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Show BasaEalRnhah The hiftorie ofScotland. i The hiftorieofScotland. mefomanseftate and fullage. -_uertifen of the kings comming tofvard the totune, fince the king dur noftrutt.the Iamiltons (as {ith fuch learnings and policie of life conformed bad fatted 40 daies twithoutcither meat os diliebe), farne herald toas fent onto ae ee ity com: fos the death of Kohn Steward carte of Lennor; Nox, burgh caffell, and viligent watch fet bpan hima maaomen toas tn bis firlt peares imbued departed thence enya and aoe Tiendsto his cnimies, = being offendedfotth them, fherebnto, that ter he twas tmploicd about the mandement from the bing,that he Mhoul temaine commmott-toratthsall thecapfeins of themi(thonat -_paifoner tofthin wardin the countrie of gpureey, fill rallie fpeake Frith inthe furthet pactof Scotland) the kings pleafure twere further knowen; Ohta be brace Him as a perfectpaterneof all vertue, twould not obcie ; trherefore both Heand bis adhee aes cllent ivmbemaifter to frame a tell oder tents twere fimmoncedto aypearein partementto Pw fate.tt fi secerteine( not able to futteine be holden at Coenburgh, in September nert fole es siek bis pertue ) did foine incounfell ro lowing. Jn thisparlentent begun at Coenburgh ts tes eo reff of blond onto him, am -_the firtof September inthis peare 15 28,thecarle |. .» opinocala . hands onbisfather, totake of Angus, with his brother Oeorge Dowglas, bis Teas babbefoxelaio - "at sew aahercottuefgall bniele by bis father Archemibald Dotwglas, Aler: Ingusig: bislifeatwap byforceable m ther lace i eee' serene fell v thesavle of An ema te ms alam be th outa nnnenssea eee : : eft ti eseeee ane es: . fo a bosberers , for the maytag ca ge er es * f bert of the Banilcons antheir otherfriends) were brought io thofe ertremities, that they were infor ced to depart into CnglmD tow. Wencie the eight, tbo bonozablie and liberallie receined.and intery for diuerfe offentes 5 AND {peciallic , for alembling teiyter ty teined them. After this, the hing (asis fatd) getting the kings people to haue aflailed the kings perfor pares. amb becanfe be bad detcined the king agatnit bis ee the caffell of Lantillone vy compofition, oid (carfe Keepeall the couenants of bis grant thereof in twat {will with himthe {pace of twwo peares andmntoze., all wa in fing; although be perfoxmed this, that-Aleramder barebpabet= oclofe ioe, ftrakefr "gamesipam Sodcl- fit tn thebee abbeic t = é ilton policies andinthe place iof Ardjembals Dotuglas 5 oberé Carnicruce, licence to returne home into bis countrie , alittle Fhe manbeing taken, by tbp confelled the need twithout repentance, faieng;yp on the feoble hand " quilketvalo net dm that thing the heart thougbt,ano ra telt,that ahatfocuer tuas therindan,ought nae Poo cs tobe hurtfull to the earle Dotwglas; a ! ae eof iis aypearancethere, twas a ful on 0 fe cebt oa teaasuneater a brother of the earles called ai rill bbat of the monafterie of *oliraddied, paines dailie bp thetpace ofa moncth, yet vouly -_partlie by fickeneffe, amp ate of things;thole being twearton iwith the prefentff that Ded.And albeit he twas put togreattoxtureand he neucr give other anfiver , and fo he fas hanged, The earieog Cugnede in ianue fellof Cantallon.] Cranfkoune, aro fo acd fo theca fembled a great feingarticles as of:iuftificatton , pecdettination; of free till and {uch like, contrarte to the doctrine i aoe ee - s Ditrerfe biNDs Ee cbt rompante of men, twishartillerie, i f Cantallon, Can taught by the cyarebinthat tine, beeaute