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Show : a ption of England. The defcri rahite horte fo well ag in Walden ato Cant farts ie it * the colothereat image: fosif pom tatetMp eadii ifthepinere carefulof tt. 3 brace of iwoafe faftron of other de f the chine, n Glocetterthire, _fomeal(o tobe chertthed alreadici ivetttward . Sut of the ther pfinallic, fibicotpertwife tonto eycelét ao d pet Aneneffeandtinue of the chine, 7 heare not as men iniaie the foxgeri¢ by the Cwartnette :ead bettie and cetteine otber places foundromaine crifpe,baickle,am ee x erteine Byitigan: iyo iesaia ie biting beat pon the tin ann <1°e, <vitie the c ete: Eschamasbesgs fal te i z of atic tetall, Calonld to Goo that mp countrie ban beene beretofore(02 twere notw) moze carefull of this commobitie ! then wonld it no Doubt have pea ) ned more bettefictall to our Fland thant our cloth o2 | Butalas! foidle are toe, and heretofore ts n eats tiesferent: ,altebancaieequ +o ac fentofe ealebpea men regard to fearch out fbtd) are of otte,ttho required me haydetasertaeor aedjestioaslies *spnt éf landlords hold on to erth tt bath in the Kitchin taife the rents of their farms as thep begin, thep till erraturaabed atbials, andthankt -_-inforce thefr tenants to loke better bite their gains, profitably Saeco 0 re fheditcatesof the tomer} és berie of tari sgintrigs mingled tity and {cratchouttheir rent from bnder euerte clod that eae feliner a oftheblander; is at Aquila tn Abzus0,there thep haue an efpectall Brea of toe toregy, ou fake fin meat, maybeturnedafive. The greatett mart for fattron tweight for the fameof fen pourids lefle in the bury PolyfuiJikasbospeksnigetti, 20 dzed than that of Flozensand ILuke : but hotw ita on ‘heihe foppen alto intwine, it not onelie kepeth gterth Lith ours tt hall apeere hereafter, oe amanfrom dponkenneffe, but incorageth alfo onto Ofquarries offtonefor building. troubled with the tifike and thoztnelfe of MA san ; milke of a fvornan,and lated opon tiigled tot ‘eee, it taisy fuch humors as defcend into the fame, and taketh atoate the red theales and pearles Chap. 9. procteation cf (fine. 3fpoudzinkeit in Tweet twine, it inlaraeth the breath, andis god for thofe thatare that oft grow about them: it billet mothsifitbef Carries toith bs are pits 03 mines, out of tihich tue nig A, out fone to build toithall, € g of thefe as ive bane great ined ih paper bags verte thin, andlaid bpinprefles 35 7 5 plentic tt England; fo are among tapifirteor apparel : allo it ts berie profi. table lafd onto all inflammations , patrefull apoff, Huites, andthe (ingles, and doth no (mall eafe oiv fo deafnes.if it be mingled tolth fac) nedicins as are RY S$ ning as glafte, cither tomate tn fockets infth our jwall,for deviefine fuffe. Diherdofpeake muchof _pillers of alabafter,o2 contrarttotfe: 02 tf it pleate the thequarrics at Hamden nine milesfvom Milbcrte, and paniig fone of Wurbecke, JFo2 toyh fone, not Afetwallowof thequartic thatisatDrelleieoiucrfe Htifike not of the veines of hard fone that are at Orford,ano Wurfory. Due pratfeth the fre fone at workeman totoinepiilers of alabatter 02 touch with fockets of bzafle,petvter, o2rcopper, toe toant not ab fothefe mettals.o that ¥ think nonation can have moze ercellent ¢ greater dinerfitte ef Muffe for butl ding, than tc maie hauein Cugland, if onr felues Maneheter,t P2elburie in Olocefterthire;another coulafo likeof tt. Wut facalas ts ournature , that thegquartiesof thelikein Wichniont. Ahethiroliketh not our oton but other mens do moff ofal nelite bs;¢ fuell of the bard fonein