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Show 02 febich is of anrerceeditig great beigth, and fo with great paine,and moje Danger , at length got vp fo fhe Wall of the caftell, fanding bpon the ~~ of rocke,to the tibtch wall thep reared bp a ladder, Sean : eae tbich entered firk one Alerander Gamifie,ery takenbpa police. The hiftorieof Seoddiid, The litftorie ofScotland. + figue-bearer tocapteine Cratwford , ¢ leaping oucr Ahetwall, was ftreigbttwaies aflatled bythree ofthe twatehmen, of the ubich be Aue one: and a fouidier named Wiederbooethat followed btm, being the Hither,Cullen hav met with abote bpon the tater, herein were abozd fue and twentie fhot,ahomebe gent, At tihat time there came ina prteft toffhautcom, puifion of anie(as bath bene fatd).and before the re. toke p2tfoners, and len them atwaic with him to Ge gent declared,that one John Hamilton, being tireps treme fickhnefle, bnder confelion told bum, thatthe bithop oid fend bimwith thre others to theanurther of the king. And as touching the nurther of theerle Chearhpi, Perewwith capteine Cratofoy.«capteine Hume Capteine gat over the tual, and enteringthe caftell with the - © eet of thete fouldiers , ftroke vp the gums cried; vg P { Dernelcie, being their watdiworw ; and leizing vpr oir the ordinance,mannedthe fame, She 102d Fle» andthere they lopgen that mgbt.Lhe nevt moming 4 fo2 thefe and other offenfes, for the tiie) be han bene forfalted afore that tine, be was now rrccuted ona gibet, fet bp in the market place of Striucling So that being readie on etther five fo begin the towne, After this, the regent fummoned a parte: B pactement ment,to begin at Coenburghthe fourteenth of Pate fasmone, thirmith , {te William Durie, being cometo talke luith the pactics for fome accord to behad, takeitt nert infuing, and patted from Striucling tod tth: quo, hand with great diligence to apeate them: ann at length procured them to agree bpona truce to inoure The lord Fieming ef= capeth. os. Diersof the caftell percetuing theircaptein fed,amd the caftell poffeficd by the entinies , peelded thom Clues, and were pardoned. There were tabert with: in the cattell John amilton,the archbithopof fatnt fame being defended againg them bp thelard of Grange,tho after the death of the carle of Murecte, Andelus,monfieur de Veriackea Frenchman, fent was renolfed fromthe kings partto the amultons thither by the French king , allo the ladie Fleming, fide, md bad fortified both thetotwne and cafkell sD iwife tothe low Fleming, and John Fleming lard that the regent-and nobilitie being kept out there, of Wogball, Alerander the fonne of William Les uingiton, and John Hallan Englihman, being 30 belo their parlementinthe Cannogate fiveet, with. {nthe fuburbs of the totone, there funiaie ofthe partener of anety intended con(ptracie, as was ab queenespart tere forfalfen. Chis being done, aud ter proued againt bin,fo? the Which be was arreige ned condemned, and executed at London as in the Cnglth bittozte apeareth. The third of April, being the moroafter that SDunb;eton was thus frangelic wone , the regent came thither,and entered the faine, where be calling the capteins and fouldiers togither, caufen them {pith bim to knele Dotone bpontheft knees , and to Sthirinth, here thep thought to haue bene'recetued, and fa to haue keptthe parlement there, 5ut thep were. not fuffered to enter that totune, 102 pet the caftell, the qyecatild Evendntsh Rept bpthe lard ofGratigt scant the regent, arplte fo2 the time,till in the end thep of the totyne The abbat of anb cattell had the ouerthzoww: the abbat of ikiltpine Jn the meanetimethe earle of Morton,baning certeine fiuffe come fozth of England by fea; and qheisrd aonghtto land at B eth, fent the lard of Carmidell Carwnichil. Avith bis hothould