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Show "The defcrip tion ofBritaine. ting it, as that al{o tthich Cxfar calleth Mona tw fitit- of ive haue ftore pearelic brought bate Cole faite it Cher is mot delicate ,by reafon of their excellent pa. ffure,and fomuch toas tf effermed bythe Aothans tn fime path, that Columella of not onelte commend and p2eferre them before thofe of Liguria, but the ent perours themfelues being tere band alfo tanfen theit Wales, as Sicilia was to Ronrw and Ffalie fortheir p2outfion tobe made for nefe out of Analefet, to fen yronifion of come. 3n like manetthe WMlelshment bpon at their otune tables as the mofk excellent beefs, themfelues called if the motheroftheir countric,forgt At taketh notw the nante of Angles and Ei, ahtchists uing thete minds Gyatte to pattnvage,as the molt ealie amibdiefle chargeable trade, they dtterlie negledted-tily 10 meane the Sie of Cnglithmen, bicaufe they wantt in the Conquero2s time,bnoer the leading of dough earle lage, as mien that leaned onelie to the fertilitie of this Gland for thetr come, from thence they neuer failed to of Chefter,and isugh of Stretwefburic. Hotwheit thep recouered itagaine in fhe time of Williain Rufas,tebon tecefue continuall abundance. Gyraldus faith that the thep (poited the citte of Olocefter ,ranfacked Shictwet Gle of Anglefet was no lelle fufficient to miniffer gtaine for the faltentation of all the men of Wales, burie,and returned home with great bowtie and pillage, than the mountaines. called Eteri 92 Snowdoni it in thich botage alfo thep tuere holpen queatlte by the Sponthinales Were to pelo plentio of patture fox all the Arithmren , Mhoaiker the pearestoined with them a cattell ahatheuer within the aforefain compatte, tf gaine,and flue the carleof Shretvefburic (tbich then thep ivere brought toatther and lett bpon the fame, Fe liued)twtth great crucltte . Zhe Wielfmencallit Tiret i t fwelnére, as 20 mone and Mon, and bereitt liketwife is a promontozie tpudieetllediteyiiihranasiensen therebe dates ina peare, which fome converting iinto o2 Bpland, called Holichead( trich hath in time p att fi aul Cantreds hane accomptcd but for thee, as Gyraldus beene named Cair kyby , of Kyby a monke fhat diuels 2 faith, Hotwbeit, as there hauc bene ¥ fap 3.63.tolones led there)fromthence the readielt patlageis common indnglefet, fo now agreat part of that reckoning ts lichad outof Mozthtwales to get oner into Areland, of Dtterlie hronke, anv fo far gone to decaic,that the bes thich Fle ¥% twill not {peake at this time 5 leak 4 Tieruines of thei are onieath tobe {ene ¢ difcerned: thuld beveaue another of that traucll.3et Plinie faith, amd petit femeth fo be mevtlie wellinbabited. Leland hb.4.cap.1 6. that itlieth not farce off from and ouer a: noting theCa{malneffe of our hundzedsi comparifonts gaint the Silures, tidy then dtvclled pon the iuefk that thep Were in tine patf, andeth(fo far as J remenv coaffof our Zand, and cuenfo farre as Dunbritton, bev)that there are fy of them in Angletet, as Menay, 30 and bepond : but to our Cair kybi . Lhe Writons Maltraith,Liuon,Talbellion, Torkalin,and Tindaichin : named it Enylfnach, 03 bolie Ze, of the fulnetfe of fatle by manic an hundzed fold. Zr old time it Pas reputed and takenfor the common granaricto Lygod, The defcription ofBritaine. point,called Ynis Ligod,thatis to fate,the Fle of wife, wD of thefe tivo this latter is the fmalict, neither of thent both being of anp greatnemte to {peake of. Ynis Serial. Seriall o2Preftholme,licth outer again Penmon,o2the Preftholme point called the headof Mon , there ¥ founda totyne (a8 J told pou)ofthe fame denomination . Prolomie nameth notthis Jlaid,abereof ¥ marucll. Bt is pars cellof Flinthire, and of the turifviction of S. Ata ph, and infertilitie of foile,and beeed ofcattell, nothing in: ta {peaketh of a fecond Deuantas Haber ex abiom are- nantarafaith he)necnon ex orchadas. SBut which Hould be prima,as pet ¥ do not tead,crcept it houlo be