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Show The hiftorie of Scotland. Haviothe fame time Within his tenttrutting the bets ter-foitune to follow by prefence thereof. Jnthe ticanetinie,asbeinas thas making his paiersthe tafe fapaenlic opened, andclaypento againe. The hinges chapleine being prefent, attoniedtheretwith, = went to the altar there the cafe fod, and finding the armeivithinit,becried tothe king ¢otherthativere prefent; botw there tyasa great miracte tuzonght, confeffing that he brought thecmpticcafetothe field, The hiftorie of Scotland. hem,tn fignie'of antic ; Buta fuypote be twas oner -twearied before he had Maker 35000 men by the ards.) Dnitheother part, king Golardcanten the Thentyr coronelsof ech nation within bis campe, to erhort ua their retinues to remember,thattf thep fought bal: " -antlie for one houre o2 tivo,they thonla purcate in -finit riches twtth the tole realme of Srotland,in -reivard of their labour: for be defired nothing foy himfelfe,butthe fupertorttic. Againe,he willed thep and left the arme at home, leak that relike fhould 1° fhonld haue in remembance that trrecouerable Have beene loft itt the ficld , if anie thing cancedts Thame tooulo follote (fith thepbad departed out of the artic othertuife than well. their countries in hope of gaine) to returne home The king verictoifuil of i this mivacle,paten -_turtty empttehands,and bard of vicoste, not without tatter bes the fonte rep2orh and note of cotwardife. awe: temnantof the nightin pater and thankefgining. theking and On the mio2olv he caufed all bis folks tobeare diuine #Belines Gbich (as {eemeth bp Johannes Maiot) Frtha bischapleine, forniceand fo recciuc the facrament, ag ouet night king Coward clothed in his kinglie robes,is fatd to Tohannes Me haue bfed theteApert fpeches to the armie.Jf3 aionot bor -, an hebadapointed. Theabbat of Jndichaftrate vid ce } lebrate before the hing that dap, andminiftrenbnte -_-bolathe open vicorie, 4 twoulo this Day(moll Dall ¢5 peak Him and otherof the nobles, thecommunion, other ant nten) make an other. beginningof {peech bnto bis pen) ake priefts being appointed to. ntintffer the fante bnto the 20 pou. Wearein peeparation ¢ number of foutotors belt unite Theerhorta: relioucof thearmic. After this, ahenferuice was -_farre bepond thele miferable Scots. Wefioes ubich, . fionofiing ended,the king calledthe people tobis tanbard, and §=-we Hane abundance of bralle paces, catapultes, 5,yicrte MRoberttoyis FFpoclared tnto them from point to point,botvnee -botwes,and other fuch engins of wwarte, thichonthe goether om Grape, contrarie part the Scots dw want. They are onelie werenoryt Ceflarie it as for them to fhetw their wanted mane : courred infth leather ptlehes made of bucks thing, iene hov,confiocring that fancy an bnge multitude of peo and with clokes like bnto the Wild mounteme per pleivas brought thither againthem by king Cas fpardnot of one nation 02 Dominion,but of fundzie bint cecteine ancient gentlemen of great fobstette and citcumfpecion, to qualifiebis hattieanvbotnae ture, Lhe thirobattell, inthe thicy were(asIohn baue had the victozie of the spuierfe battell of thete -_enimies: han it not bene fog the Gnglith archers -_Sebtch were placed int the wings of the battell; thom bing bimielfe lev, thetwing a verte checrefullcounte: fone teprefle: whereby the Scots incontagen,mave that bebelobin, conceivedin bis mind an aured hope of bictozie to fucceeo, : Srebratc! Abe abbatof Jnchchatfraie aforehaid ( tboashes prepared farce, Fora Cratagem by the Scots ver Uifed,and an ereor bythe Cnglith therof canceiued, bid far moze hurt to the cnimie ,than the potwer al: bannga the raufe that the Cnglith loft the bicogie, being itt The third, ‘ Maior tecozbdeth) fifteene thoufand fighting men, the nance amongeft them,(0 farre