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Show The hiftorie ofScotland. i | ‘we, © Humaniter and fuppost at thistine toth temptpetmbe this matter fo thre tohart,thatiory: Tyeready ir thzee ones after the metwes came tuto himy be der bing Redex Sts Cie teat4 ts thot eerie Oty arted this wold though force of ficknotes mot majeltic , how ee eloett fs ‘ sean te fallen Ut bim , be coulo newer be perfuaded by anie mens inceanteahy melanchotiosubichhab beredbinatong ae dito et Macveptebetbetirtene dimotetaerpe tn paifourrbe aT miferablie flaine ‘the Duke of Albante,quyome ae cag ‘mn Degoucrnour Cquariwoe were ThehiftorieofScotland. fuypofe,faith Buchanan ; for then the eloer Pere did offen and impoztunatlic require to talke tith fwo20s tocome, oz enter (peech to, 02 with the fat of bisteigne complet , anb frem the incatmation 14° DE- sg. aig booie was buried at: Patleie, tnith his crepitage )to our fubdittesaNDreAalMe, eatleof Pozthumberland fearing (belie) lea his deceipt would be bderftmd by him , which knot bis 14 °S olune and true king berie well. Lhis counterfeit sire quene Annabell before rehearten Aye wasa befrkaund chp hienes thatrfore tobelAla- king pet boating him to be of the prtucelie bloud > ran of amightie thature, erie liberall ano gentle, gs fasn tas honored accoxdinglie; after certeine peaves, udzable ,that ie enh aeae ro Wthat if bebad --_ ae iee and quali, ond and allanerite fonne may hat thereby gretelame that he might tranclt abou toli toliefe br Wer thy 1» faith, 2 andiulice,tobe fome memogie ofourpolteritic,knawaund attatres of the realme bimfelfe,,ittwas thought the common-wealth tyouldibaue profpered ‘enderbis Danii : { and fue reee - nedons:agg nlie falreaell ,quyankingsand princes -_ispredecelfors. adsteiy at iM The gouetnoz Robert dube of Albaniesattersthe Chemie -deccalleof bisbratherding Robert ; tnasibynetuer Foy the buttable conditioun of mansitfe fa - esate oetettien Folks thair empite is cabube and fragtll . 02 the minds of common people ar eute floba- 20 betteriatfice hotn after bis brothers neath sithanber fore.{ f02(a8-faith Buchanan)takeatmay from bith enmacsarritnamie.G enumcyan ~ tis Na aduerlitie map Occurte tO CLC thatm fra thair dignitte rial. Forthit SE thp Hienesthinke nocht expedtent (Aas GodfoebeidD) to obtemper to thirotozdefires; 51t woe requett ane thing quyilk ae ratifyt in our laft trewes Econditioun of PEA that the fupplicatioun made be ony Ot. 11 c 0; balAacobanafecne,Ofpipadeca| tothebearet. And thus Wwe defire to be obferuatto this out allanertie fonne, andthe Gratious God conferue the mark noble pauice. After that king Wonrie hav canten thete letters with great deliberation; butin the end, be determi: nedto fate this James prince of Scotlanoas bis latwfull prifoner, for that be was thus taken in time of fwarres , andthat mozcouer , there were divers Tange eapee Yebelg of Gngland {uccoredwithin the bounds of bis ian fathers bomtinton jfo the bigh difpleafureof the fain Disbring- king Henrie. Wut {uch was the fanour feted iit ping bp. bis binging bp , that bis captintic turned moze to Dn bhappie hishonio2, profit ,and commoditte , than pai a t might by ante means haueothers Be ‘isinttrace talecoancoWits toile chancedtito bine lucy perfec imttracs bine Webad toxstnthe tongs. forts fd teach bim,afwell the bnderftanding of tongs as thefciences,that he became right erpert and curs His training ting in euericof them. Ibe tuas taught altoto ride, tn warlike ex= fo ruurat the tilt 5 aud banole all kindof toeapons ercifes. conurnientlie tobe bled of {ucya perfonage, theres His knot: dito be twas fo apt and readte, that felw in