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Show The hiftorie ofScotland, 302 that ponertie, that if feemred (if bebad [ued long) ie) lated fox Hint, andinforced fo departtuft his ae England bir brotherrequicing bim of peace.Where: is peopte (inarte pay Sonnet-Seenaineniewns boc. etbaces fas . 7 =" ‘ ngland aid Scotland for (pace of one pete oa day. In the begiming ofheb4 ‘ -oof Gngland.hearing ona err that a parlement thonly be fr Scotland, fothe bringing ao for afterthe nsoatefcapedfromtye iucsghutatee 10 den Albvantetabe tutor,twzote tabis titer that the thoulp tebe, etoahadis fatd cole gither at Striueling , there' the 21 frante tofte impeach andfate bis - _ Ger, St Strineling . om temberi513,bicforne theforefaid James -_-declariig' hot Dangerousit twas, not onelte - pos a of ni eere,fiue moneths, etendaics Cea etaitaorifeand confent teas crotue croton of age, bp cea nedkking, anpbis 4 i - ne Sawa Huntlete, Angus, andarrane. bis ‘but alfo fox hi fontte to have bim gouernos , thi fwas to fucceed, if bir for Were once ontof the wap, 4 Wut the chiefett canfe that moned the king of Eng land fo labour,that the duke thould bane nothing to = anceto + ee persis- sealimanctces Glatcow; i BuchanJib.r3. Buchan ? knetwhotw the duke,in fauour ofthe bing of France, fwould fhetv ee aa, wesinno 20 fithall the force he might make o2 aieeiet thot concen woe po ‘hetbole abininifration of all things ould -_-bettwirt binvandthe kingof bee : _ nie Sane(being thefirtterampie of a womans go if feimd tolee osoe. _rance fince arcine. -soeed ee ae Sis econtrarte, ip t -_lemtentatfemblepin Coenburgh, aufotit by patie po there not men (ufficient atthattimeforbono2 wean take that charge inband,bpoccafte and erperten ceto at flanabtecof the nobles at Flovdon ed, that fir qatrike Bamilton, - to pocuretie armes thouldbe fent into sfran Bidetni duke ets thecontinuedawidote: proce {with abie,olong bit tere as againtthecuffome ofthe Bovebate. (The duke of Bibanie ts fent foz. i Jhotw thoatlie atter that the peace ~ - -_alfo, requiring.him notfo fuffer the uke ae t0 Scotland, for the reafon firit al ~~ ve ty eed 30 focome en cua mous cnementfhe did not long infop.}s tntoz and governor, according to . on inal eaeatter thep fellat variance amongeftt -_realmeinfucycafes Apatina i. patteo themfciues,, about the beffowing of thotebenefices bth were vacant by the deaths of thole perfons i : ine at the field;bp reafon thereof, ae~a letters {ecretlie into Jfranceta a Dikeof Albanie, willing bim tocomeinto tobe tutoz to the King, andgouerfozefthe cae abe that tuas nertof ion fothebsing,anD -_thennert following thepta bp ates ban bie borooe accopdinglie as by ented. aan tomie aliste This pere cames _ = aoeto thebing 58 pope, Wwithcerterne p2tutleg' Se the quem -, andrealme. Whe thirtith of "i fof otrioding, Saal delivered of a prince tn the e ~ Danfiemlng, oe natefFéethecrotone, tn catetbe kings dilozen ber go sbi tons baptiteabythe pnmniiligines ceallcd without iffue. 9e fherefouefent monfieurde feurbe 1a Wautie info Scotland, ohoin compante of the feBautieis eatleof Arrane, thelow Fleming, anddtonthe fcntinto Herald (chic) long had bene in Ffrance)landed'an Dcoilaw the twelk coat thethiro of Ponember. And thoxtlie after, the faid monfieur de ia Wautic neliueredhis letters to the queene and lords, tho tberebpon met at faint Johns towne, andthere by bniuerfallcons aco fent it twas accozoed,that the duke of Aibaniethould James fie fourth, by tbofebelpe be fomnided andiridotm ed : Lorehearlethe troublesand great oifquictnee Secueh that adeeeee the minnzitieof thisking, thor feigning rough lackeof due admintfiration of (ufttce, andbp S|Heotland dU pitcorp ¢ bariance dailie rifting amongett the loos fhen elec arehbithopof thatfee , befiegedthe caftell of faintAndzetus, and tan tt byfor ce from' the kee persof it stbich {vere aypointed to defend it in the name of Oatvin Dotwglatle, there twith thequene the earles of Angus and Arrane » theonetobaue fought with the other, ibich twas the canfeandber s, and namelie to their king and foucr eigne lord ,andalfo fhould mainteine tuftic e to the btters nol of their powers, for the aduan centent of bis ~~~ ike offaint Andretws , the abbaf ies of Dunfirmes ling, Arbzoeth,though fupplication of the quene Contention aNd Duke of Albanic, Fromwhic) buls the pator of Bestthein- faint Andzetus awealed,pr etending title to the ardy fea -bithops fe byelection and gener all gift of the lozos of the realme ; and berbpongot togither bis friends fhould haue bene conucien fozth of the realmnefer cretlie into @ngland; ttherebpory be funde ntie pe» parted in the nighttime from Coenburg