forth, thateuerieone He Scot hatha weake nation fighting on bisowwne ,, -_rharge,not haning anie chofen fouldier,Govbathin i this fieloinclofethat fay ABenfe (nourifhed bp mp godfather) to the endthat be might recefue woozthit » ralcals iwere amongefl them, toithout ante fhillof ‘were confumedhy my father : therefore tt owe oninapointes munfters, butreforting without diffe Lente togither, inbopeof {poileandbaties, baning hot clic Hherebdpow to line at home in their coune tries, 32 Moreouer, if nothirig elfe mightraife theteharts wicked and twauering men,to lead them to Londol, ‘there to receiue tiie nue punifyment . #ou bad 5» great revenues (noble peinces) giuen topou by uy father, in that kingdonte. dherefore nowy fhepout + -_{elues balfant perfons,that pou map againe an 4 of theiraduerfaries, berebearfeo thatanumber of Wwavreltkeaffaires, nottaken bpby chotfcandeledt: puntthmentforbis wickeonelle . 1is thea becthaen cs fente of their countriey and the ibertic of their poffes ‘ie ritie for(faith be)pou mut not eucriemanfightas <P it were fo2 bis otone p2iuat vefente, bis one boule -_-the fame, at this vay potfeffcd by the wanes jy Benet tightfull tuners . wefines which, D will furl gate toasandtter {nfficient to abuancetheir mantie fo: line geometrtealite meafure forth all the es the aoa pactlic alluten their thereof ; by notable miracles fame, according tothe merits of the mei. fhetuepin thenightiattpateoApercta he apved,that much Maior.) madhs,in trot of Godsaidin thatquarell, haning the greater multitude there twas of the enfmies,the morefpoile md richestwastobegot,ifthep atteinen the bictozte. Finallic,the moretofirre theichartsts -_and other théte-tinnen alot bpon their biuall gare hiesachver= petuall fer , and thep tthich Do preferueit, aretobe muflterand thew anew 5 came dotwne the bill five on ceargre. tecomtpenfed with an eternalcrowwne of gloxie.Ana Hereivithall this abbat intruded them of manic things touching the loue of their countrie,abfehnar ture bath fo planted in all men, that fo: the preferuw length by the tharpecalling ppon of thet cap thinke bard fo them to atehiue,and this as,that e- 6o Hep were brought into o2derof battell,not _ . quent ueri¢of them inould butDifpatc one of the enimics, mud)ade,,by reafonofthe bneulic multitude aie neg thichifthey performed, he promifen them affures bidorir.As fo tenthonfand, Hekuciotobeamongt _chers twere plaren in foings, mingled -_iis, = ho2emen on the foes of the tards orss as he dur fafelie onvertake fo: thenrthat thep ing Hobert appointing all hisbattcls on aaa _ fnould flea tive ofthe enimics apeére,at theleatt, Such wtaniterof perfuations king Robert pfento incourage bispeople. % M5ut Johannes Maior,Jib.s. cap.2.putteth{pecy munchdifferent fronrthis\in the monthof aBenfe,fur, ther faieng,that then thisozation toas ended, that the kingcame dotonethebillontbicheften,iben be'bttered thefe tomes, and bareheaded imbzaccn ullthe nobiliticin bis atmesanattextiminghim felfetotyenhole armic,bereadventoenericmanbis fible) that it night be manie times loft therefore: ‘which (rwdinclofedin themideff of the mas ot OO aed the fame into thaparts; the fox ean e united to homas Wandulfe ,¢ James = eobonte capteinsof bericapzoned daliancie, perbe ch wont fenen thoufand ofthe bosberers, aX patrrars fand of the Brith Hrots, oberwife rans < 02,edthanks. Lhele no iefle fierce recon aa? <= than theother practiferamd faSohaibeee a sas. gonerned by Cdiwardthe kingsh: oas to -émtveretenthonfand men: butfor that cw poctedof tomuchrathnedie, there was HUEY --tmthe face oftheir entintes,twith fuch a terrible noite and hideous clamoz, that the Cnglithmen fighting as then with molt furie againt the Scots with ow -_certeine vitraate ,And bebolding this new reenforce comming Downe tie bill bpontheir faces, fupofing Che @natty verelie