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Show sk The defcription ofBritaine. aSnSS Seaname hd. aad Steaboiib 4. dnifeeme tofpeakeof i tons ating 0 i fi inei 5 : cenraanit ene See enceehEs. Mae SecatyWer fo ¢ Bath note the Aenhahks ad t \tobetheonelie i ;¢ ify denaie rsoem Atplcolbaing 21 Cas, abs mite ante vsical pration,(o thathereby gente at they ares hey ghettes iniBeitaine, Sepeant thorcontrouctlic doth ref tn the tinte 10 that thep vere pronoutiten eninies to the aaa atid Riffurbers ofthe aoe eg and quictieffe o ! f s here in England, 2 sheieproutnec be Savors became firtt arjuatnten oyte le,bp mreancs of the ptracie trhich thep Dailic practi: fed bporrour coafles (after they havonce begun to ay venture themfelues alfoponthe Saeed4 - comein ten notte wai auclinares cmntnren i Bacawca i et coainevnan iene : but y fe perfedlie 10 be fo. quelle fay the maintenance that is 1 of theit defited antiquitic t ) as concerning ts . Pot, Scioadieoa ( g gd Scotusfee eaecovetealgeneaerthA fiom. ‘ wb they anv their netgly: maine, bith Wiel parts arts of of the the maine, bours had alrcadicfpotlen in moft lamentable and bars batougsmaner) hotwbeit they neuer duvft pocfuume to a Aland, Onfill-thep 7 tuere fent for by V or~ Thebuitly inthis Aland, inhabit i : ‘ rigenfoferuc him inbistvarres againft the Wicas and foprenaid, Scotsatter that the womans had ginen bs ouer, ~ Certein inbabit intht fi Strabo and Diodorus Do fpeabe,are none other thas -ont moze twealth thaw toas nolv to be gotten -_cft bs Lupolic to onvotwnenefenfe and regintent, 15 o they twere nota littic inflamed to makea full conquett fo inell as Freland euenin bis fime.Whicbisanother of fuch as at the fictt thev came to aid and fuccour, piofe that the Scots and Zrifhare all one people.Lhep erevpon alfo theyfell bylittte and little to the tind. fuere alfocalledScotibp the Romans, bicaule theirs ing inof greater numbers ofthete courtrintent and land ¢ o2iginiall injabitatton thereof were buiknoiwne, neighbourswith their Yoluesand childzen info this te: and they themfclues an obfture nation in the fightof gion,(o that within a tile thefe nety conilings begait all the world. Molw as concerning the Pics, thatta: tomolet the bomelings, and ceafen not fromtime to eucrRanulplius Hygden tmagineth tothe contravienf tints te continuetheir purpofe, bntill thep bad gotten thott latter enterance,it is eafie te find by Herodian 30 poffetitonof the tole, o2 at the leaftintfe the qreatet and Mamertinus(of tich fhe onecalleth them Meates, pat of our countric ; the W2ifons in the meane Teas the other Kenthankes andpPicones) that thep were fon being difueneither into Mates and Co2metoall, fetled in this Tle long before the timeofScucruspeaof 02 altogtiber out of the {land to {eke new habitatie Crfar,and commingof the Stots,Whidhis mofetuts cient,ifuo further authozitie remained ertant for the fae. So that the contronerfie lieth not in thetc come ining alfo,but in the truc timeof their tepaite and ads uentute into this Zland out of the Drtsades (outof tchich thep gat oucrintothe Motyparts of our courte ons, Si like maner the Danes (the next nation that Danes, fucceeded) cameat the firf onelic to pilfer and robe dponthe frontiers of our Zland, till that in the end, being let tnby the Wlelymen 02 WBettong theough ar earnete defite to be teuenged bpon the Sarons, tric, as the tuaiters Dm reportyand front fence thep 40 thep no lefle plagued the one than the other » thetr came at the Girt into the aforfainZlanns, stormy patt -_fieends than their apuerfaries , fecking byall meanes Bloypole with other,that they came hither out of Sar. pofltble to cftablith themfelucs alfo in the fure po matia 0} Scythia : fox that nation bauitig hav al -_fellion of Writaine. Wut fuch was their fucceffe, that Anaies an ciebnto the commovitics of our countrie, they profpered