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Show .Thehiftorie ofScotland. Gt notw to proceed in order toith the bittarte , par Danid ail note,that after the Deceate of ing Kobert, ? §-_is forme Dautd,achilo fcarfe fenen peeresof ago, ofall bis patrimonte, but of the hingdomealfo, by twas ppoclamed king , and afterinards crownedat themightiot hing of thatage Colwardthefirt. king of Cngland, aman moff readic tn counfell , and of Scone,the 23 Day of Mouember,inthe pareof our Loyd 1 731. During the time of his minozitic, carle 1331. ea, fofarre was this Wrule opprelicd at onetime -_-realyne, tho fo the {pace of fonve perres in the latter me Bama Dilpateh of his affaires as well in twarre as peace. Wwithall thefe hindsof cutis, that hetmasdziueninto end of 4.Mobertsreigne,bad the whole aominittra, oe Ppperdolicall ther did 0; fatd anie thing bnbefecming the noble -to attend the famebimfelfe.Zhis carle Thomas then commenda= tens. snindof aking , for be offered mo biclent bands to himfelfe, as dtd thelate Catoand Parens Wrutus, neither with Parius did he purfue bis entmies with continual batred. JFe2 uben be bad recouercd bis former eftate, be fo liurd with them that moft occa: being elected gourrio2 by the qenerall confentof all the noblesof the realine , confioered with bimbelle, botw neceffaric it toas for the people to continuein peace,till thep had fometthat recourrcd their binder rance ¢ loffes chanced to thembythe formertars, ain " for fioned bis labour and tronbie that be rather remeny We addzelled therefore certeine ambatladors imme: . ee ' Joltice tem. pered Smithy mercig, bred bimfelfe to be aking oucr them, and not an ent: Diatlte after the death of king Mobert,onto the hing smbattogs mitebuto thet. Loconciude, be did not fo forfake 5. of Cngland, to require anetwo confirmation of the fent in a bimfelfe totwards bis ond (ihbenagrieuons difeafe peace betwirtboth the realmesforafeafon, hele Cnglam )o f>-2 anded troubles to age) but that be confirmed and ps armbafladours found the king of Cnglanodealie eftablifyed the prefenteffate cf the hingdome , and nough to be intreated for the grant of their {nfe, fo proutdedfo: the quict of potteritie, ubercbybis tub feds DID NOt Hinudjlantent bisoeaty, asthatthep Were dDepztuedof fo tuft a king and godite father. ) Sir James Dolwglaile then chofenasmoft wor, that agenerall truce twas takenfor the fpace of thee thyepans, pares. 3nthat meane time, carle Lhomas applied bis trbole frudie fox the maintenance of tuffice and equi thie to pafle with king Uobcrts heart bnto the ho- tie through the ixbole realine,not omitting pet toap- bles, andgentiemen, amongft ahonefir Willian Dinclare andfic Robert Logan twere chtefe,bepat fenfarthtill be cametothecitie of Ferufalem,ubere be buried the heart aforefain,twithailreucrenceand Chedatian- "olenmitic hat he might seuife.Lhis pone,he refow trot ome (andfafe as he fupofeaby the charter of the abd there in companie With them,bedivfonoblefers uiceagaint the common enimics of our reliaion, aypointmentofthis Kandall, fateng, hat thepav don of thefanlt belongedto the pope,but the punilly fhat by bis often bidozies be tuan great hono2 to the chriftian name. At length,bauing accomplithen bis ment thereof belongedto the Bing.] Poreoner , for the better panfe of prercifing {tv charge tn thofe parties ; with nolefefameand gle tice amongff themthat couctesfo line by frath,and lfon tas beard of Within the realme of Scotland _felfe toxmented datlie warfe and tomrle th bis fa» machand wombe,and bearing that the monke was -_-sgone, and minded not toreturne to himagaine , be began to Doubtthe matter,and fhortlie after learned tiches,to the great terrozofall the focs and enimies bp thpfictans that he twas potfoned, and that the bes tie thanprinceltemagnificence, betokethefeas to Spaine, to bauc move reanie occasion