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Show 56 The defcription of Britaine. thanthat fatw ante wort there, andpetitis beleee Flet (hich lieth'on the mouth of Seillie hanen before defcriben) and came bnito the Martie,whole head ig aboue Wirintoncaffell, ard front thence be runs Aberpiratwin. it wroiueth Pethuaur, a littie-abeug the fotwne , tbichirifing not farre foutheall of the bead of LautetiBrecknod thire(as all the reft do) receiueth the Lrangarth, the Peltate and the Pep: faie,all abicyare accounted as members of his head in one chanell, about a mile 02 more before: it tone with Methuchan. Fo as Grangarth rifethy eat of Methuaur, fo the Metta rifeth by caf of Lrangarth, and foineth with the fae aboue Jftrad twealthte, the fea. Wepfaie, So that albeit thet feneralirifings be half ned that manie twormesare there, Witherto out of Leland. But now terefurne to mine otone courte, Leauing-the Late, bic) fore call-Claie, and patliig the Wennarth baic , that Uteth betivene the enitarth andthe Latierocke points,welett Seillic aSarvte. The defcription of Britaine. Meth %2"*. Duele. weplac, wandjes, Trangarth, Meltate, neth bp Deinlpowis,Cadvorton, Warricmd fo into ro ad a little beneath the fame. towne taketh in the ‘Being palk the Warrie water , tue come to a Sberthaw fall callen Aberthaty, {hich vifeth two 02 three miles aboue Lanfanog, wid going by Weld Petwtor, if coinieth at length to Cotvbsidge, and from thence gocth f0 Wanbletiian, Lando, eanpere, Flim- fton, Gilfton, ano betiverite the eat amid the tuetk Aberthatw, ¢ into fhe Sauernefea . Wut per it come all there it recetueth a bewke called teen fano2 Kara: fan,o2Lenfech, ont the eat foe, whofe headiseatt of SBolffon, comming bp Gharnelhotd, Lhancaruan, € Lancavle,tt falleth into the founer abour either of ova tehole mile in funder, pet have thep(in amaner) like biffance from Aberpirgiwim , and their finall confluence in the coge of Glamatganthire,, bie thepdireclic dw crofe. Affer thefe confluences, the maine ftreame runneth in and ont bp fundzfe mtlos, and through the wmoddie folles,till tt meet with Cle daugh, hbhichioineth tuith the fame beneath the Me: fonlaie , and gocth iwithall to Lantiten , tere it tar 20 kethinthe Dulefle, ahole head is aboue Chappell Duele, the Zhawans. Leland faith, that Renfan hath two headsthereof the moze nogtherlie called Wrane, If ethin Luenlithan, and runneth feauen miles before if meet with the other. Leaning this tater tue fate jsrenaunt, tt the marches of Wrecknoch. Thence it gocth fo Cador totvne, 02 bettorene tt and Lanni ftide, hen to Meth totwne, thither fmall veffels of: ten come: and beneath the fame receiuing the Cle Ciedorhh dod that runnethby ikelebebildy (and aifo eth abbeie there matter Crumtuell otwelleth)it qoeth on by Coitfranke foyrett, Methiwed, Wettonferrite, and fo info the fea. The Cauie vifeth in the thicket of the blacke Cait, 3 © mounteines in Breecknochihire elk of Methuaur, abd comming dotwne took of Caliven cdappell, it rer cofueth on the eat bankea rill named Coiell that runneth thither bp Coielburne chaypell : ans being thus tnited, the canell palleth forth by Afrav ledon, cafting abontthe Path point, omitting tivo 02three finswaters (abereof Leland hath alreadie ag pe fee made mention) becanfe 4 bane' nothing moze to add Onto their deferiptions, erceptif be, that the Colboty taketh in avill from Law Iltruit, of hhofecourfe (to (aie the truth) Z haue no manner of Bnowlenge. Fhe Dgur o2 Gur, thich fome call the Damur, tga well fatre ffreame(as tue tvere tant to faie in gunies, and thenmecting withthe Burch 02 Lorch out old Cniglith) thofe head isin the fame billes, water that cometh fromthe fot of the blacke moun: here the Kodencies are to be found,but much more teines,and tg march to parcell of