h, with bis nuen of warre in ged oder, ¢ cante to Otriu cling, there the bing, with bis brother Alerander, late twith the queene ; ubich caffell, togtther tuith the kings pers fort , and the other withinit, tuere delivered to him ginning of great frouble that infued. bono, and fuertie of the realme, Fhe fame dap in Coenburghwere the buls bo. lifhed,iabich Form Jn the meane time, ttlet an the bithop of Murrey had pubs pure 30 in band the gouerno: was t this parlement toas aduertifen that the king ists. Lefle, thafed at ome, fo; the obtei ning of the archbithop- Nad in Coenburg h,as the matter of Wales mpdothers, the third dap of Angutt: therebpon he committed And on the other part , the lozd chamb culenee erletne, anv ot themand the caftell to the Keeping of foure loos of Keeping of cera uerfeof the bifhop of Murreis friends got the kings 40 the realme , thereof the carte s of Cglenton and tinetoog, letters , by vertue thereof they proclamed the fai Pont maiffer of Wales ,and the prtoz of faint Andretos rebels , tolth all their aMfigtants,, putting themtothe had allitted the carle of Angus and the queene a» The toro gaint the thoatlie after the quect Paulie, tahere they were all out of Coenburgh. And in aie fotlotwing , the pj the earles of Kennor ¢ Arrane,twith mani e others , peu, welt parts, and ;e callen an atiemblic at Fr.Thin, Buchanan, there twas (amongef thofe bid) pzeied and fpoiled fwfthin the realme care contradeD lib 12, others) a great capteine of the fame faction, called ofthe fame.3n -_ ing of #t the adioining places) was accompanied fox the mot _-rie the eight bi = of gocotland: for the MPacrobert Struan , abo (ouerrunning Atholland part with eight hundzed theenes,and fomietintemoze. Ghic Struan toas at length (abtlett he fpoilenes erie man at bis otunepleafure,and at thattimeres maining with bis oucle John Creicton) takenby --dfatlie after . fain 4 Oe tat fas i= _feale from the bithop spon the Catd pithop got bist gee Ment Was affembled at Striueling; but beeanfe the lors could not agree amongit themf by te eat eng: Ses, " -_loz ofthe fonosrie ios aifitted bum» to Coenburgh, _ pir eto batband, fotbat kept eneee + thereof great pifca2d might not -_ an the nobles a? Seotitmen mine the woacce baD dat the totone of Aire , witheightthips well appointed , and furnitheo with men ano all kind of neceflarie proutfionfo; bis eftate. From thence taking the fea agatne , be fatlen along® the coaft till he carte to Duntzeten. anp there came ont Lanb.¥ on the nert bap palletexth tala oe fering that for bis sae Cglans. pe taste an ted bettwirt them tered firft into the cattell were burned, the furthett in gpate nert infuing , as be bad tent {od bp fir John Striueling of the Letr , hat was latelie come from bim with letters bnto the lozos aD peeres of the realmve.Zhe fitteenthof Mpaie ,truce tas proclamed bettwirt Cngland and Scotl and , to indure fo; three peares, 0: three moneths as faith I 13 but the fame dapat fir of clocke inthe afternane , the Cnglithmenenterethe d the bowers of Scotland opon the water of Kule, and forratcd the 6o gountrie, dong great burt therein , notwithtan ding the truce. Zhe feuentéenth day of date, Joon duke of Atbanie , tutor andgowerno; of Scotlano, arrive 5 the twelfth of a of england, 10M made of the real bt great faltin the potvoer bpatraine, tberby otuccte of themthat en: , it twas he lord Wane himfelfe got Proroged till the comming of the ubeelnes of Albanie, so and foze bifquieted the march him into Cngland, es , fo that no bap of thich was loked fox tobe in Scotland, in Apzill 502 truce twas boloen, netther on the cat no; mipote at ; conIb not tant bin, ti ‘an and the king the king sal teoiie the quence mscicd Et were fent to bis bontes to fete the fame into the kings bands, 4n the cattell of ume twas lato guin fhe "oure and twentith of Febznarie , a parle -_-serald rame on aaa of albaniesby fuing. gouerno} , twas denounced a rebells anp Primene 9; Went Unto Rome , there to iuftifie bis apeal e. burgh, andfir patribe vce tnith articles in we fonding oe -fan Darober nest ih England, ont role tere tivo. Che lor Wume , beeante be bo2ne : uberevpon thep were conffretne to d depart denburgh the Muelfity.aa the cleargic ete twelkagreed.And bev Ana the 28 of the fame ent into @nglandfor peac Dailuie abbat of Biv allthe other fozts and rabble of infurions biolence tnuaded bic emptie feat, triampbing ouer allasa conquero2. ¥ During the times of thich diforer, time,ober tuftice feemed to Meepe , mbdrapine with twelfth of Januarie,being a erie Darke € Wwinbdie confirrtied bp the > coiens fhat the quéenelapin of eatcic betinictthe ine of Oe _-ehflobed,gre te other Lozbeof the teal: but epreres ofthe realine, a man might have iuft canfe --. sale odcek Singras,a nn ote -gteatlie to wonder thereat,andin Wweteng the fame 60 ArcembaloDo sa abns towne tobe te oe! ewes thzougblie,noleffelament theoprettondaneto the poze commonsin that tofcked and mot miferable urghthe thueltth of Flic, nr the tubich dinerfe acts tere concluded and inade; and the lod Daun Mond was adtudged in the Dukes htercic , foy trp hing ton King of armes. She ake pardoned bin of life and hone? but bis lands ano {ods rentainen andthe earle of Angus were bighlie offen ded. The tn the kings bands; hottwithitanding,be tas afters twards reffo2ed fo the fae Againe. night, the earle of Lennor,and the matit In this partes er of Glew 20 Ment alf0, the duke of Alban ie twas confirmed catne bndermined the nether qroundfoil e of the cas the thee eftatesof the realme tuto) aNd gouer bp ffell gate of Dunbzeton, ¢ entered there io; ta by into the the king, the fcepter and fivo2d being Gre caftell of cafFell, ¢f0 takeit, putting out delivered to thereofthe lox Er: im: bisothalto tuas takenbpthe lords, and Danbyeton ies, Shortlie after ( that ts to theirs fap) the fifteenth of Gluen to bin, that each of them Mhouly be faithf that moneth , a great affemblic twas made ul to betivirt other 1614, andthe easelof ueee "pp the mame p= ote Bamesthe Git. Shortlie atter his comm the lozos amd barons, there thep being affemblep cteafe of learning ¢ bertue, hich hath flocithed with incountcelt sbetmke bpon bimthego godivits of fudents ener fintce, uernementof ~ till thefe the realme , ahtcybe p2omifed to bie The 20 of Pouember, Le fire dela Wauti our dates; by their anuife erece iued fo that thep tudnlo agtt him in fettin Monfienr de the caffell of Dunbarint g fooxth of ftw he name of the duke of Ab 16 fice and la Bantic, goo orders, which thep bndertmke to De, banie, at the handsofthe deanc of Glatc otp Werevpon tas the parlement, tthich to the bithop of Murrey, called Foxman, brother had bene % parteinent Shoztlie 2oz0ged till bis comming, furmmoned to be after, Job Wepbomethe pzio2 keptat famimoned, of faint Andres Woenb Eoomanre rowan Setetee eaae by the\thim effates tubtch fhonld be kept at Goere 03 ing to Coenburgh, there camtethither foath of all parts of therealme, the college in the ole fotune of Aber den, for the ine = be admitted tutoz and gouernioz to thekingrrealme, 50 moneth, maifter abepeur ano ation the anbigat the faite fhonlobe confirmedinparlement SINg and met him, to do bint boro: , cetpts,pageants,¢ plates tvere fhetv Sunodzie con en bp fes, to bono2 bis entrie in the bef mane the burget r thep conly deuife, 4 faithfull councelloz to James the third ¢ to doin Scotland,was (as manie thought) "4a : gouernement thequene obteined by teafon of bir as iil(bes hehe in= sepeys= of Datobet,catans Ehbings : ip erdert, and lod Keeper ofthe prinie een {cale departed this life at Cdenburgh. He han bene ‘bpona truce tas taken sante tivoae of penne oo i James the Feeoeie "aesSacemtos stem fifi. paveemneuaine heard) his fone James thefittuccedeo 1 { hin:» 1513. The hiftorie ofScotland. e. Mhequeene fent loning letters nto the bingot thought fohauctimelicbapencd -- ' COD, Uhere all the weftland lozs receinen him with teat femblance of reiotfing fs: bis arrinall . Zhe Miner. Sc and tinentith vay of aie , be was recciuen into we: Cocnburgh , a great numberof loxs mating him onthe way Zhe quaene alfa came from bic ctone loo: marches, Khe twelfth of Augutt, the quene, the earle of Angus, and bis brother George Dotng tas, went from Lemptation wnto Wertvike , ano from thence paleo tothe nunrie of Canditream there e; s bpon abuertifement being giuen to the 1. of ng land , and bis pleafure therein knotone , the fir and twentith of that moneth (he was recetucn bp the loz) Dacres,t conueied to Warbottell cattel l, uvere the remainedtill the was deliuered of a Daughter, called Margaret Dowglaffe afterwards Marledto Che birth ot the carle of Lennor , as in place conuentent it fhall the counretie further apeare here was no Scorithman at thig Lenn ox time recetued into Chigland totth hie Lhe nay percetuing the rebellion ofthe loz Wumne, gouer palledto the barbers with bis Frenchmen , where the firt of Daober, the (aio lov Hume came + fubmittes bin fetfe to the gouernoyspleature, ano his brother Alers Che torn §-_ander thoztlie after iD the fame, ano thev tere botty Mune (abs -_veliuereD fo the earle of Arrane ; tho was apointed wa " To burgh. e fatette within the towne of Coen, Wat the twelfth of Daober nert intutng, the fain barle of Arcane departed trom thence n the miate Ft. fealon, |