to punith others that ment the contrarie, be commiancd the fandle ‘ ‘beidles, twith all other fuchinffruments and - oa Dpaitte;lanning there dpon the bowers of Granar as pertemed to hufvandgie , Mould be left abyow bagon , readie fo make warres:againk the Sara: tens that inbabitedin thofe parties. ced that anie of them twerefollen 02 taken avait, the thirtffe ofthe thire thould either cante the fame fo reg bo, {ibere at the fame time be found the king of A- 5° both apanonight toithout the noxes : and ifitdan Zhe Dotvglatie,to makebismanbod and pro _ Welle the moze knotone in all parts therehecame, pffered the king of Aragon to'ferue buder bimrin -purfle. Finallie, {uch puniifyment was epereit? ous againt theenes tall places, that both thet a0 iS thofe warresagaint the infivels, and fo fought at _-fering were quite fuppzeffe,amothe realime bpougtt --daies before. Manie infolentandmifruled perfor were famed bp his feuere chaftifernent an? foftice. ye to moze tranquillitie tharrener it was fnante wie bought fo manie noble men to their deaths) he 6° Allo that vertue might be eherityed twithin z f iwared negligent,andtoke fnalltegardofdangers Foines Woe? that might tufue, fothat iitheendbe was inclofen _-rrealme.be commandedthat 10 pagabund He ; gant -_-perfon Should be recefued tntoanic totvnes? P7 rant9 the Saraceng Maine amongitthem, withalkfuchasheban about in Spaine. "Him. Dhis twas theendof thatnoble Doiglate; qq one of the mof valiant knights that Linco in bis get their litings. 3p this meanes be purge 3 -_realmeofScotlawof mante tole ¢ Aouthfall rog! and Dagabunds, ; frre(d Has Aaine bp OY Nambulaioforbimby the enimies, anvthere show often Pale: We bad gotten the victosess p:sumroste tires Famer bow. UNightagaink the Cnotifhmens adn; timesa, Giatlebangor Sanlkthe Lurkes:, at itis twnittemat length (City thebidozie, Bellenden)inScotichronicon. Bemighthauebens vightneceflaviefoxthe vefente:of Scotlano, his, hance bad bene to haverctuctten borne in fafotie: Yeendenbisiifein mancriasiadrtsementionen 1°30. onthe 26 dayof Avgutt,tnthe pete of Gracerz90; if earle Zhomas, the autho2 of the famefelicitie except: thep hadifome cratt 02 fcience ager Ft is tain; that uring the time while fut punthmentwas cperciteDagainttoffender -miniffersofthe lanes theretoby him autor allignedzitfortunen that acarle of the count ie cafe hadirfnot freale other mens gods,oe t oluneplot irons,that he might baue te ertter themnrecomipentiedto him bythe fhiviffe: WI, tele, furixeaenestoiligence tras wit mn te an armie tothe borders, purpofing to innade Scot ee iuere difpatched ontof the twap,it Honldnofonelie -_land,fo) that he thought how the gouerntour twas et: janp, » tmpeach the proceeding of fo great tucalth to fhe -_-ther dead,o2 at the berie point of death,andtherefore Scots, but alfo makefor the {uertie of the realmeof Cngland; for the fingular manhood and bigh por Welle of thisearle was bp bimand other bisnobles -_-e twas in hope,that comming in timeofthe trouble pon his death into Scotland,he thould find occafion -_-to atchiue fome enterp2ife,biqhlie to bis aduantage. f2e fulpected. Mut the gouernour aonertifen hereof,raifen a potw: Abe con Dare, infeebled, andas it toere mane operito recetue di was comming totwards him twith an armie, ethat [pone Sopite,) Sat pleafure at bis hands. Jfo2bing Danio was pong, Hisisakinn and manie of bis nobles bare {mall god will ef vadife a= ther toardsbhim,orbishoule, for the laughter of bimfelfeinperfonquite contrarie tohiserpecation, nen, 8 -rbe fent an herald buto him for meane of communt: Anberain cationof fore peace, as twas onttvarblie pretended, fenttothe go ~ssl fheir fathers and friends in the blacke parlement, though nothing elfe toas ment but that he thoulnet FMM" trougr,. Werebponhedentler, thich waphe might bet dee piehoiwall things in the Scottth