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Show The hiftorie of Scotland. The hiftorie of Scotland. -_ued tn rule ofthe common-{ocalth in thedates of the -forner kings, Zuoulyh ¢ Duffey militking the ftste -_of that paefont torlo(aberin the vouthof the realme, - nantctic all fuch as tueve defcendcd of noble parens the-a, naunie of the wonder there baypened at the remo tage, and bled to be about the king, followed their -_twtlfull¢ fcritisall luis, grotninig eueric dap through, ning of the ings bodie,as the fameauthorsivonld, --‘wanntof corvedtion to be wosle anid tomate) Departed feeme tomeanes Aut thereisnotw(arivasof lateja -_fromrtheconrt, and twithoretv to their hones, with: rich abbeie,fanding witha vericfatrechurch, confer outniedling ante further twith the publike adminis = say erat inthe honozof the virgine Marie. Pontirous fightpalfo that incre fone within the Scotifh kings ,, Miation. Fa inhofe place there crept int others,that: theif. -witly thete flatterte, cowupted therefinue of {nh fyatinds, pamnte that pare were tele: bores indLouthian, ber ingot fingular beantic and fwifinelle, 01d eate their fparks of Sod tnelitation as pet remained inthe ae brought fo2th achild futthout cies, nofe,band, 02 fot. eng. of boluptusus pleafures and bobilielutts. Be Grangico by Heither fas ttanielette wonder thatthefunne,as -‘brita, and in filling the beilic with excelle of coftlis. tuoutnete, Hopflescate thevowne pfonefielh, adiwouldin no twite taffeanic other, nieate. an Gugus there was agentleiwoman Hfparhawke There was afparhatwke allo firangled by anowle, aesa befgre is faid., was continuallie couered oith clouds for fir moneths fpace, Mut all men mee - -- 5 Which being reucnged bythe Death of the authors, inmmancrasbefneistatd;Cu lene fyas crowned as latwfull {ucceffoz tothefame. Duffe at Scone, withalioue honozand folemnitie, 97>__ inthe peere.of our3o%.972, after that Duttebad rulen the Scotith bingdome about the (paceoffoure peeres. The beginning of Culenesreigue,bequn with Ring Cuienc didniotcontt= righteous erecution of tuftice,pomifed afirmie hope Smuing P85. ation wich follotwen be declared bimfolfe tobe; Hoefollowes bistentuall luis. ‘ Pecreivithall be was giuen bnto leadherie bepond Beacherng all the bounds of reafon,fparing neither maid, fof king. dol, nor ivife, propane no3 religions , filter no 4 Daughter (foall toas one with him) that to bern {uch billante and biotent forcings as fwere adi 2 sue ¢ bp him andbis familiars, it would loth maleate bat to tuderflando2 remember, etwas fo farte -_-paik ail hame inthis bebalfe, that inher bis = rousinitbptmmuch) copulation twas fo tired,tha i for hortlicatterlofing therainsof lalciutous wane tonnedle tothepouthef bis vealme, tizoughgiuing alewnerample bp bis ofune difexdereddmings, all {uch as were inclined butolicentiouslining,follows, ep theirfenfuall luisand bnbgideledlibertic, abany -_-bis prelence, that hissecaten lutt might _ aa -‘ftitred bp tuith Aghtof fud) Giltbhinette, ghisa = ° nable trade of life be ppaatifen for the {pace peerestogither, giutng occation of mur {poi - §«-uine, manflanghter , forcings, and rautthnteni a * heenefene 02 hearnof in anteother age. sforfucy -tvanfgrelftons:noerecution of latues pay _ ~ boningall feareot cozredion move than ener bas * Wasthe negligence of thebing, o2tather mainte, 2 beelttis be hameat authoattioof theformer Rings, for reticent of Cuilldaers _- uerfogreat aniniucic, toerewas no punityment pied againd them: fo that all men loked for fome -_robbers,and other offendo2s, mainteined by oe nase the nabilitieas confenten tnto thett sian- fue, tfthere were mot sther oder proutded therefore that if ante man went about to withffand _ was norheatd ovued thereat; {paren not toadmontiythekingof . Miekines' Culene antweredthem, that