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Show Thedefeription ofEngland. fofune 02 citie , 02 to irre bp furh merquifite face of the church as te fmagine o2 defire,{ith our coxrnp: fion is fuch that it twill neuer peeld to fo great perfece tion ; for that tibich is not able tobe performcdin a privat boute, twill much leffe be brought to pafic in a common-twealth and kingdome,before fucha prinice be found as Xenophon deferibeth , 02 fuch an a2ato2 as Tullic bath deutfed, Wut abither am F digreiled from mip difcourfe of bithopsabofe eftates dm daily Thedefcription ofEngland. alivates atuen tobi and bis betres males onelte, The rett of the fornies of the riobilitie by the rig of HoGiste, jo grace, bis cofers,and to fate truth, is oftentimes more pros §=-feluesbe takervas brethzemand fellokies in that 02 be,ifthep dio pelo ontoknighthad, Anothisalfois acaute,therfore there be maitic in Cnglandable to -certeine treatife teitten of the fame, an evample thereof J hane here infertéd too2d for tod, as tt oifpenda knights ltuingabich neuer come bute that twas delfuered bntome,beginningafter this matter, 3 might at this prcfent make along tractation sounn tapte, fitable tuto bim than ofhertotle their fernice ould 10 der, to the numberof fir and tiventic, as 3 find in a countenance,and by ther olwne contents, The nuntber of the knights it Koute toas allo bneerteine amd (ois it of knights Itketife with bs, as at the able to to bun ante moze , ano verie hardlie mud), f void tere thep of farther tll, anv fo bnapt to ferur at all Dake, nes Dukes,marquees.eartes , pitconts ann barong gost, tarle, ‘either be created of the prince, 02 tometo that bono; viftont, bp being the eloedt fonnes 02 bighet infuccetion to thetvparents, SFo2 the elvett tonne of aonke during bis fathers life isan erle > Che eldett isabaton,o3 fmetimes a bifcont, fonnic of an erle According as the creation is/fhecreation y call the original ponati: On and condition of the honour given by the prince -gwd fernice dons bp the fitit ancefto: > inith fone Bnights of thebath. Ste the baluatoz omty Aperteine:but the tow ral Hafor Snow gratone out ofbieaherefore tt face tobaue fain thus much of that function, ANCEMENE, hich With the title of that honouris mon cuffomeintendeth, Thep are mane either by the king bimfelfe,o2 bp bis committton ano rotall autho Mitte given fothe fame purpofe : 02 bp bis lieutY hanin the warres, Tis oxer feemeth to antwet ih part to that abich the Romans called Equitum Ree manerim. F028 Equites romani wore choten Ex cetEe Si, that is, according to their fubftance and riches fo be bnights in England moft commonlie acco? ding to thet pearelie reuenues o2 abounoance of riches,uhevelnith to mainteine theit eaterBett difperid 40 pounds bp the peare of freland,cither at -_-litie neferibe the rofaltie of Charles the great ¢ bis fhe coronation of the king, 02 mariage of hisdangh+ fer, 02 tinte of bispubbing , map be inforcen dnto -tiuelue perres, twith their folemne rites anv bfages: but bnito this alfo J haue no great deustion,confincs the faking of that vegréz,o2 ofbertutfe patetherenes niaes of bis land fox one peare, thich is onelie fortie -ring the trnth hereof is roty fo Hained with errors annfables inferted into the famebythe letwd religt chenalier au nomde Diew. And Khen he rifeth bp the aleof bis thre péres, then tere theparinores vale bone, 02for the fingular bertues which dw aypeare tt themand then are thep named Zquitesavratt, As CONV der,but F thinke in (6 pwing that J onl ratherfet poundsbp an oldpzoportion, andfofora tine be ace gus fogt, that ercepta man fhould profetfeto lic mith quitedof that title. Wenamebhimbnightin€ng: them for companie,there ts little found Enowleage MU that the Frendycalleth Cheualicr,md the Latins 30 fobegatvered hereof woathie the remembzance.3n Equitem,02 Equefiris ordinis