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Show The defcriptionof Ireland. ThedeferiptionofIreland. forte Appatiiontin faarunilibirs be fozithedtt the peare 114.900 Virgilius So. huagus. i ‘ Virgilius Soliuagusé noble¢nan bose,being fept in peares be traveled ints Germanic,where bring knowen fora bertuous and learned pzelat, be was 75.4 chofen by Doilon duke of \5anarta, to be therrecs ‘torbegardianof ananctent abbete; named S.Per ters abbeie; placed in the citie of Saltfhurgh, atte' be tas created Epifcopus Tuvanienfisyand foutided inthe fato towne of Salifburgh achurdy. Ju his re fime oneiBontfactus an Cuglithmany,being gence all vifitonrin anariaxebaptiscnrertetne,tome hotufpeded notto hauc bicie osderlie baptised.Gtite of billanic, TOL ator cveiles,Ghich hep tearme tham- otwbeit, F am to requelk the nde fd meathie He ample number df the leaned of that countrie bp this bytefe abftract sconfincting) that dineric bane bertie,pea aware pet liuingiofpofoundhnotiongy thattomedre bnknolne,mbtherctoye tn thts rege Their diet, The difpofitionatidimatiersofthe _ mecte-drifb, commontic called ee the wild. Arith. ance a : cinFt Uitagh: * Vitanus. Vegalius. riam/Rom.pontepiltir. 3 Dien Ultagha ppfictan, bis father. procddr dodo? of phyfike tw paris:'Vlranusa lerned mowke fellow to Foillanuss tvitin atone be traveled inte France, and: with continual preaching evificd the inhabitants of that realmes be flozttyen in the pears 640. GilbertusVrgalius a pofet Carmelitejmd a fudent in Deford; He Aorithed in tye peare'r 3 3 6, 30 be twzote in toa great fomes,Summamquarundam Sither. ‘wadding. Jegum, Derebustheologicis lib.r: Uther,o2 Wcher a fudentin Cambgldge anda preacher. Wadding, wah, & proper verifier, be i2ote in Latine bponthe burningof Paules fteple,Carmen heroieum, Diuerfa epigrammata.. Coward Walth, be florthen in the peate 550,20 wrote tin Cngiith, Lhe datic of (uch barbarouseuttome that all (C2 A be berolatepoinics tothe ct tizeng,towuelmetr yan td f the Cugi} pale,in thatithep vifter litle or nothing from the anctent cuftomes and pifpofith ons of their progenitors, the Cnetith-ann: wel nien, being therefore as mortallle bebatevof theF in Zrelam, Boboeagh Galteagh, that ts, Crug} churle : buttf he be a CraliMymatboone, then be nameth bim,Bobdeagh Saronnegh, thatis.a Dar on churle: fo that both are durles, amd he the onelie gentleman. And therevpon tf dhe batett pesiant of them name bimfelfe totth bis fuperto2, be: will be {ure to place bimtelfe firityas F and Dnetle ,¥ aw pou,and he, J and mp maffer, thercas the cours tefie of the Cnglifh langtagets cleane contrarie. lighted tity wars, great almefgtucrs , patting in Retard Walth matter of art ann Htident in aftuls menare fenfuall nd curr lofein lining. Lhe fame budge, and nowa preacher. Peter Talth a pooper pouth,and one that would bane bene an omament tobis countrie,tf Gov bad {pared bint life, be nteo of a furfet at London, about the peare 571. Hhere Deane of Litloare, there lueth another learned man of the name, Aho is arcyoeacon of faint Patrikes, Peter White bare in Waterford,fellow of Drtall college in Drfor, the luckie (cbolematter of Wourr fer ; be beftotwebis time rather inthe making of fcholers,than in the penning of bokes,and to the ine frudionof pouth, be tnzote Epitom.in copiam Eraimi,Epirom, hgurarum:rhetoricar, Annotati ones hofpttalitie. he letoocr fort, both clearkes and late being tertuoulie bred bp o2 reformed,are fuch mit ro2s of bolinefle aid awitcritic, that other nations them. As for abftinence and fattinag, tt ts to thema familiar kind of chaftifement. They