betwit twell inough anfier nto Ho yangmeniwere notat the fitttbomegraueand fa ¢ perfonages,like to tyem twith Hoarie beans; aot ese thes eae Gherefare their firt.pouthfull peres couln not be fo ee ~noolidey , Fabloasthepmightbebercatterbyalnageandcom o.? fiance of time. XBut as for (uch rigozousertremis ‘ Hieasinet(oofbiselners baa nieo towards theie fubiedssbemindedpiot(as be laid) tofollow, being greeue all tote that hap aniseale to tulfice,tobit _cateate, than-pntoalineliecreature, ti it bp theic grape (as bp the kings; Indulgh, 6° hisotune feruants began to abbo: ya peclr Diikiesann (uch other) intoahat anger he might tne nagesof teyealme, buderfanding ne aberce a parlenrent tobe fanmmoned at ee ah ae aa vifpleate. -_deternrinedtodepole king Culene,av zi vates) 18 -sther (abome-thep Mould tudge me swing wher eaotleitrs eR erent th t)torcteine jis {ubicdsinbucandDmol faith, This anflwer twas, talthqugh : fullabediquce. é feemied nothing agreeable forthe. preleruation of thepublike fate ingnict-reft ai Caletic, petinas hevenoman,by reafon of bisregallauthaattiesthat dueffrepraue thefame, butpinertethere werent praifedhim therein,as thofe that bated fac al ued thebpright anminiftration of iuftice. ....., nat bad ABut (ch auicieris: councellazs.as trulie-forr SRN Retbdopren font, reigneinhisplace.Culencalfonot Bno "ee faretbiscounceli wascalled, as be ntoa PA Ge pine OO therimacns, at opcffercaftell,being 4 bp alle 8 mid twaieof bis tournic, tas rimeguck o Cadharotije thane of thatplace, toleDAT, baneanifyedbefore tiure amongt nine gaghed.Culenetoaither niih all bis OTton fic.: but. therepaocbtull infamie thereat © tS PU gt be foe natlibe s patteriticapis medmen tobe there attendant. The effect of bis O28 oy caufed thofe armed mento come into the chamber tung. aS with bis olpne peoplepunithing mof rigoxouflie allfuch as fought to moue feditton by anie manner Of tttearies. We tokebufie care incauting the people fo anoid floth, aid to applic themfelnes in boneft er, people much noifometo the common-inealth, being UWenoztitics confederate as it were togither bp one confent toers ercife all fozts of mifchiefe and opprefion againt the pare people,as fo rob, {potle,and take from them all that thep bad,to ranith their tines, maids, ¢ Dangh- -_ters,and fomre fimes fo burnetheir bontes:: the trbtch _licentions Ifbertie in fuch ticked perfons, through fvant of due punithment in the daies of king Cu lene, hat dangerit had brought puto the tthole tate etcifes, iudging (as the truthts) that to bethe waie 30 of the Scotith common-twealth, there was none but foaduance the common-iwealth from decaie to a flourithing fate. Thus then he had fomekhat reformed the mifor Berman ders of bis fubieds, be indeuozed bimfelfe by all Meds, meanes he could denifeto punith offendors againtt might well bnderfFand. Fo2 fith it was fo,that the lords and other igh effatesliued by the travelof the commons, then if the faine commons fhould in anie tite decate , the lords and fuch other bigh effates could in no tite and fo purge all bis Dominions of thenes, robbers, and other {uch as went about to dffquiet comiion Mion kept peace. AtWanerke, a totwne in Iile, wasa felftons sete, apointedto be kept for erecution of inftice, there robber tvere forced to giue onerbis labour; there Mould the lord o2 gentleman haue ehereppon ta line? So that thofe thich robbed the bufbandman, o tobbed alfo the lord ano gentleman; and thep that cetteine offendo2s tere fummoned to appeere. But at their comnringthither, perceining that fuc) mants fet profes twouldbe brought againtt them of fuch ctimes'as thep badcommitted , that they tere not protper : for tf the labourer through iniurie of the fought fo mainteine fuchloitering perfons as bien fo rob the pmre man,iwent aboutthe Deftruction