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Show The firft table for the defeription Chrifti college tn Deford,tis Giant thea of bore tath Herd opinion, 1fob4o enbundjedounces,t¢.9.b30, Foresin England, 225,b;0 Bones of one feuenterne op Frac berwene the duchefic of -eightene cubits long, 9,b Rancalters men andthe bi< So. Thebooieofonefoundin Mhop of Cties,143,b60,€ ce acofin offtoneinBiverncte, Quarcli, 32,660, Ones mouth of fic Francehow manicarchinfhopteks , bifhopziks,¢charches ithath,tz9,b10, $Hucheuitl tranfpozted from tycnfe into s fotiony,1o,b 50. One of medicinabic, 221,b 40 _Befacte? g1,a20 Gr&kes manie trauciied tuto verfell conquelt,6,b20. Began the Arlt Kingdome ofthefenen tn Rent, 16,850, Chirking fp 228,260 Glafagbpwhomesrkbrought alongtime than Ribion,saro bewMaabainfher,¢e, 179,839 . is gates, 239,010,409 Gaile deliusric op great a= rifhes, tntothisiana, 2 101,260 Wzitaine vp none other name the ihole kingdome of fouty 187,b 40 Gretnewich bp Whome biden s Menrre firsohat hud ofbealts Giafichow Grit found,187,b 60, mlarged, 196,q20 he cherilhen tofight withall SDF dinerfe forts, 183, a 20, Greet outlandih,234,b60.qaa tobunt, 226,b,10 Benree the fecond defaced caltels: PHowitmight bemartetonahwherftones, er,238,b 10 Wath beene made ai sa pe, 208,820, € He in england beioze the toogS. mans tie: s 111,b10 Grefham fit Chomas kutahthis fife, 155,b30 Giafiesto pzinkein greatligh= Gatersin what cafe quite of -{cd,167,0 10. Of the belt {oat pantng ftoncs foz the nrile, felionic, 184,b30 from Svhenfe, 167,410 Grindfiones, 235,b20 Galatea martied to Hercuics, Glallzsto lke in maveoftin, Groves. { Hee wars, 483° Wales recciued their religion ins in England, 194,20 fift fovift of. foot,226,6 nited fallow Dag ts note, Yeurie the firt eet cromned =a Weatchanpe bitig of was Farviere, Boe 237,b60, DF fiiuer common Gan belonging to the Curke Wenriethe feuenth What ie _tocncricbifhwather,238,q10 Duawne With feuenze poke cf Doge he commanded to ie oFeh, and twa thoufind men, ge,231,910. en mans time, 191,a10. Ftand 299,620 pulse parrclelleBis within a fromthe Wzttons, 20,460. Glocetterbowralledin theo: whattortofthemabduentured ints Byutaine, ,b2> Pallies belonging tothequens mateHicandbirfernice, 201, G30, Ju old time of fundzic fozts andfrruice, 200,260 Gardens and oxchards tn Engiand,208,a60. Df our tine perelefle, 210, bro, Joining tohoutes how beautificdand furnithed With foures,herbs, €. 209,a10 Gardens ofthe Befperives,210, bio Garget aviteatein cattell, ro, & 40 Garnihh of pewter vellelt how much, 237,640 Summerferfve bp hat Guns gwd Moze and of : yee -tiuer partedafunder, 68,230. 9 foztstnEngland, theirnames, enriethe eight the mia shi Githoprike erie ancient, 145, 30, Erection, circuit,e _paldationof it, 142,b30 Weight, fidnelieat the moni, end Swhat powder writ ferae faz _fhot, 198,b40.197,210 the firft,21,b50,60,22,q410, Ben mave fuch ano fo ho: NOzed,22,b10. who was pro-_perlie fatdin old time to haue afeatamongthzm, 21,b50 Bomans,and%bhp, 180,460 of incamping, 195, 40 Geat thone,239, 4 10. Di Giue Goin how tgenrerco i the + 239,450 Geloufieof mattifes, 231,40 GenticmeninEnglandok tine fo715, 156, 60, Gentlemen Gouctnops of two forts, 164, vent prance note, thabeuer! apis England: a al fencroerecuting of ERT NT Giuttonse of England in Ca- Guendolena the Mie of Lacy joukgnds atoneDae nutustime, 170,840 AUS goUCrHed the tiughow: Bn butleing notin a ; balms Godmancheiter inetd timecal: Wettatne, bir crucitie, 63,b30 brian 03 Satine ators _,eo Gunncetter, whilome a Gurquintusbuilderotabringe Hisantwer to certeMn "tovone of great countenance _caltell, r49,ato fozcallegelands, eet: _andbericanctent, 102, béo, Gwindach towne, and whp it Berds, FiEnits,66.4 selioet, Gods inferioz how hatchen at was fonamed,106,a40.Ftand teirtoch That kind oF A Madwinter, the lords Mbere- at of gpaine aso bp the Celts fos marrieil the tale, 4, 878. 