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Show The fecond table for the hiftorie Brboyafter# is 90,0 GoMe ts Wounded and dt AWaldud. € Be Rinne, ‘bert, R38.a56 ng Drdop HOt 1S, 68 bso etyhis barielimote, -91,b 50 WBrtdwin carte of Flanders com Wertegita bilhop ot Catangks, Arevbifhop Sorime of Cantor Bruiragus B,of Wytaine,z 2,010 meth into Grgiand to wit ‘ 116,969" burit.144,4 10 Brhched of CaBc larweieth thts tend a repas Cor 3. bts rer Tinlaw,188, Wertha hing Deoeis Dauigh turbaric,150,b 30 Atheinetus terh the rutnes of ff,24,b 20, 35 bro, Earie of Fiandero aiderh < Swife to Gtbelberr bing ofe of Canturburic, 182,026,186 4 ro, Mhoged of Pagke, 1y2,b10, 196,b 20. BiUHhe o! Pope, 185, 20, edol Parker 88,0 20, ugutiine the manke of the Engh natron,ro1,2 39. Wert: Swalo of Canturburte, 129,.b60 b 60. Dis valtantnefic, 26,4 10. 3n Wat Hate Writeine was bpthem,s2,a 60. HeIs buricd Brightwald of Canturburie, at Gioerftcr, 37,810 126,b20,30, Wofaofpozrke,i25 Wlburgae eentiewoman marred bso.Ceapoaof pozke,t19,b20 to hing Ethciwnlfe, 140,a go Damanns of Cant. 116,b4o, Bieiepionotes.€ Qa Duke, Deuoedst of Cantur.116,b 40. BWlhbert protector op goucrnoy of Gaudaid of Canturd.137,b40, pong kKmg Bencime tyrben, Evtnus of Canturbare, 186, murthereth his tozd and mai: b40, ElnothusofCanturba: Duke William to conquer En: nent, 99,050 gland, 193.b30 Werikfridve a balta nt Mozth umns ‘Wanker fatait, 79,050 ber capteine, ‘Ya9,920 the Feent42,a60. Be purreth Wap ifute of bondmen and bond= Werrocifre, now Warkelhire , the Romans to Aight, 35, 40, SHomicn and making them free, 143,040 Beis mok vriienoufite abufed 123,860, Tow gratious bring BWerthun aduke of Suller dang inbisrtigne.«4, aso. ting of fer, 139,050 Fie, 182,b30,@ipbegus ofCan- BMaracus interteineth Wiute, tard anurthercd bp the Danes, 7,040 170,b 10,40, Egbert of yoke: AHherins Aenevenfis bithop of ote. 130,460, Gucthelineof Sbirbozne, 149,810 ALonbdort ambaflados for Wyo PHurtans, Canturburve,t10,a30, Bere: turburte, 33,810 faino, 71,530. Sonozins of Bthrinotus archbtthop of Can: 185,810 Ceincth bis pall,110,b 10, Zohn BWtheleed archbifhop of Cantur@ Yorke tefigneth, 125, bs0; bute, 15°, b30 Lambert of Cantarb.135,a20 Btbelitene king of Rent ¢ duke Depriued,132,a 20, Laurence Calbere banquith the Danes of Canturb. €Sc Laurence, by fea,141,4 20, € Se Boeiz IMothcimas of € anturb,130.b Gane. 5°. Dooof Canturb. 136.b6o, Pualon Fie now Yipes Fle, 2, Dlwaid of Pozke, 161, be20, a 30 Picimond of Centurb. 149, Buguitine oxdeined atchbifhopof 820, Danie of Yorke receweth the ugithnatton, ror, a30. bis pall, 110,b 10. Robert of is feat Canturburte,102,a Canturbartr,187,b20,60, Si60, Herecemeth the pali,ror,.b ficius of Canturb 166,460, 60, Sarnamed the Engh: Stigand of Canturburte an tens apoftie,102,b60, BereUntradop: note,191,840, 0 ack= gutteth thre things of the Wutainstodcobferaed,103,q une of Cantuybur'e,129,b 60. @rcovoze of Canturburte cree 20 smiracies,bigatsand Deeds, ated Deon condition, 120, 420, 102,a10 Wilkribe rhe fecond of Cantur= Buguttus the emperoz is vented Fecetued: note,1 23,410, Recess ned of the Watt) armie ¢ how L4abse Wertwaty archbifjop of Cane tufburte, 119.60 beneficrall,83,6 10, 8t the mim: Bring thereof godfathers were Wertwoife of Mercia tributar