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Show Scorlatd. ~ ~, Atuthe peere nert following; fuhtch was : Y _.. drearuation:r so there came fuch.a pettilence i teherbpon(with anumber of others) he made avoad John Cop- fandchated. gain;iwitintodlonf-ainerte of bis met. sit a youghall parts of Scotland,fo bebement nna o alte "1343. the third part ee extotiss that kt Mar teensbandttretha t the pettt the fecand wi cop. Rolfe,lib, cap.asTy the catalog of the kings; as tell for that be bound Dimfelfe(by homage) to the gouernementof Eng: land foith an oth, againt the gouernement € mate? fie of Scotland: as for that bettig a tpzant,¢ by force tothe cattleof Qowbam, ambuthing themfelues op on the Scotith five of the rivee of) stored,fenping o, net abanneret with bis enfigne 5 a0 400 nion to for inuading the crotwrte,, he continua not long in the faine.3n truth, J fujpote he held tf not verie long, rages {poile the countrie j fdo gathering the p2eigs} ple. Thistnas Thefecond the cattle: terebpon come in socot me 4 "prane thenrin delpite alongétspo7ham pettiience that fag knownen: beatvof tobaue (forme to Thos Thomas Grete,capteine.of : bobes hare) the pee Spas teardot Hs. rameperre, orasatherint times by the Sots thre hathad beens Greie; mas Dauid fie ue @Dighelldi Bree nrextintaina, otte Sobrefa beftegedin the (aid caffle of yPorbam, tn thereigne at aiareenene® ui gle4 Seradate wSerklie inte : ment of fir William Dorwg: of oaaes in Cugland with theewer D uti ae Wolwslatle , bothof them being talien at ficld.Zhe orcafion twas,for oethis " ee the garrifoinof the cattle, anda foty of the commott 5b foretinne faine one Xobn Do i people buerpertinmatters of ivar; tabs (not _ -retberfatd fr GUUilliamiand fatherto fir Zamnes tnigoofithe fecretambuty of, the band abich ame nt f Dalkeeth. had lated iniwait bebind Z wed) {ued foogth to fol20 _ fir fame the ne eean 1352.1.Ma. iow and recotier the preie: but being fo fare somnet : outo ranfomed before atelic e,beingl am Dotnglatf wv witltam thate of the enimie ; as that he could not teturne : 4 Girike um hunting ashetwas laine; Cngland, Dowglaile fafetic (becaufe be twas befet befme and bebind- earle 0 Wiliam godforne ineand byhiscof refk, fizine. - the 400.0n the one fide,e the ambutly laiedbp Zine % Dotwglatie, tnrencuge of the daughter of Saleen anithe other five) the faid @reie and bis pervene Der Ramfep, andotherold gruages. Thus was th p (finding none other remedte but to hazard » i" thent 1354, houfent the Dotwglattes piutaed amongett :: coffe) forfoke their howles,and on eae togither pares felues , purtuing ed) ater mante ate extremtitie) witha wonderfull: courage fet and entinitte ll prnnatuca ie, toith, great bukimdnef Scots, twereof more were killed than ai en flaughter. Inthe pere nertfolloiving , Hbich was, m3 55 «but the cots comming fo fo2e arith Sts e m ther 135 ssthoztlie.atRac Gothen, tere mined in eh $2 pe able to reftfl) they began toflie, at trhat time Oarentt de te firCugen named knight e andanobl aber iré ThomasGreie. (as before. is declared) twas fewin ay eee caneesh Frenchmen, though peifoner.) warriors; risa French mmber , pet valiant and verie fhilfall Tie carlesof March, and Dotwglate, atierthe man,ariucd "hich were fent thither by Fobn kingof France; night can ingof this bidopic, came {ventic in the king Philip of Calois,lates obtein rating Op tn Scotland. ft (uccadedbis fatherDeliuered an' Werlotke, the-totoneof onto feafon goueritoz the buts and lic before deceatied, to the wals,tan the fotone,but rut_ lapaers fortie , Scotland eat therealm of nobies andother Ioffe of diuerie Scotith gentlemen, as we Fortiethou: fhonfand crofones of the funie,to be implotep about Goro Waus,Andziw Scot of Waliveric , Zohn Aleran tatise ete spine eoawe 49 Gilliam Hinclare;Dhomeas P2elton, mo RaesrotestG that they. nright be conttreined te foner to with: e ea h der Mowhzaie knights... OF Cngli Dralw their potvers out of Jfrance. 