2 Lucius 48 DaughterofBing me inteBi "ol Sveteat variances note, 10, Hercules pallage OwMat, A. Gavel wind dentler firtk by the Gosmagogs hill, a Grong place pyrene atten batedanghs binds, 32. whetherbe cath of 109% ter to Hoctinus, 68,20, Wrowned bp Guenvolena,os, -taine after ey zion ahig 4,040. Hewtletherr in Bngiand,237,159. From WMarzian the emperour firle be Date monumnenisin HAN, eatth,237,a30 Mot wanting the Swett Yaries, 237,60, Graines thereof meloieo in b30 __gitiner of the Piers Wall, 127, ded, e PH Send: DooneRenesBpon Bhim and ne Fewell, Fewell Fohn 7 tobe temoucd op of Eatifbusie 5 cleane ' 4,8 60 Mouiltbe meee church,quite andiilete es bi thop oe‘ ig apie ot Peace end cozain, others Homeot Ensiand reputed the be, Jewes Whe thepbegintheiriveke, aagitto, Che mierer the bottom 242-050. paketit ae i may penfes eT MO UetetMNEY,I56,230 bes abee Ons teckonthetr moneths bp the sreune.242,b30, Dd cats bravwone biawone, ey :162,020 e : prinicfeale ie fea ‘ECeperto; 2d ' his dig= m ee 7 aoe Dieys Bkentld Frost ote of. He fines K tutie, times patt plentiful! in thisianp, crpaleetenne, bighwaics¢ Brtaineae acsics se ature bheie ee i Eppcterinets, 40,40 oe Bfenth,13-0 50, DE the Enghth career.rm b>. ow pein pucaee 3,174. Cheit great nombers pat t7he Chei contempt byeed a general of all GHD ORDer,r11,a60, Bn ble hea foie the conquett, 176, b 50, 177, mais £3 Sitered and sbi0+ 3B; fe places f ee ncethe commis oaPoimans x79, bro. Since rE inbobitation ehereot, 176, ae the Grecians what tt Usces aliquandoin Britannia a in cates ooehinet 998 PGE RD Ree bent, ignificth, 242,930 telligaturde quercu ¢ ; th. 108.4 uaib3e shot and wafpes how ingen: File of than beferibed 37 a 208,42 Bot "J sista eera pod Naren ered, oe ae ae 5 228,530 Pugmeisin Scotland, 41, 6 Offend, 41,860, nb the ts ti 16.946. fandanbtheiim @tuete 6, ee infostunate than tenof be ee eee Flcofrats,and Sobp fo calleD,32, Aine kee sy ue ie Owo e 5% ieee colts, : 78,0 50 b20.Fic of &.€ lement,end wp é one aol eee tus in ble to this Jeoo .ee ae focalicd,33,b20.Zie of Sinews, Anes colidge at Cambsige of What Lawes mare againt een »B , 720, 59, 49,840 one tt te butlbed, W! eoGactnwe onles aeate ais sates to th poentef Ramt: Rings bill in Rochfordof234,060 ann Lawes penal Girne 180 5 Ae io ves! woe a ine after mtonight,156,b ro Rawdareg,r55, b ro, Becuftomabhe > ; Ug Op voice Oo! the ater, Rings Mewnambaths, arz,b6o bledinthe arches, eeetiecyt Ca 182 88,460. Fics in Acotlann, 39, Bingétone bpon Chameg in ties Lawters of En nia not aioe biateuecnes ntiiul: ‘ ato gattberie famous, 219,bro conftantin indgement, 179, b 40. banat ee 139,010 Flancalled a continent, 42,b60, Suile dangeronse deadlie, 331,450 baneall the Swealth ofthe land: ane eight forts their haines -Bilandbolic otherwife calico Line Bneuet fir Edmund knight for ftriz -_note,180,b so, Manie aped not Games, 230,010, € He deflarne,g4,a40, Bland carried bing {nm the princes court fhouty at finatl fetg,181,0 20,9 Sym Mea poners sya Pe entity te 8 arinall of the Sword, to and fro ag the