both of king, lord, m10 gentleman; pea andfinallte of the bitiuerfall fate of the fbole commion-twealth. Chere able to excute the fame,thzongh perfuafion of dinerfe Skicran noble mer orto Lhom thep were of Kin, theyfled fe- fore be that loved the conmont-twerlth, toould not feeke enelie to defend the commons front fuch intr ctetlic thetr waies, fone into the weiterne Fles, md fome into other places, there thep thought moft er» ries as theenes and robbers dailie offered them; but alfo would belpe to fee tuft erecution done bpon the Gherevpontheloss and other hort pray eUcEMby fad fharpeleucritic thewed inthegouerns Hewouinot MeLof theelkate. TUberevponhewwas aetermincd --Hfogulo.cshe might give caule rather to be belo, c feared, bic)was theonclie meane(asbe foz anie barine ment towards ante oftheit perfons, litie,and modeftie, mifufing bimfelfe innokindof Gages. -cefltuedainking-and leacheric) called the -. Comer nature; hegorfuined alpaie in fac) pie a people trantfoune themfelues to the bfage of their nifhed all (uch kind of perfons as might prouoke ets ther binto2 other bnto anie lewd o2 foanton plear fares. Be mainteined amitie afiwell with frangers of {uch enownities as mere datlie practifed Ping Ds aut counteie.. Wolwbeit, at length the death o Culene brought an endtoail {ach wickedaealings forfalling into \ afilthie viteafe ant tinouad iabute of ag of of bis Gels that be aypeered wpoze likeWNA fion there mate tnto them twas, that he bad not oetsthe Beloued Witt : cfuilldemeans2. 402 the nature of the Scottfymen bice,but refraining himfelfe from the fame. Ie bas -refufen toaccomplith their requeffs and mon pe -thould be fpoiled of all that he yad, and wails- -_bishoulebuentouccbishead, 02 othertwil _ i bis dutie, declaring buto bint inte that dangerthe realine as likelic to fall though bis negligent bes 5° fed iw fucy outcagtous and violent fort, that ee bautour,. the king percetuing their feare, beganto declare biy he king pot fo them the tholecaule of bis calling them to coun: teth thelozos cellat that time, amdihp behadaypointed thofear: tof doubt. = So farre forthalto increaten thelibertien ae 5a ings, andivere partabers with thomin the oned, cameruthing into the boute , placing thems hich thep were fallen through thenegligentgouern: ts,that fic the noblesand then all the refidue of the gfe God countell ip fine, Theancient prresof therealncalfobeing bis teigne, he had inough to dm fo reducethe people from their wild and fauage kind of life (into the mentof bis pzedecet{o2) nto thetc founer trade of dst commotion inthecommon-inealth thecebpon toin, faymed. the latues and ttholefome ordinances of the realme, women, Swit all {uch kindof picenenee ail nance of mifoxered perfons, that thatfoener anie 4° flagitions offentes) being put in te, though neg of Ho nobilitic did either again merchants,priefts, genceof this monffruous creature, «tyanes, 80°08 Swerenstpu= panic ofthecommons; though the fame iwerene, contcied Orfo Colmebkill , and there buried ai -Duthe moprowwatter the nobles conming togither Chebing any Ren: Prince: therefore did Ikenmeth in his ofonetrade of butonelie fox the publike peferuation of the realnte, mibioasofa luitig fyetv an erample of chattitie(obzictic,libera: 20 3fo2fo much as thep knew, theretwas one kindof 2 rchearfail of veivonsii= ‘wens chichiecberif}en, and mofk highlic of bin etter take fpectall pleafure pet to behold other that abidy Hhoulo be giuenbim tn commannement. intothe councell-chamber, thep han no foner taken 192>3Gtting, their places , euerie one according to his degree a: fone 5 ment: boutthe Bing,but that the armed menbefore mongft bis eloers , the nobles and great peres af: felues roundaboutthem that twere fet, accoxding fo fembled togither at Scone, ahere thep proclaimed the