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Show TheConqueftoflreland. pofehereitt the people might ffo bicwe andbebsta the fame. Of thele rlaves 02 games fome were of croell beats the onte fighting with the other ,fome Chap.42,434445 being feemelie and teell compact at all points, in bo: Die. AnD Mind be twas of a like compofition, being not tw greatin the one,mo2 proud in the othersof na of men fighting twith beatfs , and fome of met fighting the one toith the other , aid thefe plates tute be was beric courteous and gentle,and defired rather {0 tobe in Ded, than tobe thought 02 teputeo orfighting : for as incombatesin England, they -_-all bis doings, that in bis dates be as a patterne iuere called Zrdigladiator , games of fod plateng fo to be: be Kept fuda meafure and & moderation int of all fobgieticand god bebaufour ; a man of fei being bhbarneded , did fight with their Mors 02 --two20s,and bis fenfences more fall of wit and reafon topaponsin the open fightof the people,iideuouring ech antefo Bill the other,which tocre fpectacles of crus ro fhaut of iwowds and {pedis ; be bad move toma than tale, moze reafon than fpeech , and movetoile. eltic to harden the peoples hearts againf billing tt Dome than eloquence. And ohen fo ever anie matter the twarres. OF thefe fometwere called rzirmillones, wastobe debated, as he would take god leafure, Gbich were (nchas chalenged the fight ; fometwere called Gladiatores,and thefe were {uch as wwe Do name andbeabduifed before be toould {peaks fo then be {pakke he afdit berie iwifelie and paudentlie, gn mar matters of pefentes.bicanfe thep dledonelie orate -_-ftallaffatres alfo be fuas berie bold,ffont, and balilic the fina2D;and fome twere called xerianj andthefe ant, andpef not haffictorun headlong tt anie ads belides their toeapons did bie acerteine Bind of -_uenture. Andashe fygald be iwellanntfed before be hetwhich in fighting thep were Monttotakeandine gaue the attempt and aduenture, fo then the fame trap firir enimics, and {nch a one was thisman, tho fighting witha chalenger, dio bp chance miffe 20 twas once takenin band, be would ffoutlie purfue and folloty the fame. ibe tvas (ober, modell, and him and hill Steritis. chatt,conifant,truftic, and faithfull ; a mam notal: (2) Gnthe olp and firkages, men tucre mud gitogether twitboutfanlf,and pet not {potted with anic nentodzeames and bifions:andoffentimes great Notozfouscrinie ano fault. forelvarnings and proqnoftications tere gine thereby,as doth appeare in the holie{criptures , as oa : alfoin prophane biftoztes, 3fo2 Jofephthe fon of Far betweene2 theking The firft ee fob, hig arae , Bing JPabudovoncyon, Par. and hens,Daniell,Judas Madabeus, Percules, Py2 thas,Cicero,Catius,Parmentis , ¢€ mante others Dreamed dreames,and the fame cameto pale. Wut 3° lusfonnes. pleated Gon for fome fecret caufe tb ‘oe : thep are Mthe moneth of Aprilther next folotw- Dailic 02 in thefe Dates died; but rather tue mutt tsp elder,being tio longer able to conceale 02 {trpy Ltterlie fmbioden bs to liffen to anie Dpeamer or foatue credit tntobistwors. Chouthaltnot(taity 9 "Wquitaine an of sByitaine fuonenlic tole atna's ‘to France, bnto Aciwes the French bing bis fa not to be dzatone for prefioents and eramples fo be ing,the poug ting forme to king entice the haue a refpect and a regard to Gods {pectall coms mandement,tbo bp the monthsof bis pribetshath prolle the twickeonetfe he ban deutfen again _ «HIS father : be(3 faie) and bis too beethzen the earls he) Gearten fo the two2ds of a Dzeamer of Dzeames, fher in lato : fox be bad married bis dangbter , that havefailed them ‘iho bane put thete trate in them; M0 Moztenbisolopeares. Ano fo;bis further belpe fordreames baue decetuedimanie aman, andthey go VAting bis ald he might ouer-run bis olonc father, for irbte, thep are full of decefpts and guiles, and i uented etter fo the maintenance of faperttition be bad procured puto bim and on pis five mante Noble mon both French and Englith , tho openlie, amd erto?, 02 for the intcreating of fome fithtelucre Utmantic moze,tho fecretlic ntfoine toith bim to and gaine, Jhauopinus therefore trucighing againt adbim . The elder king the father tuas beri mud the Chalveans,tho were a people hich were wont forelie much bpon dzeames , twilleth and adutfeth that no dreamer 02 interpreter of Deeames Mouln troubled and bnquieted fo3 and abont thefe and ma nie other {adden troubles, hich on euerie foe did F°9W bpon him; but pet he barcit out with a gov fCe and countenance, diffembling that outivarbdlie be fought o2dealt