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Show Thedefcription of Britaine. Thedefcription of Britaine. Shich He did in all things accordinglie, fealing bis shatters thereof tuith the great fealo of Scotland, and fignets of bisnobilitie pet to be frne: therein Wubert archbithop of Cantarburie, ad of all the people there allembied, and therebnte twke bis oth and was fvaane bponthe crofe of the fain Hubert: alfo be granted bp bis charter confirmed, that be it was allo compzites, that be and bis fucceffours fhould baue the mariage of Alevanwer bis fonne,as fhoulu hold the realine of Scotland of the king of bis iegeman,altwates to bolo of the King of Eng Englandandbis faccefours for yer, Arid herevpr Land:pomifing mozcouer that be the fato king Tait on be once againe did homage to the fame king Hanvand bis fonne Alerander, fhould keepe and bolo Penrice, hic) notw could not be forthe earledone faith and allegiance to Lenrie fonne of the fatd king nf Huntingdon, thetight thereof was alreadic by Him farvendjzed. Anodfor the better auranceof this 1° Jobn, as to their chiefe lord againt all maner of mien that might liue and die, fafth alfo,the frengths of Wertwike , Gaenbozough, Alo thereas Whiltam bing of Scots had put Rorborough, and Striueling were deltuered inta Jobn bithop of faint Andew ont of his bithopztke, fhe bands of ont king Wenrie of Gngland, tbich pope Clement iwrote to Penrie hing of England, theft ofvne tyziters confeffe. Wut Hector Boctius faith, that this trefpafle twas amended bp fine of -that he Mould mmue and dace the fame Gtiliam; tiuentie thonfand poundsferlitg, ard that the cries and if necd required by bis rotall power and prerogar done of Duniingden,Cumberland, and Porthunr fiue oner that nation, to compell bim to leaue bis herland tere delineres as morgage inte the bands vanico2againg the fad bithop, and fnffer him to haue of king isenrie, butill other ten thoufand pounds and occupie bis fatd bitvopakoagatne. ferling fhould be to bins paid, whichis fo farre from 2° Bn the peare of our Low 1216, and flue ¢ tivere trath,as Hector tnas (tbtle be Kued) from tell meas tith of the veigne of Henvie,fonne to king Jobn, the ning te onr comntrie . Wut if we grant that itis Came Wenrie and the queene inere at 3o2ke atthe true, pet poneth henot that the monic tas paid, -feattof Cyxtttmatfe, for the folemnisation of a mave unz fheland otberivife reaenied, ozeueraficrcame -rfage made in tho feattof faint Stephan the marty: toanie Scotith kings hands. Andthusitaweareth {hat the earledome of buntingdon twas never o¢s the fame peare,betineene Alerander king of Scots; hereof gathered outof RobertusMontanusozMonfe tenfis that lined in thofe daies,and was(as Ztakett) goutetto2 to bingWenrie.the king of Scots dat bar @zegovte the fife and Clement his {uccetfor,, that they tyould obferue ano trulte beepe all {uch appoint: ments, ad had bene made betiwene the kings of 2 enaeas 8 brats p ogke,ani K ws wedme ings o England,bponpaine ofcarfle and interdie - t > - cc Hae tt. Bp bertuc al of this compotition €¢ aiuen inthout bisstake eseeate they mere nat mino itiebing encie goueritenscotland,and to {about ehamceumehin0ear of atavenen oe Bing Henvie died during ee nine sanaeage, fuas bp alias dyenitatesin Scotia, velfaltem 40 the lanes offonne,being Gagar, in ward to king Wenrie the « on -_ sat is, The biugiof England third,s bp the nobles of Scotland brought to #o2ke, at thaGiatieweales ageao evcteti ae arene)edablihenthe taleeleargintScot ota the atbbtho otPn - Umber the turifdicis anh there Delinered butobim, During trhote Acommotion tn this realme,bfeo the afd offluc thou geo aMider, thereby he receiuedno bisbomage, tabi bpreafon and lato toas tepid -ontith bis full age of one ano tiventic peares, Ande poate ona >. RSet Coward the firik after the conquelt, fonneof this uguthat Cajrleti oo - :sti themoneth of so Benrietoas nevt bing of Gugland;tmumeniatliea foals, nin bomage ginfeoe ai - lexdof Gale Meas encie. iwithall thathelbotbim, In the two any twentith peare of the reigne of king envie the feconn, Gilbert Gnne of Ferquie piinceat Galtoaie,diubomageanb ealtieto the fai ki Wg Wpeurie,aud Danecan bisfonneinbe@age fox.co nferuaSe tion ofleftbis me peace, n Goaleneeaa: oe finearing.