint. Diwill frou Wardona,che the kingbome of Wercia onto other of bts Domini: ons, tmmediatlie bponthe death of, bis fiter Clic. da,ahorn he permitted to rule that land all bir hfe...» Elfieda thefitterof king Edwardhighie commendedforgouctnment,whatane= céflari¢ ftaic fhe was vnto. himin hirlifetime, what townes|hebuyilded.andreparcd, hirmwarlike , <i» ‘-archbithop of Canturburieftntto Rdthe,bithops ordei~ 2 Oppuiflant Eifedsyoorthie maid «sthename ofmazto beare.,) Anoble nature haththee made Sf biclifetimesfeatey bir tothe PE amp politike oper bien ital YF (NIG) bic noings5 bewasgreatlie gamaidenmildtobee, ¢ ; °>a-+ 0 at Thy. wertue alfohathprocurde: ¢2-9, vamantlienametothee, Itdooth but onelie thee become, yoffexto changethenames!:)> crt tu@rging" A puiffant queene,a king arrthou perpunebopeantiven: uit sadet of Now maruell notfo much at Garver) farstriumphs[trim toview;] Fuad, la more beftoes Qhetter , Wetmfburie bildoge bpon Mcuerne, Mouncome at the month of the riner af w Z.15 of dhetter, abteyby Danes had bene greatlie peta andwarwike, Percia with other. Moreouer, bp bir helpe the cite - ~~ Sim.Dan,. . Moeneottye Welfhmen and Danes . She font an armie into Wales, and tole the towneof Wrecknocke iwith the eof the Wielmen at Wricenamere . Aifo wan from the Danes the totune of Darbie, ano Wellymen tae the countrie ALONG, In this enterprife he put oor RanHied. ons. Bpthis meanes he loramplifenthe boundsof bir 4.etniny hings.of the Weldhmen;nantelie the king of Stret) wales. B. Criowys seeSN jocnes Ponnsbe™ budge dH lighted. Loe builocda new totone at Potinghamt on Mare Welt the fouthitoc of Xrent, andimave abzioge oucr that qo ancheiiet Finer bettwirt the old totune and the new, Ue alfo re repared pared Banchetter bepond the riuer of Mercia wn Avee**Dum Lancathire, accounted as then inthe fouth end of >" olwheperfon in qreat aduenture fora great multi: 60 Sosthbumberland, and be butlt a towne of ancient MdCOf Danesthat were withozawen into Darbie, Waters called Thtliwall, neere ¢arthe fate riner of Baliantlte Hen, Hun, defended the gatesand cntries,in f much or eo that thep Aue foure ofbir chiefe menof Wwarre, tidy Barbic toon Were named wardens of bir perton, even fat bpbie Wercia, and placed thereina garrifon of Goulviers: Diverfe other totynes and caftels be butt, as tho at Danes, before is hetwed) and alfo one at the moutbof the ri« H omebe {yard by chance comming to the place there fhe was 892, andlfucd in the papaffe not paft fir peeres , fo that he was bead before king Cotward came to the Polydor. crofpne. 15ut hotv fo ever this matter mate fall out, remaining,bpon the fir fight toas ftreightranttheo ivith hic beautie (which tu deed excelled) that he could Hot ref till he had hispleature of bir,and fo begot of bicthe foefaty Adelftan: by hic he had alfoa daugy fer ihat vas maried bute Stifrikea Dane andd. {vas font bite ome toaduertife the pope thatthe hing bavdecreed ¢done, inthe oxdeining of bithaps of Northumberland, The Scotith writers name bir Beatricebut our wziters name hic Coitha. Wis fe to their feuerall fees,as before pehaue heard,pet (as matffer Fox bath noted) the governance and direct: Cdgitha was mariedto Charleskingof France, fornamed Sintpler.And Etbilda bp helpe of bir box ther Avelitan was beffotven ppon Wugh fone to Delian fuccemftuclic., Alto be bad by bir two paugh- fets,Coburge that was madeanun,and Cogiue a ladie Of excellent beantic, thom bir brother Anelitan Gate in mariage onto L cives king of Aquitaine. Cahilet this land twas in continual, trouble of Iakiod, fharres againtt the Dancs , 48 before is toudyed, 5 ‘aim MW ef Chall tegard twas bad to the {fate of the church,info Mind) that the hole countricof.the. Weftfarons by Rag, © 904 brother was drowned, pradtifes of treafon, the ladic Beatrice pope bad accurfled the. Gnglith pro Ple,bicaute then (uttred the bitheps fees to be bacant {ell ro poifon hir husband Sithrike , hir death longa time.taing Goward to aotthe cule , al 6 fembled a piouttnetatl souncell,gos, tn the thidthe NovICop of Canturburie Pletmond waspeli. dent.Wherein it twas ordeined,that whereas the pros Site of @Wettfarons intimes paft han but ttoo bi Serie of them tabaneapernitarbithop. ont all things tuere ozpered and concluded int reigne. Some allo be dettroicd thich farmed fo feruc the eninties turne fo: barbozongb, as a