tithall. Jo2(Catthhe) itthep tet the of ante god thing , ad inthe enddmdeceiue 5° Michbe concetued intwarblie. Ano to ftand firme ther,thon (halt be in miferie to hope in baine fo the MP alfured, begot and procuredby all the meancs Taune. Bf they tell thee of foine miffortume, and pet «Ye couldall uch aid anv belpe as was to be gotten bolie,pet fhalt thou be in miferie, bicaule thou thalt be fill infeare leat it map haypen. And liketuttc if and had.te fent into Jreland for bis garrifon, hich be bablett there; anv being at atone be committed lotw,thon thalt be inmifericand onqnicted, that thy Atle Ktchard; bat foined Refmond in commilflon thep fhetw thee of euill haps , and the fame de fo fol, thall be fruttrated : therefore in no toile dw thon ; es ante {ach perfons ,noz giue anie credit dato m The defcription of Maurice Fitzgerald, a hap-4 3. . : Diswaurice Was amanofimuchna: os ANd tworthip,but Lomekbatthamefak bos vet Werte tuell coloured and of ag@d uuntenance,of ature be iyas indifferent, -_swithall abo ts leatk (patted +,¢ bimmust ineaccount and hinketabe wife, cho knowlengels,the fame: froublen amd graven the hing; than the gentlemen nfhispituie chamber, ane dmupote bands ina nian ner late bishfeor death; woulbeucrie night, tet lic andMotthtreacherous mindsrun and.relogt obis tie; andbuder heavens no perfec felteitie, but evill Dangerous + there was no one thing, aplchmoze Gor things are mixt with god things md, vices ioined iwith bertues » And.therefore, ag things fpokon. in commendation elther.of,a mans geo difpotition, 02 of bis iwgstbie hoings,dm delight and like tellthe {wares inthe beginning, tere berie Doubtfu the king binalelfe in great pefpatre s pet bis harp bes Hiring hada gwd ending, and bein the end had.the Hidorlerto his great bono? and glorie . And od, tobe well lifed be allrecited and iweitten.. dnd.pet the shiloloybersareof theopinion, thatweought to reuevencefothe higherpowers in all marier.of om 10 beaver :enen fo let bimyotbe offenden,ifthings nos fernico;they were nsttobefonnd. Anvalbeitl,tycle and faho atthefii feemicn to boangrietulth boss. tr his'angertapoinge vpon bimbis tath qo indige nation:petatoln bpon bis-amendenentand conucte fiort, be: foas become nrexeifall buito bin, and twell ces.anb dueties ag thatfue ould natprovoke noz mope them init ante.foarpefpeches oxdilozdered languages. Jfox(as. Ference fatth ) faite towsand fothing fpeeches breafrénihip, but plaine telling offcuth makes eniiesieee itis a Dangerous thing to {peabe euill agatnitbim, though the.accafts pleaten. Sind at the catiellof Aanotvid), -abereot Aoinnlfe Glandeuill was then gouerno2., tho tas 20 onbe neuer t (ult, as tho can forthintthanengethe atoifeman, mdalioaies m8 faithful and frnftieto the king,there iwasa general peace pesclanicd, ano all Cnglandinreft and quietnette. In this warre the hing had. takert peffoners the king of Scots, the rarles of Chetier-and of Lele cefter , befives fo mante: gentlemen and good teri torsboth Gnglith ano sfrench, that he bap {carlea nie psttiins for fo manie pelfoners, no2 fo manie fet ters for famanie captines,, Bat foxfomuch as in thers, nhacannotalto trinmy) of the conquering of bimfclfe; and although the king bap indured anda, bidcitmante forms,great: bnquietietie, and.mud troubles: and at length baning ouercommed both thonrann bis erimies, hemightthe fonerhave ber fozeaken and auengedof them ; pet feffing apart thofe affections enen inthe mivdle of bis triumphs bporrothers.he alto teinmped over himfelfe; ofing fame .Anditis amatter. moje dangerous, aw be aduentureth himiclfe gerte fav,hhich inlcontendit matte inoids againit him, tbo in one 02 flv inojas car inzeakethe fame... it were {uerlie a beri haypie thing , and that thich 4 confelle pallet) mp reach, if a man intreating of p2inces canfes might tell the fruth in.cucrie thing,and pet not offend thent in anie thing... 