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Show The defeription of Scorlarid. The defcription ofScotland. amin Areland,hich futkeineth no creas SG ceoriaiste mankind.Duerandbefive this, there are no frogs:as foceles thepare (elbome found andtobefeneinthe Dachades, Paving thus fallen info the mention of Jreland, Jthinkeit god among divers other rare gifts of natnre,totemeny ber one thing that J baue proued by erperience to bedone there(although the tracationof Jreland and birconmmodities aperteine not to thts place) tehich farre palfeth all thatener Zhauereadinbokes, Shetland Fles, ahote chiete commodities ffarid ote: te bp fith trhich is dzted in the fun.Where are boought alfointa Scotland out of thefe Flands great tore of (yepes felles,orehides, gotes thirmes,and cafes of martirnes Dzted in the fannie, Gnd it the fame maner the merchants of Yollan,Z elandand Gets mane, fetch thent peerelie bp barter and erchange -foz offer commun and neceflarie wares, twith the people of that nation , tro for maners and conditi: 10 onsrefemble much the Dachanots. The fameinlike foat that is fain ofthe Dahanois, concerning dun Certes there ts a loch,lint,o2 pole there,neére onto -Renttes and frenfie, is berified on them,asis alfa the fbich by manie miles, there grotweth neither -_-theirlength of life, although not in (0 rare maner: perbe nor tre ; botwbett {uch is the qualitie of this ith thefe in ffead of ftrong ale, content themfelues fwater,that faftakebepitcedinthefame, the nae with water,and bere fender dietWepond the Shots ture thereof doth within oneperes{pacealterand landsthere are Diverfe other lands of like condi: change erceedinglie,fo2 that part thereof tich fans tion,but tuffhout coane and all maner of flefh to feo peth in the groundis converted into bard fone,the bpon, Hhele dzie their fib inthe funne, and oben faine that is invironed twith twater turneth into -thepare through fiffe,thep grind them tofmall potv: tough tron, onelie that postion tihich is aboue the faid elementreteining bir former tomndie tubs 20 der,tbich thep wozke vp iwith Mater into loaues,and fo bfe the fame inlieuof other bead. heir firing ftance, therebpitisottenfenebotvinoneand the -_confiffeth of the bones of fad) fithes as thep take, famebovie , thre diftina fubitances ave found, that andpet they content themfelnesitt fuch maner With isto fay,ttone, fron, and tood, hich farreercéedeth this their pare kindof liuelode,that thep thinketheir all credit, Wut to returneagainetoour Dechanes, effate mott baie in refpecof {uch as inbabit in the irhereofthingsof littleo2 no lefle fmpogtartee are to r maine. be reberten,for fith there is great abundanceof bars Cortes there is no quarreling antongtt thefe lep Ghereof they make the ftrongeft ale that is to be ead) one prouideth fuch fore gaitte,but 02 fvealth for found in Albfon,anb thereto bnotwne , that thep are of fith in fummer Lich be taketh bimfelfe, asHall the greateft Drinkers of ante menin the wold; pet {was there neuer deunken o2 man difgutled toith ., find bis familie, o2 beepebis houfe in winter. Dhep are voidofall ambitious mad, and neuer troubled nainke {ene there,neither ante fole,n2perfonothers fnith ciuill 02 forren iwartes , as men that peme fwffe bereft of bis twits thaough frenfte oz anadnes. firmepeaceandquictrefle, with mutual loue anda Chereis herevnto fmall ole of pfickes for mane Bind liveth there mo commonlie wnto-ertreame ~ canitie,tobe the chicfefelicitie to be fought for in this life, and to remaine herein , cacy one to bis potver age in foundandperfect bealth,aboteboniesatio are Doth thetw bis hhole indeuour. his finallivis tobe of frong conffitution and verie fbite of colour. added buto thei commendation,thatthey are fim heewes that are to be foundin thefe Jlanvs -_ple, plaine, botd of craft j and all manetof ferpeny Haire for the mokk parttivo o2 fhe lambs apece'at tine fubtiltie; tic) endeth commonlic with mith eucriecaning , and theretwithall thep bane inthis countrie fuch plentic of foutes bothtotloann tame, |, cheefe,andreigneth inthe maine. Onee tn the pare there commeth a pete! brite them from Drkenep, as the like number againets not fo be found tr Bete (of abich foceflethey are) Hhomintitreth buto them taine. Cher horles avelitic qreter than the French afles, but in their labour they erceedall other. Ghat fhould 3 {peake of theplentie of Ht) therctobe hav, fihich palleth all credit? among Lich therets one fozt greater than anicbosle,ofamaruellousannin: credible fuggifh vefire tofleepe. This ith ahen the pronineth to leepe,fattneth bir buge teeth bpon fome the facrament of baptifme,, and after'a certeine time (hauing talent bp inthe meane time bis tithes in fil, ttbichis their foleincteate, and veric trulie -_-patd)be