tnbfe,114,b10, QintRred to Hie to the wellfarons , chatty ten thonfand in the riner of Sale, io0,b 60. Egeired defifed che font forth brs'ozbure When he as baptifed,165,420 Bardi, thetr dfage and profemon, 3.850 Wardus the fon of Dnts, 3,230 Walreeg, €Se Walden. Wattanus borne of a Wrttifh Soman ruleth Weitaine, 4,b 10, He praciferh With phplict: 8n6 to potfon his father SycueTus, 55,b60 Waktards madekings ag Aifrive king of $2oarhumberiand, 125, bro, Baroly fo procinmed and confecrated,t85,b 20, AVozin= Dus admitted torule Waitain, 20,840 Bataut,now Hollanders,72,4 30 Wath called Carbadon, 14, bio. --Welicgedby the Sarons and Germang,but overihrowne ¢ flaine, 90,b 60,914 to Wath €Se Cacrigan. Waths hor when Girt made oz re: _parcdandbp Whom, 12,b 40 Wattell of Athdon fought be= tweeneH.Edmund Fronflire ¢ Cute With his Dates, 177,a te, Df fonre houres continu= ance betweene the Engi and the Danes, 176,640 Wealke Wild deuowr rulers of Writaine, 11,b49,50° Weatrice put to death by bir cps fons for pofoning tur hulz band, 154,b10 out of Hts committe bp the Danes, * T4hano Wirinus a bihop-Ftalian cons Gerteth the welblarons to the chrittianfatth, m4,b10 Wttcop a monke builded (woade bics , and Swljat artificers he brought into Cagtand that Were not init befoye, 120/30 Bifi. €Bee WiNyop. Withoy Acca of Heehami,129,040 Pociftan of Hhireburteot B, Egberts councellsr40,b 20, Bs Deiwold of yoinchelter,161,b20 Aowin of winchelter, 187,60 Bidbhelme bifhop of Sires burne,129, @ 60. Sifin of wine chefter,161,0 49. Mikana wars tionr, 138, b 10, Bilerins of SHDbireburtie,r49,a10, Wiliok the Eaftangles, 121,b 60. Boe nifacins of the Eitangles,121, b6o. Weightelme of Dopcher fter,161, ago, Camelgarettae ken pafoner of the Danes,¢ revered bp % Edward,r51,8 60, Cedda of the Calklarons, 117, a- 60, Cori mm armes on hogfbacke deftroreth td0lg,109, b10, Colmanof MogihAbers, 119,940, Cutbert of ULindels ferne,125,a30.Dantell ofwits chefter,129, a60, Drama fink bifhop of Aercia, 118, b 2% burie,t29,8 50. wolfhere,1 50,4 dis tribute out of wzttatne,his Igy actsanddeds:note, 32,b30 of Yorke 156,8l: 50 Bulaf z 2 wollk ithopsanautho ztie, cremp e %. of Mozweie baptifen, fied snote, 181,b30. Three in 166.bs50.%anded with Danes Bpytaine,s2,4 30. Chep fie tothers maketh again BoclDunttane of ywozcelber and Sotrh thetr clergic into Mads ¢ Rondon,1 60.a10.Eanhiousot Gane, bifcofited,155,b 30.0has thounteing:note,98,b 20, Che feoby king Comund,heretar2 indfere, 122, 60, Cats of Ce of Canturb. monks refute, Heram, 125,b50, Eomandet heth into Mozthumberiand,¢ 120,410, Che fe remouedte Sinreburne fate ih vsttill, expelled by the peopic,158,a40 Weauttea {nare tointrap : note, 144,010, Gadnifus of Ltchfeld ichfield, 132,410. DF CanDetaketh vpon him theruleof 78,b60, B hart, ealfoadeadlia turbarie € Yorke With a decree avozned otth the pall,13240% the Mozthumbers, 156, b60, baine,160,260,b10. Abafeptoa concerning thetr election, 110, Egwine of woscetter, 12,4 Dilguifer hecommethtobiew fhamefulienv,191,bdo, Fe hel= B20, The le rcftozed to Can-, the Engtith campe, t55,b60, 60, Clatverins of weltlarons, pednotto fauehfe, 171,810 turbutie,136,440. Che fe of Bingof the Danes of $oz> Weautic ofEogiva molt exceia 329,b10, Elphegus ot he Canturburteboid, 135,420 chetter,166,160,165, b5>.