(as all the reff vid)atter £5 ‘ : » to you lordE-byhe ee * ¢ grace of God king of sngland, the noble and fuperiotlord ofthe etic ofScot" land, and yntoyou I make myfidelitie for the fame »» kingdome, the which: hold and claime is Beurie foutnele: ter hoe cononation, Alerander king of Scots, ber ing then offull age,aio homageto bir for Scotland J DNA to hold of of eaeninaee ee "pond king 60 you. ‘AndI (hall beate youmy faithoa fidelitie of ? Scots did homageat Canturburic: fo; hing: of life andlim, and worldlie honour againft all men, 9 the hole Ringnonte of Scotlan, ; This: king 14 due of one ae ee bp the Site ahaltinowbes andfhall doo you feruice 9 ue vNto-yourof the kingdome of Scotland aforefaidjas Godmefo helpe Sacks ihe, euangelies, tealme tons tared at great farunesof i the tabole ThisPleramer bing of Scots died, leaning ane thelahic this Wilkamhing of Scots Renee", Weliedaughter callen Spacgaret for bis bette, tho toes fey Danghter allo Myctlie afterviet Hetunesonelie daughter bir betre, of age tons. contributosie, annpaidting ies bied) ete Beareofone i Sugiand Cent to Tltionie : : - Ring.of: IND Do bisbomage, bid) walutann bis, to-come cember ibewad fo Lin an bilin the pretences? before han rtiarien antgo, fone to Bagnus bing Sone tie peares,bofe aoe=ee rao ope of King @ogar,any Gotoard the confettor, belonged to. Cotward the first: ‘wherbpon the nobles of Scot (inbWere commanded byoneking Eptoard toend Into Portuais, to conueie this pong quemne into Englaw 2 7 ,, snto bint. There alfo be madebis letters fealed > wit {hecommonfeale of Scotland, by the thie he ,, knotulenging his implenes and great offenfedone to bis lozd king Goward of Gugland, by his full potverandfre will peelded dp all the land of Scots 29 -_-land,twith all the people ard bomageof the fame. cended fromthe bodie of Matwd daughter of Dab Shien our king went forth to fee the mounteins, and thaone, ¢ fentit fo theabbete ofUestnninfker, thie Sas the manding to make achaire theroffor the prieltscome that Bone mbereon fhould fing mafic at the bigh altar: thich chatre as 2 nation of bing Gotwara,therein bp autentibe tyzir made,anbd fandeth petthere at this date to be fene, ting thep confeifed the fuperiogitte of the realme to Jn the peare of our 1920 1296, the king helobis potamia, remaine in king Coward, fealed with the feales of foure bifjops, feuen earles, and tineluc barons of patkement at WBertuike : and there he take homage Scotland, and ahich Mhootlie after twas bp the whole fingularlic of diuerfe of the loxds ¢ noble? of Scots affentof the thee effates of Scotland, itheir (or ,., laid, And for aperpetuall memozie ofthe fame,thep Jemne pariement confeffed and enacted accogbding: : made their letters patents fealed toith their feales, lic,as moff euidentlic doth aypeare, and thenthe king of Gngland made William War reine carte of Surrie and Sonthfar lo2d Warden The Walioll it this wife made king of Scotland, d{dD immediatlic make bis homage and fealtie at of Scotland, ugh of Creslingham treafuro2, and William Dametbie intice of Scotland, aid forth AMetocafkel bpon faint oteuens daie(as did likes iwife all the loos of Scotland, each one letting bis twith fent king Jobnto the Cotwer of London, and Zohn Contin,and the earle Badenanth, the carle of band to the compofition iiuziting)to king Coward of Guglanp for the kingdome of Scotland: but Wobarn and other lords into Cngland to dtuerle plas ces on this fide of the rent, fhortlie after defranding the benigne gadnefie of Gndafter, that inthe peare of our tod 1297,af bis fuperfour,be rebelled,and did beric much burt in 40 the featt of Cyziftmas,the king called befoxe bim the England. icredpon king Coward innaded Scote faid John king of Scotsalthough he hadcommmitted lanb, fef;ed inte bis bands the greater part of the bint to tyard: and faid that he would burne 02 des countrie, and toke all the ffrengths thereof. Cahers bpon Wattoll bing of Scots cante bnto him to froie their caftels,totunes and lanns, if be were not recompented fox bis cofts and damages fuffeined Mauntrofle in Scotland with a tbhite wand in his hand, and. there refined thecrotwne of Scoftlano, inthe warres;but bing John and the other that were with all bis right, title,and intereft to the fame, into in Ward, anfivered that thep had nothing,fith their the bands of bing Colward, and thereof made bis lines,theirdcaths,md gmds iwere in bis hands, The bing bpon that anfiver moued with pitic, grantea charter in tuziting, dated and fealed the fourth peare of bisretgne. All the nobles amdgentlemenof Scot> so them their liues; fo that thep twould dm their ho» land alfo repaired to Wertwike , and Dio homage wip mage, ano make their oth folemnelie at theshigh al fealtic to king Coward, there beconmeing bis tubs tar(in the church ofthe abbete of Ccfinintter) ppon tects. Fo the better alfurance of tole oths ‘alfo, the encharif, that thep and euverie of them theula king Coward kept all the frengths and bolbes of hold and keepe true faith, obedience, and