9 Glerander Dagill capteine af the totic, © Thismonie twas recetucd, thongha {mall part | paket bw of os and William Dotnglatfe, gather william Dow ¢heir people,and patie forth with the fame to the bors giale enter i Lebicipand Sotthanarmp, williem Ram fep ofthe Dale ee Dhitekirbe bern, Where flaine of Scots Gre John Wolieburton , andfic Uthinen. se he taking of thich Grete is reported bp ofhers Fs.Thin. r Scalachron. fobaue beneafter me seatme aes + 135 FJ." and Menill, gardiansof theCrglith marches,.ta ‘ and reconerieof Bertwike , and} vo ic is totone,ad finding if fode faced, se oxpet fr tobe oer a 8 Teter, weet: to their capteing, of home there died in the fame battell Andzel Steward, Robert Cozdon , Aw tv Holieburton,and Andzet Cans, knights.Zhe FAT leof Dowglas efcaped with life and vntaken, : bis taker {uffered bim to depart fo: a (mall rans fome, by reafon that William Ramley of Coll thie , tho was alle taken withbim,mae femblance "itenc, but Archembal Dotnglas, fon to fir James Dots Slas Maine in Spaine, was taken prifoner ; albeit reparing thereof againe,olltent to WFP salng gtan A a foil refi X { .of the 2ali ere receiued t n ner bis pretended right to the ay oe eae te, the fhere the 26 of Januar title tobi pS refigned (as before)all bis ni fe es lengen thefecanfes: fir, no 35.5 trucewfthibe loxWilliam Dotwglatie,attherime ; Sots tr alto e fyll of rebellfor;pis unage: 060 Scots werteuleebelr that he conquered the landstte the Cugittipren beiyenbn, ; thefea (after the foutoters and mariters hav bene on land, and burned the church of ourladic in thofe parts called Wihitekirke ) had with force of a rigorous tempeft beene'fore thaken > and manie of the Mhips lof and drotwned togither tvith men and all , be fell into fucya rage , that be canteo all fand Scots, hauing diuers knights and gentlemen ee -_ a bahitig tivo kings onder bis captinitie, fat crotoned be: 2 45 Coobkings P2ifoneroin tote them at meate in thefeat of Chutttmatte,ma- ©8sindes king(as the ble is) amonatt the Englithmen in that feafon) a great banket, ano this be did Teported) to the intent that the maner thereof (as is might be bzuted abzoanto bis bigh pzaife : ¢ glozions fame, taking at Durr bam ficld, Jtwasaged that there fhould be pated aneaee for bis ranfome one bundzed thoufand marks fer» ling, at fundgie dates of patmont » 48 tuas accorded 1357. betivirt thent. yy After be had bene 11 pearesin Fi.Thin, England, in thich place alto Froiflacd fetteth votyne Scala chron, that be pated but 50000 marks Cnglif, And Scala Chron, faith, that at the featt of 2. Wichaell, Dauty king of Scots twas delivered for 100000 marks of filuer : for abich, bis boftages came to Wertvi ke, being the countic of Southerland , and bis fonne that twas borne of the fitter of king Dautd 3 Tho the buildings in thofe parts to be burnt and fpot mas Senefcall that tuas named in Scotland ecarle led, as twell abbeis as all other churches and teligt 40 of Angus; Chomas Demur rife baron of Wotbhuill, ous honfes, as thonth he minded (fapthe Seotith and other ttwentie fons of noble menin Scotlann, | iss. _ Writers) to make warre both againtt Goo and all Crucealfo was takenfor the (pace of fourténe ae bis faints. Thefe things chanced inthe peare 1 7555 veares bettwirt both realmes, andotucrs nobles of d atter our commonaccount , aboutthe featt of the SDPeotland tere appointed to lte as boftages in @ngy Warification of ourladic , ¢ by reaton the Cnglity lanb, till the monte were pated, as ts before mentis Toe bare men did fo