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Show 410 Thehiftorie of Scotland. neighbours of fife bute thee aid, Mh thep were nertadioining bute them , bnto thomalfa Gordon twas a perfecuting enimie continuallie tn all that Wiacknee betrated. €venbursh fhat bedfullie Inked into the dangers of that time, Mudeproprium eft longe quodin ordine Vita enils , brake Downeall the mtilsabout Coenbuargh, mils token. Farnifhen all the noble mens boufes and places of defenfe twith gartifons neere bnito the folie , and clofen bp all paffage to amd fromthe citie , for now there was freth fhirmifhing , ard manie on both parts, as twell ofthe king asof the depofed queene the bing and queens part. nen, Thefe things thus depending andthe King amd Quipariter petet has vnus coaltererits the p2to2 of faint Parie tle and Portiniake , which Were alfo adioined bnito them: all tbich perfons f palled,named,and apointed,oetermined, ratificd,¢ pafled thee articles following. Thearticles and aé&s ofthe parlement holden at Edenborough the merit the fanie. After ahofe election the tivo prine ces, the Cnglith quene, and the French bing nits Rinence of twarre befoxe named continued » fend FEngiandé Lp as the kings next andlouing neighbour, mo the t and fucha perfon,as bath fox the nobilitie of bis birth, gent god fernice to the realme and to the king,dtd well fention of that countric bic) waslike to be at band bpon thefe ciuilt and pnnaturall fwarres,tf better 0 per iwere not taken therefore) the queene of Crig- tics,and fecking to proutde to Matethe following dif p " tormitigate and fkaie that furie, that it Gould not at that prefent,o2 during the kings minozitie patle ante further. 02 the accomplitment hereof, fir Wattle Ham Durie knight,and Thomas Wandoizh efquier, fwere fent from the queens of England: ad mons freur de Croque, who had allo bene ambaflado2 out of France into Scotland before that time, was now againefent thither from the French king. hele much about one time arrfuing in Scots ind , andisining togither concerning the erecution of toefr anbaflage, sralt fo cffecuallie therein, that in the end thep concluded an abffinence of warre to Councell of Crent nt . land amongeft the Scots to performe bis anbab fage. Whidy being Knowneto the Scots, and they conte fonzth of England from that prince, tome te ligion, bloud, affinitie,and neighboshed bad mourd to like and folloty, did in the end refolue themfelues, that both the affection , afwwell of the yong bing,and of the impatfoned quéne, Mould referre themfelues to thequaene of England ,to makea finall conelite then amongft then. Which the (aid Iencie Ailligreto ic,ertending the fame buto all po affirme) bat Lefleusfaith lib. 10, pag, vitima, thata 60 accowingl tie of Scotland, ercept fach as tere in . ¢ a Allowaic in morte repentina concidit) being butted theearlenome of arte (asisbefore faid)annone lie followed fchom be bad iffue this Fob,Ghich {uccerded him i ie came nient Prema asd ntit, ie diedtwitja batcarle of Angus: notwearle glatie uof @arreyB Aretitine decetted fur, Detrich chanancompotenthele betfes commendatoric' ers prelling the nature, beriues, qualities, anovaloue d queenes faction, hich thep the {mprifone, as after hall moze appeate « sFhaue +o) ing efpied by their cnimies » Capteine Michaeland his banocame from Donoitke te ffop their patlage thereto. Who within thre dates after fuch bis ap! proc),bettvoied thetr tnelland infoxcethomto kepe 20 tithin the wals of the cattell : at that timethe re- gent advance bis trenches mae againtt on cas itke: (0 that iith the water lieng onthe fouth: qwetttive, and the tegents power the anes ome, the cattell twas tholte inutroned Daring sptch fiege ge,the firteenth of the fame moneth,t , he caffilians at, fo oe as tuere affembled in the foyenanied patlement kept of the regents boufe : although men, women, and rope DID Dailie frequent and pale : the fréetsof t totune, Which was a rare matter ? moze ine this: that there cna ae on the regents part ( fromthe fictt of the moncth of Name and authozttie is latofall , and of the inualiof' -reafon of that tranerfes made ouerthwwart the colo2of qubatlocucrother anthozitie, fincebishighe made againg the caftell; at what time alfo the tol ther counterfet buls 0) pzouifton to benefices with antedats, 11 Aypobation with ome addition to the act of Priuie councell, made in the reigne of the qubene ly Annenf the reparation of the deftrucions, biggings , and other bamneges within the towne of G@denborongh during the late trouble. 