Caermardinthire, fuefterlic, and running along courte per it come to itrunneth toLangoge , Lanfamled, faint Johns, anie village, tt geeth at the length beneath Ranguté Swaneic,and fointo the Waie. Weing pak this, Heuere o7 Langousdorh, to. walaes bpon Dgur, 40 Wwecome bp another little fall, thote water runneth then to Metweatkell , ad Parthermaure , beneath fhze 02 foure miles perit come into Stwanteie bate, ‘Wennte, tebich it meeteth the CHlennie , balfe amile from D: but without tame. Thence te go to the Crimline Gur or Damur caffell on the ealk fide of the banke. becke,whole defeription 3 neither haue,nofind ante St rifethflue o2 fir miles fromthis place, among the Steat want therof.Wherfare going about by Ditters hilles, andeomming dotoneat laff bp Lanharne, tf mont caffell,and Bumbles point, twe patie forzth tocroffeth a rill per long from noztheak , and the con wardthe fouthwet byBenmard point,till ue come fluence paffeth forth bp Coitchurc),. Daur caftell;x to 3lffon water , thole head isnotfarre within the fo tito the Deut. Lelandwpiting of the waters that land; amd pet as it commit thorough the tywbdland, Garrow, fall ito this Daur faith thus. Into the Dur alto and dolpne by Penmarch caftell, a rill or two aoth teforteth the Garrow two miles aboue Lanfan 5° fallinto the fame. Zhen cafting about bp Orivich frivebrfoge, vefcending from Wlaingarow . St tas point, toc goontward there by, and failing flat nozth ALenennie, keth furthermore (faith he) another called Leuennie by the Holme (hauing patted the Wowneflead and tiffiag in the parith of Glin Cozug, at norHwwefano SAserinets chappell) ard then noatheatk bp Capitford Cong, then runingttoo miles lower, tniteth i felfe tuith point, toe wentat length to the Lodat o2 Logho2, Locka foe Cog brake,a little tort fhittg, ad iworthie no 62. a8 Lhoyd nameth it, the Licbivz, tote indzaught longer {peach . Fromthis confluence the Leuennie fox acertene {pate is march betiwcene Cacrmarvine Gocthfeaucn miles further per it meete iwitt the Ds and Glamorgan tires. Ft vifet aboue Gtwenwie guron the tee fide, at Wanfanfrive ; tivo miles a chappell fromthence it gocth to ALanbdbea, and aboue boue Penbotwt . Ann fo far Leland sBut ¥ Wwotnot Bettus receiueth a vill named Amond that entreth Bond fiat be meaneth byit. 60 thereinto from noztheatt. Weing pak Wettus, tt Aenfig. ert onto the Dauris the Lenfig water, that palleth bp Laneddie, Arthelas batoge 5 and guer a Comnreth dotwnre bythe Pile and ienfigcattell sand gaint Landile Lalabout , it croffeth from by wel, Margen, Buon, being patt the famete croffe the Dargan rill abere fic Coward Manvel dwelt, and foonto Auon, which baning tivo heads (as is fatd) the more tafferlie of them commeth dotwre by Hauodaport chaypell , the Other by Glin Cog, Pichacll cuech, Aber Anon mMd fo tto the fea , pelding alto in time of ned A god harbourfo. {hips to lodge andrite in, From Aad, Metyachan. benee tue wentalong by the Cole pits to the nrouth of the Meth. Me Meth is afatre water » Tifing of Diuerfe heads, thereof the moze eafterlic named Methueh ant tifeth not farre fromthe heap of the Lennon, anv Comming Vctone bp Penedozin to the Combivilie by twett of Warkreame, and afters conbo® Ward the Worlais aboue Langnarey on the fame sapere fide. Thencomming to Logho: caffell, it taketh in onthe eaff five, the Lhu , whofe conrfe isnot aboue pho. fiue miles, and thencelofing the name of Zohar, itis called Burrate, as fome geffe, bntill it come fo apart the fea,there it parteth it felfe going on each foe of Bachannic Fland, a mal thing and not worthi c (fo antething J read thereof) as pet to be particularlie beferiben « From this water twe pafked (F fate) by Wachannies Fe, to the Aberlhendie tater whole Head being in the billes abour Wrenacrois, it, pallett by by