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Show The hillorie ofScodand. SAhartlic atker this,thefa Crwardof Carnare Man returned inte Cngland, andinthemeanetime Fobu Cumin etle cf Wrehqubancgathered a mighticarmie,vothof Scots and Cuglihmettorefittay gaint king Robert, that he ntight thereby declare bis falthfull attecion towara theneio Cugh king. Hetrutkedoreite twithmultituve of people tocanfe bis cnimiestogineplace: but ing Robert though ‘hetwas haldenwith fore Gckned at:thattime,pot be alfensblena power, and caufenbimiclfe inaboste- litter tobecarien foath wtih thetamreagaintt bis Priatios, Khoabiding bim atattreight; fupolentt bad bin.ancafic matter for thenrtobe puttoflight: butit changed. quite coutrarte to thety expectation, foriethe end the Cumti with bis tole armie was diicomfited , anda great number of, king Roberts apucrfaries Maine o2taken. Thig ottoziewasgot: ; nuteste { fen ata villagecalic att Cnuerrour,tenmilesdiftant loa ni Thehiftorie of Scotland. -trengthsidndeattels were rennered nfobint) ‘and -caft tothe graund. i Mhe catfelbiof Weketburgh was taken James Dotwglatte on Featings cuen, in aon Baty 131 3,abenthepof the garifon were oucrcome toith Shoot -ammoderate furfetting by meats amo datitks ecel: . -_fiuelie taken, accopding asonthat dap the acento: 1 313 anted ble is: Frrthat pere alto ThomasKardall, ap cates -_tertvardscreatedearle of SPurrep, toan the calfel The ex 2 o°of Edenburgh.: Firhich pare alfa, \Brute fan the oan <Gle af Pan} John Maiorhbis. cap.1. Amo the fine x Erased avinie into Scotland, whereicining with another armie of Scots that were afl: mbled readie to aid bint, se pada aisvgy the counteie onto Yanirety, en aud at length toithout atchining ante notable enter Annotzroax PAC Waxtbie tye mentioning, he returned againe Qhoutnfeme Anta Gngland. by [o.Maior. Firtye faine pere, though contiiuall tarres, 2 {oye vearth. there role fuch dearth + fcarfitie ofthings in Scot; ward 1Bzufey perceituing nameanesthereby to ats timeno force ould be bien againt it, Zhistom pofition tvas bnivifelic mane,as moft mentudged: for euerie man of anie wifedonre might eafilie cow ie eaa {hich was atter theincatnationr3<1,hing Wobert nis twarres againt the Scots, tibich be intende Robert. a ofcnisd ee -_tofolotw to thebtter detfrudionof the bole nation. winning manie caitels outoftheir bands,diuerfe ot 60. There cametherefore in hopeof fyeile.not onlte fetp the thich be racedandconfumen with fire.Affer this as twere aointedby commriffioners of the muller®, zingneg £ntting at fundsie times into Gngland with bis but alfo agreat numberofother that offered Hemv Cine felues of their otwne acco2 to go in that fournis, fierce atimic, he brought from thence innuicrable -_ertremeperill of the men and boaffes,that were fure -_to fall opon the ftakes fet there for that purpofes 02 ° -elfe tobe fo inelofed, that theyfhould not be able to fac)a potwer ; for as the fate Maiorfaith,as manie -_oten-cakes callenbanmocks, thich iwere viento bee men as ate to be foundin Cnglandof latwfull age, fo manie able perfonages map be found there to paffe fo able fouldiers. Wut cither kings are notof made commontte atthe mils fanding onthe banks of the fai twater. Jt fallety into the Fo2th right fas mous afterivardsby reafon of this battell fought abilitie to find fo qreata multitude totth bittels and nere to the fame, fuffictent proutfion,o2 elfe they twill not reine thent feluies thereto. Penertheletie, thetbolenumberby Whenboth the armies there apyochen within a mile togither , king Coiward fent eight bundzed alllikelihod twas great.for manpasivellitrangers -_ho2fmen bya feeret waie, onto the cattell of Strives as Englifhmen,toughttheir wines, theirchildzen, ling, to gtuenotice tofir Philip Wotwbzaic the caps and thole houtholo-meinie