it bad bene fome new armic, ther bearts mens hearts beganto faint.,the moze in deed, fo that they fat beainto fant, Which done,he feared tot to admonith them to tpox 30 themfelues vieth able to fufteine the biolent tr hip the tmage of Qhit, which he etwed them onthe counter of the Scots then paefent, ano berevpon The Englith menputte croffe,|Incontinentlieuberbpon,the Scotitharmte they begamto turnethew backs , and fell to rang fight, fell on knees before it,peuontlie commending theny away as people clearelie banquifhed : on tome the felues to almightie Gov. Scots followed with infatiableire, and Quethem Fhe Cnglith armie bebolving the Scots fall on down onall fines there thep might ouertake them, knees , thought verelie thep bad verloed without Str James Dowwglas with foure hundred chofen froke friken. Wut ther they fa them rifeas -_poallemen , was commanded by hing Wobert to The Gt toy , Fate ,and to come forward, they began'to be formes tang, Chirtie thoy. fe Caza, ue mene Streaches, Wut pet oben they Mould mad) dsr a _raie ofbattell totwards the Scots,ther migh ih thep pa trufted.(fheir mando being fuch) thep wonld not them of fudbapzouenifoniviers,andolomienof war, tionand libertie therof {none houlorefule anie dani Ger,10 Wot the Lote of life,pea though (if itwere poh eas -_be {euered from their toftees and dyilozen mea ae The Scots khich tere appointed to attend the -garriage, as carters > Wwainenten ,lackiesyand:the woinen »bebolding in that danger their maifters 5 friends, ¢ countriemen fod,puton thirts, fmocks, and childzen,but eueric man for allmren,and allen ae ‘bad there in icampe iwith them: neuerthe nee this fo2t.] fd} euerie man mut fight for the libertic, nee, patri: nicnts , and derewith binding towels and napkins montechilozert,and wives of ail the tealine + for fach to theit fpeares , and to other fuch faues as thep got ND fo great is the Dignitie of our coutitrie, as thep 20 tn their hands, placed themfeluc s as twellas thep Mhich deface o2 fpoile it,are to be printthen twith per; could/im arrai¢ of battell, and fo makinga great Scotland, tobedinided putothole that es tees do baliantlic.berequirenthemrof onethina,thics be their pattie god, rather by binden policte, thant wos Banri= on gulerpiene amdparitiz of matneth that we ayprebend(aliue) thefe other ti ., inbopeof dicoze, theiriuf canlefity thep camein defenteof their countricagatnt fniuriousinuaters; King) came forth before the battels,iwitythe cra: cifit tit his bands, bearingit aloftlikea fandaro[ay montfhing thembaliantlie to take in hand the de: ple,for thich canfe our archers,before the ftrength of chers,t nimics,able to maue berie quiet minds bnto full diguation. Againe,toauotdfeareoutofthetrharts, fabich they mightconcetue bp reafonof the multitude s2ufe (fending ont certeine light bo2temen ) dip ZnchchatFrave fore is meittioned, dideclebzate that morning afore ro femblen in the field. $02 that deutfe in the end tag =the languages mid partics , as twell fubiecs asaliesto the maine battell fhall toine, will fone fuboue them,,, the Cnglithmen, withtull purpete vtterlietocrtine Paruell not that they haue beforetime fabdued guith the Scotifh nameand memorie, and foplant 3° fome of my fubiedts, becaulethey did tt bytheir accu: > themfcluesin theirfeates ambromes,asinpofedtomen deceits, and not bp ftrengthof battell. and s ohs btterlie poidedof all theancient ano fomer in though bp chance thep haue oucrcome(in fight) fome babitants. Zo fucreale the fierce ffomachs of the ‘weake companie of equall number onto them,pet, Syeotifhmen againthe entmies,be recountedbnto ate thep not able to refift bs ; being farre move eb them that hebeard bp credible report touching the -cellent in number, p2eparation,and o2der of battcll, »9 menacing tadsand infolent brags of thefamee- 21 _ a Bawache