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Show The Conqueft ofIreland. tion, grace, and fanout : therefore fabofoeuer toithin pur tertdicion will ato and belpe him , our truftic fubicct,for the recoucrie of bis land,lethim be atu seof our fauour andlicence in that bebalfe, Chap.t. life, than before commended foy Hts prolveffe and bertue. (5) Mrofacalted ath Flion , twas art ancient md afamouscitie in Miia the lefle , and Tittiated tr the pronince of Dardania , bniloed by Lros the fonne of king Cricthoniug , tho called it afer His otyne name,Jt was acitie beric large,frong and rich,and (1) Dermonisin Latine dermirinsemd $po20gb is wi aLlatine szurcherdes,and are mere Frith names: inthofe daies thonght impzegnadle; ¢ pet by means and fora Difference gitten commontic fo.a child at that (elena twas rautihed,the fame {asinthe end bis birth o2 chetfening : spac Mo20gh is a tvoid compounded sf Wac thichis a fonne and of Morogh 1 o btterlie fubuerted and deffroten : the biffozte is this. the pzoper name of aman,and fo Sac Poroghisthe Prtamus the king of Lrote baby his wife Been: fonne of Porogh ; theLatine namets srurchardides, baa fonne namep Baris 02 Alerander ; be deeafnes ona time that Derctitins ould bing onito himthe Lbich is to fate De aturcharde, 02 of Morogh : accor ding to the Welth pate in hich the wwordapis olen . theeladies,Aenus,Zun0,¢ Pinerua, that he Hould in the fame fenfe. Andthts is commontethe 3rifh . ‘gine histudgement which was the fatreft anv mot € Wiellh ,£02 they call not ante man bythe nate of | "beantifall ofshont.hen Conus,to habethe indges ment fo: bir andin bir bebalfe, vid pzomife him that bis familie oz nation as fs bled in England ; butby be Gould Hane for the fame-the faire oman tn the nameof difference giuen topis fatber,as in this erample ; Dermanbettig Po2oghs hunets called - all Ore@ce. Petlotig aiter , Waris being in his faDermon Mac Morogh. Wutthis name of Pac Mor 20 thers courtin Lroie,there were great {peeches mane of Helena and of bir palling beautie . Sbe was roghis fince turned and become the name of a fanti+ twife to Penelans king of Sparta in Greece.Ciyerr fie.o3 nation : for bp reafon that this spac apo20gb bpon paris calling to memoziehis foymer dzeame, fwas anoble anv valiant mart aboue all the reft of and alfo inflamed witha fernentdefite to {ee fo fatrs bis nation in bis Dates; therefore bis fequele and por a lavdie , maketh pzeparation both of fhfps and of freritte bane cuerfince and Dw pet Keepe that name, men to faile inte- Greece. igotwbeit, fonietrite that Soneare of the: mind fhat MPo2ogh.and Manrice be twas fent bp the bing bis father in an ambaflage ave die fant: bubthe dLatine differences fimpow to king Benelaus ; but Whether tt was Io 02 not, tet the contrarie , and the one tsa mere Frith certeine it is he tentthither, and was receined with name, and the other a Welt}, andbozoiwen out of all courtefie , and had bis interteinement in king ‘Wales. Penelans houle . Paris haning bietved and be (2) DeinferMiLatine Lgensa, fs One offhe fue holden queene Helena, he was not mud twat parts o2 portions of Jreland (for into fo manie ts med before bport the onelie report of Hir, us now thetaljote land piuided.) Zt lieth pon the eaf (eas, inflamed with bic patfing foxnte and beantie ; and sandertendeth ti length from thefurther point of the taking the abnantage of Bing enelans ablence, territorie of Dublin; abhic) is at the river of the perforce tabeth elena , {potleth the kings houte, aBoine'bp Drogheda in the nozth, tito the riucrof Anvcariethall aiwate With him. qWenelans at bis the Suvieabich Heteth by the citte of Waterford in retutne bome,being difmated at fo funden a change thefouth, Jn it are oneand thirtie cantreds others Awilenamed baronies op bundzeds. Ht twas fone and chance , and greeucd toith fud an tnfuric, ferw times diuidedinto flue , butnow intofeauencoun: ,. Deth bis meWenger fir to Paris , and then bis ambafladonrs fo king Pztamusforeffitution and ties,that is, Dublin;Biloare, Catherlogh,iailkenamends . Sut hen no intreatie could take place nie;Wicrfoyd,iLearnotwecalled the qurenes countic, aid Dffalie called the kings countte. here are io2 requefishe beard, the Orecfans not minding tobcare tuith fach anv inturie , da all confent to be ‘alfo dit one archbifhop,namelic Dublin,and foure auenged thereof sand therefore twrth all their force ae 3 that ts, tatlbare, Fernes, Leighlin, ano lorie. and polver Do prepare togine Wwarres buto Lroie, (3) Meth in Latine aredic is one of the flue poy amd make dhotie of Agamemnon the kings bzother tions of Srelandaccording to the fir dtuifion. tis tobethetr capteine . The tuarres twere cruell aw the leatt portion being but of eightene cantreds,but long, and endured fox the {pace of ten peares, but