16 Aconfirmatton of the nfeffement of certeine Sut before this finall agree» a entcal as yertet there was anabffinence granted at the fute of the of war grans ambafladozs of England for the uke ano bigad, berents, ontill the foure and tiventith of Febzuarie; in thich meanetime, certeinelozd8 were aypointen the kings mother , annenf the pifpofition of benes to conferretwith the {ato ambaffados for an acco fices to minfftersofthe kirke. 60 tobe bad betiveene the hing and (mpxtfoned quenes 12 Annen€ execution again perfons crcomv fadion . Wherebpon fir James Walford came to the Str James 13 Annentk the reparation of parith kitks. 391 frets to faue the people , befives the other trenches A cononation, - both and the church twas fenfed twith a rampier for ouching motion to be made foraleague iwith cevof turffes,fagots, and other futfe fit fo. that purs the qubens maiteftie of Cngland , fo2 the aefente of pole, Wherebp the lors of the parlement did as foxren inuafion, for the caufe of teligfon; and that fafelie affemble ano fit in the tolbmth, and the people Others pzofelling the true religion, maybe dzatone 5° went as qutetlte and fafelie to the durch to heare dis into the fame. nine fernice , as thep at anise time vid before the 9 The declaration md interpretation of the act -warres began and before that ¢ cattell was annenf mafle and gletbis, fieged, a ae irae To Annent the interpzetation of the popes ant o» During thtch doings in the cattell ¢ the totune, Anabttinence 14 Annenf proceeding in caufe of dinozle. 8 OO tblie informed,there Wee pore nr beenecrev rev 18 _iedat Eenborough to begin the fifteenth oF veCall rie , tn tehich were aflembled the os a gent, the eatles of Angus, Argile,Olenca, fels, , municat. Epenborongh: tidy) were the 1020 bea ca "4 oof Grange, fecretarie Livington, the ieore than rege,and others: tho rather defirous of Shas -_peace,as perfons mectelie fuel ineeeee nares twoulonotconfent fo antepeate, other orca af might Hand with their otuneliking, ' ye ; fic of all things attemptto in ante namte,and bnder fion of all confronerfies and troubles tid) were wingdifcourfe all aeare. Whit FobnArethine earle of Qarre the regent dip marie Annable Qurrie Daughter to the lard of Cuilebarton, by appencn atter the fain fifteenth of Zanuavic, Crenborough cattell being ieclpeneee en, ma e -_-caffilfans were put ftom fallieng ont of the caffelt bozoug ly ro gate, ihere captei ti laie with theft cucate Tae ffanding all ubte, they twithin repatted ontoa os -_fterne in the nozthftve of the cattell befives faint Cutberts churey , and faint Margarets well Gere -thep tMucdano fet water at their pleafure; Libich bes 6 Annent tecoueringofthe tetvels,boufholoftuffe, Aanuarie bntill this fime, either by great o2 fmall munition, amp mourables 5 fuchas fometime were thot inthe totune o2 trenches , fkirmithes 02 others palbel the kings mother, tobis bighnede bfe 40 twile)abouefir perfons , amd twithin the caftell but Sinices : ‘ three , with as mante burt betweene the to 74 declaration, that all thingsdoneinthe kings the (purre of the pee , The cante soe finding that their moft ato ¢ fureft friendthtp fronld regent of Scotland,of alingering ficknefic(as fome bis otone, fituat foure miles from Ste She death of place of ling,to thom inthe erledomefucceeded Zohnerieof theearle of Darre.., Qparte,the after fled into Gngland, as mthisfollo, { 5 Ehe eftablithing of the tegiment, incafe that tharge jet baile during the kings minozitie. Wberebpon the faio Wenrie hiligrety made a quiet endand pacification of all matters + aebates faciot, from that time which was aboutthefrit of atte. of Srotlann after this manct. Guguff,to continne bntill the fit of December fol 50 bettuene all the lozds Zn Febmarie following the new creation ofthis lowing: and fo bzought botty the parties in conclu. regent Soxton, there atfemblen at Perth, a2 aint apne fionto relic and abide the full petermination of all Fobns towne(Lyefpectall eta therefore ) the a at faint quatels to be fet botone bp the queene of nglanp, fet part ofthe nobilitie of Scotland, a3 the begen's 5 cys 10mm and the French bing.Which being done the ambatla, fhe earles of untleie, Argile, Atholl , and one? SHirwilliam. pors returned home,monficur Corqueinfo Fratice, tho piffeng the miferie of ther counttic, eannelcar® ena i Duriet and matiter ¢ Ki Kandolyh pints int afer iRan- = en Ded that the quéene of England foulby bie amba i omnte " . : fapor', fet a quiet end and oder amongelt he An Detober following died the earle of Darre, Seoiand. divin all potn Buabktinence of warre fox be bab betwweene the parties of the bing and queenes ; Omercie and pardon , potelf the tructeligion, and fiveare torefiff the decrees anderccution of the racke was diflodged front the coatts of Ffrance,and ponfhe fea this fournete to Scotland; be was the Hore of