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Show Thedefcription of England. 1216 3 Y snefoundte f Seca ae Samed Doichoesten, b i gence huanacd ST aecaen San ae ae ar . coe of thefe weg 2ose fpeakers and quan? itt ediinthat place . The Lattice ; tertto behandied titie of the neuer {peatof courte (ercept fone bate andbutie oughtto bes and pet nome moze carneff, fo make fute,topomifelargelie, beare a better thew, op find fault worth the fate of things thanthepy « seucrthelefle,Fdo not thinke that thefc erclamattons tf thep were wifclie handled, are altogtther grounded bpon eee ot eae - :~s vonwon a- h bing clfe, y an of throuch iwant of able men ,ea fo furntth oute all the cat eee Pale ihe head will nowand thenintrnde themfeluestwithef -_curesin Crigiand mabe) bolo Sr onebetteons in fouretene pates,in diuerfemonethlicndelfetwere tivifeina bers of preachers Cambzidge and Drford dw pearer lie fend feath; and botv mante neto compofitions + and as it is bled it y_ ucrable toperforme. Foz tf pon obferue eare,{o isitanotable(purre bute all the miniffers, iberebptoarplia their bokes, thich otbertife(as in times paft)would gtue themtfelues tobatpkingbu-- watt are madein the court of firft fruits, bp the veaths of =the latFincumbents : pou fhall fone fee a difference. Wherefnre,ifincountrie totunes ¢cities , pea euen in Londonit(elfe , foure 02 fiue of the litle churches ting,tables , cards; dice, fiplingat thealeboufe,ha Were brought into onc, the inconuentence twouldin tingof mateyes, and other like vanities, nothing : 1 great part be redzefed and amended. commendable in {uch as fhould be. godlie and jear And to faietruth, one moft conunonlie of thefe lous ftclvardsofthe gad gifts of God,faithful viftrt: butors of bis tongd onto the people, anddiligent pas 20 fmalllinings is of folittle value , that it is not able fomainteine amteane {cholar ; much leffe a learned foes according to their calling. man,as not being aboue ten,tinelue,firtene,fener §Butalas | as fathan the authooof all mifchefe texte,tiventie,o2 thittic poundsat the moft,tetward hath infundsie manners heretofore bindered the ee theft charges, which note ( moze than befoze time)do rection and maintenance of manie god things ; fo go outof the fame. ¥ faie moze than before,bicaute inthishe hath tirred bp aduerfartes of late tnta -euerie {mail trifle , noble mans requeff,o? courtefi¢ this mofk profitable erercife , tbo notregavding the commoditic that rifetl thereby folvelltothehearers -cranedby the bifhop, noth tmpofe and command a asfpekers; but cither ffumbling(Jcannottellhots) tlventith part,a three {core part,o2 tivo pence tn the pound,s¢: otf of our liuings,tabich hitherto bath not at tnozds and termes,o2 attheleat iifenotliking to here ofthe repebenfion of bice,o2 peraduenture 30 bene dfuallte granted, but by content of a fpniod, taking a mifliking at tye flender demeanours of -_-sAerein things twere decided according to equitie, {ach negligent minifers, asnow and then inthetr anid the pozer (ogtconfideredof,ubich nol are equals courles dm occupic the comes :haue either by thetc lie burdened, otunte practtfe,their finitter information, 02 fuggettts We paie alfo thetenths of our Mnings to the eam) ons made bponfurntifes brite other procured the -_paittce pearclie,accozding to fach balnationof ech of asburtfall,perniciousanbdaflieteepersof nofmall dnt time paft were not annualbut voluntarte,¢ paid fupnefiionofthefe conferences, condemning them burt ¢ inconuentence. ut hereof let Godbe tudge, -_them,as Yat bene latelte made:tepich neverthelelle at requeff of king 02 pope. erebpon alto bangeth AMinifters ¢ into thomethe canfe belongeth, Durelders 02 miurifers and deacons (for fubdeas Deacons. -__consand the ober inferiour overs, fontetime ofeo 40 all loftes that the King of Gngland (néfeined th tpopith church tehaue notyaremadeaccoxingts Acerteineformeof confecration concluded dportin the fimeof bing Cotuard the firt by thecleargic of England, and foneiatter confirmed by the threes fates of therealme,tn the bighcourtof parlement, And outof the firfort,thatistofaie, of fac) asare calledtothe minttterie (iithoutrefped thether they be macricd o2 not)are bifjops,deanes.arihoecacons; 8 pleafant forte though dane of late peares, to tot 1452, at abhich time the cleargie feing the continu France,bpon fomte motion of releefe made,granted ian opeti conuocation to give himtina tenths to ward the recouerie of IBurdeant,which bis grace bo rie thantkefullie receiued, At foxtuned alfa at the Cametimethat Gincentius Clemens the popes fat' oz was herein Cugland,tho hearing that theclet -"gie had date, came into the connocation boule all itt great batt anvleffe {peed,there,in a folemne 024 Gfach as haue the higher places: in the bierarchieok tion he earnettlic tequited themto be no lefle fauow the churcyelected;and thefe alfo as.all the retk, at