1But to the purpofe. ig Bh wenging mind , be gaue horns tobis aductlaries , € Uifeta his entmies, ‘And the wanres thusafter tos peares ended , andall the great fozmes, ouetcomy Ted, hegranted peace.to allimen, and forgaue ech man dis offenteann trefpalle .. Arid» the end alfo The defcription of king Henrie punt bis bodie trith continuall erercile, anndidas it were kepe a continuall Marre With himfelfe: F 02 in the times of bis toarres,tbich tuere fo2 the mot part continualto bin be badlittle op no reff atalls amd intimeof peace be tvould not grant onto bim« felfe ante peaceat all,no2 tabe anie reff : for then did he atue bimlelfe tholte bute bunting, and tofollous the fame be fuould beric exlie eucrie moaning be on bo2Mebacke,andtheninto the ums,fonretimes into the forretts,and fometines into the billes and ficlos, and fo, fvould be {pend the ahole date onitill night, Is Chap. 46, berie feloome fit either before 02 after {upper : for bis formes repentingthetyfollies, came and fubmits ted themielues,with alt bumblencile peloing then {clues tobis toil and pleature, thefecond. Mth T werent now amifie,butberterequt NY fit that tue thould( fo; a perpetuall remem: banceof the bing) Deferibe ano fet forth as Well the nature and conditions of: bis in- toard man as of bis outtoard; that men which Hall thefecond. traiture': forbe being fonoble an o;nantent to this Chap.45. doth this hittozte permit sto omit and pale him a» erin Glence . (herein Wwe are to crane parton that ive may plainelie peclare and tell the truth; foin all thefreiesconceiue bis erie nature and livelie po2, fime ano our biftoste ; we might not well, nether painfull traucls.re at length mot valiantlie Seaeaes againtt bise ninriess¢ furelic it was moze of Govs gwones, an by mans potverand(as it is to be thought)fo: the te nenge of the difabedience ¢ tozongs dane bythe again fhe euening then became home, he would never 02 though be tere neuer fo wearte , pet fill would he be walbing, amd going. And forfomuch as ttis berie profitable fox enerte man inbis life time,that he da not take to. much of anie one thing;for the medicine tt (elfe which is. aypointen for a mans belpe ¢tentes bie, isnot ablolutelie perfect and god to be alates Se defirous pereafter to learns and read bis molt 6o bicd-:euen fo it befell and bawened+tothis prince; foo noble ads inchinalrie , map allo as it were before He king bauing indured moze than cr uill wars two fbole pears togither aftvell .ere asin Agnitaine, in great wed round,bis eles tuere fiertéred,and grim,and bis face berie highcoloured;bis boice 02 fpeech twas (habing, quivering, o2 trembling; bisnecke Moot, bis break bagdeand big, froug aruicd, bis bodie twas grofle, and bis bellie fometbat big, thich came duito bint ras ther by mature than: by aniegrotle fening o2furfets ting,Ffo2 bis diet was berp temperat,and folate the truth, thought to be moze {pare than.comelie, 02 foz the fate of apzince:and petto abate bis gvoffenciie, {och kinnsof conttefies x clemenctes as before bad hotbene beard. Foz fayrelling bis malice andres 40 andfo remedte this fant of nature,be did ag tf were Ofthe vi&ories of king Henrie nich wachings,¢ -_-fo hte, fregll orlolie matters there ts nocerteins fonnesjandin the momtug shen.hey fhoulo.dobim chargeandgoucrnmentof all Zreland buto the With bim, bicaute the earte twithout bim would not ante thing, no2 takethe charge bpon dim. And pentthou thalt be much onquicten to lobe fo long -VeN the Kingof bisliberalitie gaue alfo bnto bitm for it; andaltvates in foare leatt thineerpecation 6. towne of Werfozn with the cattell of Guatkuilo. fortune and deftinée ts feuill.But they tell thee of gad things ,and it belong per the famedmbap, bome{o{thont his fault, pet is he moft to.be boone houtholvare commontic the tort enintics; ano of allenimies,, the bouthold. + familiar entmie t¢mofk Wenrte the fecond,bing of Englan-iwas ofaber baine doth a man triumpyof, fhe conquefts bpon or 30 vig.gad colout,but fomefthat red: bis bead great and Chap. 44, pet thefe being but particular eramples,and bbich it {The Conquelt of Ireland. 6. Ohap.45,4 againt the father. Bub fofomnd aga mangs.otwne bidtoxies the perfect ano full trnth is tobe alates o Pened, and twifhoutit the fame wanteth both author partlie bp bis creefliue trauels,and partlie by dtucrie binfes in bis bovte, bislegs and fet were fwollen and (ore, And though he hanno vifeafe at all, pet age it (clfe pasa breaking fuffictent onto him, ie was of a refonable ftature 5 {hich haypencd to noneof bis fong; fobis two eldeft fons were fomixbat higher,+ his twoponger fons were fometbat lover ano lefle than was he. Afbe were inag@dmod, ard nota Titieand crenit : for art muft fellow nature .And the gic, then wonld be be verie pleafant andeloquents he as ali (bic twas a thing berie rare in, thofe bates) berie welt learned: he twas allo beric affable, Portraiture as liuelie as map be, if he fwarue gentle,and courteous 5 and befines fo pitiful, that painter therfore, whofe profeffion and art isto make fromthe fame, ten both he and his toorke lacke and tant thetecommenbdation. And albeit no nian be then be bad overcome his enimic, pet woul be be ousrconte With pitic towarde bim, D, (ff, ‘ an |