Cle hillin Shropthire; the 1 for defireof noueltie,we oft erchange onr fineff cloth, fourth of thatof Thozotwbzidge, Uelden, and Lets -co2me,tin, and twolles,for halfe pente cochho2fes foy vintor. Whereby itaypeareth that twehaucquartics -thildgen,dogs of tway 02 of cyerle,ttwo pennie tabers, inoww,and ged trough in Cnglano, fufficient forbs fobuild withall,ifthe peut) contempt of our ctone leaden fivords,painten feathers,getugats for foles, -dagtricks foy Difards, hatokcfwhwds , and fuch like commoditics, anddelecationstoinridothercounfries,did not cate) fac folihhold dpon bs, Jtisalfoverified (as anie other wate) hatallnationsbaue rather need of Cngland,than Cuglad of ante other. Suv this 4 thinke map (uffice for the fubanceofour Works. Mow ifpoubhaue regard to thetromature, ,, -trumperie, Ghereby tue reape taft mockage and res prochinoihercountries. J might temember here our pits fo, milfones, that are to be had in dinerfe places of ourcountrie,as in Anglefeteisent, allo at Ducenebope of blew grect,of noleffe value than the Colaine, pea thanthe French ones : our grinds howmantc mines of fundgie Kinds of courled fine marble are theretobe had in Cnglante Wutdtefite ffones for hardware men. Dur obhetffones are na _lefle laudable than thofeof Cretat Lacenemania, onein Staffowthire, an other nave tothe Peke,the tHirdiat Wauloie, the fourtyat Snothill(longingte albeit we dle no oile tith them, as they divin thole parties,but onclie water, as the Ftaliansand Marte the law Ghatndsis) the fiat Cgleftone, Hhiisof blacke marble, {potten with grate o2 white fpots, the ansdo with theirs: thereas thep that grow in Cilfs ciammfEhauc bothoile and water lain bpon them,o2 firtnotfarre from Durban, Di bite marble alfY lve haute ffove, and faire as the Davpelianof pas -elfe thep makenoedge. Dhele alfo are diuidedeither inte the hard greet,as the common that thomakers tis le, Wut what meane Ftogaavonttorecite all, ble,orthe oft greet called hones,to be had among the ortho mofkercelient? ith thefe abich J hance named . 6 barbars, and thofe either blacke o2 fibite, andthe rub they of diuerfe fo2ts,and thole berie profitable foy furndzie altevie are not alfagither ofthe bett,no2 (earfelieof ° o2 bzickle tone tbfeh bulbandimen bo occupie in the ante value incomparifon of thofe, tbofeplacesof ehetting of theft fithes, ; neceflaric bfes . Jn times Stoiwth are dtterlic buknowwne bute nte, and Keres 3nltke maner Mate of fundate colenrs is encri¢ of the blacke marble {potted with greene is none ef {he bileft fort,as maicappeare by parceltof thepaues ment of the lotuer part of the quire of Panles iw Lonvon,and alo in Wiettmintfer, aberefoine pee tes thereof are pet tobe {ene and marked, if anie bere m mianer tobe had, as ts the flint and chalbe, the (haloer and the peble, Iotwbeit forall is we ssmk Fetch them Hili from farre, as didthe all men _-theirfiones outof Jleland, therewith hep paned -_thetr totone for tuant of the like in England ; 02 as Wiilloke for them, AF marble will notferue, then Hhaue wethe finest alabafter that mate elfetpere bee bad, as about faint Dauldsof Wales; alfonereto Beau manour, Lich is about foure o2 fiue miles from etceffer,¢ taken to be the bei, although there -_-fir Thomas Gretham did, when he bought the Tones 9 tn Flanders,wheriwith he paned the Wurle. Wat as he will anfiwer peraduenture, that be bargained for _the trhoie mould and {ubftanceof his workemanthip itt Sflanders s fo the Iullanders 92 ull men will fate, hotw that fockefily ts lfght loping, and therfore they vin balafle their velels twith