€F thamberiand attempteth war _tent.153,0 Ho.¢Sec oni, Brebigaliugs king of Wrttaine kenuwald of the ataronsbie ageint king Eomund, his Weda dieth,dinerie things noten gtuen to dificntion, and depatfee at Wonpon.122,a sat Death, 1s6,b60 concerning him, 139,b10 ued, = 21,aro Bulus Atticus a Romane cap= *Weline and Ween made frends, Soto of winchetter, 16,5 1 Felin.qse Farr. Fir" Brouife made king of Mozthamteine flaine, §0,b30 17,860,ee Wrennnsg. Sozthumibers,119,849- $60 berland and confecrated,13.6,b Bulos Didiug fent into write Welinug general of Callibelans 60,Bis ats EdedS, 137,a 10 mound of Rochelter,1974. 1! taine to fupplietherome of D-_armte valiant, 27,849 revoman tg fent to the C8 : Breant, and their cherge: note, ftozius, 40,b10 MBeling gate (now Willingigste) finous te reouce thet! ee Wherdpon the alhes of Welins = 73,b40 Balus Plautius withhis armie faith,121,810. Hincolne Aa aan Bmbyole. €Hé Zures atrinethin Wzttaine, 34,a10 bodie Mere keptin a befell of is. inthe battell at Bron, 17) Barclins Ambrohus¢ his bro: bnafle, 19 ,a10 Brilete duke Robert of Mozinan20,Diwald of warcelltt, On ther Citcr atrime tn Writaine Weil of&» Etintus:note,151,a 60 Dies paramour,that bare him 10, Dutta of Kone with ther powers againft els vlev in batteli canfcd ter= Boke. william the conqueroz, mufician,!20,b 1°, f rift Troztigerne,S4,a10%ee Uter oz: note, 27,b10 and ofbir picafantneffe and daz fier € king Egelred ft Pendzagon flee intotittie Wzi- Wergion brother to Bibion kept ~ itance, 201,b20 165,060, Serbuite of Mr tatn,77,84°. Be With bis Wats Breland ethe Dzbnets,4,n60 Armozica bp Shor fire propied, cies, 122, 4 $2. ys tb tains encounter the Sarong, WBerking, end Sho built the ab63,a40.@iuento Conan @Be= winchetter of ~ gee 88,930, Beputteth Sarons beie there, 122, 960 T1bo0¢,¢ the plot te peopte tt dtf< ‘ounicell, 140, 2. Se out of Wzitatne,84,bs0.83cfal- Wertcus expelled owt of 4S21tat, Porthambers,119.0 oe Sypotnted,67,a 20, Cheetpmon leth ficke at winchefter, 85,0 bis countelite Ciauding,34,210 oz reaton of the name, 69,b10 her of £ ondon,122,86. ata 10.¢De Uiter Pendzagon. Werneindge burned foz crucitie, Brmozicata France Wbhereiti- Burclins Conanus made bing of frips of woreeltet, 1lig 135,830 eth, 12,840 qiltrin of Poitheeof AWritaine, ¢ defcriben, 94,b60, Werne anobleman about york, Arnulfe.¢Dz Broulfe, Duligence,119,b 10. WH He billeth ConGantinz, 94,0 the rauifying of Swyole Wife Arthur begotten out of Werlock, Ronvon barithed, 19 yoy of So.eisnotedbp@ploastobe bredmuch mufeheete, 144,b20 92,b19. Bnd of Shoubegot: wiliiam the pore Ob a berie bad man, 95,810 Werneanearie maticionfte Aaine ten,88a20. te beginnerh to Zuthun, ¢Se wWerthan, Wochelter,. ie bp bis coufin, 188,420.60 Teigue, 90,840. Of a mightre Werne K.of Cltangies. 