fernants, ¢ tivo hundzcd thot, to fleine, Chetord Humeand faptetne Cai- Itntaen, Dentured & dangeroufite to atchiue (0: bigh an en ferpzife, binging it to the twitheneffect bp policte With fo little bloudihed.as oeferneth perpetualt remembance. be dap nert infuing,beingthe fourth of Apzill, the regent appointed Jobn Cuninghan lardvof Drumbbavlell, a mar of gwd fervice, anv feruantto the regent , to be capteinesfthat cattell, and leauing bim therein, beparted-to Striucling, there becauled the axchbithop of faint Anosews to beeramined bpon certeinearticles , as-twell tou Ging themurther of thelate bing envies, as-alta fox the Death of] the earle of Spurtetethe date. res fo forward; twanting belpe ofthetr hoztentent aha fhoulo haue (uccoured thent, About the fue ¢ fiver tith dap of aie following, capteine Cullen fftned forth of Coenburgh twith tivo hundzed thot , nicw Hingto interceptcerteine harqaebulers, whicyiner? appointed tocome out of sife-oner the riuet of - 2orth,ontothe earle of Mportan; tio Kept fhil 3 alketh, 0 { « wt a _ )) Mberebporthefai carle,bavine knotleage ofoe Cullens enterpstfe jadnertifen the veertherbo a being themat Striucling,the wertdapcame foDunfermlingstmsrife. Bathelaebistr the quencesferric? butiat Atlength, the regent canted a parlement tobe {urmimoned , aypointing the fame to be holden at 2 parieitient Strincling the tivo s twentith of August nert intas HMMONED FrThin, hay foztifi: wen,Olamis, Methiven, Sempill, Dogiltree, and Cathcart, with manic laros and gentlemet, she firtt dayof this parlementthe bing fvas conucies thither, the crotune, (cepter,and fomzd being bone before bin, When be had take his place,be bttered acerteine faken aboue an hundzed pzifoners : amongeff the ich the lo20 ume, and capteine Cullen were ac counted princtpall. Thole that efcaped tere cafe, €confireined fo2 their fafetie to flee into the tone jo fpeech as hadbene taught him, touching the atten of Cocnburgh,¢ capteine Cullen was afterivards bling cf that parlement, ibid) matter the regent bebeaden. ithe regent immmediatlie after this thirmith came Withall (ped to Leith, as well to fortife the towne, a5 fo make fome further aftemptagaint bis anuers favies within the totone and caftell of: Cnenburgh, erebpon was Letth(ubole capteine was patrthe ALindfete] intrenched roundabout, beingeftemeda place of-great impoetance, flanding both in the face move at large declared bnto the whole Houte; ay thisdane, they protered further to other affaires, concerning the fate of the common-twealth. o2e0 uer.in this parlémont,the duke of Ghateleranlt with bistivofonnes, the abbat of Arbzoth , and Clay ‘pamilton, the earle of{untlete,thelard of Grange Whetnke ot andfundxic others tere forfalted. Chis parloment Chatelerault continued bp the fpace of feucw-dates :at the ery "a ofthe eninties,and fo readie to antiotethem,andalfo 4o tbereof , to twit, bpomthefecond of September , give God bumble thanks for their godfuccefle in 40 fetch) the fame from thence tnto Dalketh,being fine ‘miles diftant from Letth. At their returie with the that enterprife , bonght te pale rather by the prouts fuffe,thep twere fet bponby the earle of iuntleie, oid Bence of Godthan otheriotle, ith thecattell femed Che ftro to all thofe that knetn if, fmpoflible in maner to be amd the low Tume, tio ifiuen oft of Coenburgh ue fitustion With their power : fo that betinfyt them fwas a Erte joy game none, by reafon of the great beigth of the rocke; the cafteil of hot fhivnttt).13nt in the end the earle of Puntleie;€ patto flight Dunbseton, and the rangefituation , being inuironed almoft the loz igume were confreined to file, and tere round about fwith the water of Cline on the one purfued by.Carmichell and his compante ener onto five,amd the water of Leuinon