thefe Ffelana benieficiall onto the cares : ttisof great bfealhoiw tipening of boteyes andall fwellings proceeding of ag th maner dedicated to-the pat the -_-bufloing of churches.religtous houtes,paincelp pala: rain hurnors, D2 tfit tall pleate pou to dzinke the ces,bithops manours,and belpsonlic : but now that tot therrof teith maluefie,it twill maruelouflic pro Thedefcription ofEngland. fipaene Pentofven, and fhe blacke headin Come -ferupulons obferuation is altogtther infringed, and §-_ufloing with fone fo commonlie taken bp, that a tobe byiite, difolue aid expel grauell, and pelo io finaleafe to thenr that make their water bp oop» 40 mongnoble men ¢ gentlemen, the timber frames are {uppofed to be not much better than paper woke, fiicales . Finallte , thee nrams thetcof taken af Otice, hich isabout the weight of one Gilling nine pence balfepente, ts deadlie poifortsasDiofcorides of little continuance andleatt continuance of all, 3t _fatrepaffet inp cunning te fet dotwne boty mante Hothatfirme : and dronke in tine (faith Platina) forts of fone for bufloing are to be found in Erg+ land, butmud) further fo call each of them by thetr proper narties, Wotwbeit{uch is the curiofitie of our -stountrimen, that notinithianding almightic Ood atedinerfe offer quarries hereof bepondthe rent, 43 it Borkehire,ec: and fullie fo gadas that, thofe Ctiftonte Mreined with faffron , baue become like hath fo bleedonr realme in mot plentifull mancr, What thould 3 falke ofthe plaifier of Arholme (fo. -_‘tedions.a Hoiage.And thus mud) beiefite of our quar Of that abich theydig out of the carthintundsie plas: rics of fone for building , ‘Gherein oftentimes the lib!3.cap.13.Dehonella voluprate, Doth batt ondeoh4 Hemeffe, kbich is berietruc. And Fhaueknowne foie , that bp cating onelie of bread moze than of with fuch and fo -manie quarvies apt anvimect for Deonken met, t pet otherwife well knotwn tobe but competent drinkers. Jfo2 further confirmation of 50 piles of longett continuance, pet tue'as lothlome of thts abundaticeso2 not liking of the plentie;om com: this alo, ifaman dmbutopenandrantake abag of OHehundred o2 to Hundrediweight ,as merchants do tthen thepbuie it of the crokers,itwilltfriketud) ANT ite into their heads Lich Deale Withatl, thatfo; athe thep Hall be giddie and ficke (Jmeane'foy tivo 93 threehoures (pace)thetr nofes andefes tnliké fostfill paclo fuctplentic of rheumatiketwater,that thep Qhall be the better fo, itlong atter , efpectallic -monlieleaue thefe naturall gifts fo mould and eft der tn the grontd,and take Dp arvartificiall batcke,tt burning thercoPa great partof the femdofthis land ts Datliecdnftintedandfpent, tothe no {mall decaie -_of that comntoditic, and hinderance of the poze that pertty off for cola; Dur cloershaue from tinte to time , followind our natavall bite in mifthtng of cnr otwne conto their cietight, ubteh is wanderfullie clarified bp this Mieanes ; hotwbrit fone merchants not liking of this ©° ities at hohie, and defiting thole of other countries absoadymol effeonted the catie Rone that is brought phpiitke,mufile hemfelnes as women deo eben thep ride, and puton(pecacles fet inteather, ubicy doth in forte meature (but not fo: altogither) pat bythe force thereof. Mhere grotweth Home faffroninmas -_itherout of Portrandfe : and nrante euen ir thele our dates foll OWing the famebeite,ow conct apthett works almotfto ble none other.bolwhett erpertence te places of Almaine, and alfo about Wiennain onthe one Tees and our Milfall mafons on the other Autteiadich lateris taten fox the bel that