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Show Thehittorie of Scotland. Complaint made of the Catning. fr Chaitimate,to'th all Klemnitieand foifull mirth fant,ireelofen in acate ingratienfoith thetitle of &, that might be deutfed, She charges thereof torre -_Meholas, Andnotfarre from the fame teas likes bozne partlicby king Penrice, epartliebp theardy iwife founda fone ett » tight cunninglietorcught bithop,cho in featting thofe princes (pentright libe» amd tngtanen, therein tuere found certeme bones tallie, At length,king Alerander after he had folas -twraypedin filke, but thofebones the fame tere it ced bimfelfe tn the compante of bis father inlay twas notknotone. As foneasthe cafe tyas opened, king Benriea certemetine, returned into Scot within the Ebich the croffe twas tneluded, mante nt, land twith bis nef maried twife. Daring the minotacles tere tuzonght(asit twas then beleued.)aing ritie of 14. Alerander,the realime of Scotland was Alerander fox devotion hereof, goucrned it great profperitie bythe nobles : but 10 haro2 of the bolic croffe,in the builocd an abbeie fy fame place there that 4 after bis conuning tovipe age, he was (nforned of peeceof the croffe wasfo found.3n this abbrieatter, ae cetteine ertortions dane bp fone of theperes of wards there tere monks inhabiting of the over bisrealine againt the pmze people, and therebpont of the Lrinitie. ; beferntined tole redzefle thercit. Amongi other ot long affer, the tivo kings of England and gnintenion there tuere accufed of {uch trangreffion , the earles Scotland met togither at Wlarke caffellaccompa, Matth.Paa bf Penteith,Atholl,md Wuchqubane, with theloz2 of Strabogie,ahich were of cnefurname, thatiste faieof the Cumins. hefebeingfummoncdto ap» peate before theinffices, Wwithone tng) Aberneth, -_niedwithagreat numberof the nobles ap gentles an men of both their realmes 5 fo2 the redzette of cers TSCA -_teine miforders committed bettwirt the bozderers, aierannns Such reformation allo twas bere deuifen 3 AND rey bisite cm Thejhiftorie of Scotland. S¢matte | of battellconimiing towards youto gitte the cc ONfet.He are of that opinion , that ive neuer get fo ‘i much gaines bp vidorte of the enfinics , no though cc bauerettitution of tongs dmite to 8, by (ome mahev of boneff meanes, #02 that aveater follie map ¢¢ be,than to fee for that bpfier and tho,fbich map beputchafen with faire and quiet woinsy SPeuerthes € leffe,ttben our tuft defires and reatonable mofions 10 4 ¢ Ae refuleof the eniniies, them Wwe find then not tbhemonen. ce cg aeone and other of their complices ; pon their contempt 2. compente madeon either five, that both the realms owe _continuediatteriwardsin moze perfect tranquillitie. genieim mentearmeit, put to the bo:ne, fozacerteine (pace , than enet twas feene tr ante theploame ae She forefaid loxds moued with this difpleature, purpofed torcuenge the fame, andaflembling thett @beking ta. Powers in fecret wile, toke the king at ikinroffte, kendpthe Curing. and brought bint nto Striuelng , there thep kept bint as captivein ward a long fimeaffer, Tough Gbichaduenture mud barme infued, by reafon of mifculed perfors,that wonght manie opeeffionsas gaind the people, tn hope toefcape the nue puntthy ment for thcit niifthicfous acs proutaed, fith the bing tho thouldbaucfene tuttice minifren, tas boloen in captiuitie by bis prefumptucus abterfar ries, ut of this maiter pe mate fee-more in the Cuglith chroniclesaboutthe 3.9 peeveof Wenvie the third. Thehoute of the Cumins tyas tn thofe daies etate of great potver twithin the realme, both frramnlte Theheigntor Witbaweneth;that men of great polledions odd» great famikes Minton are had in ufpicton with the peince,oberehp thecaufe of- the fante is for the mojepart the caufe of thetr ruine ee of bel fal. and fall,fecialtie tenthey prefume ter fatreppon thee high polwersfoitehanced here. sor uitiin.a Shopttine atter that the king was thustaken(asber fore is thetved) the