Angletet, and then fatth Malmesburie tell, Zn like fo2f Proper~ tins fpeabeth of a Benanta, which he callen Nebylofa, but he meaneth it eudentlie of alittle totone inciny baia there he twas bome,/i/.4. leg. De urbe Rom. Cher: fore there neocth no bie of his authozitic. This in the meane tine is cuident out of Orofius, /sb,1.capzte 2. that feriour onto Anglefei hic mother : although that for ro Sots diwelled fomtine in this Zle,as alto in Srelany, quantitie of ground it come infinttelie thozt thereof, and be nothing comparable onto it. The latt Zlano ‘ops on the coft of (ales,hauing now left A nglefei, ig cal: ted Credine,andalthoughif lie not paoperiie twithin the compafte of my defcription, pet Fj twill not let to touch thie) Echicus alfoattirmeth of bis otpnetime, and finallte confirmeth that the Scots and rity tvere fanica timeone people. Ft hath in length 24.miles,and 8. i Credine, beedth, and is tri manerof like Diftance from Gallo> way in Scotland, Jreland and Cumberland in Cuge it bp the wate, fith the caufep thither fromDenbighland,as Buchanan repooteth, land, ts commontic ouerflotone, at is partlie mabean Bu this Jlandal(o were fonetime 1 300. families, Zlandby the Conwey,andpartlie bp the fea.\But to poe of tthich 960. twere in the welt halfe >and the reff i the ceed,fbert luc had bietuen this place,te pation fozth to other. Wut now though foining houte to houfe ela S. AntoniesJle, which is about tivo o2 thee miles com: 20 foland (acommonplague ano canker , thich tuill cat pafle 02 moze,afandie toile , but pet vevie batable fo2 bpall, if proutfion benot made in tinte to luifan t fheepe and cattell, itis tell replenithen alfo with freth this mifcyeefe)that rumber is halfe dininiheo,anv pet twels,great plentie of wild foule, confes and quarries inanpofthe rich inbabiters want rome, ano twote not of bard ruddie ffone , hich is off brought thence to hotv and there to bettotve themfelues » fo their quiet Wietkchetter,abere thep make the foundationsof their contentations. Certes this tmpediment grotveth not buildings wtthall.2here are alfo tivo parith churches in by veafon that men were greater in bodte,thai thep the fante,dedicated to S, Antonie and &, ohn,butthe Haue beneint time paff, but onelte for that thetr tf people are vevie pwze, bicaule thep be fo off fpoilen bp tisble defire of inlarging their pauate pollefions ine pitats , although the loz of the fame be berie tueals creafeth Hill bpon thent,and twill do moze, ercept thep thie thozough the erchange made with them of bis 30 bereffrai ned : but toreturne to our purpofe, Jt was bicuals, for their twares, thereof they make gov once {polled bp the Scots in the tine of bing Athel, number of Evil pentivozths, berebute Lhoid faith alfo hot it belonged inold time as thenes connmonlie dw of fuch preies as cavcates of bolie men , thich thep afirme to haue I ane,cheeflic by Anlafus in bis flight from the blouvie bnto the kingdome of Guinhedo3 Portales, and they get bplike eltheat, notivithtanding their landing beene buried there. But herein 3 maruell nota little, battell, oherin Conttantine king of Scotland was .Wotv: place one at onlie Dangerous,a berie is that therein at a totunecalled Aberfraw, being on the there nd oucrcemes fecondliebp the Scots 1388.after it came therein women bad offended, that thep might not fouthweltfive of the Zle, the kings of Gwinhed helo beit thep are conftreined to bfe it , and there to make tothe pofleftion of the Gnglith, for in the beginning come thither, 02 at the leat wife returne from therice their marts. euctmoze their palaces, thereby it came fo pale, that Fromhence twe tvent on, ontill we came the kings of Scotland han this Jland bnoer their doz {without fome notable repzocy o2 fame buto their boMilberic. to the cape of Jie WBiee,02 Hilberic,anb point of Wipzs thebings of Nozthiwales tocre for along time called niinion,almott from thetr fit arriuall in this Rand, dies, Wy fonthalfo of Hilarie point , fometebat incli: bitigs