Sind bloweth, 329,b50 #830, what postion oftine, -Ps fuchagareto befenebyon 241,160 Bonresneqrait oz tempozell, 241, ton, {De Cine. ‘ Bs eg. ¢ Se BuildingF woo. agh earls of Cycttcrin ihe Con- bone, 36,b10 ‘a tarle of Hhpeewelbaricin the kauciolt his hand, 197,b40 bam, 158,160 turnieg, 156,810 Menight none bogne but created, and Led, 237, bao, wlache FD White, , "hr Nga ba ¢ coatts of Writatne, 29,b30, Lnight of the garter how oifqra: Wedmiues inqwaler 238.03 Sach aglic tn the mouth of the ded, 161, byo. Big manrofburi: Lets of our time Spycrof thep bette hanes, 30, a 50, Such ag tte all, 16r,b49 Afhadow, i bpon the Swett and north thoze, Hnight red,Fowkes de warren, Megion whatitconteinen , 34,030, Sach as ite betwee fohy fo called, 15,b40 Metcetter bow catlevinshe dg the wight and the maine land,31, Bnights of the Wath, 159,n40 time, 191,420 ar0, Chze muroned with fait nights of the garter:note/159,a Lelands notes intuteate of fer pura 60,:06,b 40 pofe (eg map be fufpected) 63, b : Waterariner,s2,br0, Bbouns 60, Flandgs tnuironed with the Anights of the roundtable, 159,b 40 Pingbith Gargeon aud ernpzcte, orcan panes, 29,b40 1o pears, ¢ See Calendar ano ibep, 93,060 Fngratitude, € 49¢ Unthankful: Bnolg knight Robert begdtobalb Lep Yeare. "elitday time, 36,b10 ftreames tn Maldon Water, 44,b Humber vefcribergihat Areames noffe. tin thereinto, 92, b 20, where- Fnneg and thorowlatres with the Rochsltcr brdge, $2,b60 Herning howeffectuall, 152, b30; Lawes made againg taniwiat bpontt wasfo named, 92,b40 tmaner of bflage, 246,b10, Mong i, followed,153,010, Chokev bp the Humber%of &eitina suerthzowne -‘Swozfle thanin Lonvon, 247,0 10, Gandals and Gols: nore, 186 i Britaine,68,b 2.0, Sekingta Dfgreat capacitic and wi furz Laas bp the date, ac: the 10 bemonarch of Writatucisdzow= -nied, 247,840 foarth degree of people @nz Reltrigo Weakened bp the Naugha a umber, 92,649 Jinkeprrs hat knaucs a cheues -_giand, 163,b50 fer OF hid byethzen, 4, a 60, We Sanit Wwapentak allon,ts4,a10 they have to their chamberiens, Wadiesofthecourt entmiesto idles ond hig tflue plaic the tyranty, 4, andeds in England why focal: oftclers,tapftirs,ac: 246,b4o _nefle, 196,b 40 ae. ws i 153,b30 Fngqaelts at alles, 155,b40 Hadles that made great gaine bp ether loz thoes tll frought, x12, iting € Which be the beftcames, Infeéta animalcula, 228,b30 felling bentfon and butter, 104, b f0,313,010 326, 50.4 paftune fog ladies and Fntercalation. ¢ See Calendar and bso Leucotion Mike faffron, 232,b60 Rake. ¢ Het waters, Bim, = the princes of Scorlaad dfend it, 226,b 10 222,640, Beoucrthzew andfpoiz icd mame parkes and Warrens, ancafter whenle ittmhethe name, Ricences for privat polit Wilhenta 85, b20, wherofladie wake Was be lefle granted, 111,b10 prthopaitres erecHion,et custard volesAcireg into WBptatnea 26,810 Gentlemen ranenners of c= -_7,b10. Defeccdbp the o> Wanccha citie builven fourcttme ~ Pelagtas, ranithed, 185,84° mobittes,240,a 60. Gentle: man Writers, 132,440 bp Chain, garo eretikes how ei fomnesobert men hitters, robbers, 186,a Gale dang benefictal, 223,a Warnlo earle of Orenford fenue $31dc07 Shes ib & {ott "40, Gentlemen dingthritts 60 togSadwine earle of Bent and fed it ergpatitts,20822 them pranites, x199,b50 Gafcheardhow heleadeth his _afterkingof@nglan,te.7,b60 not,30,b repaare mae fonts Gentlemens manours, 188,a _qcfetotyetein, -223,a50 Harald a greuous mall to the tighwares ¢ bp puinces fen By 948 BzitonsinthetuneafS. Ga- in Wylkaine 40 Goropius trifing about the Gengmensviet, qe Dict. _namesof places nercd,3,b10 Ward, 78,260 Of crochen vpanteme Gerwander, no, Yeare. 