129,410 wBitbop not Didigraded om making,92,a10, Bnd what is ning 8 peinat neo 03 the Wernred by tinrther vfurpeth left Swutten ofhim,93, 410, Be 88.a49 the bingvome of MPercta, heis one of wesklsrone 0, had two wines, 93, b10. His Bre bill, Baldzed ofarped the kingflaine, 128,b10 fpace of feuen ees abl Skpleits, 91, ato. His tweine againk the Sorong, dore of Hense bepartethinto *Wernulfe of Wercia Maine, 138, ile, 339,030 -y20,89¢ Romacherl hing Gg= ae us 141, b60.fon3tn ponte Power to Boelitans arinie, is Haine bp the suumie, t55,b60 Wihhops authozite exemplified; Hote,117,b 20. Wentto war E aid the bing,139.03 0. Foure of Mercwes,119,a10. Cwo Notable tu Ethelwoults dates: Note,140,b 20. rooelected in place ofone,122,b 60 $D2ofpe= touflie conouct UBzttith holt agatntt the 2arongs:note,83, ato. OF Mozthumbers helo their fee at Hinvefferne,119,4 $0,b 10, Two elected t confecrated foz one,121,b 60.reat archbifbops,1t9,b 20,i)0w to be opdered,101,b 20.Dzdcinen foz auoining the popes Difpicfure,153,a60. what maner of men thep haue beene, 191,060 Bn Byttaine twentie cight, $2,830. what proutuces thep Governed in 731 peares,129, b 60,130,810, € Hee Spnop, Withoprike at Dowwich, 10,9 840.8: Dozcelter, 114,b20, Twomade ofone, 129, a6o, @wobnbder one bifhop, 160, ato of Britaine and England, the firfkog no,1,440, Gonerhed bp licetenanes ¢ ireafa10,8 ot Romane emperours, 37 a0, Dinidedfrom Scots Jeno bp thcemperoy Bogan: 0.0, 53, a 50, Goucrnen bp UB stitlh rulers,7,10. Firfkine Jabitea bp the Celts, 3,50, heinucicd agatnit bp Gploag b30, Made triburarieto the Bomans,30,b 10.Bt conten= Rulers z kings therof bitters 4/160, 95,8 10, 96,8 60,b10, he fate of it during Prue Tagus reigne, 45,450 Altes ted bp the inuafion of barba- rous nations,75,a20.Spotla pitifulhe by Gurmudus, 98,4 30. Bingo thee of it flatnein One battcil at.once, 97,4 30 ‘Che tate of it bnder Aari= 09,46,b 60, Ruled bp Women, 11,030,13,b 50.Gouerned bp kings of their owne nation, 20,21, €¢. Governed bp fue kings at once,14,a20,he fate oftt Dnder kings,15,16, 37,86.30 Hrance,67,4 10, o called bp comanverment of the {abducr,t1,a10, Pt recciucch faith : note,37, a 30. Dinerfe people tohabited dinerfe poz= £108of 1,23, 50.Dintded n= ilaling ftarre of three moncths continuance, 122, b 60, what infued:note,123 , a60,162,b 10 HSene in England onelie of feuen bates continuance, 197, a6o. Che peare before n= 24,820,whether the kings of it were Rings o2 rulers of Soardthe thirds death: note, the commonwelth oz tyrants, 195,b40.T wo,one peering in the mozning, the other in theenening,and Sohat infued, 129,b20 Biadud the ninth ruler of 231taine,12,b40, Pactuming to flicis pathe in peeces With a fall, 12,b50 Blackwell hall tn old time cal> led the temple of peace.1s,b30 Blccca goncrnoz of the citic of ALincoine, 110,850 Bicdertke oube of Copnewall, 104,b10 Blond rained, 14,8 60 Wonrflene inhonoz, 46,230 Sondimen made trulie free,s 4, a6o Bonifactus vilhop of Gaftangles, 121,b60 foreaims,21,b 40.Uinknowne to the i omans butbp report, €6:23,0 40, # part of it calted Ualentia,73,b30, Che tucceflion of the kings therof o« derlicin their peares to EltDurNs,22,4 10,.Df whom fir inhabited,1 a 20.39entarchie, 15, @10, Sometimes callep Hamothea,z,460, Che fabtedion of tt to the Romans Shen it Was,31,a60, B moz narchic howlong aftert52uts beath,31,b40, Che fate of it touching goucrninent when Cefar did conquer it. 31,b30, PiictoEthelbaiv, 128,b20 so BWondicia.q ye Wioadicta, Bien maried the puke of Blo: bogs daughter, 17, 8 10, Duke of Blobzogs, 17,4 50. Beand Welinetoining forces * take Rome,17,b10,8)c ¢ WeUne their tot goucrnement Intolierable, 16, 30 Dzenicia bingvome when it began, 95,450 Bretamons cattelt bepond fea bnilt by the writons,61, b, 40 Brethoen