not long int their dente : fo2 fogreat bath font out mante companies tointade ann fpoile twas their lozdlinemte , crneltic, ano infatiable defire Mices With werandmavder stothe cuvthep might birains ( thofe dufbands and par rentsivere dailie inforced to become their naunges and therame, 3¢ maybe that foetwill gather;thote ts be the Picts, of thom Corfar faith that thep fatnedthetr aps Peate terrible anfearcfullta their entinies ; ann fo tir- vf viches , betive their deteffable abuting of chatk mattons,and pong forte that the Pics tere natural Writans. Yue it is Hanes,tubtlett thep fat at home ano fen Itke none bes 50 Of thetinet of their travell ano labours)that God Onte thing to fkatr-2 the face onelie as the Butans dio, would not fufter them to continue anphbile overJ fav of thom P ropertiusfaith, 08, but tthen be faty his time he rentoucd thete poke, Nuncetiam infettos demummutare and Britannos, And fopaint theimages and pootrattures of beats, - and foules Ouer the thole bodie, as the Plas did50f hom manne, 9onal dV bara depre f mnt. Sauce Yslibertic as it were ta breath bs i thereby fo fer tahetber this his charpe fcourge could haue moucd bs torepentance mMendinent of our lefed and finfull belies hot. iGut aberno figne thereof ayearedinour ea hia t er Ds. Cortes the times of Samothes and Aibton > bane Pe Romans,ae a people mired teith Danes fonie likeli het5 oad and of pee , c limitraation: and fo tue map gatherof the u OMmitis Iwarthilie 39 Cotiming itt of Wrute, of Cafar > the Sarons, moe" the So barn aud cruel! s : ourcooe to pats Pownians,and finallic ofthe vif oie untrimen thanth e Danes , 02 Flemmings, moze heauie and intolterable to our Zland AD the Rolle in Wales aligned he brito them 1066, After the nrowning of theit count Aarons 02 the Romans . This nation camethant out of rie.) Sut then fire the Newfiria , the people thereof were Pies, ¢ thon the Scots oul called shox d come cuer into our 3: mans by the Irend), bieaufe the Dane 488 thep were obfeure Peop s le, dued that region, caine out of the Port which fubs Avtiuall is as far to me Unkuotwn fo the time of their parts of the e. World : aneucrthelette, ¥ fuypole that hthe NtiON OF this point mut Till Wherefore the Telos remaine In tenebris ancient imus fir ZX es too2d Newitria , is coxrupten from Weltrijc , bt caule that if pou mark d them to get ba, Atton tn Brelandhe out Sles andthe Porth part of Maine > and firaalli llice Diulded thei ) r re gion betwer§ te ae MMidthe Pic ts, We POGION , as Pewwiria is the Weatk : for Arye in the ola Deithian tong doth Mis neneethetetic és certeine. that Max gate of Writaine, anda fteriparn emperour daue the Scots ont of Wrtainre, aud comp elle denoen IMHhmew , foy Tecetutug ced Wwarrealfs them inte their Bs tt thofe Scots,of ihonrIorome fpeakteth 4 duer/us lourneing therefore come bnder engif in three bottonts o: anum, lib.r.tho bled tofed on the buttocks of boies and 20 kelesandin Torttime efpienc the tole and negligent tooments paps,asdelicatenithes. Acthicus twaitingsf behattiour ofthe Wettaines, end fertilitic of our foile, the Jleof Panatirmethittobeinhabiten twith Scots or Daritth French,twere vedlieaduerfariestothe Cng» lh Sarons, firtk by meane of aquarell that geet bee e the fituat it lteth oppor fite from Suitria o2 Di-ryle, thichton, is calles the Calk fignifiea tegiono2 kingdome, asin Frane-ruc, 02 Franc-reich, WHetkfaron-reid, DE faron-reich ; Su-tije, Angel-rifeec fcene, But hototoencrthis falleth ont, jis elfe to be thefe Poomans o3 Ehecante of the Carle.Jn procetie alfa ofthis bufinette,the Arbt- Erie Goon: hop aceufen the Carle of high: treafon ! , burvening Pre fanoerep by the tweene themtn the Dates of Edward the Confeflour,at himtoith the daughter of Alfredthe kings brother, French mis fuch time as the Carle of Buller, and Willian Duke Uhith Was altogither falfe : as apeareth by a treatife ** of Mozmandie, arrived in this land to vifit him,s their petertant of that matter, tozitten by a chaplaine ta frends; fu)Normans (J meane) as came ouer with Kinng Edward the Confeffour , in fhe bands & Iohn hint and Emma bis mother befoehinr, inthe tine of Stow imp berie frend ebherein be faith thus »Alfredus Canutus anvEthelred. $Fo2 the firfooting that enerthe ineante agens naduenty ; fioin Angliam 4 Dane circumuens Ferenc) did (ct in this Pland,fithence thetimeof Ethel sys occidstuy. Headdeth moreouer,that giving out as he bert Sigebert,twas twith Emma, ahich Ladie brought 10 came though the countrie aceompanien With bis felp ouct a traine of Jfrench Gentlemenand Ladies with proud Mozmans,howhis meaning was to reconer his bir into England, tight onto the Kingdome , and fuppofing that all men After hit alfo no fall numbers of attendants tyeconquett game trt With Edward the Confeflour, trhome he pre- bythe rang,12Forren to the qveatetl offices in the realmte sinfomuc) woulo haue peclocd onto him, befell into thetr banos, thome Harald then bing Did fendto apprehend him, pon the fante onelie of this report brought onto his that one Robert a sPogmran , became Arehbithop of rates, So that(to be thozt)atter the king bad manebis Canturburie , whole pzefermrent fo much enhanced pacification toith the Carle, the French (F fay) fucre the minds of the French,on the onefive , as their loans eriled,the Nuene reffo2ed to bis fauont ( thom be at licandoufragtous dentcanour kindled the fomachs the beginning ofthis bzoile had impzifonca at Wilton, of the Cnglith nobilitie againt them on the other; in- 20 allowing bir but one onlie mato fo twait bpon bir)and fomuc) that not long before the death of Emma the thelandreducedto bir former qnietuelte, thhich contis kings mother,and bpan occafion of the beall bapning hued neil the death of the king. After fhich the Pov at Douer(thereof J baue made fufficient mentton in mansnot forgetting thelr old grudge,remembzed fill mp Conologie , not regarding the report of the their quarcll, that in the end turned to their conquett French authors in this bebalfe, tho trite altogither tt of this Jland . After thich obteinen, thep were fo the fauour of theic Archbithop Robert , but following cruellic bent fo our btter fubuerfion and oucrtholw, the authozitie of an Cnglit pret then liutng in the thatin the beginning tt was lee repaoch tobe accom. The mitecte court) the Cnglifh Peres began tothe their otite ted a favethan an Cuglifyman, o24 veudge in anie 2f,'¢ Cus : : . iif} pnder king in manifell manev, Peuertheletle,the Pounans filthie bufinette than a iB2itaine : infomnch that enes the French. fo befwitehed the bing twith their Ifeng and botting, Ro- 3° vie French page was fuperiour fo the Steatelt Peres bert the Archbithop being the cheefe tnftrument oftheir and the loffe of an Cnglifpmanslife but a pattimeto puacife , that he beleeued them, and therebpon beren fach of thent as contended in their brauerie, tho fouls fundsie of the nobilitte , amongtt tom Carle Goodgiue the greateft firokes o2 ounds onto their bodies; wij of dkent vas the cheefe, a noble Gentleman and then their toiling and peudgerie coulanot pleafe them, father in laty fo bing Edward bp the mariageof his 02 fatilfie thetr greedie humozs. et fuch was onr lot in Daughter. ihe matter alfo came to fuch iffue again thofe dates bp the diuine ayointen o2der,that ine mute bint, that be twas erfled ,and fiue of bis fonnes with needs obep fchas the ozo did fet once bs,an0 fa much him,oberebponhe goeth ouer the fea, and fone after the rather,for that all potver to refit tas btterlictas refurning ivith bis fain formes, thep tnnaded the land ken ftom bs,andonrarmes manefo tueake and feeble in fandsie places,the father bimfelfe comming to Lon- 4° that thep tere not notable to rentonet he