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Show The defeription ofEheland, fedton, although it be not latnfall to Kill bim, nog anie man othertwile ontlatwed, tuithout the banger affellonie, Ofarmourand munition. Chap.16. re ¥ Ow twell o2 botw ftronglie We n/ Surcountric bath bane furs é ~@ nithed tn times patt with are } m2 and artillerte.it lieth not ~ inme as of nip felfe tomake teberfall, Bet that it lackeo Sy both in the late time of quan EV Pare , not onlie the erperts ence of ntine elders, but alfo the talke of certeine tiucts , Khirts of maile,tackes qatlted and courren ouct with leather , fultian ,o2 canuas , oner thicke platesof fron that are folwed in the fame, ¢ of Ghicy there is no totone 02 village that hath not bie con uentent furniture . The fatdarmour and munition liketwife is kept in one feuerall place of euctic folune,appointen bp the confent of the abole parith, fibere it ts altvates reavie to be bad and twopie futthin an boures fyarning, Sometime alto tt is oce cupted, then tt pleafeth the magtftrate either to bielw the able men, ¢ take note of the iuell keeping of the faune,o2 finallie to fee thofe that are inrolled fo erercife each one bis feuerall foeapon , at the charge of the totonefmen of each parith accozding to bis apotntment. Certes there is almoff no billage f pmye in England (be it neuer fo {mail ) that bath hotfuffictent furniture in a readineffe to fet forth th2@ 02 foure folofors , as one archer, one qunnier, Spantardsnot pet forgotten,dtd leaue fome manie zo She pike, ¢a bilman at the leatt. Mo there ts not fo feftnotice. Upon the fick I ned not ffand,for fetp mud) wanting as their verie liuertes and caps, Will penie if, 302 the fecond J haue heard, that ten tbich are leat te be accounted of if ante batt requis oncof the greatett pares of Spaine efpied out nas ted: (0 that ifthis god o2der map continue it thalt Rednefle in this bebalfe, and dtp folemnelie beter itt be bnpoffible for the fuoden entmie to find bs bie ito obfcure place, that it fhould be an eafie matter proutded, As for able men for ferufce, thanked be tn Goat time to conquer England, bicaute it wanted God, we are not Without geod ffoze, for bp the ma Arnro2,bis words Were then not fo ralhlie bftered, fers take1574.and 1 §75,0UC number amounted as (hep tere polititelie noten, $03 albeit that fo, fo 1172674,an0 pet were thep not fo narrotwlic ta the peefent time thetr efficacie twas difembled aud ben, but thata thio Part of this like multitude fas fembiance made as though be {pake but terilie , 30 lef bnbilled and bnealled, What ffoze of munition bet at the berie enterance of this ovr gratio and armour the quenes maiettic hath in pir to2es ns Queene tuto the poffeliton of the crotmne thep fuere boufes, it lieth not in me to peeloaccount, fith Z fo pronfoentlic called to reme mibgance,andfach {uppofe the fame tobe infinit. and tbereas tt teas {pees dieteformation foughtof all hands fo2 the redzeffe commontie faid after the lofte of Calis, that Cnge of this inconnentence,that our countrie was land fhoulo neuer reconer the ffo2e of ordinance foner furntifheo {vith armour and munitfon,fro m diuerfe there left and loft: that fame és at this tine paoued parts of the maine (bettde great plentie falte, fith euen fomeof the fame perfons do not that was forged here at home)than our enintics could get bre confelle, hat thisland twas neuer better furntthe derffanding of anie {uch prouffion d be made. 15p Iuith thete things in anie kings nates that reigned this policie alfo was theno talltohope concetucn 40 Gnce the conquest, bp Spaniards btterlic cut off » tho of open frenng beting not becomte our fecret enimi es > and thereto watching A time therein to atehi Thenamesof our greateft ordieue fame Heanie erploit againf bs and our count rie > Did therebpon Hanceare commonlie thefe. change thete purpofes, thereby England obteiney Teli,tbat otbertoile might haue bene {ure of fharpe Robinet,thofe tweight ts tivo hundzed pounds ad cruel wars. Thas a Spantth word vtterer by and if bath one inc) anna quarter within the, Shi tnaat one time,ouerthoetw 02 at the