the 50 able to their fpirituall father the pope, and mother firt comming tuto anie fptrituall promotion, oa peeld bute the patie fhe entire tayeofthattheiris uing for one bhole peare, ifitamount in value bnta « fehpoundsanddpinards and this bnder the name Facuiticg; and title of fir fruits. GUith bs alfo it ts perntitten ; that'a fufficient Man may(by difpentation Fomtyeprinceyholn tio linings, not diftant either from other aboue thittie the feof ome, than thep bap tyetvedthemfelnes utebisbatfall an infertour; meaning their fout -_-tefgne lozn in temporal furtfotction,rc, Bn deliver ringialfo the canfe of bis fute, he thetven bow gre! usnilie the pope twas difturbed by cutthotes, bat lotsand barlots,abith do now fo abound in sone, that his holinetfe ts tn dailie, banger to be mabew wate amongtf them. Lo be fhort aber this Ane tale miles;thevebp it cometh to patie, that as bicmas : e auc, was told, one of the co te ff DB-Hp and fafd oafo ieftic doth y reape fomei commioditic bpp the facultie, (6 ' 60 bint; "ap | cence weftand as ioe lod haue the dnition of two in one man doth bring offen: 7 thinke e ae it veferuet hlitle confinere ation and lelie eat? times more benefit toone of hentia moneth( 4 for boty tyoula oa haue bs to contributeto bisald ~~ doctrine) than they haue had befoxe perads tn fupprefftonof fuch,as he and {neh as pou are 00 henture in mante peares, continual pholo,it isnot nknowen in this boule Bante evclame againtk tucy faculties asif there thatirule is kept in Home. pA Gad preadjers that want maintenance, FI grant(quoth Vincent)that there Wanteth fufkree ~ faings tomainteinethem. au deo ohenalie on Sean coe ate fo manic futarsfor it sfbata pa ethe report to be true,and mot! eee on itcommeth tothetriall ehoare oan a ate fated menitconuers ber pon atnings thatgreatmums ? dhall Sorel Ne fi ANd one ozoftivo ;fubasthep: -_formationof mante things in that citie, hich wo hauebane'mane foner,but nol it is tw late: newel? -_thelette 3 beleed}:pon to inzite bnto his holtnelle, swith requettthat be twonld leane amp abandon that abplon.abteh is but afinke of mifchiefeand kept his courtelfeuberein placeof better fame. And ots he thal be the better able alfa to portoymesttby Liberamie "The defcription of England. man is to rite and caf hts toallet, 3 ithe other paiments due vito the arechbitvoy and bithop at thetc feuerall vifitations (of tbc the fire {fberalitie erfended fotvards bim,bnto thome pou are moft bound, be be incouraged thereto. Manteo: ther bao2ds pafled to and fro amongthem,botobett inthe end Wincent onercame not,but twas difniffen {without ante penie obteined, Ent to returne to our tenths, a paiement firflas denifeo by the pope,and afterward taken op as bp the prefeription of the king, therebnto we map foine alfo ourfirtt fruits, Libichis one ahole peares commobditic of ourliuing, Due at our entranceinto the fame,the tenths abated biito the princes cofers,and pad commontie in tivo peares. JFo2 the vecefpt alfoof thefe ttuopatments, an efpectall office 02 conttis erected, abicy beareth nameof firfruits and tenths,aberebnto ifthe partie tobe preferred, donot makebis outifullrepaire by anaypointed time after poffeflion taken,there to compoundfothe paiment of bis fato fruits, heins ts Double to the latter) and fuch alfoas the archdeas con receiueth at bis fpnobds,¢¢3 remaine Mill as thep did ivithout ante alteration, onclie this J thinke be added within memoste of man,that at the comming of cuerie prince, bis appointed officers dm commons lie bifit the tbole realine onder the forme of an ece 1° clefiatticall inquifition, tn fbich the clergie vo binal lie pate double fees,as onto the archbifjop. terebp then,and by thofe alreadie rememned,it is found that the church of Cngland,is no lee commodions -_to the princes coffers than the fate ofthe laitie,if it donot farce erceed the fame, fince their patments -_-are certeine,continnall,and feloome abated,bowfoes wer thep gather bp their otyne duties with grudgs curreth the banger of a great penaltie, limited bya ing,murmuring, fute,and fanderousfpeerhesofthe certeine ffatute paonfded in that bebalfe, again! -_paters, o2baue theirliuings othertnife harolic balue {uch as do intrude info the ecclefiafticall function, 20 eb onto the bttermof farding , 02 Mheetwdlie cancels and refute topaic the accuttomed duties belonging led by the couetoufnelle of the patrones, of ihome fo the fame. fome dm beffoty aduoufons of benefices bpon their Theypaie liketwife fubfiotes with the tempozaltic, bakers,butlers,cokes,gmd archers, falconers, and but in fuch fo2t,that ifthefe pate afterfoure Hillings -hogflekeepers,in ffed of other recompente, for their foz land,thecleargte contribute commontie atter fir long and fatthfull feruice, hich thep implote afters fhillings of the pound, fo thatof abeneficeoftivers ward onto thetr motapuantage. tiepoundsbp