chiefeautho2 of the stole conf' The carte og 'Hste>thatis to fate, the loro Caltercarleof Dene the Cumins were © eranfmated, that obtefning thett pardon, forallofentespaledof thebing,thep Did fet bimagatne at libertte, Zhis womandid thus make alwaie bir butbany the erle of Menteith though inffigation of an Gngy lihmancalled Zobn tiullell , as by. coniecuresit Gunes, with birs, be was tudgeda mated) farre bmeet, and fanided ioith the fame in the tuetterne Zles,on Lan' togither fr bond of amitie and mariage, tbtch Mall cc COMeagain{ pou twith fac) pntTance , that pe Thal notbe able to retitt the faine , herefoze fith pe map mas dapothertwife: callenPetriad Vincula. hole xine Zles continucd bnder fubiedton of the Poztuegh ‘es bees ans and Danes, from bing Cogars time nto the jsiecwedt dais of this Acho.From thence the fain Acho witha m4 Dew" -mightie power of his Danes and Mortwegians # cameouer into Aranand Wate, ‘ebtch ave tivo Zee, <¢ Depart twith bono2, ine on the bebalfe of bim from thonte te are fertt, bo admtontthpou, that better it *€ tsfoxpauto redzefle fuch inturtes as pe haue alreadie ¢< Da@iheand theretoith to repatre home, thantto avnews andonelie at ; Thetcakot therebpon conttreinen to flie with bum into ng» land,(he died there in great miferie. About this time pope Urbanethe fourth of that name infitnteo the, eee feat of Corus Gyiffi, to be celeboated each pere Tbefiriecom- OM thethurtoay alter Lriniticfundaie. The Carmes ming ofthe lite friers came at this time into Scotland, anderece; Carmelite teda chaypellof our labie twithout thetwalles of faint - Bpart of the bolie croffe found. _freatie fora peace,that toate to Diarith the enlon force,bp long foto2ning in campe without a gave -_anie battell.{ycerebpon twere ambafladors fent Acho, of the rich one among ther sppointed - ta,being twell languagedano twite,at thete Art co ming before bim {pake tn this manner. "a cues Tereit not that our king e nobles of the MANE dass Fobustotone, ehich the bithopof Donkeluapoine ted them,therein to celebzate their fernice, Zt was alo fatd, that in this eafona monkeof $elrofe (by anancient euffome obferucd euien from ginning) dm bfefirtt to feke redzetfeofall a s, _receiued » before thep offer tobe renenged au pattof the boliccrofte, not far from Beplisin Low' pouto talke of corico;d,but a nightie armte ait Was admonithedina dzeame,abere be Mould finda tuse to be brought tntofuch oefperate ends , that fhva20; pe youd riot notw bebolo orators tent ab? Stewardiea- ber ofthe tight ing, Patrike felfe, ith all the remnant peoploof the otherpacts sing: of Scotland, to fuccour the wings ten vangbyap, The kein peered, Thole battels twere oznercd it fact arrate, pe midole that eucrie band havacaptetne aMgnedtethen of ard, their one language , to erhoot them'to manboo, thereby to tvin pzatfe and bono, ioe At bis entring ito theconfines of Conninghant, there be came fir twithin fight of bis enimiess he called bis peopletogtther , and exhorted them tong Bing Berane their dutiful tpeno2s lite barote and baliantnten, eee again# thofe enimies that innaded their committe po parancie, twithout anie tuff caufe 03 title of warre, andro pat their trot inatmightie Gov, defiring bim to grant bicove brito that part , ubidy bad mol right ano ih tet canfe of battell. We further hewed how neces farieit twas for therm to bebaue them(elnes valiant lie,and bot much it fad thentin band tofight with ° manilte courages,in defente of thetr wiues, chitogett, *© then pe Mall be conttrewied to (eke for mercie , the 50 Uberties, andlands, batting NobOpeot (lievttedflife ope of facr= « fine in'no Wife will be granted tntopon. ¢ Zhefe butin the valiant bing of their able bans' pfythat eeMe es Wwozbds tocre fpoken bp the ambaffado2s , bpon purtheit tole fafegard refted:in thie point , either td . pofe to' put fone tervo2 into the bart of this barvie banqutfh their entmtes with manhwo,odelle to ting AChE ecettiele mie oner into Albion, and