follow: the dead corpfe to the graue with bowling and barbarons Zn foppofe,the prourrbe; Lo tueepe Frith. Orevvie of pratfe thep be, ¢ fearcfatl of dtfhono:, Ports MD to this endthepettéeme theic poets,tho wztte «tamed Frith learnedlic, and pen their forets berotcall. for the hich they are bountifullic rewarded; tf not, toep fend out libels in difpzatfe, tibereof the lords ard Folter cola portion,abereby thep nourtth fure friendthip: & be ames Ardhia poeta, Annotat.in orationem pro 6° neficiall euerie twaie, that commoniie fiue bundzed +AiMilone, Epigrammata diuerfa. Jobn White batehelo: ofdiuinitie borne in Clonmeti;be twrote in Matine Diuerfa pia cpigrammata. Andzew White colwes and better, are given in retard to wina No Surname there loythen fundzte learned gentiemen ble mans child tofotter,toeyloue ¢ truft their fofter are beret boethzen moze thathcit olwne. The men are cleant of cye por* of fain and hetw,offtature tall. Zhe womenare well fauonred,cleane coloured, faire banded, dig t large, (asitt is thought) a foothfarer,be foxthed tn the peare 7298, and mote Pr ophetias rerum fucurarum lib.r. Cuffered from thetr infancie to grow at will , no = curious of thetr feature and propogtion of obte. Ehetr infants,thep of meaner fort, are nefthet Jotens fwanted nozlayped in linnen., but folocd bp farke 8 god humanictan,a pretie yhilofoyher. THife,of this ., Mherelineth one wayfe in UWaterfard, that maketh Dorie well in the Cugtith. Anorew Wile a toward Pouth,anda gmd verifier, Willtam an abbat, ano Dani welts,avnine, bus Gentle teabdet) bane Jinornoured to beape dp togtther a catalog of {uc learned ¥rithe Mien, as by diligent infeard could pawe bin found, from {poiling and preiding, thep lightlie beitot ii parling aboutfach matters. Zhe Wreighon.& thep Wreighon, Call this kind of latwpers)fitteth ona banke, the lo2vs and gentlemenat barfancersund-about bint, and then thep proceed. Zo rob and fpoile their crimies thep devine it nore offenfe,r09 (eke.ante meanes to tecouer thefrlofic, but eet 60 toatch them the like turne, IButif neighbors ¢ friends fend their puruetp28 topurloine one another , fad) actions are tudged by the IBacighons afozefaid. They honour and rene- weligtoms rencefiers and pilarims,bp (nffering them to paile fauource, quietlie, ano by {paring their mantions , hat feeuer outrage they (het to the countiie befines them. The like fauo2 da thep ertend to their ports ¢ rithmours. Jn olo time thep much abufed the honozable fate ayatrimonie of mariage, either incontracs bnlatofull, meting abut. Virgil, Shere Dido tntertetneth the Lrofan pzince. and bis companie. They obferue diuerfe pegrees, acs coding to fthichcacy man is regarded. The bafet fort among themare little pong wags, called Dale tins, thefe are lackies, and are ferniceable tothe 3° Grames 02 borfcbotes, tho are a degree aboue the the degrees of p2robibitton, 02 in divoxlements at pleafure, 02 inreteining concubines o2 barlots fox Wwtues: pea even at this daie, there the clergie ts faint, thepcanbe content to marrie fox a peate ano Daltins Dfthe third oraree isthe ikerne, thois an Mdiharte fouldio2, dfing for tecapon His five2d and abdateof probation ; and at the pearsend, 02 anic time after , to returne bir homte with bir mariage target,and fometimes bis perce , being commmoniie fogad markenten as they twillcome within a fcoze of a Gteat caffell, kerneftonifieth (as noble men of Deepe tudgement inforited me) a fhatver of hell , ber canfethey ave taken for no better than for rabebels, gods,o2 as much in balure,bponlight quarels,tf the gentletpomans friends