pet the bett and moft fertile, andlieth for the mot 50 in the end HLroie was taken , (potled, and alto der part all within the Cuglith pale yandeuer fince the firoted. conquett of king Penrie the fecond , bath bene {nb» 6 ero, thole name at the firf was Claudius tect andobedient to the Cnglith lates and gouernes Domitius, tas in his pouthfull peares well otfpor ment : and bicaule itlteth as it were in the nautll 03 fed to ga@bdletters,t giuen to borteft erercifes. And botwels ofthe land, it taketh the namie accosdinglie, Claudius the empero: bauing gad liking of bim, being called szedia, eich is the middle. Jnitis but adopted bim tobe emperour , and married bim by" one bitjop and the faftragan, and bnder the p2imat to bis Danghter. Atter the death of Claudius , be ber sratchbithop of Aromach. Wis feets at Crim and ing emperour, Did gouerne twell enough the fir hishoufe at Arbzaghin. here was noprince fole fiue peares : but thenfefozth be twared fo vicious, caufe tt was alivaies allowed allotten to the moe nard, thonte thep called azexinam regem, 02 Regews neffe,and ail other moft ticked dices: that be fe gouernour of this as twasof the other portions: bie 6. and became fo horrible im all vifolute wanton Hibernie, AS & furplus towardsbis dict, - (4) Parcus Antontus twas a famous and ano: ble Romane, excelling in widome, knotwleoge and learning all the Romaneprinces in bis daics;as als fa verte noble and a baliantman inthe ficlos, bar ung atteined to great bido2ies and atchined to funy dale conquetts, And pet notinithftanding being mar tied to Cleopatra queere of Cappt , be fo doted bpon pit, and was fo bewitched in loue of bir: tbat leauing alt dis toonten manners, be confamed bis tubole time tt bit companie , and in the end was mozeinfamous fo; bis vittous, difozvered, and Lofe nelle , povigalitic , monftruous lecberte, conetont med to be bore to the deftrucion of the tbole toozld. And in the endbe twas and became fo od ousto the trbole tuozld, that it tyas decreed by the fenat, amd fentence given , that be fhould be bea- ten and ibfpped to death. Gbich thing be perceining, fled out of Home , and finding none that would Kill bim , did runme bimfelfe thorough with brs olpne ford, faieng ; Dot twickedlic have F lined, and moft thamfullie (hall ¥ die. 7 Domitianas , the bother of Litas, and fore of Clefpafian the emperors, twas nothing like Dnte them, but altogither refermbled ¢tvas of the neon The Conquett ofIreland. Chap.t,2. and by the fenatozs ereenten.Ffo2 be ona certeine andattpotition of lero: for at the firtt entcie into theempire, henfd to bis commendation fundzie gad ats;but inthe end he became fo ivicked a man and ccuell atpzant, that be generallie twas hated of all mictt,and ablozred of bis owne familie, of thom fomeofithems;to rid the common Wealth fromfo tics kop amember,nip siurther and bill him in bis otone shamber, (8). his Penvie twas theforme of Henrie the baie,bpon occaffon being come into the fenat houfe; mp mniffrutting nothing , although be toanted not fuffictent warnings before giuen him, was there . wounded in tun and thirtie places to death ,and fo murtherep, The returne of Dermon Mac Morogh " fromking Henrie through England, andof fhirnof that namie, and empero2 of Rome, be was to his abode 4t Briftow and other bing of theaxouans in bis fathers time , and emper places in Wales: roonert after bim, is father pied, he being verte t pong, and left him to the gouernemen of the ene Chap. 2, prefiebis mother ; abo during bis minozitie otornle, and gouerne the empire i berie good o2der;but tert MR Erion Wace Waroah , having recet ey \ued great contfoxt ano courtefie cf toe be bimfelfe came to the fole gonerument,, great dif ; hitg,tabeth bts tcaue,and returneth hones fentionsfell bettodene bint.amd his nobles,bicaute he ward thyough Gugland . And albeit hebav contennied,defpifed,¢ oppefled them. Ibe gaue bin beeie verte honourablie anv ttberallie veivarded of felfeto ipantonnefle and pleafure ,and little effemed the ereention of fuftice; by means thereof be zo the kings pet becomsfopted himfelfe moze twitthe hope of gad fucceffe tocome,tha twith liberalitie res had imanie enimies,tho fought ahat they night ta ceiued, And by bis dallie fomteng be came at lengty depole himbath of empire andof bis life. The pope tito the noble totone of (1) Briftolw , there bicaufe alfoand he twere for the molt part ti contiimall be. {hips and botes div dailie repatre and come from out batesiand firifes, aw abo twas the chefe canfe thie of Zreland,and be berie defirous to heare of the fate hewas ouerlet and bated of bis nobles. And ber ing thusouermatdjen and in the hatred both ofthe of bis people and counttte, did for a thine folozne and wake bisabove; ano tihilett be was there be woul fenpozall and