virum. And then anp mart like mancer diuerfe afivell fubiectsas princes haue is mane a knight, be kneeling dotune is firtken of attempted fo reffore againe a round table in this fhe bing 02 his fubftitute tith bis voz naked bp, land (as fox erample 1oger lozd Mortimer at itl ont the backe 02 (houlver ,the prince,ac : fateng , soyes lingtwo2th)but fach toere the crceffiue charges agers Hoge: Aoi patiice, thenare thep called aratores valuafores, iffrom Valli Szlitess oz out of the twarres for fome great feruice MAM them,the knights of Crgland hauenotfo,butbeare their otune chargesin that allo, as tn other Bind of 20 dDotune the latter inuentions of other men, thana furntture,as armogte meet for their defenfe amd fertrue defetiption of {uth ancfent adfons as tuere pere ufce. This nenerthelefle ts certeine, that khofomap foxmedinded, ¥ could farthermoze totth mozefact nafores, This allo is to be noted,thatthe word capteine bath too relations,cither as the polfetfo:therof hat it from the prince, 02 from fome auke, marquelle,0 eatle,for cach hadcapteing onder them. Zffrom tye duightsbe not boone,neither is anie mana bight sui? bp fucceffton, nto not the king 02 printce : but thep ate made either before the battell, to inconragethem the moze to adventure ¢ trie thetr manbad : 02 after the poatefte, it cante to pafle hat amiftation had , fetw madein queene poner ¢., battell ended,as anadnancementfortheir courage and thelater end of king Yentie, wereMartes dates and prolwelle alreadie hetuen (¢then are thep called ni had Equumpublicum of cuffome beffowed bpo of the rourtd fable and effate of the kuitabts there. ofereded fometimes by Arthur the great monarchy, of this Jlaud; and theretnto intréat of the number oof bisknights,and ceremonies belonging to the o2 pleafure ofthe prince.And tibereas the Equites Roma- fo that thep are called acarores, minores, co minimi va hereof: Fo Hhilete they mave no further accompt of Benecon, be- ‘helt priefthmd,than to confirue , fing, reap thefr fers ne can, bene tice and their c lemne and magnificent aparel, both of tutte ane -_fathfonerquifite ¢ herotcall to iweare at high featts,t a8 fo fo bigh and prineelie an o2ser awerteincth, OF this compante alfo he dno bis fucceffors hinges degree of fenators of Mome(as ¥ faid)and the title of terlie fgnozant ornothing conuerfant inthem Aa 5° pevatc but if ante of thete yalna/irsboo fabstituted deputie > hole are callen azinimivaluafores, andtheit fo) the Latine tong it is hot wantin inan Deputics alfo valva/ins,twithout regard onto which Oe minifferie , efpectallic in Cuch as joe ae on {within this twelue o2 fourtene peares, thereas before there Was {mall doife > AND mante cures Were ° teonferued, bicaute thep hadnone at all. Ano to faié trath , our aduerfaries were the onelie canfers Tend that may fpend aknightslands,but they onclie frhonre the prince Iwill honour. Sonretime wfuerfe ancient gentlemen,burgettes ,mblatviers,arecal: ied bute kiighthod bp the prince anvneuerthelefe amd queenesof Gngland,bethe ficreignes, and the §=--reft by certeine ftatutes and latues amongfk theme prefertementto fice and viminity the fame. his 4° fiom applied onto all degrees of hono2 baderthe fir furthermore will J ande generallie in commendatis thzer(feb ich are properlie named the kings capteing) ‘oir of the cleargieof Cugland uines, although thep like not anie thing at all of their teligton ; and thereto they are indeed fo fitful inthe toa principall tongs, that it is accounteng maine ante one of them, not to be eractie fene inthe Greeke aw Websue, much moze then to be be: -_bfrtle, gotwne, cloke, chaperon, collar, and other fs tefinfets take that fate bpon them,for thich theyare of Caffome punted bp afine ,thatredoundeth nto mane Patricij. Alf in England rio mants com leffe their cafe is qrotwne to be much better thanbes monte created