much hurt at that time tn thofe parts by Cericnag, oned[of thich pledges(as faith Lefleus) mot dient Pr.Thin, fire thep called it euerafter; he burnt Candlemas, Cngland,by means therof the king twas delfuered Hortlie atter that king Coward was returned of a great part of bis ranfome,} ts, Danio was allo into England, Ulilliam Dowglas of Middefdale bound by couenant of agreement to race certeine recouerced out of the Cnglit) mens poffettionthe Xs caffels within Scotland, tehich feemed mot noifome Seeee, te lands of Gallotvay, ¢ the lands of Dzifoale tuere in ° to the Cnglit h borders ; thie) conenant be perfor like maner recouered by one Girpatrike . Yn the nwbd . fo2 vpon bis returne into Scotland, he cat fame peere onthe fo Day of Daober , twas the bat: Cy dartet botwne the caftels of Dalfwinton » Dunfrets, Woy *Baturs, tell of Poitiers fought, here Coward prince of totwne,and Durifoere . We allo callena parlement, @attetg ras Gales, otherwife named the WBlacke prince, overs tberein he enacted fundsie things for the punifhy ceo, threw the armie of France, and toke king Zobn ment of them that fled from bim at Durhamfielo: t French Prifoner, with bis pongett fore philip,anda great and firtt fo, that bis cofine Kobert Steward was 88 Febce number of other of the French nobilitie befives, one of them, being though means thereof a great Rlsne, Zhere was at this battell with king Zobn, the earle caufe of the ouerth:ow, be procured that the aa (by Billiam Dotwgias,s to the number of three thow so tubich the crowne twas appointed for want of iffuc of 2 parlement, the gouernour rewarding ivith oe ee oe into JFrance,commending bim be ee backe William oint deve ond entering into England,app French king, as be that had on oe tothe a with before rite to leboufe, ge . 3 damfey of the Da thzougbite a aa ne numberof light horlemen,tothe end, that if the 59 euerie bebalfe berie ing that the to ‘men bEt wike,, notiwithfand Gughifynrendtvattemble andcome forthto trong 3 wone, held foxth the Scots and3) 7" - ay carne (0 seat againé him,be ntight retive backe to the maine bats c fon abereof thenan acmie of Cnglilh nenba : tell,ubere theplap in couert , ataplace called Sul i raced the thep eof, sther fuccour the bet maze.This Ramlep doing as he was comman: iener Sau © the houles ofthe fotune,and fo Depart! Bs Ded,madea great forvate thoroughthe countric, and s ge Dhetidings wberof were brough) Omaal hauing got togithera great botic of cattell, with. a James Hurnebull kuights. Dhele were taken prte Pulonerste- foners of Cnoglitymen, fir homas Greie, anobis a fonne, with Joba Darcas , and manic other Gng- * chedfortvard; aid for difpleature that bis nanie on te be Coward Grete, with others. Cugenpaltantlie beate risinith bis sfrencmen vid veric ae _ e sapere ward at the veric infant of bis pann Drew With the fame homewards: but being fharpeS aa into England, for thich canfe be aeo lie purfuedby the, Englifhmen, in bope to recouer mont ameinted at London bat thee ee the ct their gods,be fied ONS: on thepomar tutke, trpete peux a 2 Go all Speed came todBer chafe, were Dpon the Sco lic in the ifm: , file; aberat the burgefles amazed Se i Lopeeoha Che Scotifhmen, and tholefew, and therebponthe totone of 1Ber' ed. Feenchnrenthat were there , fet bpon the Cnghthpate flight. = fiercelic,and finallic put them to fight, though red (again® the minds of the sti fward.)8.Gdivard bimfelfe being - i@ bedoet not twithout fome Gaughbter ontheir part ; for there 2 one tecefaing, + the other reiecting him to be placed in the catalog of thei kings.) After this » king Go: ward pafling fozth to Wadington, fpotled and twar ao fed the countrie bythe way oneach handas he mar3 len perkie brother to the earte of Po bimfelfe