anie point of actiuitie might, ouermatc him. We bad god legeinma= inoipleoge in muftke, andcould plaicon fundzie cial theearth; bala carle of Dotvglatle:;;as potremaiingeaptine Doogil 4 in Gnglandy atterbe had, knowledge of hing BO rcraiowe berts an smade Whitt to agree for bis rantomiejand return cota fo beingfet at libertic ,retewned totth all (peed tote 2 at lengthinte Scotland, Shoatlie after, there twas acouncell "ee cing of rf in as a motion i made for the refforing * ter long debating of the matter,and hard bold to - >pare fro both with bim anv againt bim,it wasin the - count. : eonclased.,, that be fhould returne into anaes and be recetued asa true Scotifyman; but " ; cone thiscondition that he Monto fo2a0 bis lands0 - = - nerdale,, andaocmaben , abtch ould for maine tothe Dotwglatfe, and to bis heires « a = other landg.and polleffions, it twas accox0ed, tha das te.Anpe ne rig eetta r right fouer ae foune in bis es assinbis i Mould iniop was the earle of March par' spcetlamn of . tes. ee mennOtbe crotwne returnied home, to the great comfoztof bis sae 9 Fe.This $e Perfic hat before was fled into loestinas ae erle of March his old friend, tas courtecu date Buses ued,inferteined,¢ nourifhed acco2ding 0 aes bythe faivearle of Darcy: during wbich fine, mee licited bis friends in Engtand fo find means : frother of 1 bis _turneinto bis countrie. Andamonglo need friends, twith abom be bealt by freret me ovane (@ndashedemeda moftfatthfult) ove te Shoal ied AXafe Colbie,declaring bnto bum ih (theoug® beneaccovding to bis nature neither of them diffe: ring from bis birth, and the qualitie of a noble and. mnoff bertuons prince. not twant friends , both Scotith ¢ oea patrt hoffe beipe be DID Not Defpaire fo Teco ‘ moneforclamenting thateuct hematehedbimfelfé in mariage {witha thoman of fo meane degre (to Thedifparagementof bis bloud)as twas quene Are apened the confpiracie tothe bing i tbich meee {wait to intercept the faid earle; on offbis (getting him into bis polleffion ) me ebieh tie a prittces as bis otone fubieas bad blithus in corte + ] ta abe , io on monte )ifbe might baue bis ato allo theorem, © -dkafe twas Chiritte of Pozbthire. ee falle be had intifed perfte( buder aeo Cnglands hope and truft in him) to come anofecretlie andfentitte the king foLondor. «| in Scotland.ad (0, there inas an. Cnglifhman tn; falter, called biuntelfe wicharb thefecand = bat ta Inthe peere nert following, the youermo2 pre, 147 2- ‘paredto makea iournte into the Zles, tochattite the Donat of the -_forefarn Donald; but hettoughfeare of further pa, eS, fabmucs Bot long after the battell of Warlow , Watrike Dunbar, fecond formeto the earle of Ward), twit one hundzed of hardie perfors,camteearlicone m0 ning fometibat before the breake of the Day to Fatt Fatt caster -caftell,anvivan thefiante, faking the capteine pula: one, ner, thofe nae was Chontas Woldom. At the fame 1410.Bucy time twasthe bridge of Worburah broker dotune, Chebavgeot and the totone burnt by Uilliam Dotvgla became into tofle , and fubdued the fameat bis pleafure . ¥¢ The thie) to make the matter moze (Che tribes faint Andzetws was firkk founded,thich aftertwarogs gihning ofthe fas furnifhed with dinerfenotable learned MeN bniverfitie of brought in anv placed there by James the firtky to 4. Andsews, the end that bp thetr tnitructons his people might increafein learntng,to the further abuancentent of bertue, laudable maners, andall forts of ciuill cu, 268, be forgetteth not to repostfor the hono2 of bis otwne fomes., Amongett fundzie other erpert men inall Houle) J twill fet the fante dotwne én thismaner. 