returnetly home againe. the fame wap that 2) became. Ffanie gifts of nature are to be numbzed as pat cels of tuordlie riches and renowomte, thep are not crag that licth aboue the water , amd then Mumbzeth 02 falleth into a moft found ref; tric the feafar 5 fwithout thefe alto: for the people of thefe Zles ring menefpiena, thep forthwith cat andor, and then letting Dotwne their f{p-boats , they conucie ~_luffie, faire, trong of bodic,and high of fature, : that nature hath not failen to induc them twith the: themfelues tothe fil, amd boxeagreat holethzough fbings, andthatin moft excellent mance. Tbe fomake it {ure; the other endisfattened.toagrent ancho2, fhichis let fall of purpofe intothefea, and -ferrevaboue all treafure,as thep well know thatare opprefled twit long and gréeuous infirmities? #5 bic taile, eheretnto thep put one endofacable,and -_{hould''Z fapof their bealth, which ts aw may bop fhus ts their enterprife attempted per tong to be at: hereamongthefe men,pou hall bery felvonte bea ‘fierefotfe and delite themfelues : and thatthefe are Mrchades, with whoime one of theleMlanvers divel- he had erperiericeoflate,at fuch time as be was cor len, rho not onelie made a like rehearfall of thefe things with hisotyne month, but alto verified the faite tit bis owne perfor, for his height farpatied the contmon lature of men, thereto he twas excel lenitlie Well featured itt his limts , fo thite of kin -_-fkreined bp tempett of wether to get fo land in $902 weie. Thus Kanvdeth the cafe,being dauen(as 3 fatd) Dponthe horeof Poztweie,he andhis companie fatw aa Rind of people ranging bp ¢ dotone in the mot teins there, minch like bnito thofe thich diners pice ouet all, that be might contend in beautie with anie tures giue foith for wild men, hearie an' dglie to ladie of the land, and findllie fo ahite and flrong of 25 bebold. Inthe end being aduertifed that thep twere bodie, that no martin all thole quarters durf runo2 inzeftle with bint. Hereby alfo tre may le , how far thepare deceiued abich indge them to be barbarous, fauage and wild beatts ; pet nenertheleffe deablit enimies to mankind : thep brderffon therebnto, that althougl in the vayfine thep abbo2red and fea: mb tniferable creatures, that inhabit far from the red the fight of man, pet inthe nightthep twotila bp tropike lines , for there are no people moze baypie great companies inuade the fall billages ¢ coun: than thofe that otvell in thefe quarters, as Zhaue _-trie totwnes, Killing and fleaing fo manie as thep pzoued alreadie. found, 02 Abere no dogs were kept fo put bp thet Furthermore , among the rocks'and crags of fhete Jles qrotweth the delectable amber, called z- ‘rage and furie. Certes (uch is thett nature , that thep ffand-in lethrum, Chryfilerum , 0xX(a8 Difconides faith)rreryeo- 30 Sreat feare ofdogs at thofe barking and fight thep phoron, indued with fo behentent an attractive force, «Ate and rein atvay with no fimall batt and terroy, that beting chafed it dratweth frat, flor, and other tiberefore the inhabitants ave inforced fo cherith like light matter tuto it. Thisgum is ingendeed great numbers ofthe faid bealfs, therebp to kepe of thefea frothabich is throtven bp by continualres off thofe wild men that ofhertvife tvonld annop pereutiion of crags and rocks againttthe fea twalls, and through perpefuall working of fhetvauesgrot -them. They are mozouerof(uchfirength,that fome_-fiines thep pull bp pong tres by the rots to' fight eth itt fimeto beconte tongh as gine 5 tillit fall at -"Withallamong themfelues . Aye amballadotits fee thelaft from the rocke againe tite the fea. Sucas Datie‘sifen bietord and marked the genetation of to be fike afroth and bubble of tater twithout all them; with great fiers to gine light ouer all that mafite fanneffe , becaufe that as petitisnotfuffici: entlie hardened by the working of the clement, Sometimes the Deatangleisfoundinnironed alfo Withall | becaufe itis driuen hither ano thither by the quarter, till om the mozrotw that thep tokethe fea, andfodepartedthence. sFinallie,the ortegians hetwed them, that there tuas another people not far off,thich lined all the fummmer time tnthe fea like foorking of the wanes, and fo long as it fleets to and fith, ¢ fed of fuch as they oto catch, but in the winter frotii'this maner,folongis it apt to cleaucto anie -dalfbecaufe the water ts colo)thep preted bpon fuch thing that it toucheth. Liwo peares before F wrote this bake,there came wild beats as fed on the mounteins , tthid) conv nitig Dotone from the Motwie hils to grafe tn'the &@ great lumpeof amber into Buchqubane,inquar50 ballies, thep killed with Darts and tucapons ; atid titte fe big as anie hore', ahich the heardmen that carted bnto their caues. Jnthis erercife alfo thep bept their