88,b50 Bperefoxd end Pp aponbecstt 185,020 betmetne obi} 73,80 214,30 weristicn se 195,b60, Fotuit Gornweli bithep of Orforn: Zapttce toby feigned to throw Sintlewomen rather than gene in tew to Goward the conuonez lene ariner, ro1,b<o _Iowedet fete brought -_fefllez,7,a30. Beeulerofhigh Hampton court by Wome burl= Ferefie € mana! ‘ ¢ one. tet treafon beric fannerouilie, Teduccd now 19.060. to fenen€ twentie Engin, spicetere Hemen, 226,460, what kind b: Zohn bing of England rettreineth Mancathire tn tines pat hath had fed tn oto anes, 226, 460, Chat alltakingofwilefoule, andwhp, -_fkose of Grre, 214,040 50,62 men Ftaltonats, 162, b 30, Gadmine of Lent earle father Hampton vrareth the name of <= Lpercnits anh Ml aco, the greater fort, 156, b60, wb ; . t the court, tyecr: Bteliang fiue fucceMiuclie Shicknete, ec: 129,b20, Pips on Blois eee ite altic of the tadie; tes, ieee 40, 178,420 196,b20 of wopcetter, HDnowdonte htis famous ag the Fivols Lai wo bday mens note, 181.4 60 monttr oug PROpaHt ions, 22, Jute cup whether it wilt faveu Law ae ; 80,b 10 fozlawfuil ege and Sardthip e bso" op no, ofheires, 122,45@ DungSeto Bdolatrie how hatched at thefirt, Buhas' Cetar fubducd ait Bye Lames of Enalann foza longtime olds, Siss 5 is.n 226,b6o 21,b 50,60 tatne,118.b30, go i the twa j Sine‘ i ie mahfocalied,243,b10, ¢25c tendar, 30, Ci pteee brother IbergionAcue b30 Bpexcicad bifhopeiete 14442 fEones, 235, b 60. Drolle m Wallvonhilhyow trig {eaten ano bro. Gentlemen of bioud, triail: note, 237,b10 ftandeth, 161,a40, Gentlemen, hota Goldwell bifhop of Oriory a Walifazlaw, be counted,162,a50, Gentiles Fefuit, 143,30 Baliivell bath, Gentlemen of thefeconddegre,158,b20, Gentlemen of eeitonn ae imfaite Hoa, king of Pozthumberlony, we Biacin the paradife the Te pence" : ; béo gather together in a certerne Fdlenes auoidenin mabe of W52tde rivers month -placedbetwixt two billeg, 58, i 40 Bauens in Wataine that the RomAs Vcd fog their patlage to andfro,3,030. ¢He Porta, Hawkes ther feucrallnamesand | binds, 227,810 Bebydestn sip timefubleetoF teland,thcir number and fitnas toe; 29,b,60 Pzcatowpolls decaied, 193,830 4 © Hed oz he old Englth liga --ntfir e, 105,b60 He para 07 Heucdinghau fo caller, 195,060 Hellkettels op the diacks kettle, thar iitle pales fo named, 139, b4o Hematite fone, 339,20 Meugiit and hig Sarong arrive in Ayrtaine F purpofe a bonis Wrtaine im the time of Gurguating,ro,bro. Chep knew §SeWoulesand wltn na "etnsnieunary ane 0a lm propagation thereof in Wri= Baacn of Southhamptoreailen the prare of ont Lozb, 1577. Gir in the old Saron fpach, 237,b10 fignificty begs fens anda: Frogs commonticfouns where inavefeS Inge ee te nies 2 Brith Scop tpcave the srt Haw Agraria kickep ageint, 18;; ‘mbaaera Pebetheo arn asin of thirtte ie fewees and Ghat pee SN NED a abt rane fot wideneife,11,b 60, tame, 23,b24.ab25 bp *tolowie Magnus portusdp Eiebones ofone Wwyolecar- Gotes great ftorein Englands {crtbed, 53,830 caffe as two and twentie wWales,221,b30, TCheir make WHanen with little cok might be €ngiand, 20,b10 Sppainetharvicobp atalivp: Goths veaile tor the veftrucion Franke chale,206,a10, € He onthe Fipes,8, aso. One of their White crowes,223,b'20, Parke. found dead fitting With a Shep ¢Aandals madeiawes French bet onhorficbacke,16; faiembishaoitkethe mat agatnftearning 153,010 bao. Epilevont of Engiand, of