he nfo ze . Mimbue SPS oe Sontin it.1Bnt as fone as the quéene tnderttov Ee that bir fonnie the itn {wasthere in perfon fhe cau fedthe gates tobe fet open, andbponbirknes 4 bes fonabt bim of grace for hirbutbandandhis i brother, u not ref, till and tpauld i fhe hav b obteined the fame; i ard toithinethe but pet thep Were kept in i i caftell;till ina _ theking afterwards releafen them. 31 the peare oo ois follotving ; the king bring now conte to foe age of fearesofage, feucnténepeares and of ged difcrctionmd twit for Fefufethtobe his time, would not longer remaine onder the gor Seagerbwoer, nernementofthe rarle of Angus and bis companic. : Aberetipon be alferbled diuerfe noble: men.of DStriueling, by thetrcounfell fent an Yeralytnto fhe carleof Angus ¢bis atittans teftantas then it Coenburgh commanding thenr on patne of bigh ea om ee ae <Soeipposse.o€ Hyens Shanty corte toltotafowce males of Recomt, thecefeener the fanecheneeninties:: Shortie atter , the bing bimfelfe twfth tive thea : {moment , followed the herald: ttherebponthe rarle of Angus , both being charged bp the heralo,andav- -_inlyerffance ant : greataflemblie of the loxs in Edenbirgh, of Winderland called Cockburne, and one Adam nung of thurs ,flaughters,and other crimes ; of the ‘Ubtch beung conute,they loft their heads , which were ration, a "vec cmee went himnlelfe into England, STae was lad about thecattell, it 1was £0 fo: all tbat dbat be on Dotuglatles, ong etghtof the mot natable thecues,with there capteine Aobn Armitrongeto be ayrebendeds the ubtch being one cruel theefe among it theret, abich bad burned -_bedbpthe Kings commeandeient, ano punitbeD fop -_thete MiMoings accordingas thep bad ooferned, Xn hienteee Auguit following, manic mernellous fights Were fontiniee feereabout Strineling, as candels burningon the Gemanent, topsof bilsurthe nights, anidin the mowing afore fume rifing. Diuerfe armed men aypeared habtung pan the ground, tthteb toas taben tobea fopetohent of GOmetroubite to tulue ar thote parties, he fits that their patrone faint Pagnus was rene tbat dap -_teenthday of Augult, a gueat numberof| people be» to fight in the ficlo on their fide againt their ent qo trgallembled at.the market inCampleenneth, ff mites. Yn the Cane monethonthe fittenth. dap,tbere tte ¢ ttvo perfons tere, dzotoned in the fervie bote 5 Wasa Scot of Cuthlaw,ubo was namedhingof theues, were accufed of theft, and of recetuingand mainte' * of munition, to betiege the cattell 0 Duertifen of tee inell proutded,that tt might mahibe ay that after rouloibe Done at that ee mM wan fhe bings par* prineipall gant fee to berailen; const Dautd Fauconer,5 pris fies fine was fina:the king cantedthe ), ; timeafter -_-pet at length (though } not notfill a long matymertte IS? Be) pack pacha it{ was deliucred to the king by apor ing. pecpolic (Watt leia . king to fuccedin fore the oeliuer' ie tbereof, thealive is mon twasflaine,and dzotwned inthe fea, onto the ithich thep were drinen. Thelov Sinelerandaltthe abere r the king 5 bimfelfe fate in iudgement, Zhe The lard lar the carle of Angus did bol,tho ai pi and conffantlicacfend ado firaie; a‘oetctike nen tinted: them, mmbe vas declar' 50 §-Sahieh thepzeparation madefothe fame pdno and Ferne burnt, The eighteenth of arch the king befieged the the caffell with men and all hind of - fegeten Erenburay ¢atlell ofEdenburah, the quene and bir hatband catellbeie: ayonric: Steward, toith Janics bis brother being Comfited the enimics: the carle with flac bundzed of Mibe Dshme TeMidue Wwere taken.he Drkenie