allegiance SPcotland in bis otune hands; and herebpon all their fo the faid king Coward and bis beires kings. of lawes, proceffes , all iudgements, gifts of affifes Cnigland for ener. And where the faid king of Scots ° aid others, palled bnder the name and authozitic of faty the bings bannerof Gngland difplaied, be arp king Cotward.Lcland touching the fame rebearfall, all bis potwer fhould d2aty therebnto, And that net- After the neath of Alorander king of Zcots, A «ms rigid Goprths, abbattbips;and other vige °° 5, fore thep required nothing but to infoiethelaiwfull liberties that thep bad quictlie pofteficd inthe laf king Aleranderstiie. After the death of this Wargaret,the Scots twere Deffitnte of anie heire fothecrowne from thisAlers andertheit lat king,at thtch time this Cowarddef ABaute,t Hattings, being bythe bumble petition of all the realuic of Scotland comitten to the Retermis England and Scotland.dno thatthe kings of Scot? bee Bent fill bolo the realme of Scotland ofthe -_leganderbis that he thould come to the tolze of WBzechin, and -_-bzing thither the great lozds of Scotland withhim. Ahebing of England lent thither Antonte wecke -bifhop of Durham, with his roiall potwer,to con: clude the {aid treatife. And there it was agred that «=the fain Johann allthe Scots thould vtterlie fubimit themfclucs to the bings till.and to the end the fubmiffion thoulnobe performed accordinglie, the coline fometinie king of Scots, being then in the bderffanding that all was in quiet and peace, be °" greateff taotle of his warres totth France, minded turned to the abbeie of Scone,ubhich was of canons 25 nofto take the pofefion of that kingdome in bis z. regular,there be tobe the ftonecatlen the Regall of otone right, but was contented to effadlith 1alioil Scotland,bponjithich the kings of that nation tere rhe Scots lwont fofit, at-the time of their coxonations for a ozeame that to be King thereof, the weake fitle betiweene him, > cc pifeapatnas, BeDRobercfaith,that nexAngliadabar honores,ee abbariassex prince benignlis granted, and fent to him agatne ie ed to bis fonne Goward:andfotohauemadeapers fect bnion long withen for betiwene both realmes, Werebpon their nobles at that timeconfioering the fame tranquillitie that manie of then baue fince refufed, Foo not bpan thifts anddelaies of minozi tieno: contempt, but mo gladlie confented, and therevyon fent tivo noble men of Scotland into Poriwaie,for bir to be bzoughttothis king Goward, but fhe vied before thetr comming thither, ad there: 10 bing of Scots laivjisfnnein boage anv pledge *" Gd Pargaret the kings danghter,and there the faid cattonof the homages of the Scotih kings to the Alerander-dinbomage to Wenrie king of Cngland - of,Sngtand , either before this time 93 ate fo) all therealine of Scotlann, r 1 Su buls of diverle popes tere admonitions gt Hhis was done 1175.Qoreoyer J readthis note 30 ven to the kingsof Scots, as apeareth by that of cc Mage fo bing Peurie forthe kingbame of Scots ee pecwedeaeee - e Cngland fo bint, Ghome he intended tobauemacts «« Wweiteth thereof in this maner, ther be o2 anie of bis from thencefw2th Mould brare 3n the peare of our 02 1 295, thefame Zohn 6° armies againg the bing of England 02 anie of bis « king of Scots,contrarte to bis faith anv allegiance rebelicd again king Coward,cnd came inte Eng» « land, and burnt and flue twithont all modeffie ano « mercie.Ciherebpon king Coward witha great bolt «" went to Pelwraltell bpon Line, palled the water of Lwed, beficged Berwike,and gotit. Alfo he fyan " the caffellof Dunbar , and there were flatne at this < brunt 15700 Scots. Then be proceeded further, mo . Gat the caffell of Nokelbozotw, and the caftell of Cdenbo2ow, Striuelin and Oediperth, and bis peos ¢ « « ple barrien all the Land. 4 the inane feafon,the fata king Jobn of Scots confinering that he twas not of potver to inithitand bing Coward, fent bis letters § snp befonght bin of treatie and peace, Bbich our blond. Finallie, the king retvarding with great gifts the faid king John and bis lo2d9,fuffered them to depart.Butthep went info Scotland altwaic ima ginfag (notwithfanding this theiv fabmiffion) boo they might opprefle hing Coward and oifturbe bis realme. Zhe Scots fent alfo to the king of France for fucconr and belpe, aho fent themtips to Wer: like furnifhed totth mien ofarmes, the king of Civ gland then being in Sflanders, 4nthe peare of our 102d 1292, the king tuent tn to Scotland with a great hott, and the Scots alfoab {embled in great number, but the king fought with fem at Fatwhirke on S.Darie Magdalens vate, bere Were Maine hyeefco2e thoufand Scots,¢ cath B., Itai |