catteil neere hard caught bp, ¢not knot: tng in ded that it was, they cated it home , and hands they make the better Mitt fo cline bp and ning a fludet and delectable fanour to procéd from the fame , thep ran by ¢ by to the priett of the towne there they diwelled , telling bim bow they had found come Potwne from the crags ¢ mounteins, tibere? of in that region there is berie Great plentie anda bunbantce. ‘ apeece of Hutte which wonld ferue berie Well in fread inthedéprs: bnt being taiby thetveight of the cas cafes, As fortheir quietnelle of minp,it is altos 5 that fir ¥obn bad' bene moreerpecationt, cunntrig than them? felnes, but contrati¢ to their it fell out fuc) as is tonftant,¢ bnchangeable,and therefore . commronlic taker) andfone after alfatueneth bp birbellie, pelding bietelfe ints thewancs, andbic --: erebntafurthermore, fit betrae rides re -_-is in Dexd)For ech one not to couct other mens onx buttocontent imfelfetwithtbat ebich ts biso lelfe gainte among the common(oi! who fufferedit andnot toftand in need of anie thing, can ante be fortin winte other regior maze rich amEe -_nnate than tie Shetlany men and thele Hlandere = allie, ifthofe bethe true bonozs, and reucrenD Oe ties ttehthe obevient fonne with great tmto bis gooPe andboid of all flatteric, baththet Tents, and oberetoithall the bett fort bo mararton? tben thep brake it in peeces.it refembled tn colo; tr bodietothemariners,ubomakeanéreellentoileof birgreate,mnopaffing trong cables ofhic hives: thitte: Certes {uch is the force of rapemade of the thinofthis fith, that thep will bolvataplimge no leffethanthe Spantth {parto. Hereinaliothey ecy ceedthe fame, inthat thep twill continuebericlong Without frettingfunder. An bundzed milesbepond theDihadesare the 2 ne " es behaviour ofthe old, and fuch as lined See thatbe tons no leffe pnfhilfuil ¢ voto of knotolege comparablebntoanp rides 0: huge matte of toax tie trenfiwres ora of fratikincenfe, wheretvitt to perfiune his faints Of the maners of the'Scors ‘in thefd Srrather Xdols inthe curd. hele mre fmpoted co dies , andtheir comparifon withthe, blo,thelaboureth fo vehententlic, that at the lathe Lwindethbir felfe out ofibir Min (for the thich he is tie little bards to their feet,Ahich beare them bp hin finking into the foto, and fo twith a fraffe tn their thefy a portion thereof into the fire :firtallie,percei> of fickeneffe to attach anie , onfill ertreame = come that billety them altogither, and this ts that ef Andjo2, and indensuring in baine to breake the {nar thefe bricouth creatures , tere nota little atta» -‘ntfhed, arid therefore fo be fure fronvall inuafion', this'gum, whilett it hangeth on the rockeaffirme tt 40 procured a ftrong gard to tvatch all infahtabont chiued.: For after this wound, it is not long perthe fit awaketh, tho feeling hirfelfeto be hurt, icapeth at onceinto the fea,thinking tobive and fhrowd hir 6° ceding benefit naturalltc appzopzied bute ee me at Abetdert. And thas much of the zebrides, or- alfo not wanting in theferegions,can wweiuflicfap -chades, and Shetland Fles Cubiect unto the Scotith that thefe meitdolacke ante thing; o2fhall ive not ‘regiment. t } rather affivine with great affurance, thet thep ra» ZF might(10 doubt) haue mave reherfall of ofuers ther fandin needof nothing that ante moztallinan other ftrange things tomathic the noting ti this be tat fuftlie with o2 defirer i halfe: but % haue made choife onclie of the mott Mut if there be anieman that twill accufe meof rare and cicellent, andfo ould finihh this deferips Ontruth in the recitall of thefe things ,asonethatli: ‘tion, were ff not that one thing hath fated ine right eth loiyd and bp authoritie of apeople diveling far -‘pleafant to be vemembzcd, ag an Oriconth ¢ frange off, forfo much as ¥ mp felfe was neuer in thole J yo incident , whereof matfter James Dgilbte ambal: lands ;bethall bnderifand that J learned all thefe -fadour from Jaines our King ( among other') bnto thittgs of the reucrend father Coward bifhop of the the king of France, hath certified me , and thereof et oe aim wenesne thereforerefufing the tole lumpe, 1 a {all pootion thereof, and returned the thety apart the olv maners , of the Scots touched in' mp eS Glone a5 3 trneriiodof the matter, J vlen fu diligence, that one portion thereof 18 brought ta 7 G Dnfomuch ag Diets oe Y57e6 bie men have netiren me to te thepurett goin, ¢ thirien as if it bab bene the laie Peouedtrue that the fowrechs not of balme wut L The tts Chapthe EE Top taper by reafon of their ontkilfiithemle . Certes &ameofa canble. Hereinalto the proucrbe twas ae } if ‘Onto them , abhereby it came to Itftle profe and én Pe hittorte , to the end it may be ap knotone how far ont nati Pot tele pretent eaies ere EAS vifferent in ae pau |