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Show The firfttable for the defcription Bagaiine the manke bis cons Wranchampe Benrie cromned dangtrousroches,fonamed, ofBritaine and England, Lehtbpapapitt thet' toreit mong Loziter i patletberor, easisi reOf catting alabafter in of it inbabited fometime by Bstegetica ¢ cititens eee netting of the Garonsfrom -_kitng of might,a¢ 31,b60 78,b50 tobe fity, aaiaio Paganilme,:7,020. Dne Wecket Chom. wpitcth prowv- Wilhops in their anciencie no Wacad hp tt holdeth not oat andtwentiebundedinonks ite to bing Benrie the fethep fat in paiement Bn.s, the fi3¢,163, bro, Of owerls Maine in bis quarcll, 35,b40 cond. 133,b30 veg. Ctilab.165, ado, hep forts, 168, 10, Mot tmhep Boon river, and his courlere: Wedaafamous prec ¢ where ppechdiligétiic, thonghthere nto cither for p lige og tuft, 7,860 beac bpougie pp.otagob predeceflors im times palt Buon riuerthethirt bp fandze occafions growne femons, fertbed, ro. where be was borne anddwel!,g1ar0, Cher Swere occupied mm tempozell Wremcham towne bp Sohat ar: affaires, 135,a60, Chep ave -_tficers ehieihie maintcined, €7,bi0 dowd that cher was inGae called bomopable, 157, 6 40, Buon or Mene river giacth bzudge, 1g0,b10 Pampton his name, ror,b6o Weere andthe maner ot byew= Zretme river in Summerferfhire SEN o.| tng therrof,169, b30, ‘Sevier tet thwabee te, what 170-6 Seviner the ecdpot thet name 40. Sparch bert, 187, b 40, Deicribed, Ase {Se ae. ay B. 40.¢ Hone, naiSer oa one ° Wegacts termed iviebo thep PeweeSgt, 53° be, 183,030,0 aBavifies office, 155,860 Belforreft his opinton touching Bainards cattcil, whenandbp the name Anghe,s,a4o. He Swhom builded, -t9s,b30 turburie, 226,b60 WBeline ¢ zen part the Whole Balowinearchbithop of Can= Wangoz dlhopstkserectid, cit= maketh but (oure parts of the certh, 1,030 empire betwigt them,117,b30 Phe Fic of ABan and Whole itrang tints, 190,b 60,46thon Feuerfhain, Banneret anozdercf knights, Werevdit dbifhop the mmnke, 162,830 9° 187, b4o Wards andWherbpon thephad Wencfiecs in England fo {matt Barnecles qcneration werie thatiep Soill net mainteine a fcholermuchleffe aicarned mari,136,b10,Dtucrle Wares Beeler, 136, b 20. 137, a10, €enihs paid outof thé pear> lie co che prince, 136, b 30, =ECwo by difpenfaron pow thep map be held, 136, ago, BW direction fo2 patrons to bes frange,222,b60.@reat plen> ow them Swellinf vacancie, tie in MPona and Freland, ss1,810. ¢ He Miniiters, being neither fill) nor Gelh,38, AWergronreigned oucrthe Dz= 240. Their generation bp diz chadesas {upicame lozd, 4,4 Donation, rike thereof, ercerton, circitt, erectons and their feucrail and balnation, 144,050 cireutts,#¢, 140,a50, Their tenths ¢ to Swhat fums thep 2Bz:taine hen not cut fro the ae bp Soaks flond, 225, pearelic qmounted, 146,850, GWnver the fee of Cariturba30. The firk conquck thers, Tie twentie one, and Youke, 3,062, The gofpell prcached foure,135,a 10, hep beare there and bp wh onie,23,¢ll the nemes of cities, and why, 192,b40. Duerthzewne and now ont of nane,which noid time {were famons, 146,b 20, Wonght ¢ foie as viher meaz neriinings, 137,b30. Chae thozough out all this, land, 118,b 60. Bow manicin Gn= gland with arcpinfhoprkes, 189, 0 20, Jn Wales their ez 40, 9c and Bibionflaine bp rection, circuit, G baluetion, ett, 38,a50 Percules. 4,a10. € Hee B= 145,10, Jn france how Barnet € Sallomaca alionz ion. ¢ Ornotfarinfunder, r91,b10 Weruiimble of glaffe for Gn: manie, 139,b10 Bero a Mord yet in ble, and dowes. 