the other. Zhe teport the gates of Coenburgh , fonie of theirmen being of the winuing of this caffell twas toffull to the flaine, and others taken pottoners. Forreuengeot folnnes and couritries about, thich before bad bene Acontinuall (courge tothem,bp reaton that the fouls 50 ‘ebich ouerthzotw,Chortlic after the earle of dyuntlete, and Claud Iarniltow', with theic forces marched diers that keptit, twonld {fluc out at funnzic times, robbing , {poiling,and caricng atwaie fhe commodifrom Goenburgh , to Dalketh, purpoting to have fiesof the inbabitants there abouts, as iwell by land fpotled the totone: r asbp water. 2: sBut the earleof Porton,hauing knotwlengeof their interitionandcomming ,fallten foxth of Dab yetante Liye regent pealt verie honozablic With the lavie Fieminghes Fleming, tuffering bir to nepart away with all Keth tnith the potwer eich he had tere twith him, ab noablicin= furh plate and ietwels,as ayertetnen either fo bit 02 though not comparable in nemberto bis abuetfar wies s ymectingthem in the fielb there was albarpe : reaten: ~ biebufbann, ie granted alfoa fafe conduct tomon~~ flenvde Uerlacke,to pate homeiwards through the fhirmith betwitt them,and mante burt on both pat a<. countrie , but thearchbithop of faint Andiets was So ties : but inthe endthe carleof orton was putt fentt pafoner to Striveling. Lhe (poileof the gads ithe wo2le ; fourtic oz moze ofhis:men: tabert pel to found in the cattell was ginetothe fouldiers that foners.And the caufe twas,for that bis fotmet " hing being laine,with diuerte other; and there twere Rilwinnng fundsie fhicmithes bad twtth hem that itucd foogth of fhe-fotone againthem without , the regent refare ned fo Strfueling,there to rematie fox a feafon. latocd arWBeetit Flaid, and aftertwards fox feare hiv himfelfe bertwitt two clifs of a tocke,not farre from ing. And then that dap apmoched, he lett the to Lindfete at Leith in charge,as hislientenantto gqae til eightof the clocke at night. 1But vet then both uernethe totone, and ail the men of tare appointen pacts flaiedin the fielos for the fpace of an houre, 20 foremaine in gard thereof ; and repaired bimfelfc to becaute thep conla not agree trhether contpanie hula Striveling, there at the prefired date div afemble fic vetirefrom the ficlo, they fell at length in five the earles of Morton, Mar, Cratofoyd, Sutherland; nit (notinithftanbding the trace) and fanght berie Montrotle, Cglenton, Glencarne, the lows auth, niing capteine of the caftell, bearing that fupden Were the carle of Porton ( Motth the rett-of the comimiffioners for the kings part, being returned fright and tumult iwithin the boufe, fled out by the patterne gate at the neither baile, and fo efcaping, 20 out of Cngland, withother of the nobilite) met the regent , and then they palled totvard Coenburgh, gota fitgers boat, and pafled inte Argtle, The foul water of SFourth,and comming vp the fanie,be ears ned how the regent iwas in Leith: sherebponbhe length be was found ont fir CUiiliam Dzuvie pafitng fozth of Leith towaros bp the abbatof faint Colmes Zneh, and delivered to Coenburgh, accompanied ttth fundeie taptetis, therogentat Leith, in thich totone the fate regent and other gentlenten forbis conunte thither > thep late abouetivo moneths, bfing fundzie meanes, ag within Coenburgh perceining them comming, b& 10 twell bp practife and policte,as by farceto ane taker magined that they were come fo;th to offer a thir: the towne of Coenburgh. Fn the meane time fur mith, aberedpon they ifuedont of the towne ano dite fhirmifhes chanced bettiyt them, anddiuerfe cafell to incounter thens. priloners were taken on either part. of Murreie,the bifops fat anfiwcr was, he might op oftaint haueletted it the would. herewith the peaple that ao fecond that entered, fue