campeftod. The Mtstobring Mroie carle Thomas, the onlieconfounderofall bis Pinesin imagined hope, as to atchiue anie lnckic enterpaife gouernour bearing of this beralos comming, arrat. edbimfelfe in bis beft apparel, that it might apere hhome be might tozke that feat: finallie be found nonefo fit for bis purpole, asa monkeof the oder then canfing the herald to be brought before him, bere be tuasfet in a chaire, to heare that bis mefs amd facultie of thofe, that wandering fromplace to place, can with diffembling bifage fap that thing with mouth, thich they neuer thoughtin beart:foy fage twas, frhich confifting in certeine demands not greatlic agreeable fo reafon,the gouernour iwtth bold countenance anfiwered,that be truffen toithin tort Oftentines men of that o2der, put no difference bes tiirt fhame and honeftie, cloking their erecrable time to make it knotone, that right the Englith: men bad to mone fuch nireafonable requetts, and ‘be ae Wwickednefle onder the feined fhadow of their hypo -thus difpatching the herald, be gaue him all (uch gox tomebeaee againf the Scots, Atlength be deuffed to difpatc) 50 be was rather recovered of his infirmitie , thanohim bp poffon: and after he badlong debated bp _-therlwtfe tueake ann fieble thozough bisdifeate, and _be reftozed againe, oz elfe topatefor it on his owl sponte? Apithprofperdusinccelle,till at length having to much confidence in fortunes fauowr (thich hat = fundeie times tebts: fupport againt the enimies; thereof, iking Coward aduertifen of this great fer nem hadtaken {uch bolo within bis bowels , that it lcitie chanced to the Scots by this meanes , began 30 Was not polltble fo remoueit. f fo enute the fame,and imagined with bimielfe , that Gn the meane time Was king Coward cometoith BErmard _ &e ‘ He thought godtherefore toattemptthe thing bp -_er,and though be were notable either to rive 0290, coe aC purpote te nes Meight, tbich might not be Donebp force,that afters ,. pet he caufed himfelfe to be caried foogth in an howler hortclitterig Groeearie -fpards the realme of Scotland might be themoze litter. ing Gowwardhearing that the gouernonr caried fwztly * poie parts of chziftendome to nar with the Lurks, 4° popes patvon)was alfoagprehended and executed bp James Dow- hauerefurnedhome into Scotland; but by force of rac. contrarie ininds he twas driuen on the coaffef -_binrin hand,which he diwith {uch foicken intention, Maite peres after fo that (uch franquillitiefolotven, that not onelie theues and loitering Iubberstwere Daunted,butthe realme alfoaduanced tn tnealth and ‘to him,that there was a rong alemblie of thaues it that countvie,befetting the high waies, and {pat _ling the paffengers:ferbdpon fending fostha com: panic of his follotwers , he apprehended and hanged cake time were gathered with great puifance, fromfmy fummons given , had fauourable fuftice, temper with that bifeate, hoping by this meanes to baue bimincure, that hemight thereby the moze eafilie Wwozke his diuclifh enterpzite, And enen according to his defire tt came to pate: foz being tabenfor fuch aman ashe was named to -_be,he uas fent foto the governour, andcomming before him, he hanvelen the matterfo twith tombs; that the gouernour twas contented he thould take ane fitie fo required. [Wherefore ahen he twas going to F.mhin themall, not fanouting anie bnocrpzetert of den tion or religion. 