inthis enterprtfe, srponie end if houlo notbe kniotone that be was, Thus the king of Cnaland at one time Ling Dauid within certeine peares after twas cone and that iit continuall ware, Wutpet for that ahich J can fee she was crowned Bing at Scone, 1332, 1 ueten by the earle of Qo2thampton into Wertwite, ibere the mott partof all the nobles of Scotlano as Lefleus himfelfe,Buchanan,ano all other authors affembied togitherto confult twith bim tuching fome do agte . efide,he goucrned bybim e his agents agreement to be had for bis ranfo me: but becaufe utilthe peere of 1342, at that time he peelded his thep could grotv to no certeine point therein, he crowiie'to kitty Coward of England; Hbieh was twas brought backe againe to London,and there ree the fullpart of ten beares | after tbich agatne be res mained tt prifon as before . Jn the meane coucred a god part of Gndgland. Wherefore time,ito: Roger Rirkit fie ger iaicpatrike tas Maine by James Lindf eic,ina Patribe Maine, iteth range to me, that Rofle twill notallowhim a caifell there the faid Zanes Divelled, and recein placein the catalogof kings , fine Buchan. maketh the faid Roger as his ghet. This Linoleic fled ed bp bimthe nintte fourty kirtg,and fo placeth him ynoer 20 OM the fact cominitten; but pet being ayzebended that title , and maketh) Dauid wiufe (tho was and brought to the gouerio2 Robert Stewa rd, he crotoned before Waliol , and gouerned after Walt {uffered death for that offente, , ols departing Scotland ) the o8 king, naming al Shortlieatter,that is to tit at Michaelmatte nert fo Robert ( tho fueceoded afer wWinte) the bundzed mnfuing , after king Danid had bene at Wertwi ke, Bing in o2der of goucrneiment; in {uch oat ,that both there thas an agreement mane fobis ranfom e, thefe imiting at one time (but twith divers affec: ce being delivered , be returned into Scoty tions) cannot agree on the numberof their kings: and, in the elenenth peareatter bis of hing Goward the fecond)fering the commons of Crglandthus robbed (ad deeming tt is part to der fend bis countvie, frieits,and their fubttance)itued forth of Mozbanuivith feto men more than fiftie of thereof cameto thebandsof the fouldters o2 men of fwarre of Scotland, for Sean oe inough to their otune ble.38et neverthelete; He tpas of 3, Gotvards blaid of England, be net hofthere to bettoww it better than bponhint. Zhis Baltoll ts by no author (as Lefleus fatth) placen in gS Pm: 85 though the fame Archembalo Dotwglas hav béen me pave dane,canfing btm to pull off bis bets , and to be other fad) dindging feruice , as fell not fo; the Gate of aman of anp eftimation o; boneftie tothe bis bobie latvfullic begotten, to Defcend bnto the Mobert Ate ward bilhera faid Robert Stetward) twas dvtterlie renoked anv ited of the bifanutled,and John Southerland the forne of Fane crowne, bis pongeft fitter, apotntsd heire ayparant tn place Bobn frou of the fato Mobert. Anoall the los of Scotlay f*tem mave hetre eppas were fivozne to obferue and keepe this opdinance, rant, Lhe earte of Southerland,father to the fain Yobn, in bopethat his fonne(hould intov the crowne, gaue 4 wap the mot part of bis lands , bintving the fame a mongt bis friends.as to the Wales, the Sinclareg, the Dgilbies , and Gozvons: but he was nenerthes tele vecetued of his hope . F03 thortlie after his (on The veath being one of them that tas ginen in plenge tore? John Someof mainein Cnglann,till a fo; the hingsraw fsertanv, .H fome os es ¢ ar een tine chafed into) doketburgh pe (being in confederacie with: Garanteria) fpoula nothyanie perfuatton content to that leage: The hiftorie of Scotland. Lelleasepif- aneiof the Scots Wut Patrike eatle of =5 hiftorie of soi- The # ragainthis eninries; but recetetg 24a |