impoatable Don,tbere ben the kings polwer was readie to foie load of the entmie from onr furburaenea fhoulders , Ivith him in battell, it vtferlte refuted fo toda: affire Andthis onelie ¥ fate againe,bicanfe fuerefuled grace The canfeof ming plainelie, that tt ould be mere follie for one offered in tine,and toonld not heare Hhen Goo bp hig ourmiterte., Englithmanto fight again another , inthe teuenge Preachers did call bs fo fanourablie onto hint. Db of Srenchmens quarels : hich antwer entren fo deep» hotv miferable was the eftate of our conntric tnocr lie into the kings mind,that be was contented fo haue the French and Powmans, therein the IBptttith ard the matter heard, amd aypointing commiMioners for Cnglith that remained,could notbe caltza to anp funes that purpote ;thep concluded at the bpihot, that all the tiomin the contMontuealth, nenot fomudas tobe cona French Houlo pepart out of England bya day few fables and heanburotwes in fiall billages,ercept thep ertepted,tijomthe king fouls appoint and nomitiate. 5° conto bring 2.02 3. Poamans for fuccties fo the Lozas Rechbihop IBythis means therfore Robert the Arehbithop, + offer of the foile for their geo bebantoutr in their offices ! Db of Caner cret countell with the king, tas firf cited as prinict, that numbers of alloegre s of Cngli} ans WBetttith . ten, an the pall abufer ¢ feducer of the king, tobe goeth to Rome, Rett of the were madeflanes and bondmen and bought and fon French, ¢ there complaineth to the Popeof bis iniuviereceiued $ oveniit open market! $n fo much thatiat the ficte by the Cnglith . Potwbeit as be returned bome as comming , the French bond were fet free; and thofe gaine With no fmall hopeof the reabeption of bis Sex, that attertward becamebond, were of our ofpne conte be died in Po2mandic,oherebp he faucda killing. Cer frie and nation, {0 that fetp o2 rather none of bste: fcs be twas the firll that ener tendered complaint ont amained free Without fome note of bondage and fers of England bute Rome,¢ with him went WilliamIts nitude to the French, Iereby ther. we percetue, {hop of London(afterfvard reuoked) and Vifo of Lins Co hotly fromtime to time this Zland hat}ncymnelte Colne,who hardlie efcaped the furie of the Crglith nobene a prep, but asit teereacommon receptacle fox bilitie. Sonte alfo went tito Scotland, and there helo frangers ,the naturail homclings 02 dBzitons being themfclues,erpecing a better time.And this is the true fill cut Thozter and thozter,as F fain before y till in the Difforie of the originall caufeof the conqueft of Gung, entd thep came not onelicto be detuen into a comer of land bythe French: for after thep were tell beatenat this regton;but in timealfa beri like btterlic to HaUe gn tht vot. Douer , bicaufle of their infolent demecaourthere bene ertinguithen. Jfo2 had not king Edward,farntay ase the fain thewen, their barts neuer ceafed to boile twith a vefire of reuengethat beakie out into a flaine,fo fone as their Robert poffeffed the pimacic , hich being once obtetned,and to fet bis miftheefe intended abzoch fwithall, & confention twas quichlie procured about certeine Lentih lands,and controuerfic kindled,abether he o2 the Carle fhould bauemot right vito themr.dhe king Held toith the pried as with the church,the nobilitic with med the faint, in bis time,atter grenous tars mane Pardbut bf Drenfor,fonne to Godwin Carlesoftent, anvat, went fer king Dpouthem1063. (therein Haraldlatelie made Earle fchith,whic h of Englann; was his Senerall) permitten the atterwacn remnant of thetr womento foine in mariage totth the aeons Englifomen(ahen the mot part of their hufbands the garvitory male chilazen iwere Haine totth the fox) it conto aw notPe, baucbheene otheripite choten but thet thole race mutt therein, B.A, neens ee aT . : 1 lands but thep sae 2=mitch ov .": a! *s a ~ The defcription ofBritaine. 6 |