be bnable to reuenge the ti lurie, Ynlike maner maie the forfake bit hufband, Jn Come comer of the land thep vied a damnable ft: eyupertition Weietvard rather by profelfion than by nature,grim bad the better o2 rathertheonelie choife, Miuerfe po» of countenance, tall of ffature, big of lfm, burlte of bodie,twell anv tttonglie timbered chieflie feeding on ther baine anverecrable faperffitions they obferne, LXhefehaattemen, eben thep haue no fate' of their Hot in their fermons the penithnette my fordniefle that fo3 a completrecital! woulo reqnire a fexerall freland hp bate porke ¢ butter, che Aft pegrer is tobe an hootles . bolume.Whereto.thep are the moze Mhiffelie mended, 7, uperttitiong, bicanfe fuch fingle preachers ag thep bauc, reprmue man, Kid) is the chiefelt nert the lod and capteine. tetcine but a (yadotw of denotion tn conrparifon of gentlemenffand tn great awe. Lhep loue tenderlie their fofter chilozen, ad bequeath to.thema chiloes the connttic oetermine and (uogecanies, Lele coi finer of tprongs offcred asd tecriued anibig their neighbors be tt murther, felotite, 02 trelpadte,atvis remedied by compoiition (ercept tye grunge of par: ties fake teucnge) and the tine thep haute ép pare perftition, leauing the right armes.of thetc infants + un baptifme. G) the Dinelsblacke gard, by reafonof the inking | buchtiffened(asthep tearmeit)fo the intentitanight 40 gine amoze bigrations and deadlte blow, Dihers 501.5 catia, Torre they kepe, eherefocuct thep be. Write that gentlemens childzer were bapttD th Cancanc. The fourth vegree is a galloglale, bfing a kind of milke, and the infants of payefalke in tater, iho pollar fo, his weapon. ‘Ihefe menare commonlie Diwolleth in Waterford a latwper of the (urname, 5° outcrics, pitifull in ayarance : thereof gtew, as J Cowes hhowriteth a bevie proper Latine perfe. Wiellefete ble tocerteine families, which after the cuffeme of firatv,and lic bpon mattreffes and pallets of fratw, he antiquitie of this kin of feafting is fet forth by Tih, as thote that are bone-in Cnglands sForthe Frith gme Brith man fanveth bo macy opon bis gentilitie, that tilitie, bé-terimeth ante one of the Englily fept.ano planted ti}, Giraldum Cambreniem, be tyzote in Zatine Epigrammata diuerfa. tn Pateikes church in Dublin, Quoerit in Cane 02 fortie times togither,Dtherlampersthephanelias tuers , theirtithmours, fheirbards, thetrbarpers that fed them with mufike ; aid, then the harper twangeth o2 fingeth a fong, all the companie mutt : © be thitt, 02 elfe be chafeth like acutpurfie, by reafon bisharmonie is not hanin better price. Jn their tofpering thep fit on ffratv , thep are ferued on as fight fo) thetrcountric, The reformatton of Free Zhe people ave thus tnelwed,religtous,trankea land bp the od of God. James Wallh,matter of moons,trefull, fafferable of infinit pairies, berte art,and fudentih diutnitie,be tranflated into Cnge 40 gloztous, manie forceters, ercellent bo2femen, de ttitic. There is alearned manof the name beneficrd biead,and that balfe rato : the ref boileth in their fo: maths with Lyvite, Mich thep fhotll in after fac afutfetbp quarts and pottels:-thep let their cotues blond,whith grotwnetoa gellic , they babe and over, fp2ead ivith butter,and fo cate it in lamps, Po meat thep fanfic fo much as pooke, and the fatter the bet» '° Hheit noble men,and noble mens tenants,now and j redder, Hot fo fmpnte ante Lithen in that «point fonnd "doctrine; as tbo fo will tead Zachartas bis epifle onto 1wortfactus atl 20 edinbis dard at Saittburgh: be wzote Ad Zadia- and fo thep.chant out witha lownboite their edons