baron, ercept be mate difpend of fore,for ibereas in times paft the cleargte men vere pearelie reuenues a thoufand pounds, 0; fo mud as feared bicaufe of their authoritic and feucre qoueriy maie fullie mainteine ¢ beare out bis countenance ment bnder the prince , notware thep beloucd geres and port. Wut vifconts,eries,marqueffes, and Dukes rallie for thetr painefull diligence datltc fheived in erceed them accoding to fhe proportion of thelr bes their functions and callings, except peraduenture of fome bungrie wombes, that couct to plucke ¢ {atch gree ¢bonour, Wut though bp chance be o2 bis fonne at fhe lofe ends of their beff commodities ; inith hautelefle,pet be heepeth this ocgrer:but if the orate hhomit is(as the report gocth)a common guife,aber be ercefftue and not able to matnteine the honour,as amanis to be p2eferred to an ecclefiatticall tuing, o Senateres Romant twere amori 4 /enatu:fo fometimes thep fabat part thereof be till firft forgo and part twith to are not admitted to the Dyer onfe in the parlement thetrbfe, Finallie, bow it fanvdeth with the ret of although thep Kerpe the name of to2d Mill , fic can the clergte for their places of eftate, 3 nettber can hot be taken from them tpon ante fuch occafion, tell no2 greatlie care to know. Peuerthelefe with She moft of thefe names baue defended fromthe that vegrees of honour anv torth{p thep bane bene French invention, iahofe hiffortes tue {hall reav De Afiacap.12 Matched in fimes paft Johannes Bohemus inbis De of them eight bundzcd peares patted, omnium gentium moribes, md others do exprefle 3nd This allo is worthie the remembzance, that Dtto gris fhis alfo foundbelie thefr reports, that in time pat fhe firf emperour of that name, indenouring to re: Deg) euetie bif}op, abbat , andpelting p2to2 ivere placed fore the decaied eftate of Ztalie bnto fome partof MAM before the earles and barons in mot fatutes , chars bic prftinate magrilficence, divafter the Frew) er fev%and records made bythe prince, as maie alfo ample gine Dignitates ex pradia tofnch knights ad aypeate in the great charter, and {undgte peares of fouldfers as bad ferued bimin the warres, Hhombe Penvie the third, dherein no puke was heard of. allo adoznedtwith the names of pubes , marquelles, Wut as a number of thefrovious compartfons and eatles, baluatozs o2capteins, and baluafines, ambitions fitles are notw decaicd and ivorthilte His Predi« inlike mancrwere tributes , tolles, preds fhzonke tn the wetting, fo giuing over tn thefe bates portage, bankage. ftackage, cotnage,pzofits byfale fo mainteine fac pompous banitie, thep do thinke pits, niilles, twater-courfes (and fthatfooner emalw it fufficient for them to preach the iver, ¢ bold thetr ments grew bp them) fudh ithe, Wut at that prefent Ituings to theit {es(fo long as thep tall be able) Jreadnot that the tuo2d sarc was broughttito thole fromthe bands of fuch as indenour for thetv olwne parts, Andas fo3 the baluafoys, it fuas a denontinas Germanic and Polonia , to be the motklearnen ais ons ffones,to tyeare dailie on the left leg onlleralfoa brighfsand no moze be all made KnightsinCng, the latu be but efquiers ; pet in common {perch all dukes and marqueffcs fonnes , and earies eldeft forties be called lords , the irhfch namte commontie doth agree to none of loiwer Oegree than barons,pet bylatw and bfe thefe be not effeemrd barons, " he baronie 02 degree of tords doth anfiwerfo the ABar, decate, ¢ (after fonte diminution ? Herein neverther |, nobilftie (as tne bfe to call tt tn @rgland) to the Kor ,that they are fox their knowlege teputedin France, Portingale, Spaine, that had ryscfrem cenfvn , Were not chofen tobe Bnights of the garter. teining therebnto(as thep Din make allowance) ano SSF. Bing faith cduances bon chevalier. Thists the maner fo great moleftation dailte infued therebpon,belie of dubbing knights at this