Tpriigs a. Chote quarters . Ynfedof this ome do ble er cane Coamongit es baftard faffron, = et is this of ante balue.no? the other inanp o comparable Untoours. Whereof tet this fuk the &s of Acommoditic brought into this Zand i tune of Coward 3, and not commontic plantes NU Miehacd ».di0 . reigne.b At toonld grow \ erie well (ag J tabe it) aboutthe Chittern bils,tin allthe bale hole fungenicit ts nothirieinferiour to thofe of o ther countries deaifirmrehat fr thenosh and fouth parts of Cnglatd) andeerteineother places, thott -arefomequarrtes , which fox bardnete and beautic are equal fo the outlandity qreet. Hhis naiall be confirmed bp the hings chaypell at Cambridge ; the qteatell partof the fquare ftone betof fuas bought thither ont of the noth. ath. Some comm end the bete of tite trae Gone,Cate,mete fone, thicbis betioane hames at this time are ont of my temembsance, -‘flones,to keepe them fromtarning ouer in their tesof Lincolne and Darbithires, therewith they workemen haue found frange things inclofen, 3 blanch thet houtesin fread oflime, 3 fpeake not) so Micane linelie creatures thut vp ithe hard ones, cettes ifisa fine kindof alabatfer. Wutfithitisfln andliuing there totthout refpivation o2 breathing, as Commontlie but after tiveluc pence the load, wetndge frogs, todes, tc: Hhereof pon (hall read moze in the ittobe but bile and courte, Fozmppart cannot duenologie followings alfoin Caius Langius, Wil+ fill of tone » pet in mp opinion itis not without Great ble fox plaitter of paris, and fudjisthemiine liam of Newburie, Agricola, Cornelius of Amfterdam,Bellogius de aquatilibus, Albert the great, lib, of it,that the frones thereoflic in flakes one bponant other like plankes 02 tables, and bnder the fame fs Merceding hard Fone berie profitable for builoing, -_19.cap.9,Derebis metalicis sme Goropius tn Nilolco-_pio,pag.237,8c. Sometime alto thep find pretions ones (though felvome) andfoneof them perfectlie as bathoffentimes bene proucd. Dhistsalf tobe fquared by nature, and much like bitta fhe Diamond, Marked further of our platter white and grate, that 6° foundof late ina quartic of marble at Maplesabich Rot contented ivith the fame, as Godby the quarrie was fo perfertlie pointed, asifall fhe tvoakemen in doth fend and pelo it forth, wehauenow oeuifesto -_-the tworlo had cfulted about the performanceof that caf it in moulds fo: windotves and piliersof &hat iworkemanfhip.z knotw that thefe reports bnto fome formeand fathion tue lift, eueniasalabaffer tt felfe: wortll feerine tncredtble , ard therefore 3 frand the lons and toith {uch fruffe fandzte houlesin Bozkhireare ager bpon themsneucrtheleffe omitting to (peake pars furnithesof late, (ut of chat continuance this der _-tienlarlie of fuch thingsas bayen amongit os, and hife islike to prone, the time to come halleafiliebes rather faking to confirntethe fame bp thelike in o» tate. 3n the meane time fir Wate Wurder Enight tyercountries, % twill peliuera fety moze eramples, % put the Denife in pradife, andaffirmet) that fir Menin fr moneths {hall trauell in that trade to ve abereby the truth hereof Hall f much the better aps peate. S02 tithe mivdefE of a fone not long fince foundat Chins, bpon tye breaking bp thereof , there Steater profit tothe owner, thantivelie meninfir Feates coulo before this tricke toas invented, ‘ TEneither atabater nor marble dots bane the toudjftone,called in Latine 2 was feene Capurpanifcs incloted thorin,bery perfectlie fornted as the bebolders Dw remember. Wowcome the grains of gold to be fo fall inclofed in the ones X.Y. that |