183,a10 2S:tumen, 236,b20 commonlic pronounced War: Werniciaotherwife calied {Qoz Wiacknetic andof What becdth nes, 157,b10 thninberlaad.120,b20.¢ pee theleaisthere, 3,220 ZF arou whereof tebearcth bis AWyenicta t JMoathum ckehoules. {Sec Caitcis. ligentinqutrie pattheknow- name,z his Dignitic,157,a60, WGerftabletomne tomtime Wal: Wiozcheath battell whoislorrcated, 158,b10 Baron chefe iozd of exchekor, 157,b20 Baronsin Englandhow ma= nie, 165,420 Barrie Fland Went fiftte pers agofoz ten pounds, 75,b10, Bnd of certeine range notz= festo be beardetaritcther= . 129,b40 Wath howcailedin the Romas tune,190,b s0,.4nd ofthean= $8,b49 146,260 AWendithes bythe monks of rate from their firfttafituti= ON,21,849.Anamecontemp: tuoullie afcribed to ites € foles, 31,450 BardustheGftkingofp Celts 21,810. PCeitike word and Sbatit ignificth, 21,a50 placed betwanetwo hils, fit 106,b40 Wifhopztkes in England their @ 20, MinGred to a great ied Smith foure gates: noie, 65,860 WGerwike pelbedbpto pking of England Withour rex flaner,127,a 10, Wancbpthe Scots but not the caltcli, 126,b60 Wermikebps TwmedbpHhom butined, 118,as0 Wrfon. € Set Calket Wenernoswhere to befoundin Wzutane,butinpriner ei: betwene Wenrte the Cet and she Duke 0 Yorke purpofed,but not ex= euuted. 69,b 59 Wioudfione, 139,029 Wodgers {ubogncd and licens ced:note, 292,039 Bodinus ¢ whenfe be vertuctiy thename Bibton, 3,b10 Mones ofdead men of greater ftature tha is crevibie found inGodmancefter, 102, b6o FSe Gants. Diuted by f omensinto fine promnces,17, b 3,€h manifolo alterations and 0; nerfions of the eftate thers', fince the thne of Samothes, 28,0 10, Howitt eth fromthe y marhe,2,2 6, Unto what tion of the carth it is refer reb.2,2 60, Why called Bibi: on(as foe ciccture) 3,01% Sips Sought of SE fometine vfed tntt, 3, b6. ig Tbebings therot frat, mothrs to Mente, an fot Sardg,17,18 19. DE pad i prefence there, 23,4 24 nation bat ; hath ned of no 59. ne Spuubn 237.4 tt felfe, bie 118, by Gating Celar, root Enger ping thereof ay a barge by fig op feuen ae bp ed gnioi a60, 121, g sat € his polertte barin 18,8 nts, vefee filtic and ." grtal, ywhp named the The fouereingtte re 40. Ot howit remaineth to the ces of the 1 116,b5° : there, be people 86. hi oe sebotte, age, Lar fic, 79,a50. Bis hinder feet Wozes nature,s how he is to be and tale {uppoled tobe Git), huntedbeing Wild, 226, b2o. * 225,b60 Mame made bearne,221,b60 60. 115,410. 200 ae pevinto thee popticns, - Wath bihoprkes erecion,cir= Weuerleie how called im oin AWGoglheldver, 154,029 cuit,arid baluation, 142,420 time, anDhow it came tothe Wotes quincd bp the ferris the 20, Ghe foure big tp 7 Mt it fometane made Cientnesof thefane,215,bt0 Wath and welles countedbut one citie, 189,b30 Baths hot,with their number, -_paclent name, 93,020 names, ¢cclourof their Soa- Weucricte Foynthe firkkdotoz fer,fc.216,a302vhethernas that cuer Swasin Drfogd, tral ozartifictail,z15,b10, 150,b10. Firlkteacherof diz 216,ar0 -tuinitiein Deford, 93,b20 menbp aroge without ozcz, 58, b 20, What number of them @ Swater mew ate kept and mointctycd bpon the Chames,47,a¢0. apade.of Baths colo in Summerict- Wirds: ¢ Hee Fowles. ruthes ereds, 3,b60 thire.s14,b40. €&e welles. Withop Gri of the Fie of Ban, *Wowesiong of greet vée fome- Wartcl fir on the water that ener Mas fought. 3,b60 Weattclt cructl betweene r= culez,Albion, and Wergion, €c. 4,650 Sattellon Wlozeheath. €He Winedhcarh, Conkiie , ans ‘Warre. Wenlks faunge tn England, 38,b20, Wuta bivsps tha: bow, andivhy,38,b20, DF tines in Ergiad.198,a 50,60 F Se Srckerie. the Dachaves whofefe isat Wracklere fonctimes a noble Pomona 42,b4o DF Shires towne, now {carke agwd vil burne fame in the battciiof tage, 102,869 Athelftanc,os,a30 Df wins Wrsckwort. 