landed twith the fame on thought bel to prolong the time by colour of fame Moued pou to biene the churcdes of God andbis ce ints,twlth the murther'of bis people that fle into the fame fo fafegard of their lines But if pon dean not God that gouerneth all things (bybts diuitepros cc Widerice) tehich heere in this todaltwe fee; if pe nread Natthefhints no2 verigeance to come' on pon bp the *© panithntent ofthe righteous God : pe ought vet to 40 cc Deeadithe too moff puiflant kings of Albion,alied aie mcal ofthe cot hott, Blexanver ucling thire. Jn theminole toard twas the kingbime fieryintg gaint pou o2 anie other (tote reuengers pe map €¢ feme to be) that thep Mould oeferue tohaue {uch cru Berning of eltic 'thetven agatntt them 2 What farfoustre bath afietof Dips conuentent forfuch an entetprite, be FobRute twas filpected; namelic, forthat refuting tomarcie _newwes,for that he was peonig,anno not able(astt 85 soit! anGngttth= (with anie ofthe Scotity nobilitie, the take the Caid Go Doubted)to refill the forceof his errtinies,inbolvened crm? pet Kulell tohutband, though ineffate tobe compared port {uch frequent bicoztes as thep bad ath in protwelle,beinight pet pate them inriumber. He wing Dinided his hot into thae battelsiInthe right Was Alerander Stetvard,a verp valiant knight, phue to that Aleraner tuhich tndotven tle abbeic oF Palte. He hav with htm all the men that camefw2th © and feeble slo perfons bane patted bp the fiom, as Seots were thus oypeetfed iwith famine ano other LA Aire acerteine time, héetmbe the fame, a gure-_ 2a aflembletly that thou) Hewere not ableto mats) bis entimies 2°Der8 power. cc Wellas thofe that haue od at refittance tithweae of Argile,Leucnor, Atholland Gatlotway. Irvtho leek porriit hand againpou. What hetnous offerte baue toing uas Patrike Dunbar, bauing with hiat the cc the Scotifhmen at ante tine committed efther a 39 menof Louthian, JFife, ers, Wertwike, moetc tealmesof England ano Scotland,by reatonofthe 4909 began to wafteend fpotle all the countrie therea' a bouts. Boy I? King Alerander being fore aftonted toith thet nes oe rh Ther king Alerander had beard fbat the antiwer of bis entmie tuas, be twas therewith fore mohed, ¢perceiuing no tate to efthuethe battell, butthat alfo to inuade the marie land of his Dominions 3 © pith {uch crueltie, as neither confideration of ageo2 perfortféemeth to be had; but that women, thtlozer, ands to beféene as this day), right fumptucatte farses builded, for the mot partat the charges of Gutilt pear ain bitGop of that fee,tholiued'notlongatter the fi, nifging ofthe faid toorke,. In the peere following, . bic) toas the peere after. the birth of our Santor 12° 36 1 263 » there fell a great dearth throngh both the the nert coatis > there after be bad belfieged the 64 eye cabett fellof bpandteceiued by hintand hiselversinttines pat, »° tradiction. ¢¢ fake from bint hts tivo ¥les of 1ute and Aran, but that timeamong#f.all the refoue were PHeuteityis With, tho was highest i anthoritieamong all thote 5° tnder the domtinton of Scots, Wut Ado baning scone pottoned,, Cuming, fwas:porfened (as tas, thought) by bis quickléc fubucd thenrat bis pleature , in bope of # olne wife , thzough Gbicy mifchance therefioue of moze profperons fucceffe; tranfported his tubole ar' The bing fet atitbertie, teth to auoid the fpotling ann burning of bis totpnes, » andflaughter of bis people; op if hedeftren not tofe » the btter ertermtnation of bis realme afore biseies, command him to fend bnto bs fozthtwith ten thou: 7 fand marks fferling fopthe fruits of ouvtands taken His denand: andfurther thathe makea cleare retignatiorof all > claime 2 title that be map féeme to pretend onto the faio Stes, in {uch fort that the fame map patfe bit: 22 der our Dominion in perpetuitic tuithout. anie cons on,the {pace of this handzed peres, and not onelie to bings dates before that tinte. Jr this feafon twas aa aniferies; bp. repost of themthat made the fame