pefent , and the tearme the baceding of fundsie quarrels among the knights, (oubbing)ts the old tearme for that purpofe and not and {ud as refozten hitherto from forreine courte creation, hotwbeit inour finte the fy070 (making) is tries(as it fas firft dled)that in fine thep gaue it o moft in ble among the conunon fot. ues,andfuffersd their tole inuentions to perity any At the coxonation of akingo2 queene, there be o- 4° pecaie,till Coward the thira dentfed an other order ther knights made twifh longer and moze curious not fo much peered toith multitude of knights as ceremonies, called brights of the bath. Wut how the round table,but much moze honezable for princes feeuier one be Dubbed o7 made knight, bis wifeis by lic pozt atv countenance, as thal appeare hereafter, and bp called madame 03 lavie, fo well as the bas ithe oder of the garter therefore was Denifedin rons twife;he bimfelfe hauing added to bis name in the time of king Cotvard the third, and (as fome @he o¢cation common appellationthis {pllable Str, thich ts the tie turite)bpon this occaffon. he queenes mateffie then ofthe Denife, tle thereby we call our knights in England. bis Ining, being departed from bis pzefence the nert iwife alo of courtefie fo.long as the Ifueth is callen waie tolvard bir lodging , be following fone after my ladic,although the happen to marie with agen happened to findbhir garter, thie) Macked by chance tlemanozman of meane calling, albeit that by the 5° and (o fell from hic leg,onefpied in the thong bp fnch comon laty the bath no {uch prerogatine. ¥f bir fir as attended bpon bir. bis gromes ¢ gentlemen ali bufband alfo be ofbetter birth thanbir fecond,though paffed by it , Bifdaining to fmpe and take op fucy this later liketwile bea knight, pet in that the pe atrifle: but be knowing the otner,commanded one tendetya priutlege to lofe no hono2 though courte: of them to ftaie and reach it bp to him.Why and like figpeelved to bit fer,the twill be named after the mofk pourgrace (faieth agentleman)it is but fome twos " Honorable 0; twozlhiptull of both, ubich is not {ene mansgarter that bath fallen from bir as the follota: elfetbere, eb the quénes mateftie. What foeuerit be(quoth the Ahe other over of knighthas in Cngland,anb the king)take it bp and giue tt me. 0 fthen he bad res moff honogable is that of the garter , inftituten by celued the garter, be fatd to fuch as fovabout him + king Goward the third,abo after be bad gained mas 60 Poump maifters do make {mall account of thid nie notable bicozies,taken bing Jobn of France, blue garter here (and theretwith helo it out)but if 8 ad king James of Scotland(and kept them both God lend me life foafew moneths,F twill mate the Peradaene p2tfoners in the Lower of London at one time) exe proudettof youali to reverence the like. And ener tetbuFagine pelted king ienvie of Caffile the baftard ont of bis bpon this Gender occafion be gane bimfelfe to the ss realinesanp reftozed Don Perro bntoit (bp the belpe deuifing of this order. Certes% haue not readof ar of the prince of Mates anpduke of Aquitaine his nie thing, that haning bap fo imple abegining hath elvett fonne called the Wlacke prince) be then inucry grotone in the end to fo great honourand eftimattted this (ocietie of honour, and made a choife out of on. Wut to proceed. After he had funted atehile abent bis olpne realme and domintons, and thzonghoutall the perfoxmance of bis Deuife, and bab (et Downe chotfendome of the beft; mot ercellent ano renotw{ud orders.as he bimiclfc inuented concerning the ted perfons int all bertues and bonour, and adoznedD fame , be pzoclamed a rotall feat to be bolpen at themwith that title to be knights of bis order, gt Amdloze , ubither all bis nobilrtie refojten with wing them a garter garaifhed with golp and pjetttheir ladies, there be publithed bis inftttotion, and ps. fozthioitt |