with them, mn hope after 55 teine, that he twas comewith bis armie to fuccour fhe countrie were orice fubducd, to baue dwelling him, 4. Wobert beingaduertifed of their gate,s be places appointed them in the fame, theretoinbabit: KErwnds for fo hadking Cowwardpzomiled them. Wy reafon -_holoing them kbich tap they toke,be fent Lhomas Che fiaiit of Aandall with fine hundsed Scotifh hortmente faue Ch. Randall pline might be obferued amongt them;formen,two: Men,and childzen, were all mirttogither, withfuch incountering with thofe Cnglithmen in fight of saeeer -both the armies, there infueda cruelfight betiwirt gainft 800 clamo2 and noife, though the buge number of peos plejand dinerfitie of languages, thatitivasathing right frange to behold a campeMconfuledlic oy themfo: fo fmallanumber, continuing a long fpace Erslmnen, with bneerteine bicorie. Anthemeane tine fit James Dotuglafle,dzcading thatbis {pectall friend hereof the diforder was {uch, thatnowarlikedifet the countrie tromfpotle,tubo with fingular manbend fit?500908 forte the bole maner of bis conqueftand vicorte 4o MottolttyFanding,ther he fyas come neere to the a me ouet the Scots : fo fare he thought bimfelfe that all baoze, things twonld come to patle as he could toith 02 des nile. Zhis Carmelite,as map aypeare in lohn Bales bake, tittituley A flimmarie ofthe writers of great place trbere thep fought, and fatw bow the Scots hav §=-got the bletozte iwith great muvther of the Ciglitth» mien,be ftaied and twent no furthersleatt be fhould bp bis conuning feeme to bereene them the glozte of the Betert Sa. -wvictorie, trhich had wane it with Bricaine , tuas named Robert Walton, andhadthe qouernance of anboute in Scarburgh, of the Car melites opver, be being (as befoze ts (aid) of that cote bimfelfe. hohe Ma. bat! Dnthe contrarie part, hing Wobert ordered all Bhstoke {.Seata. great potwelle ¢fingular valiancie. All thofe in the Scotith campe werereliened, in god hope of qreater fucceffe to fol' lotw in the abole enterp2ife by i haypie a beginning, The Englithmen paffedlitle thereof,but pet for that Che Crighity bisdwisgs bv gwd t prudent aduife,anv with zo000 50 the Scots thould not ware proud, and take ouer, mendeters men,right hardic and throughblic ererctfeo in wars, sees came fwrth again biseninues, Hewing notoken Weary te of feare in the world, butboldlie pitched dotone bis bec tents in gwdoxder and warlike arate,bponaplaine alittle aboue Wannockfhomne. Whether hediothis much courage thereby,they determined tagine them serie gine _battell the nert mozolw; hing Wobert with great Ot gence caufenbis people tognepare them{cluestea: ie torecetue the entmies,though be toas nothing a, ble to matdthem innumbery ventfing tthid waie for the great confidence be bad in the barvineffe of bemight traine theminto the vitdes before prepa, bis people, 03 for thathe would thew howlittle he Doubted the puiflance of bis enimies , leatt they red. We commanded through the armte that encric man fhoulv'on the nert mozotw recetue the facras ying iobert preparcth to ici ne a" bp bats fhald haue him in contempt,it is bncerteine, Indeed ment of the Los bovie, through the bic they _ there iuere Diuerfe expert warriours amongeff the ¢o might baue the better bope of bidorte againt the Cngithmen , that faio(aben they heard hotw the bniuft inuavers of their realme and countric. Scots were tints allembicd to fight) that the vidozte Dnthe other foe , the Englithmen tratteo that would not be bad , ercept tt toere Dearelie bought: allthings would profper with them, euen as thep the tutfedome and manhood of Bing Mobert was conto bef newife : fo: by one {mall Dates labour they lihmen with like Gaughteramdcalamities , as the amelie fucy as hadlittle fo live bponat home hotone (well among them, that thep were aw hopedto