Coming, tudeofoflpring,riches;lants, pofleMtons,mbmate mmoze thanit nas in deed 5 fuppofedto fro tineand Thirticans Lent Tere tere at the fame time tothe number of -ogcatton fit for bis parpofe,to twoknights 32 knightsof that furname within the realme, all 40 bis dominion dserebpon, fubbue therm trpolie to preparing an acmteand ofonefur- men of fatte pafedtonsandreuenues, ut asitof bis menacing twmds, no2 petanie other biolenee » that be can thet againt bs; HPotwithianving, if 4 be be move deftrous of peacethanof baitell;amdiut iets,in dilating that peace ao league, which bath 20 be Mould be conttretie d to trie fortunes chance, be ¢¢ béne obferued and kept betivirt bs and pour nati, afembled togtther an armtie of fortic thonfann meri Ring Meranz the church of Gatco fintthen in that perfection as tt tees iwet barwett preceding; fo that the come and graine twas quite marred and cozrupten before tt conto be got befine the grounn, Acho king of Porwate, being informed howw the achobiyt Wwillinig to bane peace (fox the obteining tbereofall toattes ought to be taken tn band) but rather that eit onelie febing ts to haue twarres,not relpecting the quarrel: tue are reabie to rife tholie togither ir Muenge of facy contempts iitth all polltble {peed and bfolerice againt our aductfaries. wate are fent theres fore from our bing and foucreigne , to inquire that ae occafion pou haue thus to inuade bis tealme and tubs ‘The Camins foto do,were proclamed traitors,and as the Dcotith pattothe bs. Shetw then to pour ting,that wefeare nefther Dcotlann, Pesreto be: hep bau robben ano {polled our confines, but that fosioares. MeACcount it much better tohane peace, if we map _ 199: {ues and profits ont of thofeFesin times paffrom mingines Ray king Acho. y Peuertheles he twas abathed Wolittle therwtth, that wets beanfiwered them in this manner . Woutbeliefe is cc (3 Petceiue) pe ambatladozs, to abath bs with pour flerce and atvfull tyords, foppofing vs fo weake bar, cc ted, that te houlo leane off onr enterpzife through in feruile bondage as' their Nanes and miferable of rhe Faufe, thrals,andto faffer thetr wines any daughters tobe abufed at their tut and pleatire . We willen thom therefore to confloer,tbat notonelie hebit alloot) land thonlo fee them fight that bap, noting both thetv manhodycotwardife, Wut fith thelr canfetwas tut; pour menacing threats: but pe are farre deceiued ©° andmoued onlie invefente of thefr nating countrie &¢ fuertie tfpour imagination be fuch, And there pe ers and ancient liberties, be trufted they ould thet the 4 dices of aGgerateour iniuries Done to vou in taking from move bardinefle and courage, namelte agatnit them blown ¢ fpoite, "« Pou certeine Zles,we percetue pon are not met noz that fought onelic bloud and {potle: hele tot other ce different perfons fo be chofen for fudges in that the like twaxds King Alerander bttered with bold caufeneither Do tne mind to learne of pou, that ive {pirtt,to incouragebis people, Andon the other part achos exhops €c ought foefteeme right o; wongin fach bebalfe.3f pe hing Adjo liketwtfe thought tf erpevientto vfe forme tation to hg defire further to knotp and bnderftano the caufe aby €¢ mehane inuaded Aran and Yate , we fate and af, i firme, that not onelie thofe two Zles pertetne to bs amd ourpeople by gnb title ano ancient right of inbes ¢¢ "tance, but alto all the other Jles of Scotlann , as Cece wwe are able by firme enipenices {ufficiently toprous, Sen Amp therfore are te nofp come to take prefentlie fo Riad int balue'ont of Scotlann, as ye bane taken in exhortation onto his armie , that thep thould notbe People. afratd of the great nuntber arty huge multituve of the Scots, Lhe dyiefepoint to incourage them to va balls ment yee antliehe (uypofed toasthe hope of (potle , and theres woatiand foe be put them in remembzance , hotw bp biaorte not onelie all (uch rides as the Scots had brought thither tolth them (hid coulo not be (mall) but alto all |