30 fctences thich he bought into Scotland,there tvere Wortorsof ot. Calter Lefie a nobleman, after fingular prowwetfe 18 Do«to2s of Diuinitic,s 8 Doctors of the canonlat, Ulnitie,and of the canon law, thewed by bim( inerternall battell ) bnver the i» % From this tine by the tpace of tei peores FrThin mans, returned toith bono? into Scotland,where be (fatth Buchanan) there tyas almott nothing pone matied the daughter of TUilliam carle of Wome, twagthic of memonic, betiveene the Scots anv the (laine at the battell of Daltvor) and with hir ob; Cnglith, either btcaute the truce occationed it (wuhich teined the earloome of that prouince, of tthich tife pet ¥ find not mentioncdof anie man) either foy be raifed oneforme called Alerander after earle of that Wenrie the fourth, kingof Cnglano, being Cx : adres Molle; and one daughter giuen in mariage to Do dead,and bis forne Penrie the ft reigning in his ferred trom nald of the Jles. This Alerander foined himfelfe place , and betng all the time of bis gouernement St tne of inmartage twith Cufemic the daughter of tobert 4o buftedinthe warres of France, the Cngliheeaten Daher > to offer iniuries to the Scots: 02 for that the qauer. the Dre the gouerno: , and hav by bir one onelic daughter ad heire chriftened after the name of bit mother , i" no? ofthe Scots dari not mone ante thing again tho (after the death ofbir father , being pet a tender the Cnglith, fearing leat the ts. of Cngland tvouly mald and bnpzactifed tn the courte of things) twas then returne home the right and truc hetre of Scot, partlie bythe dattertes ,and partlte bp the threats of Land, trho( be toas moft afured thouly fio fanour av the gouerno;, induced to giue the earlbome of Koffe gaint him) inthe hearts of bis owne people, that Dnto him, by thofe belpe , as it was repozted, the would tenderlie pitie the miffortune of bis tmypztthortlic after divd . Wheredpon , Donald that hav forrment,andfeeke to eftablith bin in the kinguome, to wife the filter of Alerander Lefle (aunt to this Wherefore if there tuere ante thing Done tn that Cufemie tbich fold bir inberitance) bemanding the 50 ni¢ane time, thep were but fonte fetw ano (mall ex eridome of Rolle by right of inherstance(as is fato) curfions totthin the realme,tehic) more aptlie might by bis wife ,entered Wolfe, and brought it to his tub: be called robberies ¢ {poiles , than ante right wars, dion.) Wut not betng fatiffied with this , be pat Fo2a8 Pennure tn England was burned by Ar, fed though Murrey , Woghtuall , ano other bounds chembald Dotwglas,f (to anfwer the fame) Duns thereabouts till be came bute Gariocy, purpofing freis in Scotlaw was in the Whe order vettroten bp to burne Aberden. the Crglith. Welloes whic) there was acerteine cr, Cre tarie of Sut Alerander Steward carle of Par, hauing change of pritoners of the one nation with the other: dy oa fox Worbac the fone of the gouerno; (taken at Was gathered a powertutth all diligence to refitt this Do» nald met with btm ata village called Harlot, ¢ inlidon was returned trto Scotland,and perfle( ha Te *steilof continentlie not ftateng fo: moze aid that was conv 6° was brought out of Congland by bts grandfather trv ming totwards bint, (et on the entnmes more rath. to Scotlanb,ano lett oriver the protection of the gor lie than opverlie, and moze flercelie than diferdetuerno?) inas oelivered to the Cnglith , ann atter by lie , not paffing fo: keeping ante accuftomed ar: the new hing of England was reffored to the title . tate of battell, as had bene requifit . Sp reafon ¢ landsof bis ancettors carles of Porthumnbert uy, Suse ubereof, great Haughter was madeon either part, Rey This man ‘though by the lawes