of Aberfiawjias the Welfhmen namen the 3relano, into commonpatl a is thence from ale, age amd as Bedafaith till Coivine bing of the Morthanv hing toward the eaff , lieth Inis Lygod ,afimall thing kings of Cuglandbingsof London, til better inftruOf 18,02 20, houres failing, if the tether be mot tents bers Wwanit fron: them,and bnited it fo bis kingdonie, (God wot) and therefore not wosthie Gteat remenr: ous. dion did bring them farther knowlenge. Dhis Jland atthe full fea isa quarter of a mile 40 After the tine of Cotwine, the Scots Gat the polfettton 40 beance:nenertheles not tobe omitten > though nothing Chereare in Angletet manp tofones and billages; from the land, and the ftreamte bettoeene foure fadams thereof againe, and heldit till the Danes ¢ fLorwaies elfe inforced the memoztall thereof > butoneli e the thofe names aspet cannot overlie atteine tuto: Deepe,as hip-botes haue oft founded,butat a lowe tyas Wart tt fromthen ho alfo Rept if(but with ntuch trove number and certeine fale of (uch Zles as lie about therefore ¥ will content my felfe totth the rebearfall feraman map go ouerthither on the fand. he Fle of ble)alm ot 370,peares bnerthe gouernance of their out Fland.Z neight alfo tpeake of the Zle Mail Ronyof & many asive dietued in failing about the tfelfe ts vevie fandic a mile in compatte , and fuel fo biceroies, Khome the hingsof sorwaie inuetted buts coats, adahid lieth nozth wet of Angletes bpfire miles; buf And ofbertoife heard report of by lucas % haue Ted with contes,thither alfo went a fort of fuperftictous that hortoz, till Alerander the third king of that name talken bicanfe the true name hereof, as of Manie tiaers ann Withall. Weainning therefoye at the mouth of the Get foles in times paff,in pilgrimage,to our ladie of Hilin Scofland recouerenit from them, with all the rete" fireames are to me bnknotone,¥ am the move tilling nf (hich rifeth ato nogtheaft aboue Gomi 02 berie, bp tibofe offerings a cell of monkes there, abich of thofe Jles thatelie bpon the teff coaft, called alto Geuenni, to pafle them ouertn filence,leatt 3 fhould be noted to 2o.mmiles atthe leat into the lanp ) ive patted belonged to Chefter,was cherifhen and mainteinen, Sodorenfes ithe dates of Ma gousking of owwaie. fir by befarther cogruptereffuch wore as F have Hundwyn, then bp Newborow » Port Hayton, no (kill to Lhe nert Zland bponthe coat of Cnglandis Pan And fithens that tinte the Scotith princes haue not Beaudelings and erbibit in their kind. And now to martais, Penmon, Elian, Almwoch, Burric 02 Mona Cefaris, hicfome name Mana 92 Manim, 5° ceafedto conclude give latucs tofuchas dwelled there, butalfo (ftherebp 5° {with the defeription ofthe hole Zland this Z will ap rurmethavill trtoacrecke) Cornew, Holihed bat after Prolomic, Monaoida,as fome thinke » though from time to time appointed {ud biffops as thoutn cy (fans mozeouer dnts hit commodities , that as there Ding in the Promontozie) Gwifen, Aberf are other alcvibe that nameto Anglefei, which the TCelths ercife ecclefiafticall turifoictioninthe fame,till tt as raw, and Cair the bet milffones of hhite,red,blew,angreene greets; Cadwalader, of all fibteh, the tivo men do commontic call Mon,as thep Do this Manaw, wonfrom themby our princes and fo bnited onto the latter trand as it (efpeciallie in Tindaichin) fo there ig great _ Were it anuke betiveene the Geuenni gaines to St is fuppoled to bethe firfk, as Hirtha is the latt of the realme of England. Finallic, bow affer fundsfales iwater , and the be gotten by fithing round about this Zle, Chronica Fraw, taberebpon Aberfraw is fituat Hebrides, Hector Boetius noteth a difference betivene if the people bargains and contracts of matrimonte(for Z read that Tihemuthi e, Within the there could bfe the trane :but thep want . Bland twe heardontic of Gefni afore them of 300. miles . Wut Plinie faith that Dona is both cunning Willia mentioned, of m Scrope the kings Clicechamberleine, div Mddiligenceto take that matter in