169,b60 chitker perpetuaid prelat to Wyawne of the bor, Whereis the bonczable. ozver of the garter, note the termes, 222, 04°. 3B 141,bro mer? not bfualite knowne to 235,a40,Utenemengs;227,b6o0 Wribop and big clerks,certcine firangzrs,221,b60, €aicnis ailic com t ro, @ener Ai an ancient monamen ceg of the fet, ae at ay Ete aire, foie andCr rs ties thereof,r° ae 4 bse thre s the Celt one and foarte olen? Che niesmntn oH nase of # me COE A Grabs tia, 5,02 ne to0 fore ofyl bob Raow is 5,0 10. jongit tune thereof ?, D2. = Beesisto>a Puan otodoas how thepfwerewwal: a ppactife Boaghe in by too ons cane ith the Ssrons 4,b 20..whetier tt were fomes fromthe faith firit receited, *z1dqeof Rondon a continuall 347, 030. Cree Preferred chiete in eet fantsby UWatane,24,920, 4754 Gitnateoner so SDF Mochelter' sigtriere, Disautho: time parcelt of the maine, 4,b fo. cogmcrd,,2,9 seesMoe on -weitons put them, a18.are : Meteriaven totter cf en: $0. How tong tas eaten Co gumpeatte, somes named of the river Chelmer, 223,840 Cherwot, ee Bere, HOP, eneee CesTeatbO= Chel rwier deferibeo, being Spolues dogs, 232,830, 1s 02 Cintas legionum, amb bons Carduusbencdiaus, MeeDtothe around annot Yepous oF Menrie the eight, 22212 Matehe tn olp time, 73,bs505 Albion, 4,b10. Deliucredof& Cotm an Engiih faint and of carenSeiteie theMoz Fearigentirs 35, 4a oe : eos 60, biseficcuallpzaters, 68,30 mans time,190,b 30, SomeaonBAe Menge e Mibion, England, CatrCaradez a frongplaceof times namen Catrdoiti, 145, Chelterihire « ancatterthice Picts,Ronansz,z Scots. incamping, 195,850 20, Standeth betweene two -_Dtwideo bp the riner Tame,. BSutons divived this Fiandin: Cairinarven how called in the reames 0; tinerg, 88,4 10, 84,420 to cantreds, 153,050, Cheir Bomons time, Ig,8to Tbe bithopzks erection, ctr= Cheniot his twentie mites in abltinence, 166, a 60,hep Caius de canibus Anglicis, 229, cuit,and Datuation, 546,410 length, 109,860 bad fome ble of Logike and 210,810 Clufius, Carolus s0 b Chichetter how catted in the Rietogsse from the Galles, Celaminarieftones, 239,b20 Carpenters of England highs Romans time,t90,b 60, Ais 20,860,b 10, Che {peach off Walcevonie fone, 239,b20 fic cOmendgo, 188,440. @hep fhoprike Sohen Grit bequn, # ancien: fozt and of the Celts Calcnver of Englandhow tt pafle in thelr new frames the the circuit theraf,¢c, T4t,a so much alike,1z,b 40. Chey € might be the moze perfect, finelt of oid, 212,860 Chimnies now muante, in tines the Celtes ndifierenitic cal= 244,830,50 Carpes latclie baonght into patt few, 188,b30 fed Cimb3!, 13 ,a10,Thep are Calendar Romane, 242,60, England and later into the Chipping walden, why fo nas Dpiueninto wales ¢ Cozne: Popifticall in ble inthe are Chames, 46,b20 med, o 206,b20 Swali by the Sagons,ec: 6,b ches,182,a20,@eneralitecoz- Carthamus baftard faffron, 234, Chzitians fparen from the tua 30. Diligent and readicin pe= tectedbpthepope, 244,a50 a 60 vic of the fword, 121,b10 Degrers,13,860,b 10, Chete Calendarof thegreatetfaires Caltell of Wungte t Leicetter, Chronicles of Warnwell, 13,4 thouftrie in the bfe and aypliz jn England,245,a10, Di the €cstuben ¢bp whom Defaced, 40, Dt WBurton,23,br0, We Cation of the benefits of their greatcl trauciled thozow:z 195,020,D£ Weltongs prophe= Cogthall, 12,060 Countrie,r11,b20, Defended fares and townes in Eng: fie,195,a10, Df Cambatoge Chyzpfocotta, 236,b20 Againtheir Mandererg, rrs, land, 247,840 higher than thatof