bypeecemeale, repeating tino 02 thee twosthirtic theri make a (et feat,whch thep call cofpering, where toflocke all their reteiners, thontthep namefella, ‘heloarerro2;andthat Uirgilinsann Sivonius pubs Tomo primo and butter thep cram togither , thepdzinke abete, mile,and beefe-b2oth. FFlelh thep nenoure withont " abetber thou art better than Duele. tubis fonn attempt. Lhe controuerfie being brought befoe'popeZachatias, be oecrey that Wontheins conciliorum, plainclie fre. Witgilinsdeceaticn:784 sand lieth butts {choles they grouell Gpsnconches of rae, theft bokes at their notes , themfelues lfe flat profirate, ter, One of John Dnels houlhold demanded of bis fellote tthether beefe tne re better than pooke? hat (quoth the other) is as tntricat a queftion, as to afke . The eightchapter. sea Pilfus deteiting the fac; having roituited with ah Donins archbithop of Wauarta,withtaywWortfactas rocks tats and other perbs thep fed bpon,otemeale naked ina blankettill hep can go.qdz0ud thepare of long crifped buthesof brare trbich thep terme glibs, eine. and the fame they nonrifh wrth all tbetr camming . to stop the front thereof thep take ite annatable pa 6 of thefe friuolousdzeamers, but thefe and the like Otone, gab grangefrom boufe to boufedike avrant Gnights ofthe rounatable,and they heuer difmount 5p enozmities bane talker fo beepe retin that people,as commontlie a preacher is fonert by-theit naugbtie bntill thep rive into the ball,and as farre as the table. Chere is among thera brotherhod of karrotves, lives coxrupted; than thelv- naughtie liues bp bis that proffer to plaic at cards all the peate long , and preaching amended. Againe,the perie Cnglithofbirth,conuerfant woth make it their onelie occupation. hep plaicatwaie Mantle and all to the bare fkin,and then trafle them fhe faurage fo2t of that people become degenerat,and felues in fratw 03 leaves, they wait for paflengers as thotigh thep hadtaffen of Circes potfoned cup, are quite altered. Such force hath evucation tomake th the bigh twaie , inuite them to game bpon the 02 mar, God twith the beams of his grace clartHe the Steene , and afke no moze but companions to make cies of that rude people,that at length thep mate fee them (pot. 403 oefaultof other futte, they pane Geir glibs,the nattes of ther fingers and toes, their « their miferable eftate: and al@ that (uch as are Depa, dimiflaries , tehicy thep leele 02 redaemeat the courte, ted tothe goucrnementthereof, bend their induftric Geof the winner, twith confcionable policie to reouce themfrom ruber ‘eter Oneoffice in the honfe of noble men is a tale, nes to knowledge,from rebellion to obedience, from eo ahey | ilgas "asage, teller, tho bemgeth bis loz alleepeinith tales baine trecjeric toboneftie, from (anageneffe toctuilitic, Congrnitie , thep fpeake Latine like a bulgar lan» Suage, learned in their common {choles of leady Craft ano lato , thereat they begin dytlozen, and bold on Gxtepne 83 {inentie peares , conning by rote the Mhezitines of t~pocrates, md the ciuill infitutes, With a few other parings of thofe facultics. {n their from toleneffe fo labour, from wickednefle to govlts nefle,thereby thep mate the foncr efpie their blinds nefle,achnotwlenge their lofenes amend thetlines, frame themfelnes pl{able to the tatves and ordinary ces of bic maictie , thome Ooo with bis grations affitance preferuc, afwwell to the profperous gonerny ment of bir realime of England, as tothe bappie rey formationof bir realme of Gretand, &d fruslous , wheretnto the numbergtue foth and Stedit. CAithout efther precepts 03 obferuations of FIN TS, |