caftell at Tomnelford, ubich the Danes builaedand fortified. At length, after that this noble prince king CX lentto Koitte with rich prefents, to appeafethe to be at bie commandement. Finallicthis martial avicand mantic Clfleda, the ftyporter of bir countricnien,, and terrour of the SUUNTCG,Qeparted this life at Lamtowzth about the {ward bad reigned fometbat abour the tearme of 25 pertes,be boas taken ont of Maths Fara is by treafon to keépe him from the gouernement,fanke downefuddenlie as he was taking hes oth forhis purgation; the caufe why Alfred oppofed stig Cotard) temained toithout anie bifjop, to f the towne was won : the got biuerfe other plar Shire te agree With bir,fo that fomreof themprontifen become bit Cubies : fame Dolwed togidbir, and foreware Adelftane fucceedeth his father Edward in the kingdome, Alfred prattifing i {pace of feuen peeves togither (in the daics ofthis fake' ober is Casey Be4 Gittebpon matters aperteining to the curd. the uerof Auon, Weliketwife builte: netw repared the tolunesof Loceto2 and Tligmore , torth owwrile o ther,as one at Cladenmth, about the laft perre of bis tumber from Augutiine the firarcybithop theres for affer Brightivold that tuas the 8 in number; and himfelfeagasnft Adelftane, whofepraifess notable, what he did re fausfic the expeCtation ofhis people, ladic Beatrice king Edwards daughter maried ro Sithrike a Danith goucrnor ofthe Northumbers , by whofe meanes Edwinking Edwards Buckingham on either foe the water of Dule,(as With valiant fight bir people entered >and this pehaueto confiver : although that Wletmond firtkofthe Cnglity nation tat gouernea the fre, fies ceeded Maduin, that fatthre pares, sotelin fitte bighlic efteemen: fith nature in birhad theivcd as it peres, Cuthbert 8 pares, Wrethiwinthee pores, were bit hhole cunning, in perfecing bir toith alt Lambert 27 peres,Adelard 13 peeres, Tdilircd 28 peeres, Theologilous oz Pieogilous 2 peres,Celuw sitts and properties of a comelie perfonage. Cogiua and Cigiua tuere fent bp their brother: Adelffanin: go tusoz Chelutus 10 perrs.Ahenfuccecded Alozed, of to Germanic,nto the empero: Wenrie,tho beftotwthome king Eoivard receiuedthe crotone , and he edone of then bpon bis forne Dtho, that was atter {was predecefio? to Pleimond. litle before the death) Hen, Hun, Empero2the firtkof that name ; andthe other bpon a of king Coward, Sithaike the king of Morthimmber: duke inhabiting about the Glpes: bp bis latt twife land billedbis brother Pigellns, anv then king Kel. named Cogiua, he had alfo tivo fonnes, Comund ¢ noldconquered the citi of Boke. atthe veric entrivot thegates, wut this norwtths £08 out of their bands, ¢ conttreined them of Porke: HenHun, {pect thereto. 3Fo2 the faine Sfo2molus began to gos hernethe Romane fée about the péere of our Low Cidxeb, the thir) bath reignedafter' theft beother as biskingdonre,that be bad the nioft part ofall this 3 @ereicied land of Wutaine at bis-commandement: for the fungvome ced, Was Nelwlie. Lepared, fortified with tals and eled,and of the Scots, acknowwlenging bim to be SESS, aNd greatlic inlarged. Sothat the cattell 50 thetr chiefe fouereigneloz, and the Danes in for Lubich Hod twithout the walls before that time, was thumberland tuere kept fo thort,, that thep puri ate -- - parma of the new wall. tempt nothing againt bimin bis latter Dates: @ 2courr oldlic afalted bir entities that be bad tine toapplie the builoing and reparitig Avert about to trouble the tate of Cooeananes of citics,totones,amd cattels, iberein he fo much der ofbafe parentage, Robert carle of Parts,for bir fingular beantic motk ROK BCE furthereaeaMitten sbut fport: allie in ean and "butloing of townesecattels, HenHunt. therein theiwen bir noble magnificence Fin ( O maniltke maidenmorerenowmde2s 0 Match, Weft. mud that during bir goucrnment,abicy continres than Czfarwasjadieu.)