Drforr, Chzpftail fone; 239,b 20%) Gr0,b10, Walourons, 114,b Calends of the monetl confe= 148,b60 Church of England moze benes ro,he conftitution of their crated to Juno, ¢ the reafon Caftcls andhelns in@nglanv, fictall to the princes coffers: bodies,114,060, Their Might of theneme, 243,10 194,849, MBante ¢ bp whons ‘building,187,4 20, ¢ Sx Calicca townein Picardie, ¢ fometimes builded, 194,b 10, Weilhmen, - how fat piftant from iXome, what and where maintemed, Brokes. FSer Wiuers, 3,220 5 194,b40, Che ruine of mane Weng. € He were. Camcion the principal citte of cttes,194,450,he caule of Brute thefonneof SDyluiusarTiteth in Weitaine With his iets, ouerthzowne bp Jas ius Cefar, 118,630 Hhips;s, bro. what time he Camber the fecond fonne of Strined in Weiteine,4,b10, there rune € decate, 194,b 30, Bt Cambyodge and Drforo bywhombuloed, 149,a ro WGenute had Cambria giuen, Cathnelic how far diftant from De forucieth ail weitaine, 116,060 €ngland, 113,b30 I16,a 10, Hediaided all riz Cambzta whp focalled, 68,bro Cattell kept for profit,219,040, than the ftate Of the tattie,137 bro, Che anctent # prefent eftate thereof,13t,a30. tis become the alle whercori cues te market manig to rive and catt his Swallet, 137, a 60, ands ofit and college pots {effions pried after bp dings thiifts, 152, b20, whether that hich Hucing buen at London fwd at welkmina taine to bis thzec fonnes,116, Apeninfulaoz bpland, now Spemtimesfedbponfattron, ' fer or in Cognebilt, 24,860, 85°.Ftom Whenfehelearncd aicd wales, 116,060 232,b10. Jnngland ofpt2 Chatot .Martingtarnen bis teligid;22,a60. Bis death Cambztdge how called inthe uerfe forts, 110,620 intoabarne,s6,b60, @ dee themaner thereof notcertcinz Womanstime,r9t,a20-Gini= Caues whercinarehals,cham-: Untuerfitie, lie &nowen,116,030. Futers -werlitie erected by Higibert, » bers, tall offices of houtholn Churchesin England {compen Tedat hisnewcitic, 116,bj30 Bruton John vithop of Here: ' ford beperof $ kings fward: 144,050. Fortielixmiles fro cut outothardrocke,:30,a30 London,148,b20, Mot long Cawadcaltelibctongmg tothe finceburned, 143,b60, Col= archbifhopof Yorke, g9s,aso and cleanfed from allrelihes of tdolatrie, and how beanti= full, 138, b 30, Ppluileges tobe, 142,b50. deges Sith their founders Celts properlie called Gatieg, Bucchanan partlie followeth names, 151. kings col: 12,b 50, 26zitaine bnverthem the.erroz of Goropius about legechappcilo! hat ftoncit thzee hundzed foztie and one Britaine, 3,b10 ts builded, 234,b60, ¢ He peares,3,b10. whether thep Bucke,¢ Sobat nanes be hath Untuerfitier. fpake Greekeozno,12,b 50, befoze he be fo Called, 226,230 Canbdels of tallow eaten bp of Abhepethe Writonginottfes granted torvemandchurch pards, 197, b so. Sptone in _-titmes paft was bfed and de= -_dicatevtothe butting of thé, 234,b 30. Che old efkate of -cathedzall churches, 179,b40 Buckinghame wedtorthires renilte calleo€tmbzt,13,a10 Crereifes kept in them, 135, theriaer Clee rifing in 231,bs0 Chalke in fome places folo bp their berte tonfines, 102,b20 Candida cafa, 146,b60 thepound, 137,060 Buckharkt loz ambaffado2 to Cancftone, 234,b60 Cham notwithltanding his the French king. in Henrie Cantaber a Spantard begun lewdnes made a god, 21,b 40. aso. whplocalten, 135,910, $Bupartconucrted into mar hets #hops,s mhp,135,0 50, Churches collegiat diners in an BAcland gentlewoman, thefeuenthstime, 231,830 the bnimerfitie of Cadzioge, Ehedodrine of him anvhig ubaliolimin Anglia, 208,410 148,460 Dtfciples,21,b30. whatrelts nilding and furn tare of hou= Citing. (He Pedlers Fréch. €s in€nglanyvefcriben,187 Cantarburie how calied inthe Sto. with tonenow comon= Romans time,190,460. Che le vfed,234,b 45, Hew F cuz tous vewifes bfep there:n, onic proatnces now of Eng ferumng thereto, land, 131,439. 