Scotland: thereby he neuer canie on e eee ee During the time of abich feffton of this patles - j " Occurrents deferuing remembzance tithin the totone of Coenborougl edestapate: ee 30 beftotwed fourefcore and feurn great thot mas a i . the totone, thtch barened not anie one cr ag Pont fibe of the nifobedients as thail be recels but a poze dog that tuas Maine before aoc jaither Bens land. Which ambatladors were matfter Penrie essigne aypebended and taker, before be could atteine fo ena - and from thenfe , to faint Cutberts i eeauahate and ratification of membersthereof, C theivambatladars to the regent ano fkates of Scot biings father . hereof mutch bei thought gad to be followed; aie See fell, from the bultvorke 02 fpurte of that caftell to 25 of Januarie, : jor] aan 2 Annent Se) olie kirke,newsingthe ob trueandb be aee eee and to fettle the kingdomeof Scotland in due obedt etice and bnitie , dfd in the meante time that the aby and monfleut de gene into Sucson». French bing alfo the confeverat of Scotland, fent a Hillgrety efqutre for Engla, Weracke fo, France . Wut as monfieu de Chee gpcatianr thett ambafanots into the realine, to fee that qualte baflanorsinto Scotland. fication might be bap int thefe troublefome and dary geroustimesof the kings nititozitte 3 boping either to (eta finall end to thele inconuentences, 02 at leak Wotd, Warinell fudges, to determine the articles p2opomnded iit Upon fhe death of Kiely earle Marre the regent, there hagened long confultationfo2 the election of a nei regent to fucced in bis place , that might in all refpects defend the kings perfor and the realme, as be haddoue before . Wherefore the noble men, affembling fo) that canfe , dtd inthe moneth of Der cember,one moneth and moze after the death of that laftregent, eleabp one confent the earle Portort garie spr. ued bpforreine nations (pitteng the pzefent calamits mple, that parlement , the carles of Aratle > Olencarne , and pountroffe,the lords Kuthiwen,I inofeie,Bot, Simple, ano Perris , with the bithops of faint an: duets ¢ Dekeneie, theabbats of Aberborth, Dun firmiling , Canbutkineth, and Hewbottle befives Nil odium aut hiusor, quod r eprehendit, habet. ding te makea fullconclofion of peace and amitie, te, Perris, Graie, Dut shant, Sineletr, Forbois; ca hart , Dibiltre, Somervell, and others : twfth the committtoners of the bozows. of Coenborough ; Strtueling , Perth, Dunvie , faint Anvies , reo 2se and Gouper . Dut of etch nume ts affemblie tere doten fo; tobelovs any iwere taken prifoners put to thete ranfonre, compels led to abiure their faction, Kept in continualprtfon, , , 20 fo that office ,a manne leffe iwife than proutdent > tonmabett: o2elfe prefentlie Maine, the depafed queenes faction contending fill to fap, port their parts,the matter df0 Datlie moze and more groin to great Maughters: tbhich being twell percet Chequene Pacegrauem nulli , tempore Vtrogueprum: Su grass opes fine fafte , animum fine fratde caventem s Rebus in ambgusfafprcionefide > Siguss ob has dotes, fanz ialtataprocellis, Figit in illine patrtafefsa pedem: Pera quidem memoret , (ed non &propria: landes and With wife forecatt fought to preuert foilotving ‘° fels,, Eglinton, Bourtr Pour otte , MD AMD pong Y Darthall =~Ete sca oe ie of Kuthy Siquis Areskinum memoret per bella fer ocem; poMblie he nrigbt, bicaufe thrp conftantlie and fabs tect ithe did tn all Outic fayport the kings part. At thich tinte Wlackenede being betrated fo the YPamiltons bp the keeper of that cael, did qreatlie bistder the traffibke and paffage betincone Ueith and Sterling. For abieh cafe the regent as a perfor The hiftorie ofScotland. of the faid carte in this forme eand maiter following: AU ubich of Glafcotv, pedagog to thefullie Tentsthus was , there in this parlement pattcoorcollege 8s the fame aduife giucnto the regent,toucing the re: tcining to pardon of perfons guiltie tothe Daughter of Wennorlate regent,¢ touching {alpen earle Of theamp pelateng of pacfate of the mucther of the fon tegents grace, obteined pardon for bis offenfe , S*fox»fubs and earneftlte laboured to further this agrament. enue Khe carle of Argtle was aduanced to the honour of regent. the chancellozthip . And Aleranver Aretkine mat Oticcrs cree fer of Barre was aypointed to haue the keeping *" of the kings perfon bpon certeine conditions, for the perfozmance thereof be tas to find foure fuer, fies, loz0s of the parlement, to be bound fo; bim bo, bie and lands , hauing fifteene baics apointed bnto bim to confiocr thereof , whether he would enter.in, tologreat acargeorne, Anvifin cafe be thoulo refule to accept the fame , tt was further refolueo and concluoed,that the erles gf Olencarne ano wu guban, |