of armes he was the biaozte tn the end being ( Doubtful, that both no captine) pet the onink beteining of James the Parts twere faine to ttthozalw out of the field , and fonneof the hing of Scots Moped the mouths of the or Ge to the nert mounteins,as glad to be feuered the Englith,that they could not complaine of ante infw "ting One from the other . LherewasflaimeonDenalos _rie doncin deteining him. Lhe boing thereof olitie pact ning bundzed men, with Hakelane, anda» -offlennved this erfic that wbile he ued,Ye Din (with Fr uerfince the battell.of seameea 3 uldalemen,andracen Downeto rompanic foener he came, thathisbeinging bphad tobe it) was. the onelte caule thp afwell forraine fine tard Rotts, tiewithdis tiberalitie , and dtpnot (ache the ‘con a monsazte:by exactions,| In theaneanetime, theca Foon Ms .5 fiellof Jeviunzth (dich heEnglisymendad hele the Fes, te of Borburgh ance,affuredthe faid earldome tuto bis fecond fort 20 Daumlanerits, Gatvan Dunbar another of the ore Ueowendowne of Marches fornnes,and dtuerfe others, An thefante 14 -_perre(o2 rather in the verre before) the bninerfitie of the earle of uchqubane named John . Ahe fores faid Donald, by wap of fupplication, befought the gonerno2 todo himreafon; buthereceiueynought, etcept it twere frotward fpeecy , therewith hetmke Denar fab: {uch difpleature,that rattingall the potwerof the Jles sir ta hanefuchgouernement: farbe wasbaliant in battell, wife in counted hein decive mrattersat controuerficimith great equitic, be wan themobilir pated in all bis behauiour and maners, inthat nabell on thomehebegat bis fonnes, Ghich(agbe iofle, was defeated of the fame, bythe practife of the gouernoz, hauing by fubtill conuei: FeThin Pite)theretoere in bimmante inffruments right perfeclic. 2o be byiefe, it ap 60 he directed letters concerning Lapsesf bis,cab After it was fignifies Hnto bis father kiftg ior eee bert,as be fat atiuper,, that bis fonne twas thus ate Aobert, -" FEMFeD iH England, he mane full great and dolox6us title of the king of Cngland grauer tpon him.) About the fame time, there rofe great trouble in Rrdcition mo. md by Ds: Scotland , by the rebellion of Donald of the les, malo of the fbo claming byrightofbis wife, atitle to the earl: Jes, dome of that he tas: oncrmudy blinnen swith nefine:td go! tobeopencdand teap, headuiten pimfelfe thereort 4. earleof Parchto his countrie,tains,and blowd. Fames the punceeof Dcotland church of the frier Dominicks in Sterling, with a ouerio2, Ubich he erercifedimoze dprightlic, elwith reams, atid and mait tneonftant than wind . att ] effect the moze fatelie) he diedand twas buricdin the lection chofen; 02 ratbersconfirmediit hisefticnnt 55 hole granten the ictonie to bis entmnies,in Geeing Firs det, -‘allthe night long afterthe battell towarns soffe, and from thence With like {ped be pattenouer ints and at length (feining bimfelfe to be far.from all de15 mage,fubm itted bimfelfe,and was fwomte nener to iba fire of gouernement,to the end he might warke bis p2ocure anie trouble to the realmeint time to come, somceacet 58 mudjas ener it did onderante of besna other betld bot in thate - - 257 tell teas Erikenon fatnt Jamesenctr, in 141T 1.411. Donald ofthe a after this sling oisteaike 4 Lefleus lib,7, plaine ,and to deduce his title ont of Lefleus (hich « On the carte of Parres five, there died A» lerander Datlute thirtte of Angus , wlth (enen al hinvof courtefie) qine witnes of the bumanitie _-thetwen bnto him by Scots. Mot mucyoitterent 3 of name , and piucts other gentlemen with from this time, came too ambaflabozs into Scot. Commons , to the number of Gr bunozen, Zhisbaty ee bi, the |