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Show The defeription ofScotland. Whatfoener ive haue genevallie fpoken of A) The defcription ofScotland. t , reuce fuch Onmaturall tenn.$sfeaveafar‘tent things (bile bien, that is chiedie tobe bnocriadofthe Scots, eeeeGeeienejitte the.contenmneo2tot regard their ofune) that thep and farre greater, cfpectalite amongthe Sets, as life. Sn.the tineat peace allo thepave fe inojen to ereefle died in nainkingof the fame; infomuch that -_Ieffe fmeats forreine eae > and ra thattiepv be offenmyber ‘at bonte: anb, notiwithtmbing 3 p uleeaei-nenaei Gales, ed Basfhe it sit t fMitution of bodice, to beare off the cold blatts , ta rida feetile es eredper pi lia bon e,fith nekMomanstite that $pan the Gland lieth thettandeapine:,dbatthey Eatanieaeattaaeas -_fhepcall them in the bigh land , as people that hone cannot tefraine thetmmonerate bie of tune, amd 7 "sboteneeaneee hae aiceb uitcenucitunees ncuteeetcndane arelede delicate, and not fo much corruptedtot ffrange blondand aliance . UWereby in like (opt it commeth to pale, that thep ate more hard of con: akenandbaunten,iot setertcanebiosof grieueds maladies commonto bs andthentofthe maine, butalfoma: nie offer bied Hey banc not, neither be anée thing at all acquainted twith , as experience Datlie tear 10 tvatch roan ee oe Pen we more itappeareth that thep are bolo,nimble, anb thereto of culture r ee fox feare of thefr-tnuation, Oe Renmtaseotcinne eeit oniaet Sete lakes o2polests 30; anb the bther £6, £8 of length ; and bothfull of otters, bereings, ie tockles, ardother like kinds of fit, ooncin the 1Szttains inbabited mante peares ater £ ie out of 15ritaine Sut this opinionis 3 02 bob; : Q 19 faneaiqaeis eePoste soe parte toider § further aittant ech from ge ig Infig ficknetieandlanguithing aréefes fhilfull inthe warres. As for thet faith ano promtite, finefeding and gredie abule of Wine, thatifpou fet dotwne, Towards the Almaine fea, 3 find,that on fail barnlie remember them taben thep be oto ousregion ofthe pias for their marchhich folong ther that ime move faberlie, pou will pardlie thinke themto beboaein the 3c "Lut rather fupotethem 2 eres but after their erpulfion,it toas named Bers, that is to fap , the marches o2 limits of thete times pat they refuteo not to kill anb-eate fay fe fonersas ban paloed thenrtelaes ito them be fbstbp arte ithe fabt ofGallowate. tntike os tefftmonte offundaieanihers:bothFrith ther countries to gase andloke bpon: diuerfe of themthough thecontinualbfe of twine are moles Ded their bounds enen wnt the Ted, which uotn -_dinidetl) Poztyumberlmd from the Gers. Uatante time thep cn teomtbe feta euvterueneh fs theieboutes, onslictogine-oceaftan onto athe: Ha Reeoteeoe) bere Shanice,eee ae aeeranD called ons. Seldonie alto fall youlee thofe thatareginen -_tweflfundvte final bourites pefcend fromthe Ceri rents of manie dilozen,Gth theirnaturall moifture to the Solue, dfuiding Cumberland from Suma Spectin withed bp {uch tmmonerate diet. tontther into the Frith ocean, ¢ Hand fothe bounds dev arofy inte {uch defoumtitic onelie thiongh erceG Eneto themhhen they tere childrens peng men, mm thotp foperiions hetnoman ig‘oolgomne: the fame, but foith great vtAicuhiernan caiire oe teal BYri oe of the pole that Prolomie Scotland hath the Pers, fometime the mot plenti bislife, Zbis baleof Anand was fometime called ofthe p rg {iy Galtowate, to the from tardeigth ts verte thichtoell eae po gucr Brigants, ageeth Ondatlieincaro Ge veonletenetOrdueter bate EachiriAeAefiis reposted tobe fa on a as the aid people did inhabitif, teas called Deera, on aged:and that thicy mozets, ineomparifonofo, men to ftand to their tachlinge at euteleindyaafareatta' AND out of Ireland another crety of the On the other fide of the countrte totvards the much tuto bined inc welfare, to become par amdiareneratine force ismuch abated, if not altogs o) amis: . Dutbe feet bosvers- arvaltotwtown