be lozpsof all Scotlano, and tovifpote of -_truffed to amend the matter by fome ged fostone i Scots had (utterenin the pores before, by the outs the \warces absoav, The countric' out of the wold # red be wouly not teopard bimfclfe m1 fac a cafe , but that be knew be bas tach fellowes about him, as woalp ficke totheir tackle. the Lands and gmsof thetr entinies,as thonl (ame to them gad, and moff fo; their otone anatle. Wut king Kobertall the might befote the battell tobe litle tudgedthe battels fhould icine, and pitches tharpe Bakes within the fame,and after coueted them ouer times be fefi to beuout contemplation , miahing bis -pzater to Cov anv faintPayitlane, tole armeap tt ayaint pwyile booties of cattell and other riches,afflicing the Eng: 1312,Jo,Ma. tagiousfoxceand puiffance of king Gowara. On Thetowneof thecight day of Yanuarie next infuing, Bing Wo: deoaiy, bettwanbp fineforee the trong towne of Perth, is repozten by the Scotith twxiters , that food 2 ont enn came to the Engl, were thefe ; Holand,Z - exe? Wrabant, Flanders, pieardie,, Wologncts, Ce! nee D.Foyns _thete at that time were etther fubiec to tbe king uereDather> geaing ann banging ailtie people both Genglith ane owns, that anie hooement came theretpon,the fonswont -_fHzinkeand fall to the bottomte of the trenches, ith sen: belike (as offert hapeneth)oin farreerceed thetruth. oo *Cats - twant. i Ju the meane time hing Coward fent fosth me f nome abet fengers whith lettersnof onelie puto all bis fabieas, foes -butalfo tntoall his confencrats and alies, tobeut ‘menof fwarre' taken bp and retefnen to ferue im nered bp bing shaled the Cuglithmen outof allpartsof Scotlann, nba apes Hard for the Scots torefitt bin. Aiing Robert him Bing BO felfe allo twasfore offended with bis bother fos bis rps times ree: 3102 it ts not to be thought (as lohn Maior bimfelfe -_getout of thofe pittals.15p the place abere king to, werhehe trary. twritet) that he thauld getfuch a number togither, bert twas thus incamped , there runneth a great Bannock not for that Caglandit felfe is notable to fet forth ro broke o2 water called Sannockfbomne,fo namedof borne, REvourd tetture, that king Coward having & long day © make bis prouifon > Would conte in firyport of them within the caffell and that fo ffrenglic, as wouldbe "Hedtocathortes, andother lothiome tic ¢ meats, Sherebp to fulteine theit lines.Jn the verefollowwing Fas: pike almof as mantie hooemen, belive caviage-men, coiffrels, women, andlackies , butthefamebercin a fetw fatrmen might pate : -niegreat ciesidly caeameeeniecs Deted. 30 the fat Thomas Randall thould be ouerlet with ding Coward bimfelfe mot proud amd infor multitude of the Englithmen, came to ik. Robert, lent of {uch incrediblermmber, toke no bed atall and falling on bis knees befoxebim, required lt tothe youerning of them, fuspofing victozie to be als tence to go forth to the fuppoztof them that tere teadiein bis hands ; itfonuch that athiscomming thus firbtting with thete entmies : tb{ch bicaufe the tothe bowers, be toke aduile tuith bis councell to king twonly not grantat the firt, be ruben forth of that kind of toxment and death be nright put king the carnpe twithoutlicence,bautng tr bis companie Robert, for be had no doubt of catching bimat all. a fall band of men, but petthoten out foi the pure We allo brought with hima religions man fomubat -_-pofe, that ifit were but by MHhetwing binfelfe, hee learned belike,of the opder of the Carmelites,tode, might put the cnimiesin foe feare, be rendered nto king Robert , and in the mean' land,that neither cone noz other vittelscoulobehad so follic hetven in this behalée : but yet ber would nat forivionte : for the ground in mamer generallie _goaboutto beeake the cournant accozded, for Doubt trough thecountric late ontilled, amd beats