mouth, leatt Anite bindered funiie panic pradtics of manic at anos Falconet fueigheth fine hundzed pounds, ther.gn fines patk the cheefe forceo ad f Cngland cons so Dis toldeneticis tivoi nches toithin the month, fitedin their long bowes.s5ut now we baue in ma: Falcon hath eight bundzed pounds,ano tivo tite her generaltic gtuen oucr that bind of attillerie,any des anda balfetfthin the month, for long bowes indanam peaci fe to That compatfe Minio n potfeth eleauen fo? our pattie: fbich kind d pounds, and of Hoting can neuer 80) thee inches and a quarteHundze pelo anie fmart froke 102 beat r twithin the mouth. Dotp ne one Sacre ents bath fiftéene bundzea poundes , and{s mits,as dur chuntriomen were wont to om at eur. fhyee inches anda halfe wide in the fle fimeat need' Certes the Fren month, chme n ann Demie Rute Culuerijn Wweigheth thee ters deriding Our nel arche thonfand rie in telpect of their i bath foure inches ano abalfe within co2flets,twiil notlet in Open the thitmith,if anie leifure uth, ra - bp ~ fatles ano crie: Cua6 _ , Culucrijn bath foure thoufard pou 34nd all bicaule our trong tetinsShote nds, and fine is decat inches and an balfe Within the andlaidinben , Woe if en mout t out Cugtitnns Demie Canonfir thoutano pouh. nds, and fir i ches ann an balfe within the mouth, Peree another fe Would hauc turned about to {ie Kho fhotth fia BWutas onr hating is thus in ne et = tate Among vs one twaie , fo our countrie men Filfull in fandgie ofber infmatt petces,the caliuer, points, as in Hoting and handling of the pike aefcucvall pies thereof thep ave become perie Durarmouy Difiereth not from that oe other nay The defcription of England. 4 fioits , and therefore confiftett of corlets ,almaine Canon feauen thoufann poundsand cight inches E. Canoneight fhoutann pounds,and feanen itv Within the mouth, ches within the mouth, Bafiliske 9000 pounds ,eight inches, and thet Guatters toit hin the mouth, Wp whic proportions alitiseafie tocome bp the inefght of eucrie Sof, bot mante {cores it doth fee at point blan ke , boto Mud pouder és to be had to the fame, ¢finalli mauie inches in height ech bullet qught ta c how carrie, he 5 he wanes of a saree of the 2 gteatet ordinance. ( Robinet. Psleonet Falcon. Minion, Sacre. Demie Culuerijn, | f | | hath {hot. 1h, 2.1f, 2.56 4.x 5 9 Culuerijn. 18 Demie canon, 30 Canon, E. Canon, 60 42 {Bafiliske. J . see of } § pounds of t 5 ibeight of i ponder, mee _butter, r cartage. alfa ds el 5 18 é CMOAY AuUAwwen ww He Hw AY ads ae Hn we? an cutlato ¢ a manaltogfther ont ofthe princes pro» 7 || e|e e 25 38 20 Eee . might bere take fulk oceafion to fpeake of the at bis fanle boto, 02 with fome prette tort frapper, princes armozies. I5ut abat fhailit ned? fith the thereby he map deale toith them farther off in bis trhole realme ts hirarmozic, and therefore bir furs otvite defente beforebecomeisithin the nanger of niture infinit. Zhe Durke had one gun made thefe weapons .Ffnallie, noman trauclicth by the by one Dzban a Dane, the caifer sf hisogvinance, inate twfthout bis fwv020,02 fome {ach tocapon, with fhidy coule not be Dzatwen fo the fiege of Conttan> 20 bszercept the mintffer,tho comonlie twcareth none finople, but bp feauentic pokes of open, and tivo atall, onlede it bea dagger 02 banger at hig foe, MHoufand men;he had tine otherthere alto trhofe thot Seldontealfoare thepn2 ante other Waffaring ment poifed aboue tivo talents in tweight, made bp the robbed twithout the confent of the tbamberleine, fame Dyban. ut to proceed. As forthe armozies tapficr,o2 offler there thep battelic, tbo feeling at of fone of the nobilitic(abercof ¥ alfo baue {ene a their alighting tether thetr capcates a2 budgets be part) thepare fo tuell furnithen, that within fonte of anic weight o7 not,bp talking them dotwne from one barons cuffodie J haue feene thee fcoe oa thetrfables , 02 otberintfe fee thetr toze in dating Hundzed comets at ence, belive caliuers , bane of their purfes,do by andby gine intimation to fonig guns, botwes,theffes of arrotues, pikes, bils, pols onc o2 other attendant dailie tw the pardo2 boute, 92 ares flatkes, touchbores,targets,rc :the berie fight 3° diwelling bard by bpon fuch mates, ehether the tberof aqpalled my conrage. What would the wea: pecie be worth the follotving 02110. FF it be fo> their ring of foie of them de then(troiw pon) ff J outa turne,then the gentlemanperadnenture is atkea be inforced fo ble one of them in the field 2 ‘But tihich wate be traucieth , and thether it pleafe bint thanked be God,onr peaceable dates are fuch,as no fo baue another gheff to beare bim compante at man hath anie great caufe fo occupie thematall, fupper, tho rideth the fame. twaie in the mooning but onclie taketh god leffure to baue them in areas that be doth, o2 not. And thus if be amit bim 02 bintelic, ano therefore both high and lowe in Gnge be glad of bis acquaintance , the cheate tg halfe land ihzought. And offen itistene that the new abet Cymbal pro galeisprofextis tympana pulfant. fhall be robbed toith the ol, onelie to colour ont ¥ tuould tozite here alfo of aux maner of going 40 the matter.and kepe bim from {ulpicion . Somes fo the tuarres,bnt tbat hath the long blacke gowne times then thep knotwe thich tate the patlerts todo twith gliftering armour? tbat found acquains ger trauellety , thep till etther go before and lie in tance can there be betivirt gars anv the Dufesz twait for bins, 02 elfe come galloping apace after, 03 boty Mould a mantwzite anie thing to the puts tiherbp thep twill be fure,tf be vine notthe fronger, pote of that uhercivith be is nothing acquatntene to be fingering with bis purfe. Aithete are fome This neuerthcteMe twill adve of things at home, ofthe policies of (uch Hheetws 0 clofe bates gentle, that felvome hall pon fee anie of my countriemen mien as lie in watt for fat booties bp the high twates, aboue cighteene o2tinentic peres old to go tuithout anb thfch are moft cominonlte practifen in the fotite a daggerat the leak at his backe o2bybis five , al ter feafon about the featt of Chyiftmas , then fers though thep be aged burgettes o2 magiftrates of as 5° ning men ann buthilftte gentlemen want monie ta nie citie, tho in apertanceare moft crempt from plats at the dfce and cards, letwolie {pending tn fach boabling and contentiom@ur nobilitie weare conv Wile ubattocuer thep haue wickedlie gotten > till monlie floors 02 rapicrs twith their daggers, as fome of them fharptte fet bponthetr cheuifances,be doth encris commonferning manallothat follot trnfled bpina Liburnetipet,trhicy baweneth bnto eth bis loxd and mater. Some defperate entters we them connnonite before thep come to intone age. bauein like fox, abley carrie two daggers 02 thyo Wherbyit appeereth that fome fort of pouth twill off raplets it a (heath altates about them, therewith baue bis lwinge, although it be ina alter. in enerie d:0nken frate thep are knowen to worke J might alo intreatof our old manerof warfare niuch mifchtefe;thetr fiwo2ds ¢ Daggers alfo areof a bfed in and before the timeof Cefar, then as the great length, andlonger than thelike bed in ante So deefe bruntofour fight twas in £/edss 03 wagons; other countrie, uberebpech one pretendetl to bane the moze aduantage of bis enfmic.But as manie o2dcro bauc beene taken fo: the intollerable length of tefe weapons; fo ¥ (x as pet {mall reozeffe: but tubere the caule thercof dot reff,tn {oth for mypart % Wote net. J might here tyeakeof the crceMue faues thicy diner fe that traueil by the ate de car, Tle Dpontheir Qoulvers , ubereof fome are tinelue 02 thirténe fote long, befive the pthe of ttelue ini thes: butas thep are commoniie fulpeaco of bos ne$ mento be thenes andrebbers, o2 at the leatts toife fcarfe true men abidybeare them; f by reafon of (his and the like fufpictous weapons, the bone ft frauclicr ts now infozced ta rive with a cafe of bags but this J alfo paffe ouer , nottug nenertheleffe ont of Propertius,that out (aid tuagons tere gorgeons and gailie painted, thid he fettefy notwne in thef¢ foure berfes tnfuing , Aretha ad Lycotam, hb. 4: eleg.3. ‘ Tendo viderunt iteratos Ballaper ortilt, Te modo munito Sericus hoffis eqivo, Hibernique Geta,piftoque Brittannia curr, Filu & Eva difcoler Indus agHA. S$.ii 199 |