another of them: the third »> beard bim,cried, Atwate with him, bang bim. nd fo of thofe watchnien wasalfo Maine,as be was about to fie from them. denburgh. Lhe nevt dap the carle of Worton came to Leith, there he met twith fir catilliam Durie, freehurridemeeners, Cot his enterttig tito the ferting twell to p2etrent thenrof {neh fucconras thep lnkeo for datlie out of France. In this meancetime, thelardof Grange, then capteine of thecaffcliayo oroclanati-t: prouott ofthe tone of Coenburgh; canted pioclar tm, mation tobe made s,thatallthofe inbabitants which Claud Hamilton, the lard of wWourlugh, the lard of amiffonand diuerfe others,te the namber of thre hundged bostlemen, verieenrlicin the momning env "trredtie tote of Strineling, anvtindenlie beter notonelie theregont, but alfo the reft of the nobiliti¢ Were notwilling to take pact.twith him in bigop- _ Apithin thei¢lengtngs, ings, fhould depart out ofthe fotune. Ccherehpon, manie of themdeparted thence, togither with thet' wines and chilozen, and toke iith them alfo fic Che chat- Nat of the ar: of Srange, Ceetery of Sarge, Che regent bearing a great ppzove ratfen twtthin the totone® [intbich George Kuthwen tvas laine) Fr.Thin au not vnderftanding the canfe, no? Gbo tere the gods as they could fecretlie conueie: and comming 5° authors thereof, after be percetued hotw the boule fo Leith, offeredthefr feruice bntotheregent , iho aberein he looged was befet on ech fide, be defended the fae agatntt the entmies for a gwd {pace: but at @yecartect Hankfullie accepted thetr offer : and fo thep remats hedat Leith, feruing againt the contrarie fadion length defpatring of (uccours,and doubting leaf the Lennox takert bpon their otwne erpentes, honfe had bene vrderlatd with ome barrels of pou: "bis loging Der,and that it tyould be blotwen bp if be peeloed not Affer this,the lardof Grange,bnderffanding that as fome told bim: andthe enimic to increafe that tepost bad bette madeby fome of the kings part,that Doubt,crieng Mill;blow bp the boule, hat thulo we be twas a traito2 to the Bing; andan enimie to bis countrie , offered the combat to ante that twould tw ffand longer abouthim?at length be was contented topeld tothe lardof Dzmifton , but not before he tific the fante.CChich being aduertifen to them titty in Lecith,otuerfe gentlemen tere defirousto bnders 60 faty that formeof bis toutett capteins had peclocd themlelnes before bis face. 1e peelocd,toith conditi+ take the challenge : but the regent grantedit to the on to haue bis life fauen: but promife in that bebalfe lard of Garlifey, being a Steward, ¢ bis binfman, was not long kept. Jfo2 thofe that had thus taken tho had earnefilic requeftcnit.Wyerebpon,atter dt. bim, then they percetued refcue comming dDotone uerfe meflages bp heralos fent toand fro bettoirt from the caftell, fo that thep thoulp not be able tocar them,the tinte and place tuas appointed; butthe mats rie him atwate , capteine Cander with apiffolet thot Che carte ot ter went not fortvarn , ercufe being made onthe bes balfe ofthe lard Grange,that bp reafon ofthe charge Lhich was committes tobim, it twas not thought conuenientthatbe (hold basard the thole caule bp. on bis otoneperfon. Shortlie after,there came ont of Franceone John Ghefeholme, abo twas fent twith monte to the lard of him intothe bopie , before he could be recouered out Ren of thefr hands. _ Lherett of the nobilitic,to wit,the earlesof Moy ton,Cglenton,and Olencarne znd diuerfe other bes ing taken pztfoners, were prefentlie refcued bp thofe that (fued outof the caffell.Z he carle of Hortonber Grangefor the pafmentof his foulotozs : he brought ing tn the handsof the lard of Wouclugh, toke the With bim alfo a certeine quantitic of powder, ans fame lard prifoner , be péeloing bimfelfe tte him: an |