with to lofe bis bother, whofe aid hic might not wel ali bind of cattell twere deiuenatvaic,as boties tae ken bp the eninties; iby reafon wberof the famine fo fieveated on each Ave,that the people were contre Went) one hundzed and fittie thoufandfotnten, and ued baine for the time,, Gatittitin this cattcl a8cap: -_tetne thereof, twas.a right baliant knightnamed fir eninrtes might haueno moze refuge thereby, chine the enterprife, whic) be ban vathlte taken in esa Ju the fame pere Donaisef the Ses cane titha hand, twas abatyeothereof : foby force be faty twell a45 oe geeatarmicof Cuglithnien and Scots again B, tnough iteonlo not be bought topatfe, ano bp large ‘Gard Brute, Mobert, and las on the teatk,vay of the apettles offers mare'to thecapteine , if he would renver the Peter ad Pauledilcomfited ba Goward iBeule the -place,andberoiie feruantto the king bis bother, he Bings brother,at ihetwater of Deir. Atthis vattell 30 conld notonce moue bin to glue anie care thereto, nas arightvaliant hinght naiivd Rotwland,flaine infomud) as at length he fought to trie him another of theCuglith part,witha great numberof other a wap forth, abich in the end take better effect than bout bintand Donald himielfe was takenpafoner. twas likelie it twouly haue done, confidering the Brgie fabs pus king Robertthough fanour of profperous fox --lacke of circumfpeaton bfen in the bargaine ma -.be bing fine,obfeming the bidoate infundgteconfitts.came Bing: as thus, Chistes in WH an armte into Acgile , and not onelie fuboued - Afterlong fege, and (as before ts fatd) noged 1309, #3 fohn We countrie to bis obcifance, butalfatmke Glerandone, theretwasa motion made bettwirt btm and Ma. faith. det 1020 of Argile out of a ffrong caffell in-that the capteine twithin fora truce, thich (vas accozded counttie, andbanithedhim with all bisttiendsinto on this wife sthat if the foxtreffe tere not fuccoured Cugland,there Hhortlie after hensceatied, Jn the 40 twithintwelue honeths nert infuing, if Gould then pevenertfollowing , king Cowardcametuith an armie tbat of one andother,conteined(asthefame pare Gotwatn wute befieged the cattell of Strine, 2 tring ling: butthe ftrength of the heute was fuch, hat bp Bellefnge, nature of the high crag thereotiit tov and that bp fortification of mans bano befide, all bis trauell anvinforcentent dilfgentlie iinploted fo fiir if, pio: Bing Rovers, {Ot Aberden, on He Alcenfion daie, theretvith Poi Philip Mowbeay; a Scotith man boone, but faking Dir % eons, at Gnucrrour Rig Mobertinas fo mud cefrethed incontentation 20 part withthe Englith men, tho i _1308. of mind, Hat betvas fuddentic tyerbponreftorcdte -_fiege, for he ban fetctent thesenenieee FiThin, pis foymer health,hauing at that time alfotaken the -nition,avtd all mane of purugiance fusticient tobe, _ €atfellof Averdet, which be btterlie defroien, and fend the bolufo2 a long featen: to that finallie @v fauted to be leuelled toity the ground,totheendbis But the number of natural Cnglithmenerce Dedanie one nation befise, infomuch thatthe thole Deotithyahich were found in the fame, ethretwals {othetwalles of that totoncto the ground, andfilled. the Ditchwith the vampire.the fame vere thecattels CatisSoon. of Duntieis, Aire, Ranarke, withmante other iunginonnedean, anowurvctois. Foal England, o2 elfein confederate league swith Dime Therewere alto manie Scots that were Cosh Dentotion,mbaien king Eoivardat Gist Poreouce the Htots bv apomtment of their Bing.to the furtherance of bis barbie enterprife,had caoepe pits and pitithes in the place there it was Hightlic with greene tucies 07 ds, ti fac wile that _reft, hauing great care mbis mind fo> the fucctte of is armie, one ubile reuotaing in bis confiveration -this cance , ano an othernbile that ; pea md formes ish ameRUn nee; - lane, ay ie |