234,020 nidingsin Engidd of what manner. jo9,b10 iano, 225,br0 Surchier Gr Rate su.ght his giobtapotteritiebzought o> wer into Wyltaine,21,b 50, 6o,22,00ll, chiefe citte of the ktngdomeof Chamberieine. € Ze Funes. Rent, 16,250. Oneoithetwa Chancelloz tozd of England his 212,10, Quarries of tone Buls wily fowetines in Eng: jf 10. € 206,b50,207,a10, de Mas 4 Cherderhoie o ‘eh tovtbocne in Gumenttinemen: fe clergic to punt intoent tf, 5,430. Bt the firft ®uttermen and the caufe that eh chetFae Poa one : 9,830 pipebierincieesa =a ; Bow (aoe the butter rifetly in the price,203, Carcer Acoli anole focalico in Chetter how calted in the hee Dinion of the earth, s,a10. sSupton bathe bso ene : $7,459 mans time andihentt wag be dilfcring opinions of 214,b30 Cardansfondopinton touching an biuerfitte,r90,b 20.190n wip cHaieie -_feated, end Dogs become wolues, Ccy men touching the nanteofit fometimes carta Palmtine, but agatntEfome wacarter 145, bao. OF Lichficld fo2 a tite 67,029 -‘Swbile calcd bifhops of Chee Wzrde riuer month nataralite ler, 143,a10. DFKondonfo eaet° properbelongedsee es ofthe ings of Scot: Maas 5 i Disided{4.15.16 thet nate is -manteagareertanttobehad fora haucn, . hea a eyes oh Siee : , 180,20 agan Capong made of gelvedeae coc CemtaeChan Durham- @Wrereton ra +142, i so.20, OE Duh Azrereto vockes . neucr fen, Waptifine Without pretts. 41, Wenrith hall coufinedfromthe, thetr name, 21,430. Degene- is 4 hn popith Samepaprene chrcangote bow theybite itiONS content! 42,a20 Canntuslawes for bis forecit, of Bunty thistutta ageBeisr0b, ee bso, €SeClergie. gbed ground, 83,830 Wentilhes genticinen of anan= Benkeof Chelill ¢ theMiange cient and {crurceable houle, Wilhopsbe of London Whp cats ID Honorable, 147,b60, Fn hature thereof, 58,b 19 106,b 40 fort atonce, landbp af bpor: edicts,the 20coatts Figo to be fee 97,019 land a bingtome, 16, b 60, Whome begunandbp Sohone fintfhed, 52, b 60, DEUlke onerthzowne bp the rage of ariner, 74,860 AWzrcke burning a detatz of Somd, 234,50 %Bzstow how called in thedRe- 195,hé0 it, 5,6,7,9¢. Called Angles weeny Cheirliuings hecfeo, efun= WHeredf at fometime tone Dateactons of theirs ageinft Z that name, 89,020 Wangozymonalterie now plou- 2Wetus ariuer:note. 137,b60 43,659 202,840 apse Semis ne faces: Sohenand by Sohofirlkere? Gharies the Tharth eth Saeuce meee gia'ed churchSoinpows ith 140,860, Brehbithops o ey , 162, 60, Batess of ee = a9 US iae nebo and aBurtls of the bings of36,bre=60 =Andiorwds s0,@Greathcele= Wrennicia alids Mogthumber: -smMeCd in tines palt,is8, 210, fromthe pulpittothekeping of the Kings Wwardiobr, 142, cait,and valuation, 145,030 WBelines gate, ith, 6. SulPisene ~inet Bie Dignitic, 164,40 Withopukes Chanons of oD Gparum togis Cngland, 151, b20, Parih churches wherbdpon thep bea gens Wereercded, 134,040, Crercifes bled opdinaritic in them, 138,010, IDecatedin Lelands time, 193, b 60, Jn Lincotne Oftte two in times galt, 193,b 40. Jn France towmante,139.b10, (ae vaderthe fatfeetmenticone ther by the cares:note,s7.810 Clercte and Parithes, «135, a1o.BrhopofBocheltee Chapell of the kings college of Cicetter how calledin the 1B 0< roflebearerin times palt to &hatftoneitisbutloed, +34, mang time, 199,b\0 the archbulhop of the fat fe, b fo ene hauenfoberot lo na 40. b 30, 30 Bechduhops opsike C hapa cn, € Se Fares. 59,440 149, 3% Fata |