band, Griftial fanding ponthe fame iwater 200coo, miles from Camaldunum,/:.2.cap.75 At lieth Ano as for ,of Tefti,of Labuy this $le and crotwne thereofof the lozd William tempozall regiment,tt ayperteineth to netciimedh, Lachtenfarwy and Bodedrin alfo onder5 3. negréesof latitude,and 30. minuts, an Montacute earle of Sarum )itcame wnto the ance: » but of ait Cairnaruon,fo in {ptrituallcatesit belonthe countic of thefe the cheefeis now Beaumarais, thie geth to the bibath in longitude 16.degrees and 4o.ininuts abutting bene coms ahobaue Darbic, of carles the of flours was butloe fhopri n ke of Bangor, Zhisis * fometinghy hig Edward the firit,and Apciet On the nozth fine Spon S.Ninians int Scotland, Furnel- 60 monlic faid to be kings therewithall a So gletet, that fundsie earth finallie to be nofed of Aw pny of Ban,the oifcourte folowing rong cattell about the peate 1 295. en pots fels onthe are eat, often Pzeftholue found there and Anglefci on the fouth, fhall moze at large declare. Giraldus noteth acontene fo Keepethat lann of Dead mens bones conuerted tito inquict. Chere are alte (as and Tilfther in Sreland onthe welt. Ftis greater than alhes, fet tuith the Leland fatty e parith) tion bettocenethe kings of England ¢Freland for the meuthes dotwneward contratic fo the churches befine 69, thappels, Anglefei bya third, and there are fiooriners bfe in the of that is, a bundzefly in ail, tight of this Zand, butin the end, then bp a compi oe furnedthe bins optuards,thereofother nas Wutherof ¥ can tate little,foy fame, thofe heads ba foine fo nere, that thep de feeme let this niife the triall of the matter was referred to the lines lacke of tnt inffrncion, uffice, Intime patt, the peopleof UW mancr to part the Jle in twaine . Some ofthe ancis this le wien not to feueralt 02, deaths of {uch benemous twoues as Moulo be Haningthus deferiben Angletei, it teffeth theit grounds, but now they Eubonis entturtters,as Echicus,&c: call it Eubonia, and otjer dig ftonic billocks, any to repost brought into the fame,and it wag found that thep dica furthermore, holp that in one titcuit Luith the ttones thereof thep Metania. follotwing Orofius,Meuana 92 Mzuania,botubeit after about the fame, makerude twalles mud) not at all,as the liked in reland, fentence patter Wemet tith otherlittle Flets ,of like to thofe of Devionthir , Beda and the Scotith bittozies , the Meuaniz are all Hbhich one With the king of Cnglann, ¢ fo hereteined the Alano, bate, fire bote, and boufe e, fith they tant ‘pedgelweft thereof almoff ouer againt Butricke licth north: thofe Zles aforefatn calicd the Hebrides,Eubonides, 3 bote, o2(to faie at one {yo20 month ,o2 the Sut hotwfoeuerthis matter ftandeth,and thether ante ) fall of the toater,that pafteth bp Wutri tinber, bulbesann trees, Gs for Te 2s ( hereof William Malmelburie,lib.1.deregickeThe wBettons fuch thing toas Bone at all o2nof,fure it is that the peo twine, it és fo plenti: talled tt Ynis Ader,that is to fap, the ae cheape there mott comm s(befide this our Mona)twill haue Anglcfei alfo tobe Fle of birds in pleof the faid Fle tere much atuento Witchcraft ano oldtime,but now it bight Ynis Moil,o2 rs pong the Great tecourfe ontic as in Lon one. Ccherefore it {enieth hereby that a numberof our Ynis Rhomaid, Adat. of merchants front forceric(thicthep learned of the Scots a nation greats oil. a oon Pale, and Itali late tuziters afcribing the fafo name vntoMonaone: that tsthe Sle of porpatfes. ¥t bath to name itketoite Mo e onto the aforefain Sian lie bent to that bozrtble pzactfe)in fomuch that their , Rhomit befleth tikewite of fuchcattel Yfteri{d,anb Adros . Weing pat licbate not boone a little deceiued, lornandes /ib.de Ge t as is brn there,aber. this we came to the yiteri® Women would ofentinies fell toind to the mariners, fecond lieng bp nozth cat, onet againgt the Hilarie Adro® incloten point bi orlates eeead ee 26 ! fer)anolefei is found fo be full 0 great as the on ai nothiig inferiour, but rather furimrouty |