Be oy "Gace Ronee fw, "@eekn, late te) aca &a, ter an -ppurfuethe hingof England twith all (ped, to trie fthat Doubtful. And beredpon ruling togither, at tf he might overtake him. the firft toininga great number of people oncither go Dowglas (according to his charge) follotned him fide Were beaten Downe ¢ Maine. Zhe archers trbich in chafe to Dunbar, ¢ cafting betwirt that and the Wuere arraied on the vtter (kirts of the Cnglit) borders , laie in wait tohaue taken bim, if be bao tings, fo2e annoted the Scots, till finallte Coward returned bp land; but be being receiued into the ca King @os Brule came on their backs with a thoufann {peares, fell of Dunbarby Patrike Dunbarerle of Mardy, dare eftapéty and byake them affunder, in fuch wile that thep did with fifteene earles in bis companie, twas bpthe Sut little moze hurt that day, Albett incontinent: fame carle of Sparc conucied into certeine veflels, lie herewith a battell of ho2femento the number of lieng there at ancho2, twtththe ubich he paffed along it thirtie thoufand , came ruthing togtther all at once bp the thoxe into Englmbd, to thetv an erampleof in Mocke ; to bane bozne Downe and ouerrtodenthe the bniftable tate of princes : for though this Go Sn Scots; but being fo in thetr full race galloping with 50 ward was that bap in the morning right proudof te puiftaner, mot violence totwards them , they tumbled into the the great putfance and namberof people thirbe foes and pits befoze mentioned, in fut) wife one -hadabout him, not dnitke fornetime to the great bpon another,that the moft partofthemtwasflaine, -_armic of hing Eerres,pet be was conftreined before Without all reconerie. Meuerthelefle the Scotsin the evening of the fame dap , to faue bislifeing Maner op3eled th:ough the buge multitude of the pave filhers boat. In this battell were laine fittie enimies , \were neere at the point to haue bene baw thoufand Cnglitmen (as the Scotith writers af quifbed. [ During thie conflia faith Buch, this firme amongft thomne toas the earle of Gloces « bappened (which thoughit bea (mall thing to putin fer , with two bundied knights. On the Scotith a be numbed Scots twrtting pet was fact) as oftentimes itchancethin part were atne about foure thoufmb, andamongt fa tne, battetl , and as brought no {niall benefit to the pers 60 other tive baliant knights, fr Catilliam Wiepount, fection of their bufineffe that king Wobert (ube anb fir (ilalter Kolle . Lhe {potle was fo great of ntinuallie rede before the battell appointed to bis gold, filner , ano other iewels gottenin the field,that Sourrnement) bolping a mace of twarre in bis hand the thole number of the Scotith armie twas made (2keeping the fir oxer in thearratc) was efpien rich therebp: and befives this,thep gor little Leite mov of an Englifyman that knew him verie wells and nie and riches bp ranfoming of prifoners taken at foxthinirh rode full again nlc tity bis (peare. _this battell,than of {potle gotten in the fight, campe, iSut the king beating the (roe afite ,cameto bis: and fel. Wut the veath of fir Giles Argentine, Cnglith aduerfarie , overthrew him bp the force of that vied amongtt other in this moptall battell, was @'t Gted ar Sexebam dis bore, in the end billed himtwith bis mace tf le& bim bead. Cheredpon , the commonpeople ber boloing the balure of their king and capteme, Dis twith great foce bp the inffigation of their fierce and Serie mins and not by the kings perfuafion) fall Dean their cnimies in (adh fo;t, hat heplementa genting fo vifpleafant to king Kobert , for the fanniliaritic Aarne thiay be bad metimes with him in Cnglano that -_-be reioifen little of all the gaine got by fo famousa -bidtozig. We canfen his bovie to be buried right ha nozablie in faint Patriks church belive Coenburgh. xhequance king Moberts we. tbe bao béene kept Af, iy |