Lbanelthete, and thence into the fea. Xhen went fueto the Duletfe alittle rill, whofe headis not farre from Crinfaven: thence by the Pembzaie and Calf, nibangle anv Dzillan caffell, and after that the Co. Cothie, thie ubofe race ts fomebpat long ,and.therefore bis be(crfption not btterlie to be pated ouer, SPotfarre from, the head (hich is thee miles from Coit points, till tue came about to the Wandies 02 Tlendzatth mouth, tole defeription ts partite tou ched alreadie; but bicaufe itis not (ud) as 3% twould {with it to be, Zt here after mv otone maner deale ALanbanbeeuie, bndet the hulke of WBlamne Jcome, A narrow paflage,amd therein manie heaps of ones) and fomebbat beneathiLana intent chapel, it ta fometbat further withall , Givendath o2 Wendzatth keth in the Lurche becke.that runneth thither frant Carche, baur rifeth in the lower ground, 02 not far from the aboue Lanacrotes : thence it gocth fo dLanfatwell, Hill Kenneth aur,whereon caftell Careg fanveth, ro Abergoplech, Wreghnangothie, Lannigad , and fo and defcending by apretie long courfe vider fundzic {nto Lotwie, which having fortward by chapell Debifoges, commeth at the laf to Glin,then to Capull Wwie,receiueth the Rauelthie from by nosth , then the Baneithie, Lanberie, and fo onto the fea, being little augmen: Oivllie from northwelt,chofe head isaboue Lanie O**e. fed twfth influcnces by the wate, Wendaith Teban rifeth a mile higher totwards the noth than ens Datth Waur,but out of the famefoile, ¢ thence dire. cing biscourfe tolvard the fouthiwelk , it goeth by Aancharog,Langendarne,Capull Langell,wbithon, Leighdeuie,datdwillis, and fo info the fea,about one mile from the fall of Gendzatth Gaur. 20 The Lowwie rifeth in the mounteines of Elen: iith foure miles bp fontheat from iintiue , and tius from Lingonon, inammth ground foure ¢ then, fie miles from Caermardine, and ina forreft called Withops forrei, midtwaie betinirt Landiwibzenie ¢ Uandannerie caffell. Fo? fih, in my opinion, thisis mucy better than the Laty 02 Laffe, thote head bredeth no fith, but if tt be calk into it,thepturne bp intent, andrace by Canwell, Gluert,Cometotlic, and Merling bill,as J haue often heard. After thts confluence twith the Otwilie,the Lotwie gocth to Cas ermardine,thento Lanigang , then to dLanfexhan, S,i(maels,and fo into the fea. : Spert onto the Lotwie is the Lane,thole headis Cane. itt the blacke mounteines , as at therets of Wrens nt baurbill in Pemb:okelhire, from whenceit runs heth bp Lanunrnad,Langlupien, danuatteg, anv taking in the Dudderte from fonthwelk, out of the Duvderie: fame countie bp Lanbederuelfraie, and iLtndtwie,tt goeth to Cglefiware chayell , beneath which if croft, feth the aarlais bp nozth that runneth bp Xanbedie Dartats. and Udhitland. Thence meeting with one rill callen Genni,as J take tt,that commeth though Cardith azennic. their belliesflote aloft, anddie outef hand. St pars forrett on the one fide , andthe Catre on other Carre. feth Izecknoch from Cardigonthire alto fora cev- 30 that runneth into tt tell of Landotuzor, if bafteth Craumant. feine feafon,till if conte bp the water of Zranfnant, to S.Clares, there if taketh in the Carthhinnie, 02 Cartbbinnie, that falleth thereinto from bp eaff ont of the confing aBarthkinnie (as Leland calletfit) anv the Got a) © of 1Beckioch, bitto Wilin capell, and lo fo Atroves ow bothin one chanel, of thich the Ark réferhaCothe. fine, there it meteth with the Dothee that conv boue Capel Wettus, from thence it runneth bp meth thither from Lbinuertwin thereif rifeth, and alacouthe,iilfant, ad Ianginnin, the other tf fo through iXelcoth forrelf, oniting it felfe by the fucth out of the ground aboue MLrologh Wettus, bp Pelcotter. gHPidsun, ¢ foining with the faxmera little abone S, inaie with the Befcotter, tic) mounting ont of