3fo2 one of themlatelic come from ferued, The gouernoz himfelfe, for that be faty how bard it teas to reouce them that bad bene brought bp in Aouthfull loitering, onto bonett erercife, held euer about hinta gard of twarltkeperfons, that he might the more eaftlic oppeffe allftubbozne offer bo2s,hbich would not fubmitthemtfelues tohiscommandements. Thole that appeared before bim,bpon 10 flicticof Heat, Tictone(a towne in Galloway) tom7d was byought Butuan cicof James ted ith fuchnnmber as he had brought thither with Dowgiafle him,vnto fuch other chetftian princesias at the fame twas knotone,hotsthe lox ometnetait ted with much mercie mintffred onto them, that perfuading him to keepe fuch diet as be preterts _ Dthers that refuleo to obete,twere purfued with -bed,and heeretwith to take fuch fitrups eother things bis gard,and bangedeuer as thepiweretaken:asit ashe toonlogiue him, at length be moft tratfozous baypened on atime at Waddington, there theeftoze ‘ie poffoned bimin ped. The venem twas of fuch tabbone euill and naughtic oifpofen perfons being gathered -_mtirtute,as wonld Hot flea him out of hand, but by wbelstharpe- togither, robbed and {poiled the people oneach fine: _littleanblittle Matte bis entrails, that the monke meron Mepaniied. and fox that thep regarded not, but rathermifufen a might baue leafure to efcape home into Cnglano, Steere purfeuant,ahom he fent bntothem,tev wereallfas per it tere perceiued frhat he bad Done. tbe theres kent tncontinentlie by his forefaid gard, tbtchfollo- 20 foreatter he had mintftred bis wicked potton, found, iuedthe fad purfeuant at thebeles,and twfthoutre: meanes to conuete bimfelfe out of the fwate,and r ont a {pit hanged them bp on gibbets to giue erample to -_-sturned mof {peedilie into England,informing bing hemonke Others. Dhozough (uch rigozous tuftice, no rebel Edtward how he had delt, The gouerno2 féling hindecth, lieland,clofedthefameinacafcof golt,tmbalicd point ozder,, that men fhoulobe pronided of armor with wet (pices, aright pzetionsoimtmients, And 3° and weapon for defenfe of the countrie, if necel hereivith having in bis companie a number of nor irr @nglanvai France. Lhishe (pake for that iz truth came tolight, tberedport toy bis crattie falter ; Uprightins hod the partie giltie was hanged,as he had tell dee Thomas Randall was opdeined goucrnor of the Emcee ertroame pouertic, Fir-all thich miffortunes be nee 10 ton of things committed to his charge bythe fame uer doubted of the recourrie of the kingbome , net king,for that byreafonof fickuette be was notable is Thehiftorie of Scotland. and friall, tho had the plot irons, that finallte the at onetinte bered fith all kind of calamtitics , amd thep txbith efcaped death,tocre banffyed twith the lofte of their fattance :bebimfelfctvasnotonelic fpotlcd criticall cotwles. 60 geons and rich apparel as he ware at the fametine Smonkefen, Chis monke,fullic inffrucedin that therabout -trben hethus talken with him. =map be twas fent, came into Scotland, and feining binw ding Coward at the returneof the heralo, not ig felfe tobeaphpfician, got credit within atbile as dl mongft the people , to be a man of moff ercellent froment to bnotplenge, for he haba companion with bim, that Sat {cha being made pitute tothe matter, (et forthbis cum» 0 pa, ning and practife to the bttermoft, declaring that -_-ppercefuing othertuife by bis report , but that the go, verio2 foas in health, be returned iminediatlie with bis armie into England, andlicencing euecri¢man to depart tobis home;laio hands on the monke, and creer, asone that havdiffembled with bis prince (for fo he ¥e notable and moff vefperat cures be bad taken in band, and mabe the patients perfectlie tole of the fame, there all other had quite giuen them ouer; toke it) caufen bim fo be burntfor bis ntruth.<hus twas the tw2etch righteoullie recompented, as behav moff {ufflie deferued. Jn the meanefime,the goucrs namelie be bzuted it abroad, that for healing of the fone and grauell,bis Ifke twas nottobefoundin all thriftendome, as entdentlie had appeared bp cures nourreturning bometwards,though forceof the be nem fill increafing, veceafied at pufcleburgh, anv ‘wasburiepat Dunfirmling, inthe yere of ourres Fr-Thin: Ghich be hav theme bpon fundzie noble men, both demptionr 331. [Welefe behino him two tonnes, eens Ws, Zhomas 133" |