the peare,the incumbentthinketh hime Certes here thep refemble the pope verie much, felfe well acquited, ifall oadinarie patments being for ashe fendeth out his idols, fo do thep their paras dt{charged hemapreferue thirtene poundsfir hile ites,pages,chamberleins, fewards, gromes,¢ lace lings eight pence totvards bis otune fulfentation, 30 kieg; and pet thefe be themen that firft erclame of andmaintenance of bisfamilic, Scloomealfoare -_the infufficiencie of the minifiers, as hoping theres thep tofthont the compatle of afubfivic, for if thepbe bp in due time to get alfo their glebes amd grounds one pearecleare from this paiement,athing notof into their bands. An times patt bitopziks went ale ten feene of late peves, theparelike inthenert te off after the fame manerbuder the laic princes, beare of another grant: fo that 3 (aie againe thep and ther bnbder the pope, fo that be thich helped a are {elbomefoithout the limit of afubfivie. Herein -_clerke bntoa fe,twas {ure to havea prefent o2 purfe allo thep fometbatfind themfelues grieued,that the -_fine, if not an annuall penfion,, befides that thich laitie may at everie taration belpe themfelucs,and wentto the popes coffers,and twas thought to be bes fo thep Deo though confforration bad of their decaie rie gad merchandise. Iereof one erample map be and binderance,andpettheir impouertithment car40 not but tonch ello the parfon o2 bicar,onto xhomfucy Ubertie is denied, as ts dailie to be feene in thetvace compts and tithings. touched,asof a thing bone in mp ponger dates,frhts ie quaene Marte bare the fate and gouerned fi -thisland, Affer the death of Stephan Gardiner,the fe of Winchester tas hold fora feafor, ouring Some of themalto, after themartagesoftheic -abich time cardinall Pole manefetsnre bpon the ree ebilozen,will baue their proportions qualified, oxby venues and commodities of the fame, pretending freendthtp get them(clues quite ont of theboke.WBut -authoritie therebnto sede vacante, bp bertue of bis ibat ffand % bpon thele things,aho haue rather to place. With this act of bis the bithopofLincolne cal' complaine of the iniurie offered by fome of our led White toke {uch di{pleafure, that he fepen tn neighborsofthe laitic, hich datlie indeno2 to bing Uke wate,with full purpote(as he faid)to keepe that bsalfo twithinthe compaffe of thefr fifteens 0: tapes s0 {efromrnine, Be tozotealfo to Paulus the fourth for their otone cafe, tihereas the tare of the ahole pope, requiring that he might be preferred therebne realme, tthic) is commonlie greater in the chany -_to,promifing fo as he might be Compos cots, to paie peigne than twmbdland fotle, amounteth onelie to _to the popes coffers 1600 pounds pearlie uring bis 379 3 opounds nine pencebalfepenie,isaburden -_naturall life,ano foy one peere affer,But the pope noeafie tnongl to be bozne bpon fo manie Hhoulvers, thing Itking of bis motion,andpet defirous to reape twithout the helpe of the cleargie,thofe tenthsand -a further benefit, firft tetved himlelfe to ftomach fubfidies make Dp commontliea double,if not trow -_-is fimonteall practife erie gricuoullic,confidering lefome bnitotheir aforefatdpaiments, Sometimes the angeroufneffe ofthe time and prefenteftate of alfo tue are thzeatned With a acelissinquirendumasi€ the church of England,ab{ch bong as pet in balance our linings were not racked bigh inough alreadis. 6 readie to pelo ante wate,faning forth right,as be Mut ifaman fhould ferke out Ghere all hole durch -_alledgedin bis letters.Byp thich replie be fo terrified lands , stich in'time paft did contribute onto the -the pwze bithop, that be twas dzluen bnto another tf oldfununerequitedo2 to be mabe bp,no doubt no fue, ¥ meane to recouer the popes god will,with a finall numberof the laitie of aliftatesthoulobecons further fumme than ftod twfth bis eale to part totth. tributes alfo with bs, the prince not defrauded of all. 4n the end chen the pope had gotten this fleece,a bir erpecation and right.@ie are alfocharged with -_nety dente was found,and meanes madeto andbyp armo; ¢ muaitions from thittie pounds bpwwarns, _the prince, that Thite might be bithop of Winches athing moze neofall than biuerle other dharges im: Fertchich at the laff he obteined,but in (uch toile ag pofed bpon bs are conurnient, bp tbhic) ¢other burs bens our cafe growethfobe mozebeaniebpagreat deale(notwithitading our {mmunttie from tempo: -_that the pope and bisnareft friends did lofe but alits tle by tt. Jcould tfnéed were fet bowne a report of _inerfe other the like practifes, but this thall tuffice 3 (@ not likelic to be vimintthen, as if the church -_attght (eto myfelfe to be a teacher of ongodlinefie, rall feruices)thanthat of thelattie,andfoxought that twee nolw become the alle thereon eucrie market in fteev of all thereff, leafkin reprehendingof bice ¥ 03 fo (catter moze bugrations fed in lewd ground Lp, alreavis |