the Clares,thep run into the Laue, and from thence fo ground in the edge of Cardigonthire runneth along as al{mit and march onto the fame,fill tt foine with Lanibangle , md betivene it an Abercotven, ads the Zothe, and both come fogither beneath Jirodes o nitteth finallie the Cowen o2 Gow freame., trhich Gowen: fine into Lotwie, hich tue haue nowinband. After comming liketotfe from the blacke mounteines,qoe eth by Chbernant,¢ fo into the Lane, thonireaeth this confluence it comuneth to Lbanuate Atvbzete, bis courle by Lancharnecattell,anp then into the fea, Lanthowell,andLanimpbhfrie, and here it receiueth tivo waters int one chanell,abereof the firfkis called Mhenert water that ive come tois the Owatr, Gwsir, BWrone. (rane,the other Gutherije (tbich lieth mo2¢ fouthers bhichis but a {mall hing rifing aboue Hambener Gathergc. lie of the tivo.) andfall (as J fald) into Lotwie bes Gelfrate, amd gotng from thence bp eat of caffell neath Landonuereie , tidy runneth onfill it met Herbie hill,Crumuter and Argiwatre, ttis not long Duleffe, with the firff Dulefle that goeth by Lenurdie , then pertt fall into the fea,andfo we leauesCairointhire, Moziatgs. With the Morlais, and thefe on the northwell, Certes and go ouer into Penbroke, When palled we bp an the WBrane is a pretie broke rifing ttvo 02 the miles o Other comming out of Kathe forrelk callen Coif aboue Capell Newith,and delcending by Lanbzane Kathe, the water it felfe rifing about Lempleton, and Uffradiwalter, it meeteth (% faie)with the GuHhence leaning the Monkeltonrocke, twecameto thertic, whole beadis weil of Lridcaffell in Weck» enbie oz Dinbechie Pifcwd, and palling into the nodihire, and thereby it is not a little inereafen. pozt betivene the caftell and &.ikatharines rocke, Wut to proceed with the Lowie, abich being patt ivefound it ferned toith tivo little backe waters , of aszechnocks, Lantniypbfrie and arill that meeteth with the fame, fo {mail countenance, fhat thep are not tnorthic of beleending fromno2thwef of Lanurdan, it taketh fnie further talke to be {pent in their deferiptions: fn the influences of dfuerfe tpatersin one chanel, vet the one {emeth tobe called Flozence broke,the of trbich the greateff is called Movdetwie,and thereof other Frefo, Sunirefton tanding betiwenethem 3 find this ocfcription, 65 both,therebpthetr fight cannot perith.After this we The Podeiwie, o2 (as Lome pronounceit) Aopatted bettvdéene Lonbie and an other Alet o2 rocke Zeeeo thenie, rifeth of two beads , tthich toining aboue La leng by no3;thtwett of the fante,to i. udfop point,s fo thirtic miles, * nibangle,the ffreame runneth on till tt meet with the to Abertretwent , abhere ¥ found a Millie fredy tater Cle doch on the left band, proceeding alfo further tos named Lretwend that rifeth a mile op thereabont ‘ ward Langadocke, it recetuefh not far from thence within the land . FFrom thence tue went fouthwards Crewent, the. Satv‘heie , tole tivoheads defeend from the bp WBzode hauen, till tue came to S. Gotpanspoint, blacke mounteines 03 calf edge of Carmardine, Ehen gathering wefk and bp nozth before the came thire (as mine information leadeth me.) Affer thts at Shepe Jland,we found another freth water, that confluence the fecond Dulefle pwth meet with the Lowwie, thofe headis in the hilles aboue Lalthogatc abbcie, nozthivett from Langadockefull five niles : then comming Downe bp Landilobaur, Petwton, Dinefarcafkell, and Goldengroue, it recetueth the third Dulelle fromby nozth that coummeth int bp Las rifeth thort of iftfog Wabharen, andrunning fonth of Uiggarffon , Windmill hill, 02 betwene it ann Caffell Morten and Gupton,it holoeth on flat wesk all the tatetill it come fo the Drean, Weing pafled this water,we calkabont fowvarn he nozthivelt,bp the Poptons and Pennar , fill we By, came |