theieaad we RingF ergus ihte Abton ,anb in of Hilles,and other mounteines lierig thereaboutin: noxth lieth iDvefoale,focalledof the waterof ~iD- _-_dale,and fo being beought into one chanell,they fal tneveating beoder in the smibble marcyes of Scot) be. Ht beginneth with Aberienacrowm-courfe,md lah, italic retiretnot) it felfe againe,tili tt com: SBut . returnete our purpofe, the Albanes 02 of Scotland bponthat balfe of the countric. he writains, as Cofarin bis commentaries and Ta- 30 Gyeriot hilles are in like fozt taber forthe muddle thote daies the priefts of ritame named Dauives, countries, thereby theiv limits are knotone, he arebzought bp ano carteninto Gnglmd France, nb fiom thence came the fice profellons of that ticrit ts ertenned) as Gamefinte . See!- Great priceandettimation. ers hath nner marches at (eucrall places (thy fectand opinion into France. The principallfeatof (omietinte eat Houthiam , fometie their intheeof Ban, was rer i tidyfontaine putedpriefis at thatnas feafon fosm the welfpringand and fometime the Forth, andbpamong manie Hes -_-holos and caftels,that ffanv and bpon the bosders, is the : of all learning and knowledge, andafferthatthety tye Flanders, and Germanic, chere they arebadin in ti ff called totune and caffell of Warkwike in finte pal fa" é ‘he indo fpringeth t é sis feom a mraneboat, ll tate The defcription of the eaft, weft, and Sea+feaiBeyond the Le, middle borders ofScotlandwiththe Carricke, and Cunincham; with the " the mipale match the Aycriotbilles lieth at sbepor ¢ fa te €o ener q ~ Thefecond Chapter. LES nidale, thatis ¢o fay, the vale of Litte bepot e bale of tke, of a riucr focalled ise Sa Eufpat ai ‘ 5° atomCopotheninLiwinacit the icts Had fonetinies = oe all and moft fer: FEO titepart of that counteic, inatex of ee but Lif and Glke do ruinto the Dwar: farthermoze onthe weft fine ouet ¥ gainftthe 4c(ealictAmmanbale,ubercus thid) i notwis bnder the regt2 mentof the Scots,and after Aimand rani tater g giueth denomination , which mer Beeb) Kees) fante by te pace of rx71 O AVA peares, foined in maner in Cus,aimana aro ullaapoetcerdroger 2 bottonte into the Zrih teas, eanicb 1 oduna ( &thep had continued in perpetuall leaguewith the Scots,and mainteining So imes {without the bounds of fpivoefoale, heth fomnetimes without the that is to [82s fibere all the thzeeriuers aforefaid, i Jn Annandale is a loch oz lake nano an mMutuallie the iuarresfometimes with the Britains bent, fine miles in length and foure in ae ea batrenone of another, tillit twas brought topate bpthedinine proutdence, that thefaid ids were -caffell of the famename,, butloco of ae great _Arcine the furtousdcaling of Hhaues mq"? nranbale, and Romans, and fomtimes alfo tarvingtoith their Hotith neighbours,attelat thepfelintocrtreme _onnlie berie full of fi], butoffuch hind Ae eg are acquainted toith .A5efide this lake allNNN bout 4 i Wallsatio More of caftell , doth alfa a Th Ss p 3 aivehaiteitCee: . The third Ohapter. ‘ ISDN " ; tottof the region peuof the Silures, ayGenetit , isnotpet certcinelie knotne, thether it twas bert: ugh from the famous citie Ca i 40 met remaine 02 ropa j ty not, 4 pareara a fame. and riuers nigeshie eeners in-the,lakes after bis papaanraronotcehn Hel ne and flouds moftnotable townes thereof. ie fe ; a~ Ehete belief Pend Hiddefdale, amd Gallotwaic, -. Aboue Gallowateis Carrike The ‘defcription ofi Gallowaie, : ; Kile, deceiued. tofpeeeenseme is i estore eecosiomaneene: ii Se cals ae , MtaGk : acitusDaath femmefo Irene, tho faith, eyate th all binds of graine, teheate onglic es ? oe ees"Fahagecatii a ie they there in Spaine, thep callen CoriicinePackacpath eatmion in like. fogt bider that name all the le bale ftmoeth a totone uamcd Duntrife paberein * sealsfant ah uoing regions afore tebearfen, thatis manie fine clothes fpeciaitie bites are ene thi biokes that fall fromthe fame, vo feparate both the fwereerpert both in natucalland mozall