menbeldopinion, tofune. About fhe fame timecemcate , there came out of eat Eieancaneuiedt pebing sirho had gran well 2ht pagtae the next fpiritualllie Germanic : i matter Patrike Hamilton ,abbatof fedbutohy ; dunia syainancee hope of all Ferne, brothers fonne to the earle of Grrane, tha Hing At lige; the DAO and ies. SZhisman being conucntedanderantined vponcers earle Mito polfetlions butthe people of thecountrieat f bate birth , but f a house tith a nearer ve ee vif "-- du ws burned fo death. Beorge Armitrong, brother at), fondled at the commandement of James Sincler "of Lirhetwall theircapteine, thogauebattelitothe earle md bisarmic twithfucy courage, thatbe oil CCill fam,abba . ana partlie by aviefe of niin, é moitculpable. Aud beredpon be canted fortie and aduianced tothe gourcnemen t ofpeere mante places.) Zhe eightrentho f Bate,tn the rs 29,the 7, a Catbnette and tbe fo2d of Dinclery fa be abfent from thence. uth: eeehe faa e nntinns redthat be was aferuant of God,fentby bimto de bin into Franceyuberethortlie after through gviefe Dowgies of mind he departrathis life, banifhen, Iu the monrthot Lune, the hing tuith.an armie behing com twits great to Fol, was pardoned, tothe end be Ahoulo appear Scone of etmnieby(ea pated into Dakenie,topauetatin that 30 tye relibue,hhbe 1d Go thaethepWere appacher Roaring, Sue emmpetrpe tateGr feties tic' notak Ayetebnts,': 30 : nnatine, tie fauoring the Dotwglas , nto bololie "EeeneateySunk temeaity being inqufees that be ther actermned that wane of themQoulo remaine within the Lanp. at that tune send be banihey Arevembatd conti of murther,thet, treafony tere all banged hyeues on growing trees,to theexample ofothor, There wag hariged. then ingreat tuo? iviththe Bing and courtirrs,and 1929, ‘Tn a eon = paisa feis mortetbenis tetne, Sunthis Gevin the bellte thee fenerall patlementthere twas onelte onefoun, called Zobn of pardon,itebe bad obtetned fullie at his banog, -_icante-e fauouved himmoze than antie of that furs -_name,if be had not barne (ashe was tndewd)altogi> before tthich (as it fremeth) then James Coluille court(as perfors (ulpeded tofauorthe Dotwglatfes) thete offices were beftotved bpom Mobert Bretton, and Robert Carnicrufe were remoued fromthe man, and one in fehome manie dtd delice moze ciuill fe{pes op to the batt, that be banne fultenance to reltcue dim withalljane fo Keptfor fortiodaies, he fatenallthat tint yuths out anie kindof nourtihment,to the great wander of the peoples 321 the fummer of this pare 1529,9e ebembalo Dotvgtas, that bad berne forfalteagasype ----- hae deardeanealone to the king abilehe was on bunting in Strineling parko, ¢ befought bis grace {went tothe borers to (et oder Duman at, the requeff of Wobert WBuetton, had 20 tobeikept,andto punt) Muchas therg forbettorenle meth to the were hnowen to be bozderg, Sot, : An this parlement Wenrie Stetward the quenes bufband twas created lod of ethiver, and made FT matffer of the osdinantce. 3e Wefides which, inplace . of earle Dotvglas twas Gatvin Dunbar, the kings" fcholemattter made chancello2,a gad and a learned fervantadholkeeper ts --: ca the rebels. Chereby.ibe Dowstaties (being forfa: andev Dommond of Carnocke,andoiuerle other, oe Se eees 1527. Lefle. ee mace _ Agreat aflemblicofthe lows at Holic resp bonfe,at tchat tinte, there cante a fimple felloty(te Lake pon) Sir Fames duct commit the matter toante ofthe adioining nobilitie ) at length the famecame foabout, that Calene Campbeliowelling on the-furthet borders of the kingdome, being amanef gmdefimationfo. bis wifedome;andayroucd