> 910s! 519 1 Simon Dun, aboutcight prores,itis recorded bp nziters;that tyr 40 Afferthe veceatle of Cliedahing Cotwarn tabe bidbuily and repare thefe totons, Khofe names here the dominion of Percia (as before wehaue (aid) Varying gion infue: Camwagth bofive 1ichfielo,Stato,walar. to bis atone bands , and:fo pitherifed bis neece gas fiterts Tamworth tile,Slretolbyrie, Watertburie oatendefburte, AllwenorClfinen,the daughter of ClAcda, tabing Ceisen.ss -vrwe a Clilfouric oz rather Cadtburic, tn.the forrettof De bic atpaie twtth bin into the countrie of Gadeftfar: Homie 914. Carvdarie ¢ Were pe mut note,that ahere William Malme. Wil-Malm. faith that pope condorather bis firit tife (if he tuere not mavicd onofthe church depended chieflte bpon the kings of to Cguina mother to Adelffan) tas called Clicda this land in thofe dates,as it mantfefflie appeereth,as iwellby the decrers of king Alfred, as of this king 02 Clitida,daughter to one carle Etheline,by hort Cotward, tole autherttic in the election of bithops Theitlar of be bad (fue;to tuit,tive fonnes Ctheltward and Cd: Leoivard, iin,thich immediatlie departed this life after their (as before pe baue beard) feemed thenalone to be tub ficient. 3 father; and fir baughters, Clfleda, Cogina, Gthelbilva, Cthilva, Cogitha, and Clfgina. Clfieda o , Parconer,F thinke tt god to anucrtife pouin this becamea nun, and Ctbelbildaalfolinedin perpetaplace, that this Pletmond archbilhop of Canturbrs all birginitic,bnt pet ina late habit. tie (of frbome pebaucheard befoie) yas the 19 1n co ofmenthe dread andfearegy 9r1)3 reafon WF Ot-withautgeor Ze didking Gotwarapernnthm 30 <y EON Nor, German inContvall, Meritan to Sirebome, A- See Polychro.and other da affirme, that pope SFoomofus Formofus Didaccurfle king Coward and the Cuglith vation; pronouncen beamtoan ancient gentlewoman, tho coniectu fo2 fuffering the bithops {es to be vacant, itcan not thisenrfie, ringby the dreamethat Gbich followed, toe care of *° fad twith the agreementof the the,onleffe that the Hir,ad canfen hir tobe brought bp tit god manners curfle pronounced by Jformofus for this matter 9 °4_ andlikea genfletpomant,though fhe tuerc bogne but long afore was not regarded,bnitill Goiward had res monecout of bir bellie, abich tutth the bright tine fhereof gauelightouce all Crighm: andtelling bir Welt, -3 Saferplendidinprrgovirage,walee 2.53 9 nOypunTanr Blfledjothou cae ite afucceflian ofarchbithops inthefeo ofCan. 30) 18 tirburic, one brorherkillethan. 4 ai} ~ other, | ae y Josan bees reported) dicaned ona time that there rofea Herebpon ther (he came to ripe pares,bing Ca: Pan idaenneagefarees tanteimerturere trenmphosy: 5 113 ned in fundiiepiouinices!,diffcntion améngwriters'!8tt s-what pope Mould detiouricethe fartfaid cuttfe;' c'97¢ ie)to bis fitter, Elaeda thegos ae uerimentof Mercia, during Tynes, citie,that wasafterthe dietcabheie there.Fiinaltie; in memorie-of. the Caio Elficds. magnayimiticand balozousmind,this epitays ioas Syed onhintome, ret os @Elfedapotens so terrax eengo Vewerotiia crit Sinsa Teparer of paal bieat Retae hit : 3 OFfedspotenssnonappedigna Wirec Wife Bgina , andthe iffuc of thefamie,whar children king Ed. voce Ze quogne Plendidiohfaaat naturapuellam, ro \r0 i Ward had by his wiues,and how theyWwekc empfoiddModed crakeprobrtasfecssnamenpraberevirs. ! of che church by;th® mesncs of rrobbles procurédiby.trhs Danes,Englandfirft curffed and why; a provincial scenes} ao ls Femptare dacetfedfoluapyneminaifertey si 5; fummonedfor thereliefe ofthe churches rujnc,Pleimon | Tiareginepotensténaye tropheaparanty:) ir percviijChapters iydot, ao fame monafferie twas after deftroied.bp.Danes, Raoul, But Alozedus the archbithop of, ocke,iwasals fobithopof@Aozcefter, reparen anotherin.thefame exploits againft the Danes,hirdeath andburiall; the catefi part ofBritaine in K,Edwardsdonupronspess 4.great ‘ ter,and there buried in the new abbeie. We had three solu it fhouly be dDiufded into fiuediocedics, e- ye (as twas thought requifite) the archbityop an Nf . Gabon the pope hav heara tbat 02+ ane bing bab taken,he was contented therewith, the archbithop returnedinto bis countrie,and one bap at Cantucbarie p2deined feuen bithops, tothe proutnce oflettfarons,that isto fap, ftrangelic put to death by hirftepions for being of counreuenged ypon the cormentors by hir father king Edward, and how chronographers yaricin the report ofthis orice. The xix. Chapter. spmelttane the eldeft fone Ade/fan, 2 Oey"s of King Coward began his Mare.wet. eden. (6/) reigne oner the moze part of Will Malme£ 4 all England, thepere ofour 924 GiLo2d 924, tic) asin the 6 pert of the enperour ten: tie the firff,in the 31 prere of the reigne of Charles furnas ler king of France, three moneths after the burning of wauie, ¢about the 22 02 23 peere of Contantine the third, bing of Scotland, Zhis As delffane |