ybilotoyhie, dbabites ait i. the citie ae >» tihereinthey them ' meth at the Coa: falathee, tb ered with a Cintte ‘ie Hi nana pene ftom fhe Spaniards, { i i elicd in the ottermoff parts of courfe, as the Scotith Waiters porepast. Zn this 30 Aoittine. ccitusin bis annales doo report,tvere verp religions, marches of the region, Which With certcine tmall after the maner of religion fled in old time. Foz in Whe me thens heSle pf Danlieth alte ; oontiies berie {omen in like foxt inant flea ebeir bufbanna Jy tite ee beae that out of Brigansium a tobe thangelings and montters, brought out of o- 20 countrie. In proceffe of fimtealfo the Scots etter fied intheir age, twithyheeneticall pangs and pall Sekbe the twsthing and workingofthe fea, pet the -thep hold it iwfth greatett confFancie,as Hector hath andin this counttie are manic ffrongcattels, both benaturaltation ano policieafman: bersin ab ‘ ( Og Baue Mrdoeloale forag is Gat a bette tender t0 teeaten .eeneae tineat cs SueslaitSean Ee U@,.4‘a ) lowaie (named theres fometimes the people Brigancia) their wombs ts fo mot and faypie that it neuer Reade tu the - Brigantes: . uibed bpthetoateof eng, °° @ealled of Coite Wingof iBpitaine,ometime Naing 12£0% bith into tivoparts, thereof that obich lieth neereE to Pindeh Geoter tet acactiCiatosica teats Zn Creeis named typer Callotwaie, ouethe nether Gallotwaic is Birkcowhzic,a rich towne and of and in ' Lpper Gallo: twaagmd tradein merchandise, : , c ce ware,andthereinis aftone, not much iengtly,anv bigh Bier th; . eee totone of Afr, full 30 foot a toons Tt tltontcantesagenauntie one fine ett man fg onthe ; f thereof , he thall not heare thatis fai o2 done on abigsnhl lahore tmeedi beatrofantpiantoebibap, aepecetyHHeDTOme DaheebnpeTbeneertilee be bis cartate, thich is honozen ofthe le With creat further a man ftanbdeth from the fame , the better > fuperfition ann ercour.. Abouc Tithe ; eos , 60 tall he beare, thatfoener the noite be. Mert to ton totone and not farfrom thenc nsthe S lake of gpitton, the ome halle abereof bath hase bonaturall congclation as other pales and plates da; but the other is neuer ene to beare sineve at all.ubich onto mie path feemeto be a great cua hulle ts Cuminghamthe third partof Silarie, thote ‘NPabitants in timepatt were moffnoifome tothe MOMANS. Sn Bile is apole named Downe, from equall len ty any tibence the riuer Dotwne dav rune though the mniddet of that region into the Zrith fea. 3n Cur M uiantitie onto the Downe, andnolette famoug More, After this tine farthermoze; although the nie frong theues ,thich often fpaile a as ine bred twith the 1 otheaietan aAy Gellen ie tt fo} the abundanceof fith that is Daili¢e founn theres bath bene the fauoaof almightieCop totarns thes.»amo ateei perpetnaispbouns abyte conning of is (el'e, it maketh twogreet ouerthzotwne,thetrnameertinguifhed,andthe kings Donte bnited bnto that other of the Scots for euers Scots haue bene, verie oftentimes aailed wit moffoangerousandtercible tuars; amd oftentimes inuapedby enimies fram diurrs regions, pet fudy them; i their effate. = Hill thep dourith and reteine -_-urt in thofe quarters . fto2 uot antic in : , pop but inall the Dales 02 valesafore reheat! > ant it _-_aMDercecife mud) cruel Maugbier POY TTcag abit there , in anie troublons time . be neip ma? _(becaute the Enality do bozder bpan their A ‘orceable vvaaintenance robes in anb fuftentafion G gt aa »a 3n Gallotwaie mozeoucr are two ote lakes the Sallet anv the Aeutramen cf felfe, it veloetyout a great point, pfomont na (ubich the Scots call anaie csaabe Dito te exfb fea. Zhe common fo7t nameit the mules ihe, » Rained Kean ano Lois,$ except 3 be Decetuen, ningham liketoife ts a lake calley Carnot, equall tn; and not farre fromthe fame is the totone callen 2Atais.tthere Alerander the thito king of Scotlanp of tat name , fometime overcame the Danes and ‘faitwegtansbee it gretoto be fantous,nb téput ion among ng bs, sant |