erperenceinfeats of lwarre, and fo2 bis tuffice deerplio loned of. the.peor ple) was fent bp the bing ( with great authoritic) to 10 -tucre by decreeof parlement attetnten,and foxfalted 30.0, fhe eight of Sane,the principals o : 8 ; bits 20 Mhich time be fod in feare of his life. eee tote ee teetepbeee, cate fo) twas fantrialthevof put in Danids towerin Evens ath men nse and yo: Sreteenett M fer ic b amongthe ahich were Diner fehae boned mienof ¢ the¢ countrte, hefirtt of MPard), in the pare 1570, the abbat moang@ thomthere was a patett called fir William Louthien,for the ubteh (hep were apprehended, ano (et ouer the Colbutthof Goenburgh. {atomonet, fir @Ulultiamthe tiventie feaffold and fenenth of the in dew pana publike (ame Duthe fame day, the carte of Worhtoell twas al 4 the ConuLe for mamtemning them and thetrerimes, and des life, lands, and gods, werein the kings hands.9e twas therefore kept in ward within Coenburgheas fetlana alter (ent into Murrey land,¢ lattlie bané burgh was degraned the hing, queene, anda great companic of people being prefent) and after bis ver gradation, be was delivered to the earle of Argile -_-bigh tuffies, and the nertoapthe fai Colhallan and : {hed the realine During the kings baies| andremat: _the fame priefk were beheaded. his vere the col The fettions imc" MEDat Clentce.) Al, the loz Partwell, thelocn lege ra -_ the - "ae iiticaten, Hame,the laros of Balglueth, Fernthurt,Volloxt, tedtn Coznbarghby hing, withconfen os 2 , 4 femblen , yaanpatter con Seinfon, Parke war with the carle Bothwell}and tine eftates in paciement: allen aédunenauon hy painctpall men of thebo2ders, were conuica by _-firmicd me ia Rome;inthe hich eens are Aftane co i ware alffe,ano Fput un toard: by reafon whereof, the boxves 64 ordinarte cight _ of them ones: being {piritaall peaoe ‘ terskept betterrule ener after, curing the kings _-the ud the mol ancient prefivent , iomtn 5 amet? we Sagehamades Ganeeiighndeesiatiaanenene s wena x aren . _ ne _ .- : _ - rouble een noel agbeshesteaboaiagemaemeaeniots as be liuep.andivas Bingsenburgb,ubett to etaueteanel (wtne ienpatons Sduecigeeae toidekaememennamaminmen pe peteramne® pt eee Saeed » cnuenanie se Calter fet ienica ee eid nese councell to fenda baile coupe by theadu tnemnber)to Cobingbsm ere thertuitt to gratifie the king began deablte eninucie wotth chat familie, to the great burt of bot remeoueable at the princes picalure, Juthe Ce e accountel; ee nic Semaaan saath potle. we = oer that fa _- Sean to Wothwell chiefe of Loutbe the Sa tlie reful -efther fearing thepotet 2 at See Seonny Ii the othertreemg® ne om land dfd of late,: not ferme o pruc bis babsppor 1 poorig tfare --. eas cwilits cere : -AotuglasticherriantoalleSNgp wid Beffruction a 1590 of Culcofecallen James Inglis, was cruolliomury 7 sbbat thereon bp the loz of Tulltallanano bis ferusnts,dy murthered, . g About this feafon , alanded man namrd Jobn Scot hat bad trauelicd abzoan in the world ouer : Cagis, France, Italie aw the holie lane, as faith Le(less) tho mowbeing returucs into Qcotlaw, a b countries that oiceute i twas brated in other be -snnarie, + ¢21 -_fos the erte of Angus rem uning In nglano, coulo not perfuade the init hing of EnglandSouth in bis te fauor to tprahethe peace toestiauh, foes carte carneslie labours t obsing 6 ' --_ aon ve Zhe carte of Hotthiwell, for that he went prtat, Buch Jibs 4 lie mto Cagi mn (being fupoled to haue ban fecret ia: 2. conference worth the earle of Posthumberlaw) be twas the 1 halennest Febmarie committed tothe 2 fel Sety calle 15) |