eccleGafticall eftates, he for Devic fog: rowlangutthen anb pined atvate,andfo dted. oftentimes caufe the kings letters to be opentie red, and did thenoffer great interteinmment, and promis (9) Guguttus twas the fonne of Daanfanus a tes tate: in Konresabo marricd Accia the danghter of 30 fenliberall wages to all fach as would helpe o2 ferue Zulins Cefarand was firlt named Detautanus Zu: him; butitferued not. Atlength Gilbert the fonne ius Cefar, Wis bucle haning no fon, adopted bim, of @ilbert,carle of Cyepfone(z) came to fee him ans made bim bis beire, and appointed bint to be his fucs to talbe Wwfty biit:and thep fo long bad conferred tocefloin the empire. Atter the death of the faid Zul olther, that tt was agredand concluded bettvene thent,that the erle in the next (pring thenfollowing, HS,the ffate by reafon be tuas fo cruellic murthered, {as maruelouflie troubled and in greatperils.i5ut Mould aid and helpe him: and in confideration theres of , the fata Dermon Mould gine hint his onelie tis Daauianus hauing attetred to fit tit Julius Cefars feat,did fo prndentlie bder and direct bis go: Daughter andbetre to tife, togtther with bis ahole Heritement,at he did wot onelie reduce and reffore ingeritance, and the fucceMton tito hts kingdome, fhevitie amd empire of Wome foaqnictnefe;butal 40 Thefe things orderlie concinded,Dermon Wac Pos theteated the fame with the conquefts of {unogte nas rogh being defirens(as all others are) to fee bis natue tions, Such ali were bisercelient bertues in titer rall counttie , bepartes and toke bis tourneie for dome,magnanimitie,conrtefic,aftabilitie,¢ liberalts foards &Dantds head 02 (one(;) in fouty Titates + foz from thenteis the Moztett cutouer into Xrelmo, fie, and fuch others; that all people tuere not onelte Tautthen in lone with bimt,but alfo came and reforted the fame being not a daies failing , and tihtch tna of all nations dnto 1ome,to bilit,{cc,and heare bint, fatre date a man map ken and dffeerne, At this fame Andhaning fablithen the empire in quietnetfe , ine ged if With mane nattons, ¢ ttcreafed buto binv (elfe the tuiuerfall Lotte ofall people, fie fenat gaue time Rice Fitsariffith twas cheefe ruler vnder the king {1 thofe partics;and Danid the (econd,then bie hop of &. Dautds, had great pitie and compaffion bim notonclie the name of Auguitus , but gaue bry 50 bponbis Diftreffe, mifertc,and calamitie. Dermonthus languithing and lieng for pallage, tobimt alto the titles of the bighett and greateft bocomforted bimfelfe as well as he might , fometime NO3S and twas called svmmuspontifixperpetuss dictator drawing and as it iwere breathing the atte of his &paterpatria, auto peloed bonito himtoe tole potver countrie, abtch he feined to breath and finell, fomes @0 empireofthe fole monarch of the tvo2ld,now res times biewwing and bebolding his countrie , bic tx Polling that in him alone,ubich refted before in te fe- hatand people of ixonte. Thete be the fruites then SPeudent magiftrat and a iwife goucrnour ruleth in RE AND Gouerneth in wifedome. (to) Julius Cefar was the fonneof Lucins Zu afatre paiea man may ken ano delerie, At this time Robert FitsHeyhans vnder ice had the gouerner mient,¢ was conftable of Abertefie the hefe totone tn Caretica (4) and bp the trearherte and treafon of Shoble Romane,and came and defcendedof the ¢_ bis one men twas apprelended , taken and deliues Snetent houte of the Fulies , ho were ofthe race of b 48 : be was as noble a man as ener Home inebt fourth,anp ercellentin all refpeas : moft bas tand fostunatein the toarres,and berie prudent in the cinitt gouernement , berie twelllearned,and a Notable oratoz : he veferucd well of bis common Wealth, for be inriched the fame twith the conquetts Sbich be mane oner (undzie nations. Wut bis ambi, tlens mind anp fmmoderate defire to refgne alone, - be the fale monardh ofthe world , D2otwnedall te SOD bertues wbich tere m1 him ,and for th{ch all Rations feared him, the citizens of Rone hated aam the fenate2s enuied btm : and in the end a Pitacte twas mane fo> the murthering of him, red oiito Wice, and by bintivas kept in prtfon three peares,but noto delivered,opon conditionbe fould takepart and fotne with Griffith agamt the bing, MBut Wobert Fitstephans, confloering with hinv felfe thaton bis fathers fine(tbo tas a Mo2man)he twas the kings natural(ubied,although by bis ma+ ther the labic Metta daughter to the great ice Sits, griffith,be were cofen germane to the (alo Fitsgrifs fith, cofe rather to abuenture bis life, and to feke forturte abjode and in forren countries , than tobar gard bis fattb,crepitard famte,to the Mander.repiod, anb infamie of bimfelfe, and of bis pofteritic. At length bp the earnef mebfation and interceffion of Danid then bithep of S. Dantds , and of Maurice B.Y. F ity: |