order prefcribed by former appointment.» Lhe kenneth the forte of Malcolme the firl,ndbrother 10 lows with this petent fight being much amasen, bes Btteisre: buto Dnile,king of the realme.gnthebeginningof -heloonean other,but duck not {peake a tom2d. Then _fanficd onelte fucpas could veuife prouscations CCU tie ofbla lewonelle, be noeas Us be: of avother manner of prince, than bytheapminis 3° might nomoe erercifle his former to doitin 153 Difpatched in the fit perre of hisretgne,and after the bitthof our Sanfour 976, the nobles egreat peres Kenneth, A Fter that the boote of king Culene as once me meatesand prinks, thofe that could excell other -fembled fogither, and then inithout delaic to creente of the realme reioifing at his death, though thepal lotwed not of the manner thereof. hing,ifanie tuere at all infornud) that in the endbs meafured fapreamefelicitie by the plentiful intot omtiablemuvther of bing Dauffe 4. med. A 975. ff # Rilflos. fer inthe faeplace, bere thebos vieaan ana attheone endor the bringer, whichis called bntothisdap, Wilk flos.thatiste fay,thecbureh of Gowers; talingthat trotters ixhilert the foorlgoefh abort. He wasthns t if 152: pedierit for fafegard of their lines} Che king percet fame theues and robbers , accoxding to the landar ving that thzough the piflofall meanes of the loxds 50 blelatves and cuftomes of the land. Whelattpeare ?? . bis pticpofe was fo hindered , that he might not mt Niffer iufice, according to the inffitution of bis latees be diflembled bis to2ath for atime,and licen, ced eucrie man fo depart to their boufes, his traine (faid be) you pour felues remember (4 thinke) boty 4 ¥ purpofer by pour helpe amd countell to haue pro ceeded byorder of the lates agatnft all enimies and 55 perturbers of the peace. At Lainrike was the bap wLatnrike jog Onelie ercepted. Then went he into Gallowayto vi appointed for them to haue aypeared, but there tyas Hancrhe, fit faint Pintan fer performanceof bis volv, thid bebad manefo to dw. Were he inuented (bp confes rence tic be had with fome of bis printe councell) Sdeutle,abereby he night fetch againe the offendors hot one of thenv that would come in , brit contemp, tuonflie difobeteng our commandement kept them alate , by thofe counfell ¥ knot not. Mut ¥ hane ,, beene infoymed bp fome hot diuers of pou fauozing peere following , for doubt leaft if thofelorns thtch bate them gad twill had come to anie inkling theres of.thep wouldby bttering it have difapointed his parpote, were of counfell tith them, in wwithozating them felnes fo from tudgement, 3 Hye often tending of meflengers betwwirt them 3 anb pon,twell neere perfaaded bs to thinke that this Atlength, after apere twas pafled, heaypointed ali the lo70s and noblesof his realmé fo affemble at -report was true. Wnt pet not withftanding,F haue 55 put atvapall {uch finifter (ofpicton out of my head , bute indgement : but this toas kept clofe till the 5, thoferebels, bp reaton thep were of pour linage, 22 . Dcone,as thoughif had bene to hauecommunes as bout fonre torightie affaires touching the fate of the teatite.The night then before thep thould come tog. withing you ( as ¥ truff pou be) boiDof all fuch DIM' »2 mulation, And now 3 require pon, notas fantozs of the rebelles , but as vefendors of the commory ?? Ger into the councell-chamber, he canfen by fome of wealth, thongh happtlie fometbat Mache heretofore bis faithint miniffers.atozt of armed men tobelaty ciofein afecret place, ithcommandement giaen -_tn difhargeof pour Duetics , to thew pour felues -_fachin helping to apprehend the offerors, as that ,, their capteine.that innd wite he Houln Firre with -the tworlo may percetue pou to haue manefull fatifs bisbinw till the nert nap that all the loys Were ab _-facton fo; pour fault am erro?tfbcfoze in - » @ |