a tall hip, 9.bs0 Gorhlanders blewordenancozs, 7,0 50, Che firk footing of Giants Wherber ante Were o2 3 jh 6o them in WGritatne Gace the tmbabited Wzitainc, 8, a 40. Grafton Richards tale of the bons tune of Etheibert and HigeHundzye eraplesof prwfero ofagiant, 1o,a6o bert,7,aro. @he miferic of confirme the opinion of them, Orantings. (Ge UWmbers. the Enagtifh onder them, 7,b 10,010, She tak of therace Granta a noble aud excellent 20, Furepopting tycirowne icft intheiand of promife,, ftreame nefcriben, 103,820 affmresnottobetratted,trs, 830, Dzoved bp {criptureto Grantabzifhire fo called of the riz & 60, Ehep deride our now baue bene in former times, wer Granta, To3,a20 archerte, To8nbo 9,410.CowhatpurpoleGoo Grehhoppers powdered tn bar= Frenvhip bitwene fithes bp created fuch men of mightie rels andeaten, nature, 324,010 ‘Mature, 12,a60 Graliers growne vericcunn Frivaie Why caited the king or Ctgas oz Mephilim fignifieng . 220,b20 the Wozlittg, 242,840 agtant,8,a10, ¢€ He Gi- Graling faperfuous howreftrat Frithan arme of the fea viniz ants. hed bythe Romans, 213,b60 Ding Pentland from Fir, Gilpins preaching effecuall in Orafle verte Gneon Doue banke 18,40 Midloaic,Crusidalc,andLivgrowheimapzoucrbe, 9$boo Frobithers voiage for goin, in emesis on Britainé andEngland, to conuert and amend mens fuceellop td S.Goward,78,n60 maners,91,a20. Che fuc- Wartland cacy Promontoriom cefle thereof after the death of Herculis, 4,b4a Ehpil, 22, b6o. Bad neue artiepmlecowne lengoucr into Free patfage in Writaine till che fea in maner of a bpland, Ruacins time, 23, b 30. Che 9i,b 20. a09,n60 Gofpell preched bow effeauall Waralefion Co named of Harain Sighwalea ie? exe Halbendssen,63,b 50. Their gwd Ke.217,b 20, Sometines ciciz 5MB,190, 30. Their diet, 167,b ©. € Sa Farmers. Lhoegres now calleo Cnglanns 116, 0. 50, Bud howinlarged, 92, béo 205, bso, Wenefacoz to Lich= bachelle,143,b 4°. Yr hath bene Lichfetd caited Mortuorum campus, -_ficid difhoprthe, 143,422. Boafeo Wwholte foprelk hecetolye, 106,b mote, 142,30, Be and Covew euenbp the berie rakehels of the 39 trie counted but one citie, 199, popifh ciergie, 134,bz0 Handaffe bithopribes erection, cirs 6 30, he bithopr hes erection, Patbantate in England Well amens Bohn of Ludlow alids Bafonafore _cuit,and baluation, 146,019 Circuttand Dalyation, 142,b60 bed, 109,b30 promevter; note, 181,260 BLangton bifhoy of Lichfield benefiz Minvefvale Qrthour the marches of Pantingtor carmone ginen teDa= Folephus preachen tn England ¢ -ciell to hrs clergt 143,410 €ngland, 91,820 Didking of Sycorg.123,b 10. Fo: at Ghat time he come ouer,23, Language Wzitdh withthe@rake Lieutenants appointed in hires Dand never after retozed to adil, hath great affinity 12,969 ngs folin and Shy, 155,432 Crowne of Scotland, ibidem Brelandin tues patt celled Hert= -‘Ayenemapt to tearne anie (ogre, Nilo Chomag bithop of @lie at cone Hyar, 640,124,210 Teome), land, 14,b30 14,839. €Dae Cong tention saith the bing of ngs 379;b30 Frith fometime inhabited 4 parcell Lenguaces (poken tu this Bic of sand, 143,b1@ of 2Btitaine,S, a 10. B bind ef Writane, 12,549 Bilingwen labein walegot trong [28s the foarey Bing of Scots MATE the Scots tnto their vomtnion,6,b Lath, Gbheriot named and what it 10 19 153,639 Mincotns how celled in tye Bomans , 1 ig Denmarkes arke: bingo! Hots noted by Ferou, 6,010, Lapidarics eutlandelh ther fobt> Yeld te fubfcribe to recemeno tie, nature, 211,860 239,639 Rimendune tbat tt ignifierh, 16,4 tue, |