at trite and banded One againft another, 16,460, laine, 74,060, 15,010 Bricants nowy opkethtee, vil= Daine to be iubiec to a iwotMansgonernment, 40, b 60 Brightnon carie of Eller gaue battell to the Danes, flaine, 166,860 Brighthetme pithop of Doz cheftcr, 161,240 Buahtnke &. of wettiazons, 135,820, Hts policie to ruic Qutetite, 135,630. Barth Crhetburga &. Das daugh. ter.132,9 50,thig Detiy.136,2 10 Brabhtwolw ehoten to bz 2 bithop of Cantarb.229,b 20 32 Brcko a princes of Benauo, bis valiantnets, 12,839 Byitaine Wherker-an Blend az tion among themfelnes after the death of ducing, 52,b0, 45yp confent gine rnie of ail Sonogeng atrivail in Leogt tia,#¢:8,b 40, te Sas not the Grit that imbabsten thts Fie, 6,b So. Fncountered bp the grants ofthe Zie,10,b40,ia iineended,15,410, Bis letter to ktng Dandzalus,with certeine martiall exploits of fis, 8,010. 15 thie fonnes,thir hamcs, € how bpon his oerh= bed he dinideth all Wztaine belane, 28, b40, Murinco bp ainoig them, 1,810.8 ara Tiuali tn this Fle, 10,b 10, Be € Cozinens tone companics, 9,510, He With his compane Sotth fier and feozD,1 23,050, Deatland burtiall, things inthe wars to @aliCentwine X. of weltfayongs landed in Ditttca, 9,a 50, bis 11,30 Delenved the chrifian fait) Wenge Oreenefbieid the fcr rns fucn with the theding of thetr ier of 2zitaine, 12,030 diond, 63,b10, Cheir Herce= BWandicia. ¢ See Woadicia. 3 nefle againtt the Bomang,25, Wurgenid.¢ See Qucndzen. 860. Motall banquilhed by Wurchyeo Is. of DMBercta maris Cefar,31,460, Ehepfend to eth king Gthelwilies vangh= Cefar abouta treatie ofpeace ter, 141,430. Bided again 25,b 30. Uitterlte dtfabled by the Danes,143, b20, Flieth Plautius ¢ hig power, 34,b bis countries bicth, 145,230 40. Cheirmanceof fighting in Spar,29,830. Remoued ins GQ to waies ¢€ Cognwail,98,b10 40. BRecetucd into the {abiec= Gs earle of Coznwall,o3, tion of the Eftanglese weta 60, Duke of Coznwaik tilh kings,131,b 20, Difcoms bileth Cheldgike, 91,010 fited, teane their countric a Cadwwalline, €Se Cadwailo. preicto the Saxons, 81, a50, Cadwallok. of Warameredels They loft the moze part of -_iethagain Lowin,rr0,b 50, thetr ancient feats, 98,b 20, What the Wait waiters re= TChep late armoz ative, ¢ be- portofbhim, 112,060, ais i= take themto the reading of mageofbgrffe fer on abgaten holte {criptures, 130,50, hozfleand fetbpon Hudgare, Herning in war bnder Ch: 113,30. Cerrtdje bothinnaz frantine foztunat, 65,430, ture® countenance, 111 ,129, Under the conduc of Gtoadiz -b10,112,a 10, Slane bp OL CisginetheRemansathame: _avald at Denifburne,111,b 60 full difcofiture.44,b10,Chep Cadwallader kingof Wrtongs, obteine the field againthe conftreind to fozlakethetanp, Harons,80,b10, Their mt 124,039 ferable Gate bnder Aogtiz Cadwan cholen k, of Wartaine gernc,78,b10,@bep rebellas after 24 peares {pace Swithout gaink ecusehisRomang arte one fpeciall Gone TTA, 6o, The tate of tt buver raz 56,b60, Dyprelled of SHazz ong, Craucaibof twobtthops € prcvraliesnote,83 010,beir the faith,s2,2 20. Bt talten the crueitieo! Droclefian, ¢c. 61, GMD 5Zealetoxcligton in their Cacrbardon now called Wath, lerg,11,12,13,6¢. Ht receiueth b 60. Che tate of it bnder 1Bpitihh kings, 76 ,8,10 Bontlacius 2.of Apents hts e- Wrttaings repine to be gouerned Bola archbithopof y ozke, : 255 mans, 38, b30, Che ridtenc lous boiage of Caitguia ats tempted againtt them,33,b10 Dzwnen by Womans ontof their woof refuge, 234.60, Plaged bp the Saxons from time to time at agpointiment of Gov foz their foutc fins,96, by men of bafe begree,s3,b 50, Commonie called weilhmen, -_105,b 60, ig actoand Deeds, -106,a 10, Ht, of Mopthwales, 104,b 19, troubles bp tengitt: note,82, 14,b10 b 30. Duerthzowne bp the Cacrbran now Wath, when Haronseflainin gretnum= firlt built, 13,40 bers,89,br0, Chet ilotaltie Caerbranks,i2,410,¢ et yorke, to Uter Pendragon, 87,b Cacrgrant,, now dambatoge, their blage ¢ attire:note,ss,a 60, Thelt kings feeke to rule 20,b40,21,010 inthisland,127,q20, Btba: Caerguent,t2,b30,¢ de wine tance atnong themfelues af: chefter, Hing gotten dicoze againk the Romang note, 45, 0 10; place to the Romana, 58.410 Caericonbp Whomereced and 127,410. Che fanage fort, 4°, Dutragions crueltie ha: terthe Death of Lucius, 54,0 Carle now Leicefter fhew 60, For lache of Chill gane _firftbnelt, 12,b60 Their lamentable cafe atter Bricannia, Why tt ought rater built,18,b60,19,010, 40,4 so, ourrthzow bp J.Agricola,so, 36,020, ¢ Se Chelter, tobe called Watdanta, 123,b bso. Chey, the Scots, and 60,4Dee Writaine. Caerlud, now London, 23,060 Pics in a league,77,8 20, Weithzibs proferedferutcehath Cacrimatet, 38,050 Ehep of Calendarwwnd al: i faccefle, 169,b10 Caiuo Crebonius teutenant of three legions, 29,040 fault the Bomans vpon ad= AWzitons expert in art magike, uantage,49,4 4°. E heir mites a,b12,.whpthep bledtopaint Catus Golufenus lent ouer ine ries manifold:note,41,b 60,42 theirflaces,9,b4°. &uingfo, to Wzitaineto view the Hie, a19, Chep go to ome ¢ com-= aid to the Bomang againtt plane of the Dcots¢ Pics, could get Calaterwadin Scotland, 16,b none,71,420, welfhmen,tos, 20,are Yozke, 21,040 Perbennis'to €G= mobus the emperoz,53, b40. what pradifesBgricola bfleo totrainethem to ctutlitie,43,4 20. BH kiifail in foimming,43, 810, Bdmitted as weil iwo- 24,040 b 60, Witerliefuboued by the Calendarwmp, 49,940, Romans but not without Calis. € Aer lrius portus much Maughter ¢ bloudtheo, Caliguia cmpérour of iome 28,b 60, $n qret miferte fpale purpolethtofcarch the betters ong another,7°, béo, rohere molt bounds of Wzttaine + men a8 men to publike gofernment,42, bo. Reabdie to the line and gouernment of Celar,24,b4>2. Chey refule to their kings ended, 126,b40, Calphurning Bartcola heures De Bpitains, nant of Wattetne, $3,060 defend thete countrie again note,33,b 10 pate tribut to Bugultos, 32,6 Wzocmalecarie of Cheer des Caltrops of iron aunt 30. Their maner of fighting in chartotg, 26,440. Sufket ned a fore onerthow at the fenderof the manks of Wan« 4 ceAmos prople, g% again she s2orthnm> yn fit 104,820 DEESEe ai bands of Scapula, 39,010, Wzoemale. Ha Wrocmale, Berlecuten by the Scots# wBzudeus bing of Piers hilteth 12f,Ajo Egfrive, Pits,70, 450. Bnarmie of thempewiic chaftncd,23,820 gate, his efcent, erriwali in Wyteine, billing of big fae beg chal a place of abuans ther,$¢.7,A19, Qe # bis aatts tage to imoanters the Igor By. Camalerum, : pre 34,0 f0 mnbrdge by home builben, ¢ ee @ te poiueritte by Whom founded, 116,020, Has noured of hing &pterbert and bifhop Helix , 21, ato, Dee fered Gith the anew a fohots peare, 145,840, |